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Nowadays,there is a heated discussion in our school about if cloning should be allowed or not.Some students are strong for it.There are four reasons account for this.First,cloning is optional way to treat the parents who find it difficult to have children.Another reason is to reproduce such great talents like Einstein.A further reason is to obtain a supply of stem cell which can develop into every other type of cell in the body.So it was possible for someone badly injured to recover.A fourth reason is that scientists believe that a cloning crop can resist pests.Besides,the students against cloning hold the view that it will raise up many problems.

分析 近来,是否允许克隆成为我校的一个热点话题.一些学生强烈支持,他们认为克隆可以帮助不能生育孩子的父母,也能创造出像爱因斯坦一样的天才,还可以提供干细胞.干细胞可以成为其他任何一种身体细胞,有利于治愈受伤严重的人.此外,一些科学家相信,克隆还可以抵御病虫.但是反对的同学也提出了许多问题.

解答 Nowadays,there is a heated discussion in our school about if cloning should be allowed or not.Some students are strong for it.There are four reasons account for this.First,cloning is∧optional way to treat the parents who find it difficult to have children.Another reason is to reproduce such great talents like Einstein.A further reason is to obtain a supply of stem cell which can develop into every other type of cell in the body.So it was possible for someone badly injured to recover.A fourth reason is that scientists believe that a cloning crop can resist pests.Besides,the students against cloning hold the view that it will raise up many problems.
1.if改为whether  考查宾语从句引导词.因为if表示"是否"时不能引导介词宾语从句,而whether可以.       
2.strong改为strongly  考查副词.应用副词修饰介词短语for it,"强烈支持".
3.account改为accounting 此处考查的是非谓语动词作定语的用法,因为reasons和account之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系,表示主动,所以此处应用account的现在分词形式作定语.
4.optional前面增加an  考查冠词. 因为way是可数名词,在此处是泛指,而optional又是以元音音素开头,所以应在optional前加an.   
5.like改为as  考查介词.such…as…是固定短语,意为"像…一样的…".        
6.cell改为cells  考查名词单复数.cell是可数名词,根据前面的obtain a supply of可判断出,此处应用其复数形式,表示"干细胞".
7.was改为is   考查时态.根据上下文语境"there is""are"等可判断出,此处应用一般现在时.       
8.cloning改为cloned  考查过去分词.此处应用clone的过去分词形式cloned"克隆过的"充当形容词作crop的定语.
9.Besides改为However/Nevertheless  考查连词.语境表示,支持克隆的学生认为克隆有很多好处,但是反对克隆的学生认为克隆会导致很多问题.此处应用表示转折关系的副词However/Nevertheless.
10.删除up 考查介词.因为raise是及物动词,后面接宾语时不用加介词.

点评 短文改错要注意:1.在做题时,首先要通读全文,了解文章大意.2.整句理解,逐行分析.3.单独检查全篇的动词、连词、名词、冠词、代词等,这些都是容易出错的地方,也是常考查的知识点.4.切忌改动原文的意思,一定要在看懂原文的基础上改错,以保持原意为原则.5.横线上改正后的单词一定要注意拼写正确,书写的清晰工整,便于阅卷.6.要严格的按照规定的符号去改,用文字说明或箭头表示都是错误的.7.读懂全文,验证答案,消除疏忽.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Until last spring,Nia Parker and the other kids in her neighborhood went to school on Bus 59.But as fuel prices rose,the school district needed to find a way to cut its transportation costs.So the school's busing company redrew its route map,canceling Nia's bus.Now Nia and her neighbors travel the half mile to school via a"walking school bus"-a group of kids,supervised (监护) by an adult or two,who make the walk together.
Many parents are delighted to see their kids walking to school,partly because many did so themselves.According to a 1979survey,nearly half of school kids walked or biked to school,compared with only 16percent in 2011.Modern parents have been unwilling to let kids walk to school for fear of traffic,crime or simple bullying,but with organized adult supervision,those concerns have reduced.
Schools and busing companies are finding other ways to save.In rural areas where busing is a must,some schools have even chosen four-day school weeks.Busing companies instruct drivers to cancel extra stops from routes and to turn off the engine while idling(挂空挡).They are also using computer software to determine the most fuel-efficient routes,which aren't always the shortest ones.
There could be disadvantages,however,to the busing cutbacks.If every formerly bused student begins walking to school,it's an environmental win-but if too many of their parents decide to drive them instead,the overall carbon footprint can grow.Replacing buses with many more parent-driven cars can also increase safety risks.A 2011report concluded students are 13times safer on a school bus than in a passenger car,since buses have fewer accidents and withstand(承受) them better due to their size.And some students complain about the long morning hikes,particularly when the route contains a really big hill.

