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 Neither statement Mr Black made yesterday ___ true.

A. is     B. was     C. are      D. were


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

阅读下列材料,从所给的六个选项 ( A、B、C、D、E和F ) 中,选出符合各小题要求的最佳选项。选项中有一项多余选项。

The following five young people are all searching for their universities. After the description of these people, there is some information about six universities A — F for you to choose the most suitable one for each of them. There is one extra paragraph about one university which you do not need to use.

Bobby is tired of working indoors and wouldn’t like to be too far away from his girlfriend who studies at Simmons. Also he considers gaining better chance for future career.

Maria wants to learn modern science and she prefers to stay neither by the ocean nor in the


Andrew wishes to study business in a non-state-run university, which he thinks is of better

quality and if the employment status of its graduates is ideal, that’s better.

Lucy enjoys taking her further education in a women-only university with a variety major for her to choose.

Scott is in search for a university located in a nice place, with better living conditions. The most important is that he hopes to play the computer conveniently for fun.

A.SIMMONS  The College of Arts and Sciences and Modern Studies. Simmons educates women to achieve their work and life goals. More than 40 majors. Lies in the heart of Boston, US. News &World Report ranks Simmons among the top state universities in the North and among the best values.  617-521-2051  www.simmons.edu.

B.PAUL SMITH’S COLLEGE   The College of Nature. Experience a different kind of classroom: 15,300 acres of forests, lakes and streams, a hotel and a restaurant, 99% placement upon graduation. Two-and-four-year degree programs.  PO Box 265Paul Smith,  NY 12970800-421-2605


C.ST. MARY’S UNIVERSITY  Located in the mid-west of the U.S. Personal attention. Powerful programs. Experience the technology of today at our co-educational university. One Camino Santa Utah  78228-8503 800-FOR-STMU   www.stmarytx.edu.

D.NORTHERN UNIVERSITY  A famous private university with 3,200 students in the Colleges of Arts & Sciences, Business and Engineering. Medicine and Law among the top ten by U.S. News & World Report Old Union  232 CA 94305-3005 650-723-2091  www.stanford.edu.

E.UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX   Adult education course. Earn an online degree with University of Phoenix today. 100% online, fast and convenient. Learn why most working professionals choose University of Phoenix Online.  www.Phoenixun.edu.

F.PETER’S COLLEGE   Experienced professors are available. Equipped with a lot of modern

 facilities, two students a dormitory, two computers, power never fails, PO.356 Peter. 16753800-333-12-2135   www.peterun.edu.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Social circumstances in Early Modern England mostly served to repress women’s voices. Patriarchal culture and institutions constructed them as chaste, silent, obedient, and subordinate. At the beginning of the 17th century, the ideology of patriarchy, political absolutism, and gender hierarchy were reaffirmed powerfully by King James in The Trew Law of Free Monarchie and the Basilikon Doron; by that ideology the absolute power of God the supreme patriarch was seen to be imaged in the absolute monarch of the state and in the husband and father of a family. Accordingly, a woman’s subjection, first to her father and then to her husband, imaged the subjection of English people to their monarch, and of all Christians to God. Also, the period saw an outpouring of repressive or overtly misogynist sermons, tracts, and plays, detailing women’s physical and mental defects, spiritual evils, rebelliousness, shrewish ness, and natural inferiority to men.

Yet some social and cultural conditions served to empower women. During the Elizabethan era (1558—1603) the culture was dominated by a powerful Queen, who provided an impressive female example though she left scant cultural space for other women. Elizabethan women writers began to produce original texts but were occupied chiefly with translation. In the 17th century, however, various circumstances enabled women to write original texts in some numbers. For one thing, some counterweight to patriarchy was provided by female communities—mothers and daughters, extended kinship networks, close female friends, the separate court of Queen Anne (King James’ consort) and her often oppositional masques and political activities. For another, most of these women had a reasonably good education (modern languages, history, literature, religion, music, occasionally Latin) and some apparently found in romances and histories more expansive terms for imagining women’s lives. Also, representation of vigorous and rebellious female characters in literature and especially on the stage no doubt helped to undermine any monolithic social construct of women’s mature and role.

