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                              ★ ★ ★ ★

            Bom in Mississippi in 1897,William Faulkner is considered the master of stream-of-consciousness,a revolutionary literary technique. His novels rank among the most important books of the 20th century.

            It is clear that Faulkner,s Deep South (the most southern states of the US) roots greatly influenced his writing. He grew up surrounded by traditional folk tales,family stories,and accounts from the Civil War. His remarkable understanding of race relations and his clever satire(讽刺) of Southern characters came from his memories of growing up in Lafayette County,Mississippi. It was there that William Faulkner began to write on the great political,social,and economic transformation taking place in the Deep South. He set many of his short stories and novels in Yoknapatawpha County,a fictional place he developed from his hometown.

            In his works,Faulkner examined how traditional values and beliefs affected Southern society after the Civil War. Faulkner particularly hated the racism and abuse that African Americans suffered in the South. Although Faulkner,s novels do riot avoid describing the cruelty and pain that life can bring,his works are filled with sympathy and humor. His work explores,condemns,and analyzes barriers to human freedom and happiness by examining racism,shames fear,and false pride.

            Among his masterpieces is The Sound and the Fury,published in 1929. The novel tells the story of a well-known Southern family,relying most heavily on stream-of-consciousness writing,in which a character's thoughts and feelings are conveyed in a manner similar to the way the human mind actually works. (The technique,in other words,is the expression of thoughts and feelings exactly as they pass through your mind,without the usual structure they have in formal writing.) 

           Faulkner's  mastery of unique literary styles was formally recognized when he was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1949. Always his own fiercest critic,William Faulkner considered many of his books failures because they did not live up to his high expectations. However,it is clear that Faulkner's experimental literary techniques often puzzled and challenged his readers,who were more,often than not inspired by his in-depth analysis of the human spirit. Faulkner passed away in 1962.

9. According to the text,Yoknapatawpha County.

   A. is a county of Mississippi

   B. was Faulkner’s hometown

   C. is based on Lafayette County

   D. was a place in the Deep South

10. In Paragraph 3 ,the author mainly tells us about.

   A. the styles of Faulkner's works .

   B. the themes of Faulkner's works

   C. the influence of Faulkner's works

   D. the limitations of Faulkner's works

11. What do we learn about stream-of-consciousness?

   A. It is the theme of The Sound and the Fury,

   B. It has the usual structure of formal writing.

   C. It describes mental activities as they occur.

   D. Jt refers to how characters affect each other.

12. What can we know about Faulkner and his works?

   A. 台e felt eonflised about ihem.

   B. He was usually inspired by them.

   C. He considered them to be unique.

   D. He was extremely strict about them.

9. C 10. B 11. C 12. D


本文介绍了 20世纪美国著名作家威廉•福克纳和他的作品。

9. C.细节理解题。根据第二段中的his memories of growing up in Lafayette County 和汪 fictional place he developed from his hometown 可知,Yoknapatawpha County是一个基于威廉•福克纳的家乡Lafayette County的基础上虚构出来的地方。

10. B.段落大意题。本段主要介绍了威廉•福克纳作品的主题。

11. C.细节理解题。根据第四段内容可知,意识流手法摈照人心理活动的运行规律进行描写。

12. D.推理判断题。根据最后一段中的Always his own fiercest critic, William Faulkner considered many of his books failures because they did not live up to his high expectations 可知,威廉•福克纳对自己的作品要求极高。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课程 > 第31期 2015-2016学年高二新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



          Finishing just one marathon in your lifetime is something you will be pretty proud of,but for 73-year-old John Maultsby,it just wasn't enough.

          Last Sunday,John made an achievement few have made. He finished running 50 marathons — one in every state of America. John was cheered on by a crowd that included his wife,mother,and three daughters as he crossed the finish line at a New Hampshire race,according to Today.com.

          John's daughter,Mabel Maultsby,said in an interview that John had always been a runner and took up long-distance running in his late 50s to help lower his blood pressure. He also adopted a vegan diet(纯素食谱).

          His first marathon was at the age of 60.It was during his first race when he saw a man wearing a shirt that said “50 States Finisher” that John thought he could accomplish that as well.

          It's taken him 13 years,but John finally completed

his nationwide goal and now plans on running marathons on every continent. He has run seven marathons this year alone and has run the Boston Marathon nine times.

         “He's so motivated,v Mabel said in an interview.“I'm so inspired by his motivation,and by his positive attitude. He still looks like the man he was irr his late 50s!” John believes he “looks older than he feels, ” Mabel said,adding that he's still very much “young at heart.”

          As for the secret to staying in shape in his 70s,it's  not difficult to find out.“The secret to a long life is happiness and a very supportive family,” Mabel said. “He's trying to keep positive,and he's always having goals. That's what's kept him going all this time.”