56.In regards to walking to school,modern parents seem much concerned with theA.
A.safety of their kids'
B.kids'physical strength
C.time spent on the way         
D.changes in the route
57.To save money,some schools choose toA.
A.shorten the school week         
B.take the shortest routes
C.stop using school buses               
D.use fuel-efficient buses
58.Busing cutbacks may lead toC.
A.fewer complaints about long morning hikes
B.more students taking public transportation
C.an increase in carbon dioxide emissions
D.a decrease in the safety of school buses.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.It is found that American students spend less than 15% of their time in school.While there's no doubt that school is important,a number of recent studies reminds us that parents are even more so.A study published earlier this month by researchers at North Carolina State University,for example,finds that parental involvement-checking homework,attending school meetings and events,discussing school activities at home-has a more powerful influence on students'academic performance than anything about the school the students attend.Another study,published in the Review of Economics and Statistics,reports that the effort put forth by parents (reading stories aloud,meeting with teachers) has a bigger impact on their children's educational achievement than the effort devoted by either teachers or the students themselves.And a third study concludes that schools would have to increase their spending by more than $1,000 per pupil in order to achieve the same results that are gained with parental involvement.
So parents matter.But it is also revealed in researches that parents,of all backgrounds,don't need to buy expensive educational toys or digital devices for their kids in order to give them an advantage.They don't need to drive their offspring to enrichment classes or test-preparation courses.What they need to do with their children is much simpler:talk.
But not just any talk.Recent research has indicated exactly what kinds of talk at home encourage children's success at school.For example,a study conducted by researchers at the UCLA School of Public Health and published in the journal Pediatrics found that two-way adult-child conversations were six times as potent in promoting language development as the ones in which the adult did all the talking.Engaging in this reciprocal(双向的) back-and-forth gives children a chance to try out language for themselves,and also gives them the sense that their thoughts and opinions matter.
The content of parents'conversations with kids matters,too.Children who hear talk about counting and numbers at home start school with much more extensive mathematical knowledge,report researchers from the University of Chicago.While the conversations parents have with their children change as kids grow older,the effect of these exchanges on academic achievement remains strong.Research finds that parents play an important role in what is called"academic socialization"-setting expectations and making connections between current behavior and future goals.Engaging in these sorts of conversations has a greater impact on educational accomplishment.
72.Parents are even more important than schools in thatD.
A.parental involvement makes up for what schools are not able to do
B.teachers and students themselves do not put in enough effort
C.parental involvement saves money for schools and the local government
D.students may well make greater achievements with parents'attention
73.It can be inferred from the 2nd paragraph thatC.
A.educational toys are unaffordable nowadays
B.digital devices can give children an advantage
C.some parents believe in enrichment classes
D.talking with children is a very simple task
74.The word"potent"is closest in meaning toA.
A.powerful       B.difficult       C.necessary                D.resistant
75.Which of the following will more encourage children's success at school according to the passage?B
A.Parents order their children to stop playing video games.
B.Parents discuss with their children the possible future career.
C.Parents lecture their children on getting too low marks on tests.
D.Parents introduce colleges around the US to their children.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

2.I am anything but adventurous.So,when I actually (21)C the courage to learn driving and,even more (22)B,passed the test,I fancied being a free spirit at last.
I mistakenly thought I would(23)Anew roads and drive to the farthest horizons.But,trying new highways was next to (24)Dfor me.The time I tried,I got hopelessly (25)A and found myself going around in circles.When I eventually found the way home,I(26)Dthis was the end of the adventurous life.I (27)Bthe known routes.When a friend (28)C me to make the most of weekend when the traffic was (29)Ato make new discoveries,I (30)B at her with horror.Was I going to (31)C a perfectly good weekend raising my blood pressure or was I going to spend it doing as little as possible?(32)A,I chose the latter option.
After some years of battling the Sharjah-Dubai (33)D,I told myself it wasn't worth (34)Bmy peace of mind.Now I had the Metro,buses and (35)D to choose from.Taking taxi was one of the best (36)CI have made from a traffic point of view.There was an unbelievable sense of lightness (37)B I jumped into a taxi,taken to my destination without being worried.
All one has to do is give directions.I am good at that.Giving directions,I mean.And I am very (38)D when I issue these,with no effect on the part of the person driving.As soon as I sit inside,I start the description of the (39)A to be taken in great detail so as to(40)Cthe possibility of being taken for a ride.

27.A.added toB.stuck toC.got toD.referred to
32.A.Of courseB.in shortC.In caseD.Of all