Most important, perhaps, was the radical potential inherent in the Protestant insistence on every Christian’s immediate relationship with God and primary responsibility to follow his or her individual conscience. There is plenty of support in St Paul’s epistles and elsewhere in the Bible for patriarchy and a wife’s subjection to her husband, but some texts (notably Galatians 3:28) inscribe a very different politics, promoting women’s spiritual equality: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Jesus Christ.” Such texts encouraged some women to claim the support of God the supreme patriarch against the various earthly patriarchs who claimed to stand toward them in his stead.

There is also the gap or slippage between ideology and common experience. English women throughout the 17th century exercised a good deal of accrual power: as managers of estates in their husbands’ absences at court or on military and diplomatic missions; as members of guilds; as wives and mothers who apex during the English Civil War and Interregnum (1640-60) as the execution of the King and the attendant disruption of social hierarchies led many women to seize new roles—as preachers, as prophetesses, as deputies for exiled royalist husbands, as writers of religious and political tracts.

     What is the best title for this passage?

[A]. Women’s Position in the 17th Century.

[B]. Women’s Subjection to Patriarchy.

[C]. Social Circumstances in the 17th Century.

[D]. Women’s objection in the 17th Century.

     What did the Queen Elizabeth do for the women in culture?

[A]. She set an impressive female example to follow.

[B]. She dominated the culture.

[C]. She did little.

[D]. She allowed women to translate something.

Which of the following is Not mention as a reason to enable women to original texts?

[A].Female communities provided some counterweight to patriarchy.

[B]. Queen Anne’s political activities.

[C]. Most women had a good education.

[D]. Queen Elizabeth’s political activities.

     What did the religion so for the women?

[A]. It did nothing.

[B]. It too asked women to be obedient except some texts.

[C]. It supported women.

[D]. It appealed to the God.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011年浙江省杭州师范大学附属中学高三适应性考试英语卷 题型:填空题

The following people are all searching for a university. After the description of these people, there is information about six universities A---F on your answer sheet. There is one extra paragraph about one university which you do not need to use.
【小题1】Bobby is tired of working indoors and wouldn’t like to be too far away from his girlfriend who studies at Simmons.
【小题2】 Maria wants to learn modern science and she prefers to stay neither by the ocean nor in the northeast.
【小题3】Andrew wishes to study business in a non-state-run university.
【小题4】 Lucy enjoys taking her further education in a women-only university.
【小题5】Scott hopes to play the computer conveniently for fun.

A.SIMMONS The College of Arts and Sciences and Modern Studies. Simmons educates women to achieve their work and life goals. More than 40 majors. Lies in the heart of Boston, US. News &World Report ranks Simmons among the top state universities in the North and among the best values. 617-521-2051 www.simmons.edu.
B.PAUL SMITH’S COLLEGE The College of Nature. Experience a different kind of classroom: 15,300 acres of forests, lakes and streams, a hotel and a restaurant, 99% placement upon graduation. Two-and-four-year degree programs. PO Box 265Paul Smith, NY 12970800-421-2605 www.paulsmith.edu.
C.ST. MARY’S UNIVERSITY Personal attention. Powerful programs. Experience the technology of today at our co-educational university. One Camino Santa Utah 78228-8503 800-FOR-STMU www.stmarytx.edu.
D.NORTHERN UNIVERSITY A famous private university with 3,200 students in the Colleges of Arts & Sciences, Business and Engineering. Medicine and Law among the top ten by U.S. News & World Report Old Union 232 CA 94305-3005 650-723-2091 www.stanford.edu.
E.UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX   Adult education course. Earn an online degree with University of Phoenix today. 100% online, fast and convenient. Learn why most working professionals choose University of Phoenix Online. www.Phoenixun.edu.
F.PETER’S COLLEGE   Experienced professors are available. Equipped with a lot of modern facilities, two students a dormitory, two computers, power never fails, PO.356 Peter, 16753800-333-12-2135   www. peterun.edu.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年浙江省高三第五次统练英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

September can be a depressing month. The summer holidays are over, it’s time to go back to work or school and Christmas is four months away. However, for some people it’s the perfect time to get away.

These days more and more people are taking their holidays late in the year and for good reasons. Holidays in autumn can be cheaper, the resorts are less crowded and the weather isn’t as extreme as it is in the summer. So, where are the best places to go? Here are our top tips.

Sardinia (in Italy) has an average temperature of 27℃ in September. It also has “Autunno in Barbagia” (Autumn in Barbagia) a series of festivals that take place in 27 villages in Barbagia, a mountainous region of inland Sardinia. The festivals continue from September to December, so there’s always something happening. There are street markets, craft workshops and there’s lots of eating and drinking (This is Italy, after all).

