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One day Jack broke his mother’s mirror.   1  she saw the broken  2  she cried, Jack, you are too careless and  3  that father is going to punish you.

I’m too angry to  4   him a beating now, said Jack's father as he  5  the broken mirror. I’ll  6  it after supper.

When supper was over, his father took  7  to the garden. I’m going to   8  a branch that is just the right  9  , he said. They looked everywhere but found   10  .

Then Jack had  11  . Father, I think your walking stick will be just  12  .

Yes, that’s a good idea. Now come   13  to my room and we’ll   14  it.

Up in his room Jack’s father took off his coat, Jack was  15  . But to Jack’s great surprise, his father  16  to his bed and hit it again and again with the walking stick. He hit it like this for a while and then  17  . Well, I think that’s   18  , said his father. You must be carefull in future. You will be a good boy, won’t you?Jack   19  he would be and would  20  forget it because it was such an unusual punishment.

1. A. Because          B. When          C. If           D. Though

2. A. glass            B. cup           C. bottle     D. thing

3. A. as              B. since         C. so        D. because of

4. A. get             B. have          C. hit       D. give

5. A. saw            B. looked         C. searched    D. needed

6. A. make            B. have          C. take       D. do

7. A. it              B. him           C. that        D. them

8. A. buy            B. make         C. cut        D. do

9. A. weight          B. size           C. place      D. thick

10. A. no one          B. none         C. a short one D. a small one

11. A. a stick         B. an idea        C. a mind        D. an act

12. A. long            B. short         C. right      D. thing

13. A. along          B. in            C. here       D. out

14. A. try            B. beat          C. hit       D. look for

15. A. happy         B. pleased        C. worried    D. puzzled

16. A. led            B. turned         C. returned   D. pointed

17. A. continued        B. kept on        C. beat again   D. stopped

18. A. heavy         B. enough        C. excellent   D. perfect

19. A. promised       B. allowed       C. hoped      D. realized

20. A. often          B. never          C. always        D. seldom



1 when引导的时间状语从句。

2 打坏的是镜子,故本题选A

3 因为这父亲要惩罚你。

4 give sb a beating

5 父亲看到碎玻璃时如是说。

6 晚饭后再打,故选D

7 把他带到花园。

8 打人得找树枝做工具。

9 打人的树枝不能太粗也不能太细,没有合适的大小。

10 不定代词,代指“没有树枝”。

11 杰克有了主意。

12 拐棍就正好。

13 跟我一起去我的房间。

14 我们可以试试

15 要挨打了,肯定很担心。

16 转向他的床。

17 打了一会就停下了。

18 我认为这就足够了。

19 肯定会许诺的

20 谁都忘不了这件事。



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(湖南卷)模拟卷(3) 题型:其他题

Section  B

Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and required words limit.

Junior Achievement is an international movement to educate young people about business and economics. It has helped many of them succeed in a world economy since it was founded.

The organization is the largest of its kind. JA Worldwide says it reaches over eight million students each year in more than one hundred countries. Programs begin in elementary school and continue through middle and high school. The education is based on the ideas of market-based economics and entrepreneurship.

Junior Achievement began in 1919 in Springfield, Massachusetts. Two business leaders, Horace Moses and Theodore Vail, joined with Senator Murray Crane of Massachusetts to start it.

For more than fifty years, Junior Achievement programs met after school. They began as a group of business clubs. The organization started with a number of children of ages ten to twelve.

But in nineteen seventy-five, Junior Achievement began to offer classes during school hours. Many more young people joined the organization once it began to teach business skills as part of the school day.

Volunteers from the community teach about businesses, such as how they are organized, and how products are made and sold. They also teach about the American and world economies and about industry and trade.

The Junior Achievement Company Program teaches young people how entrepreneurship works. They learn about business by operating their own companies.

The students develop a product and sell shares in their company. They use the money to buy the materials they need to make their product, which then they sell. Finally, they return the profits to the people who bought shares in the company.