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9."Ceci,wake up.It's an earthquake!"That's what Cecilia Wallace heard her mother shouting on the early morning of February 27th
Cecilia is a 7th-grader.She,her parents and her brother,Sam,were in Chile's capital city,Santiago,the day a big earthquake hit Chile.And like just about everyone else,they were shaken out of their sleep.
"It was so frightening,"Sam wrote."The shaking was so huge that I will never go on a ride again."Cecilia and Sam wrote about their earthquake experiences.Their reports were later posted on the website.
Cecilia,Sam and their parents were staying in an apartment on the 15th floor of a building.They were lucky.Their building stayed standing,because it was built to withstand earthquakes.
Not everyone was as lucky as the Wallace family.More than 800people died.Many older buildings fell down during the earthquake.
The damage in Santiago wasn't as bad as in other parts of Chile.So the supermarkets were open for business on the morning of the quake.But it wasn't business as usual."The supermarkets have been crazy with people rushing to buy their food for the next while,"Sam wrote.
Not everyone was able to get money to buy food that morning.So Cecilia and Sam made food bags to distribute to people who were begging outside the supermarket."We gave some to a kid of my age.I made sure he got cookies and bread."Sam and Cecilia's mother wrote that the kids also collected money for the Red Cross.
It's certainly an experience Cecilia,Sam and their parents will never forget.Thankfully,they lived to tell their stories.
26.What was Cecilia doing when the earthquake happened?C
A.Walking in the street.
B.Having class at school.
C.Sleeping in bed.
D.Playing with Sam in a park.
27.The underlined word"distribute"probably means"A".
A.give out
B.throw away
C.give up
D.sell out
28.Why were Cecilia and her family able to survive the earthquake?D
A.Because they escaped before their building fell down.
B.Because they managed to escape from the fallen building.
C.Because they were helped out of the fallen building by others.
D.Because the building they were living in was strong enough.
29.From the text we can see Cecilia is aB girl.
30.How can we know more about Cecilia's experiences in the earthquake?B
A.By watching TV.
B.By getting online.
C.By listening to the radio.
D.By reading newspapers.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.Attitude Is Everything
The story is about how a donkey got out of a deep hole.The donkey's owner,a farmer,thought( 61)itimpossible to save his donkey and decided to bury it.(62)However,the donkey managed to get out(63)with the help of the soil put in by its owner.
From the story we can see that the donkey was brave and clever enough to save himself.Attitude is everything.I think it's (64)absolutely (absolute) true.(65)Whenwe meet with some difficulties,we should calm down and (66)be brave to face them.Don't lose yourself in(67)sadness(sad) and never give up.We can look at things in a different way.If we change our attitude(68)to/toward the difficulties,we will find they are not so bad (69)as they seem.What's more,we should try(70)to find(find) ways to solve the problems.Sometimes,we can turn to our friends,teachers and parents so that we can get help and settle the problems as quickly as possible.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.Even a flower or a tree heregave away(承载着) moving stories.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

Meimei likes reading books.She often goes and borrows books from the school library.Though she likes reading,but she doesn't take care of her books.She threw them everywhere,on the table,on the ground,and even under her bed.Her roommates often remind her this.But she turns a deaf ear to them.The bad habit didn't bring him great trouble until yesterday.It was the deadline for two book.She looked everywhere in the room.Twenty minutes past but she still failed to find them.Meimei cried helpless.It was four thirty and Meimei had to go to the library,for it closed at five.She told a story to the librarian and asked for an extra day in tears.Looked at her in surprise,the librarian said,"How a careless girl!You returned them yesterday.Don't you remember?"


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.Some colors people see late at night could cause signs of clinical depression.That was the finding of a study that builds on earlier study findings.They show that individuals who live or work in low levels of light overnight can develop clinical depression.Doctors use the word"clinical depression"to describe severe form of depression.Signs may include loss of interest or pleasure in most activities,low energy levels and thoughts of death or suicide.
In the new study,American investigators designed an experiment that exposed hamsters(仓鼠)to different colors.The researchers chose hamsters because they are nocturnal,which means they sleep during the day and are active at night.
The animals were separated into four groups.One group of hamsters was kept in the dark during their night-time period.Another group was placed in front of a blue light,a third group slept in front of a white light,while a fourth was put in front of a red light.
After four weeks,the researchers noted how much sugary water the hamsters drank.They found that the most depressed animals drank the least amount of water.
Randy Nelson heads the Department of Neuroscience at Ohio State University.He says animals that slept in blue and white light appeared to be the most depressed."What we saw is that these animals didn't show any sleep uneasiness at all but they did mess up biological clock genes and they did show depressive sign while if they were in the dim(微弱)red light,they did not."
Randy Nelson notes that photosensitive(感光)cells in the eyes have little to do with eyesight.He says these cells send signals to the area of the brain that controls what has been called the natural sleep-wake cycle.
He says there's a lot of blue in white light.This explains why the blue light and white light hamsters appear to be more depressed than the hamsters seeing red light or darkness.

25.Researchers use hamsters in the experiment becauseD.
A.they are similar to humans in dealing with colors
B.they are easy to observe and study
C.they are sensitive to colors like human beings
D.they are active at night and sleep during the day
26.What sign shows that the hamsters are being depressed?A
A.They drink less sugary water.
B.They don't sleep well.
C.Their eyesight becomes worse.
D.Their energy level becomes low.
27.Ctends to cause hamsters to be depressed.
A.Dim light 
B.Red light
C.Blue light 
28.What can help people who work late at night to avoid being depressed?B
A.Not being exposed to dim red light when using computers.
B.Equipping their computer screens to put it more in the reddish light.
C.Living or working in low levels of light overnight.
D.Going to see doctors of clinical depression regularly for help.

