精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
1.You wake up in the morning.The day is beautiful and the plans for the day are what you have been looking forward to for a long time.Then the telephone rings,you say hello,and the drama starts.The person on the other end has a depressing tone in his voice as he starts to tell you how terrible his morning is and that there is nothing to look forward to.You are still in a wonderful mood?Impossible!
Communicating with negative people can wash out your happiness.It may not change what you think,but communicating long enough with them will make you feel depressed for a moment or a long time.
Life brings ups and downs,but some people are stuck in the wrong idea that life has no happiness to offer.They only feel glad when they make others feel bad.No wonder they can hardly win others'pity or respect.
When you communicate with positive people,your spirit stays happy and therefore more positive things are attracted.When the dagger(匕首)of a negative person is put in you,you feel the heavy feeling that all in all,brings you down.
Sometimes we have no choice but to communicate with negative people.This could be a co-worker,or a relative.In this case,say what needs to be said as little as possible.Sometimes it feels good to let out your anger back to the negative person,but all this is to lower you to that same negative level and they won't feel ashamed of themselves about that.
Negativity often affects happiness without even being realized.The negative words of another at the start of the day can cling to(附着)you throughout the rest of your day,which makes you feel bad and steals your happiness.Life is too short to feel negative.Stay positive and avoid negativity as much as possible.
55.The purpose of the first paragraph is toA.
A.introduce a topic               
B.make a comparison
C.offer an evidence               
D.describe a daily scene
56.Some negative people base their happiness onC.
A.other people's pity for them           
B.other people's respect for them
C.making other people unhappy         
D.building up a positive attitude
57.According to the passage,to reduce negative people's influence on us,we are advised to.D
A.show our dissatisfaction to negative people     
B.change negative people's attitudes to life
C.make negative people feel ashamed of themselves
D.communicate with negative people as little as possible
58.What is the author's attitude towards negative people?B

分析 文章介绍消极的人会影响我们的情绪,作者介绍了怎么减少消极的人对我们的影响.

解答 ACDB 
55   A  推理判断题.由第一段可以概括得知,作者是用一个实例来引出下文要谈论的话题.故选A.
56    C   细节理解题.由文章第三段They only feel glad when they make others feel bad.可知,一些消极的人是把自己的快乐建立在别人的痛苦之上的,故C是正确答案.
57   D   细节理解题.由文章第五段Sometimes we have no choice but to communicate with negative people及say what needs to be said as little as possible可知,与消极的人尽量少说话,故D项正确.
58    B   推理判断题.通过概括全文可以得知,作者对negative people持批评态度,故选B.A项"赞成的";C项"冷漠的";D项"支持的",都不符合题意.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.Back those photos up
The images were striking.Homes on the East Coast were washed away by Superstorm Sandy.People were in tears,picking up faded photographs,among their only remaining possessions.
If that doesn't move you to get serious about safekeeping your lifetime of memories,what will?The digital age offers tools never imaginable before-including one-click access to a lifetime of family photos.
Here is a brochure on how to back up (存) your photos and save them online,where they can live forever and be accessible in good times and bad.
The first step for those old photos is to scan them and save them to a digital format.Most printers come with scanners these days,so that's an easy but extremely time-consuming step.
Storing the photos
With your scans in place,import the photos into your computer,and back them up.
You could make multiple copies of the disks and spread them to loved ones.Or you could choose external(外接的) hard drives or USB thumb drive,and add your photo and video collection from your computer.
Online backup
If you need lots of space,look at a pure online backup service,Caronite.
Caronite backs up 300million files daily.Once you sign up,it starts to pick up everything you have on your hard drive.But photo collection on your computer's main hard drive charges for﹩59a year.
Cloud Storage
For folks who don't need automatic backup,but instead want to take a more active approach,Dropbox,Google Drive and Microsoft's SkyDrive let you store files online by yourself,share and instantly access them.All offer free options-2GB of free storage for Dropbox,5GB for Google and 7GB for SkyDrive.But if you want more,you need to pay.
Bottom Line
The hard drive or flash drive is the cheapest and easiest.But drives can fail.Online services are more expensive,but more secure.With more of us switching back and forth between our computers,such services are the best way to get access to our data from wherever we are.