Junior Achievement says two hundred eighty-seven thousand volunteers support its programs around the world. In the United States alone, there are more than twenty-two thousand places that hold Junior Achievement events.

Junior Achievement Incorporated and Junior Achievement International combined their operation in two thousand four. They formed Junior Achievement Worldwide. Its headquarters are in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

81. What is the passage mainly about?(within 15 words)


82. How long a history does JA have? (within 8 words)


83. What do volunteers of JA teach about? (within 10 words)


84. What achievements has JA achieved? (within 15 words)




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Section  B

Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and required words limit.

Junior Achievement is an international movement to educate young people about business and economics. It has helped many of them succeed in a world economy since it was founded.

The organization is the largest of its kind. JA Worldwide says it reaches over eight million students each year in more than one hundred countries. Programs begin in elementary school and continue through middle and high school. The education is based on the ideas of market-based economics and entrepreneurship.

Junior Achievement began in 1919 in Springfield, Massachusetts. Two business leaders, Horace Moses and Theodore Vail, joined with Senator Murray Crane of Massachusetts to start it.

For more than fifty years, Junior Achievement programs met after school. They began as a group of business clubs. The organization started with a number of children of ages ten to twelve.

But in nineteen seventy-five, Junior Achievement began to offer classes during school hours. Many more young people joined the organization once it began to teach business skills as part of the school day.

Volunteers from the community teach about businesses, such as how they are organized, and how products are made and sold. They also teach about the American and world economies and about industry and trade.

The Junior Achievement Company Program teaches young people how entrepreneurship works. They learn about business by operating their own companies.

The students develop a product and sell shares in their company. They use the money to buy the materials they need to make their product, which then they sell. Finally, they return the profits to the people who bought shares in the company.

Junior Achievement says two hundred eighty-seven thousand volunteers support its programs around the world. In the United States alone, there are more than twenty-two thousand places that hold Junior Achievement events.

Junior Achievement Incorporated and Junior Achievement International combined their operation in two thousand four. They formed Junior Achievement Worldwide. Its headquarters are in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

81. What is the passage mainly about?(within 15 words)


82. How long a history does JA have? (within 8 words)


83. What do volunteers of JA teach about? (within 10 words)


84. What achievements has JA achieved? (within 15 words)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Section  B

Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and required words limit.

Junior Achievement is an international movement to educate young people about business and economics. It has helped many of them succeed in a world economy since it was founded.

The organization is the largest of its kind. JA Worldwide says it reaches over eight million students each year in more than one hundred countries. Programs begin in elementary school and continue through middle and high school. The education is based on the ideas of market-based economics and entrepreneurship.

Junior Achievement began in 1919 in Springfield, Massachusetts. Two business leaders, Horace Moses and Theodore Vail, joined with Senator Murray Crane of Massachusetts to start it.

For more than fifty years, Junior Achievement programs met after school. They began as a group of business clubs. The organization started with a number of children of ages ten to twelve.

But in nineteen seventy-five, Junior Achievement began to offer classes during school hours. Many more young people joined the organization once it began to teach business skills as part of the school day.

Volunteers from the community teach about businesses, such as how they are organized, and how products are made and sold. They also teach about the American and world economies and about industry and trade.

The Junior Achievement Company Program teaches young people how entrepreneurship works. They learn about business by operating their own companies.

The students develop a product and sell shares in their company. They use the money to buy the materials they need to make their product, which then they sell. Finally, they return the profits to the people who bought shares in the company.

Junior Achievement says two hundred eighty-seven thousand volunteers support its programs around the world. In the United States alone, there are more than twenty-two thousand places that hold Junior Achievement events.

Junior Achievement Incorporated and Junior Achievement International combined their operation in two thousand four. They formed Junior Achievement Worldwide. Its headquarters are in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

81. What is the passage mainly about?(within 15 words)


82. How long a history does JA have? (within 8 words)


83. What do volunteers of JA teach about? (within 10 words)


84. What achievements has JA achieved? (within 15 words)