5. What makes John Maultsby stand out?

   A. Having walked to every state of America.

   B. Taking up long-distance running at the age of 50.

   C. Having won first place in a New Hampshire race.

   D. Having finished a marathon in every state of America.

6. John Maultsby began long-distance running to.

   A. improve his health

   B. complete his nationwide goal

   C. follow his daughter's example

   D. make his spare time meaningful

7. What is John Maultsby's plan now?

   A. To adopt a vegan diet.

   B. To run marathons on every continent.

   C. To take a trip to other foreign countries.

   D. To run the Boston Marathon for the ninth time.

8. What Mabel Maultsby said about her father shows that he is .

   A. curious            B. grateful

   C. optimistic         D. imaginative


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



        Like many boys of my age,I have a box filled with sports cards. But my brother,younger by ten years,is different from me. He was unwilling to go into the sports card shop with me. I couldn't   believe the shocked look on his face when he saw some of the expensive offerings in the window display. He just couldn 51 appreciate the history behind the cards and the care taken to preserve them over the decades. For him,no piece of cardboard was worth any sum of money. He would rather have a video screen to distract him.

        I appreciate the arguments in favor of television,computer games,and other electronic entertainment. The technology is dynamic and entertaining. There's indeed something for everyone. I also believe,however,that these new forms of entertainment have taken time away from “unplugged” fun. Instead of simple storybooks,young children have interactive learning computers that read for them. When children aren't watching satellite television,they have computer games to entertain them. It seems to me that more and more of the joys of childhood are being lost to the appeal of the video screen.

        Building up a sports card collection is a rewarding hobby for children and adults alike. It teaches quality lessons,such as patience and organization. For children,it develops a careftil mind. I remember how hard I tried to slide each card into a plastic sleeve without damaging their delicate comers. Nearly every weekend,there was a card show at the local mall where I learned to bargain and trade for cards. Collecting cards is a social activity too,encouraging young and old to swap cards and stories.

         Today's electronic entertainment,however,keeps people apart and does little to benefit developing minds. I am concerned that this trend toward electronics will lead to less physical activity and less communication time. The younger generation needs to know that pleasure can also come from a simple hands-on hobby.

13. By saying “There's indeed something for everyone”,the author means .

   A. everyone is able to enjoy “unplugged” fun

   B. electronic entertainment is partly useful

   C. technology is very important to everyone

   D. new hobbies must be entertaining

14. The author finds that tdday's  children .

   A. have more “unplugged” fim

   B. have more and more hobbies

   C. spend too much time on screens

   D. value their pocket money very much

15. Why does the author mention how he slid each card into a plastic sleeve?

   A. To show how such a hobby can make children more careful.

   B. To express his great interest in showing his cards.

   C. To explain the difficulties of collecting cards.

   D. To prove sports cards are very valuable.

16. What is the author worried about?

   A. The fall of electronic entertainment.

   B. The younger generation's challenges.

   C. The negative influence of electronics.

   D. The rising cost of the sports card collection.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



        The next (绣球花) you grow could really save your life. A biologist at Colorado State University has taught plant proteins how to spot exp/osfves1 (炸药) . 

        Picture this at an airport: A terrorist rolls through the sliding doors of a station with a bomb packed into his luggage. All of a sudden,the leafy,green hydrangea ringing the gates goes white 往s a sheet. That's  the proteins inside the plants telling the authorities that they* ve picked up the chemical trace of the terrorist's  explosive.

       “Plants can't run and hide,” says June Medford,the biologist who's spent the last seven years figuring out how to get the plant to fight against terrorism. “If an insect comes by,it has to respond to it. And it already has its own particular way to respond.”

        That would be the “receptor (受体)” proteins in its DNA. which respond naturally to threats. If an insect chews on a leaf,for instance,the plant releases a series of chemical signals called terpenoids,Medford says,that thickens the surface of the leaf in defense.

         Medford and her team designed a computer model to direct the receptors: Basically,the computer program instructs the protein to react when it comes in contact with chemicals found in explosives or common air or water pollutants.

Right now,Medford's  labs have genetically designed plants going white when they come into contact with explosives. But that's in a research lab,where the amount of light is constant.

Medford says her goal is to get her plants as sensitive as a dog's nose. But there is one big problem: Medford probably thinks it's   not easy to get the plants to react to ammonium nitrate,a common chemical used for home-made bombs.

9. If the hydrangea discovers explosives,it will .

   A. change color              B. produce flowers

   C. make its leaves thinner   D. give off a special smell

10. The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refers to.

   A. the explosive     B. the plant

   C. the insect        D. the terrorist

11. What do we learn about Medford's  technology?

   A. It will come into use in two years.

   B. It has been studied for seven years.

   G. It is chiefly based on medical science.

   D. It can help spot ammonium nitrate easily.

12. What would be the best title for the text?

   A. Fight against terrorism in your garden

   B. Plants know how to respond to threats

   C. Biologist develops bomb-spotting plants

   D. Plant proteins hav^ been used to attract insects


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


                        Welcome to Pegasus!