59.Why does the author mention Superstorm Sandy?B
A.To tell the background of the scanning photos.
B.To attract the readers'interest in the backups.
C.To describe a severe natural disaster.
D.To win the readers'sympathy.
60.What can we know from the passage?B
A.Scanning photos takes little time but costs a lot.
B.Caronite charges for backing up photos from hard drive.
C.Google Drive offers unlimited free photo storage on line.
D.The hard drive or flash drive is the cheapest and safest.
61.Which of the following allows storing files automatically?A
C.SkyDrive.D.Flash drive.
62.The main purpose of the passage is toB.
A.tell real stories about storage services
B.introduce some of the storage services
C.describe the functions of storage services
D.argue about the advantage of storage services.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I am a music store owner.One day,when I was cleaning the instruments in my store,I saw an old man come in.His short steps dragged on the carpet."Is 77too old to learn the banjo(班卓琴)?"he asked."It's never too late to learn to play,"I replied,holding back my doubts.My mind told me I was giving false encouragement.I reached the instructor's schedule and gave the rates,the available(有效的) time and additional information that he would need.To my surprise and delight,the old man,Carl,began banjo lessons three days later with my most patient teacher.
With nothing to do at home but practice,Carl made surprising progress.After breakfast he practiced for his required half hour.While waiting for lunch he picked up his banjo again for just a couple of minutes.Since TV was difficult for him to see and hear,he often played the banjo in the evenings.Carl was always early for lessons so it was a surprise that he didn't arrive one Tuesday.
The next morning I listened to the answering machine with sadness."Carl's in hospital,"the voice recorded.
Two months later,I shared the newspaper obituary with the banjo teacher.We both shed tears for a surprisingly clever banjo student.
Several months later,an old woman came into the store carrying a plant."This is for Carl's banjo teacher,"she said."I'm his wife,Mary."
"Why did Carl want to play banjo?"I asked.Mary took a deep breath and let it out slowly."Carl was at some show when he was 10years old.He came close to the stage to watch the performers.When they were picking up their instruments,the banjo player said to Carl,‘You want to see this up close?'Carl climbed up on the stage and from then on he wanted to play the banjo."Carl had waited 67years to realize this dream!Mary gave the plant to me."Thank you for the best six months of his life,"she said.

61.In Paragraph 2,the author's reaction to Carl's question showed that heD.
A.was willing to help   
B.didn't want to encourage Carl
C.didn't want to give him false encouragement
D.encouraged Carl though he had doubts
62.The underlined word"obituary"in Paragraph 5means a notice thatA.
A.announces somebody has died
B.announces somebody is needed
C.announces a good piece of news
D.announces a gift for somebody
63.Why did Carl want to learn banjo?C
A.Because his wife encouraged him to learn it.
B.Because he wanted to become a banjo performer.
C.Because he wanted to realize a dream from his early age.
D.Because he wanted to enjoy the last six months of his life.
64.It can be inferred from the passage thatB.
A.all roads lead to Rome
B.it's never too old to learn
C.well beginning is half done
D.a friend in need is a friend indeed.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9._______ the protective glasses when you begin the experiment,please.(  )
A.WearB.WearingC.WornD.To wear


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.You are watching a film in which two men are having a fight.They hit one another hard.At the start they only fight with their fists.But soon they begin hitting one another over the heads with chairs.And so it goes on until one of the men crashes (撞击) through a window and falls thirty feet to the ground below.He is dead!Of course he isn't really dead.With any luck he isn't even hurt.Why?Because the men who fall out of high windows or jump from fast moving trains,who crash cars or even catch fire,are professionals.They do this for a living.These men are called stuntmen.That is to say,they perform tricks.There are two sides to their work.They actually do most of the things you see on the screen.For example,they fall from a high building.However,they do not fall on to hard ground but on to empty cardboard boxes covered with a mattress (床垫).Again,when they hit one another with chairs,the chairs are made of soft wood and when they crash through windows,the glass is made of sugar!But although their work depends on trick of this sort,it also requires a high degree of skill and training.Often a stuntman's success depends on careful timing.For example,when he is"blown up"in a battle scene,he has to jump out of the way of the explosion just at the right moment.
  Naturally stuntmen are well paid for their work,but they lead dangerous lives.They often get seriously injured,and sometimes killed.A Norwegian stuntman,for example,skied over the edge of a cliff (悬崖) a thousand feet high.His parachute failed to open,and he was killed.In spite of all the risks,this is no longer a profession for men only.Men no longer dress up as women when actresses have to perform some dangerous action,for nowadays there are stuntgirls,too.
68.Stuntmen are those whoC
A.often dress up as actors 
B.prefer to lead dangerous lives 
C.often perform seemingly dangerous actions 
D.often fight each other for their lives 
69.Stuntmen earn their living byB
A.selling their special skills 
B.playing their dirty tricks 
C.jumping out of high windows 
D.jumping from fast moving trains 
70.When a stuntman falls from a high building,D.
A.he needs little protection 
B.he will be covered with a mattress 
C.his life is in danger
D.his safety is generally all right 
71.Which of the following is the main factor (因素) of a successful performance?B