Dubrovnik Croatia has become very popular in summer but it’s quieter and more pleasant once the crowds have left. The weather is still warm but less humid. You can take a ferry to the popular beaches on the islands of Sunj and enjoy it with locals.

Dahab Egypt, is extremely hot in the summer with temperatures up to 38℃. However, the autumn is cooler while the sea is still warm. This makes Dahab the perfect place for snorkeling and windsurfing. There are also interesting historical sites to visit such as the Coloured Canyon, with its dramatic rock formations, and St Catherine’s Monastery, at the foot of Mount Sinai.

Kas is a relaxed fishing village on the Lycian coast in southern Turkey. There are plenty of things to do and the temperature has dropped (so you can actually enjoy doing them!) Kas is a good place to stay if you want to walk part of the Lycian way: a long-distance footpath that stretches for 500km from Fethiye to Antalya through the ancient land of Lycia. There are also watersports, of course. The best time to go diving is supposed to be after the first rains of autumn (usually between late September and early October) when the fish become most active.

Marrakech Morocco is another good destination. The city itself is a fascinating place to spend a few days. When you have had enough of that, go to Tigmi, a beautiful hill town about 20 kilometers away. There’s a hammam (a Turkish bath) and a large heated pool, which makes it the perfect place to relax.

Wherever you go this autumn – have fun!

1.Here are the good reasons for people to take holidays in autumn except that _______.

  A. Holidays in autumn can be cheaper

  B. the scenery in autumn is more attractive

  C. the resorts in autumn are less crowded

  D. The weather is neither too hot nor too cold

2.We can infer from Paragraph 3 that _______________.

  A. visitors can take part in a series of festivals in October in Barbagia

  B. Barbagia in Egypt is surrounded by mountains

  C. the festivals continue from September to November

  D. the temperature in Sardinia in September is always below 27℃

3.For someone who enjoys walking, __________ is the best choice.

  A. Kas        B. Marrakech       C. Dahab        D. Dubrovnik

4.Which of the following places may not be close to sea?

  A. Dubrovnik      B. Dahab        C. Kas         D. Marrakech



科目:高中英语 来源:2011年浙江省高三适应性考试英语题 题型:信息匹配


The following people are all searching for a university. After the description of these people, there is information about six universities A---F on your answer sheet. There is one extra paragraph about one university which you do not need to use.

1.Bobby is tired of working indoors and wouldn’t like to be too far away from his girlfriend who studies at Simmons.

2. Maria wants to learn modern science and she prefers to stay neither by the ocean nor in the northeast.

3.Andrew wishes to study business in a non-state-run university.

4. Lucy enjoys taking her further education in a women-only university.

5.Scott hopes to play the computer conveniently for fun.

A.SIMMONS  The College of Arts and Sciences and Modern Studies. Simmons educates women to achieve their work and life goals. More than 40 majors. Lies in the heart of Boston, US. News &World Report ranks Simmons among the top state universities in the North and among the best values. 617-521-2051  www.simmons.edu.

B.PAUL SMITH’S COLLEGE   The College of Nature. Experience a different kind of classroom: 15,300 acres of forests, lakes and streams, a hotel and a restaurant, 99% placement upon graduation. Two-and-four-year degree programs. PO Box 265Paul Smith, NY 12970800-421-2605     www.paulsmith.edu.

C.ST. MARY’S UNIVERSITY  Personal attention. Powerful  programs. Experience the technology of today at our co-educational university. One Camino Santa Utah 78228-8503 800-FOR-STMU   www.stmarytx.edu.

D.NORTHERN UNIVERSITY  A famous private university with 3,200 students in the Colleges of Arts & Sciences, Business and Engineering. Medicine and Law among the top ten by U.S. News & World Report  Old Union 232 CA 94305-3005 650-723-2091 www.stanford.edu.

E.UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX   Adult education course. Earn an online degree with University of Phoenix today. 100% online, fast and convenient. Learn why most working professionals choose University of Phoenix Online. www.Phoenixun.edu.

F.PETER’S COLLEGE   Experienced professors are available. Equipped with a lot of modern facilities, two students a dormitory, two computers, power never fails, PO.356 Peter, 16753800-333-12-2135   www. peterun.edu.