        Here is some information to help familiarize you with the facilities.

        Opening hours 

        The building is open every day between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. (and 5 p.m. on Fridays) . If you need to work outside during these hours,you will need to make arrangements with Angela.


        Unfortunately,there are no car parking facilities; however,there is a cycle rack(支架) just in front of the entrance where cyclists can lock their bikes.


         To use the photocopier,you will need a personal code(密码) 一please ask Martin for this. In order to save trees? please only make copies when strictly necessary,and make double-sided copies if possible. Put waste paper in the recycling bin. If the copier jams and you can't fix it,or if you run out of paper,see Martin.


         There is a kettle in the kitchen for making tea or coffee. Tea,coffee,sugar and biscuits are provided in the cupboard for staff to use. There is also a microwave which staff are welcome to use,and a fridge to store your own food and drink. Please label your food and throw it away if it starts to go off. Remember to wash and put away your dishes after use!

         Leaving the building

         If you are the last person to leave the building,please do the following: 

       . Make sure that all the windows are locked.

       . Check that the computers and photocopier are switched off

       . Switch off the lights and close all the doors.

       . Set the alarm — instructions for doing this are on the              wall,next to the alarm.


         Please do not smoke anywhere in the building. Smoking is permitted in the yard behind the building,and there is a small shelter that smokers can use in the event of rain.

Thank you for your cooperation.

13. What do we know about Pegasus?

   A. It has a large car parking lot.

   B. It isn’t  available for overtime work.

   C. Its opening time is shorter on Friday.

   D. Its cycle rack is just behind the building.

14. To use the photocopier,you have to.

   A. make double-sided copies

   B. bring some paper with you

   C. learn how to fix a copier jam

   D. get a personal code from Martin

15. It can be inferred that Pegasus’ kitchen .

   A. has no coffee

   B. provides no meals

   C. needs a new cook now

   D. is cleaned every day after work

16. What should you do it you don't know how to set to alarm?

   A. Ask Martin for help.

   B. Get connected with Angela.

   C. See the instructions on the wall.

   D. Leave a message with the doorkeeper.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

          I love reading very much. My elder cousin Susan is 21 (interest) in reading,too. We often borrow books from each other. One day last month while I 22 (look) around in her study,I w^s drawn to a book called The Wedding Dress. It was written by Rachel Hauck. Before opening it,I didnt know 23 it was good or not. However,I 24 (attract) to it after I read a few pages. What a treat I found inside!

          In The Wedding Dress there are several characters,but the main one is a wedding dress. We follow it 25 when it was created for a young bride in Birmingham in 1912 to the next owner in 1939 and then to another bride in 1968. Each one of the brides has 26 story that the current owner of the dress,Charlotte,attempts 27 (discover) . Besides being woven with pearls and delicate details,the dress is fitted together with faith and courage 28 seem to be passed on to each young lady who wears it.

This is 29 (certain) a great book for young girls who love reading love stories. Don’t miss it if you love reading 30 (romance) love stories.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


    1. India  has a national festival on October 2 to honour Mohandas G?ndhi,the leader who helped gain Indians independence from Britain. (P2) 



② 主句是 India has a national festival on October 2 to honour Molnjas Gandhi,the leader 作 Mohandas Gandhi 的同位语,其后接who引导的从句。

[句意]印度在10月2日有个全国性节日,纪念莫汉达斯•甘 地,货是f助印枣脱亭英国而独立的领袖。

[仿写]她兴办那所学校校以纪念她的父亲,他是一位将自己的 一生奉献给教育事並岛滅授。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. 今天要到达北京似乎不可能。(it'seem,possible)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



Dear Rachel,

    I’m not working today,so I have enough time to write to you!Im writing in English because I want to (76) . You know,I need to improve my English.

    This time,I11 tell you about what I do every week — so you can (77) my life here. I work five days a week at the museum and have most weekends (78) . I go to work by (地铁) .It (79) me about 40 minutes to get to the museum,and I work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. There will be a big art exhibition 览会) next month. These days we,re very busy (80) for it. The work is really hard.

(81) I like the challenge and I can leam a lot from it.

    After work,I sometimes go out with my colleagues(同事) ,or I just go home. (82) one of my new colleagues is a guitar teacher,so I'm learning to play the guitar!I have (83) from him on Mondays and Wednesdays.

    On weekends,I go touring in London. There are so many interesting places to (84) here — beautiful parks,ancient buildings and so on. But,best of all,it’s summer here now — my (85) summer this year!

    Looking forward to hearing from you!Best wishes!