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.I ran into a local store today to pick up a few things.With an important meeting to attend,I was in a hurry,so I didn't take a cart on my way inside.As I walked between the shelves in the store,I passed by a young couple and their baby.I continued going through the store,picked up a few items I needed and ended up standing behind this couple in the checkout line.
While waiting,I noticed that the young father was holding his money tightly and nervously watching each transaction(交易)on the register.The young mother was carrying a baby in her arms and asked the cashier for a job application(申请).
When the total was rung up,they had to pick items out of their cart because they didn't have enough money.But all their items were basic necessities that they needed most.It just broke my heart to watch the couple try to work out what they could do without.Somehow,they managed to whittle downtheir items and paid the bill with the money that they had.
After they left.I quietly asked the cashier to add those items to mine.The cashier rang everything up,and then got me a shopping cart.We put in their items and I hurried over to their car."This is for you,''I told them.
The young father just looked at me with such gratitude and thanked me.I will never forget the expression in his eyes.As I was getting into my car,they drove over.The young mother said,"Miss,thank you so much."
Tears welled up in my eyes--as they are again now,while I write this."You are so welcome.Pay it forward some day.''I replied.

46.The author didn't take a cart becauseD.
A.she was in such a hurry that she forgot it
B.there was no cart left in the store
C.carts were not provided in the store
D.she had something important to do l ater
47.The underl ined phrase"whittle down''in paragraph 3probably meansB
A.break down    B.cut down    C.pay for  D.make for
48.The author feltDto watch the couple taking some items out.
A.excited    B.disappointed    C.interested   D.sad
49.It can be inferred from the passage thatC
A.the young couple bought something unnecessary
B.the cashier looked down on the young couple
C.the young mother didn't have a job at present
D.the young father felt embarrassed to accept help
50.The author's main purpose in sharing the story is to tell usA
A.to help those who are in need    B.to take a cart while shopping
C.what a great deed she did        D.how to pick out basic necessities.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.In our home it was natural to fear our father.Even our mother was afraid of him.As children,my sister and I thought every family was like that---that every family had an unpredictable dad who was impossible to please and a praying mom who was there to protect the children.We were good children.Mom was always telling us we were,even if daddy couldn't see it.
Then came the day we found something new and fun to do.We discovered we could draw pictures with chalk on our wooden front door.We could have lots of fun,so we set to work drawing and making lots of pretty pictures all over it.We had a great time.We decided to finish our pictures,knowing mom would just love them.
The praise we expected did not come.We did not understand why,but we knew all about anger,and that we were in big trouble!Off we ran to find a place to hide.In our wooded yard it was not hard for two small children to find safety.Together,we hid behind a tree and did not move.Soon we heard the frightened voices of mom and our neighbors calling out to us.We were afraid we would be found.The sun set,and it began to get dark.Those around us became more anxious,and we became more frightened.As we stayed together in the dark,we heard another voice,one we recognized with great fear:our daddy.But there was something strangely different about it.In it we heard something we had never heard before:fear and despair.Our daddy with tears running down his face,promising God his life for the safe return of his girls.
Things were different after that.We had a new daddy; it was as if the old one had been buried that day in the yard.Our whole family had been changed by one piece of chalk.

32.The children drew pictures on the wooden front door in order toD.
A.improve their drawing skills
B.be praised by their mother
C.make the door beautiful
D.have fun
33.Why didn't the children come out when others were searching for them?A
A.They were afraid of being punished.
B.They wanted to make their father worry.
C.They wanted to tell their parents that they were wrong.
D.They wanted to stay there for the night.
34.What happened while the children were hiding?A
A.The mother told the neighbors about it.
B.The father came home early.
C.The father became very angry.
D.The children found it was interesting to do so.
35.What can we infer from the story?C
A.The father didn't love his children.
B.The father was too busy to talk with the children.
C.The children weren't afraid of their father after the incident.
D.The family was afraid of the father because of his rudeness.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.I really hadn't meant to yell at them.But that grey afternoon saw it just as my son and daughter were making a terrible mess on the floor in the kitchen.
With a tiresome report to write,I felt bothered at my desk.Suddenly,it occurred to me that my kids were at fault.A voice inside me insisted that I do something quickly.
"OK,you two here,but what an awful thing you are attempting!"shouting angrily,I made for them,while it became evident that  the boy wanted no part of me."Get away from us!"he shouted back,there being expression of support from his sister.
All of a sudden,I found the fault in myself.Quickly I shaped my hands into pincers(蟹钳) and crawled towards them,"Crabby(似螃蟹的)Daddy is here.Ha,Ha,Ha,he likes to yell at children,and then eat them!"My son continued to keep me away,but now he was laughing and crying at the same time.My mission to repair the damage caused by my yelling seemed to work well.Still,I regretted not having controlled myself first in a right way that my children could do after.
Need I let them know how badly they were acting by blaming them?This is a lesson that lets me think twice.It only shows just how to get rid of something (ill-feelings,responsibility) by blaming others.It's not my"best self".
We have to search for our"best self"when with our children.They don't need perfect parents,but they do need parents who are always trying to get better.Here,I'm reminded of the words of a great thinker,"When a man lives with God,his voice shall be as sweet as the murmur of the brook…"Then,in our lifetime,couldn't we always speak to our kids in such a sweet voice since most of us consider them as the most precious in the world?And before we reach this level,what should we do when we come across various difficult cases with our children?

56.The author couldn't help yelling at his kids probably becauseB.
A.the weather was so unpleasant
B.he was tired of his boring work
C.he was ill-tempered
D.he felt it a father's duty to do so
57.What does"the boy wanted no part of me"in the third paragraph mean?D
A.The boy was angry after I yelled at them.
B.The boy was afraid because I was angry.
C.The boy didn't want to see me.
D.The boy didn't want me to join them.
58.Which of the following statements is TRUE?C
A.The author enjoyed playing with his children despite the mess they made.
B.The girl also shouted at his father in support of the boy.
C.The boy's yelling back made the author aware of his fault.
D.The boy welcomed the author to join them because of his funny behavior.
59.It can be inferred that the author willC in similar situation next time.
A.play a crab again like this time
B.apologize to kids in a sincere way
C.avoid blaming kids in a hurry
D.beat them up about such things
60.What will the writer go on to write about in the following paragraph(s)?A
A.How to behave ourselves properly when kids are at fault.
B.How to play with our children in a more interesting way.
C.How to deal with the housework with children around us.
D.How to persuade children to do what they are told to.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.We once had a poster competition in our fifth grade art class.
"You could win prizes,"our teacher told us as she wrote the poster information on the blackboard.She passed out sheets of construction paper while continuing,"The first prize is ten dollars.You just have to make sure that the words on the blackboard appear somewhere on your poster."
We studied the board critically.Some of us looked with one eye and held up certain colors against the blackboard,rocking the sheets to the right or left while we conjured up our designs.Others twisted their hair around their fingers or chewed their erasers while deep in thought.We had plans for that ten-dollar grand prize,each and every one of us.I'm going to spend mine on candies,one hopeful would announce,while another practiced looking serious,wise and rich.
Everyone in the class made a poster.Some of us used parts of those fancy paper napkins,while others used nothing but colored construction paper.Some of us used big designs,and some of us preferred to gather our art tidily down in one corner of our poster and let the space draw the viewer's attention to it.Some of us would wander past the good students'desks and then return to our own projects with a growing sense of hopelessness.It was yet another grown-up trick of the sort they seemed especially fond of,making all of us believe we had a fair chance,and then always-always-rewarding the same old winners.
I believe I drew a sailboat,but I can't say that with any certainty.I made it.I admired it.I determined it to be the very best of all of the posters I had seen,and then I turned it in.
Minutes passed.No one came along to give me the grand prize,and then someone distracted me,and I probably never would have thought about that poster again.
I was still sitting at my desk,thinking,What poster?when the teacher gave me an envelope with a ten-dollar bill in it and everyone in the class applauded for me.
51.What was the teacher's requirement for the poster?D
A.It must appear in time.
B.It must be done in class.
C.It must be done on a construction sheet.
D.It must include the words on the blackboard.
52.The underlined phrase in Paragraph 3 most probably means"A".
A.formed an idea for          B.made an outline for
C.made some space for        D.chose some colors for
53.After seeing the good students'designs,some studentsD.
A.loved their own designs more
B.thought they had a fair chance
C.put their own designs in a corner
D.thought they would not win the prize
54.We can infer from the passage that the authorC.
A.enjoyed grown-up tricks very much
B.loved poster competitions very much
C.felt surprised to win the competition
D.became wise and rich after the competition.

