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    Are your table manners much better when you are eating at a friend’s home or in a restaurant than they are at your own home? Probably so.    1you are aware that people judge you by your table manners. You take special pains when you are eating    2. Have you ever stopped to realize how much less self-conscious you would be on such occasions if    3table manners had become a habit for you? You can make them a habit by    4good table manners at home.

    Good manners at mealtimes help you and those around you to feel    5. This is true at home as much as it is true in someone else’s home or in a restaurant. Good    6make meals more enjoyable for everyone at the table.

    By this time you probably know quite well what good table manners are. You    7that keeping your arms on the table, talking with your    8full and wolfing down your food are not considered good manners. You know also that if you are mannerly, you say “please” and “Thank you” and ask for things to be passed to you.

    Have you ever thought of a pleasant attitude as being    9to good table manners? Not only are pleasant mealtimes enjoyable, but they aid digestion. The dinner table is a    10for enjoyable conversation. It should never become a battleground. You are definitely growing in social maturity(成熟) when you try to be an agreeable table companion.

11A. because           B. but              C. unless               D. though

12A. in public         B. at home          C. at ease              D. in a hurry

13A. such              B. no               C. some             D. good

14A. acting                B. enjoying         C. practicing           D. watching

15A. comfortable       B. stressed         C. depressed            D. outstanding

16A. dishes                B. manners          C. atmospheres      D. friends

17A. mention           B. prefer               C. doubt                D. realize

18A. stomach           B. bands                C. mouth                D. bowl

19A. essential         B. considerate          C. obvious          D. unusual

20A. time              B. place                C. chance               D. way


    There is a tendency to think of each of the arts as a separate area of activity. Many artists,   1., would prove that there has always been a warm relationship between the various areas of human  activity.    2., in the late nineteenth century the connections between music and painting were particularly    3.。 Artists were invited to design clothes and settings for operas and ballets, but sometimes it was the musicians who were inspired(给…以灵感) by the work of contemporary painters. Of the musical compositions that were considered as    4.to the visual arts, perhaps the most famous is Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition.

    Mussorgsky composed the piece in 1874 after the death, at the age of 39, of the artist victor Hartmann.   5.their friendship had not been a particularly long-lasting one, Mussorgsky was shocked by Hartmann’s    6.death. The following year the critic, Vladimir Stasuv, who decided to hold an exhibition of Hartmann’s work, suggested that Mussorgsky try to    7.his grief by writing something in memory of Hartmann.

    The exhibition served as Mussorgsky’s inspiration. The ten pieces that made up Pictures at an Exhibition are intended as   8.rather than representations of the paintings in the exhibition. Between each is a promenade(舞曲中的行进),   9.the composer walks from one painting to another. The music is sometimes witty and playful, sometimes almost alarming and frightening. Through a range of surprising    10.. Mussorgsky manages to convey the spirit of the artist and his work.

11.A. therefore            B. however          C. moreover         D. otherwise

12.A. For example      B. On the contrary      C. In general           D. On the other hand

13.A. separate         B. unknown          C. close                D. relevant

14.A. links                B. additions            C. responses            D. keys

15.A. Before               B. Though           C. As               D. If

16.A. unavoidable      B. undiscovered     C. unnecessary      D. unexpected

17.A. control              B. relieve              C. conceal          D. represent

18.A. symbols          B. imaginations     C. contributions        D. subjects

19.A. but              B. for              C. once             D. as

20.A. paintings            B. topics               C. contrasts            D. visions




【详解】在朋友家或饭店的table manners 比在家好,是因为别人会通过table manners评判你。


【详解】由第一段的最后一句:在家吃饭养成好的table manners, 可以推出这一题是在 “in public”的情况下。


【详解】同样由本段最后一句的by practicing good table manners可以推出 good table manners had become a habit.


【详解】只有通过practice才能够 使table manners become a good habit.


【详解】Good manners 也就是礼貌,可以让边上的人感觉舒服。  comfortable “舒服的”; stressed “强调”; depressed “失望,情绪低落”  outstanding “杰出的,突出的”


【详解】从本段第一句就可以看出是good manners. 有礼貌会使人吃饭更香。


【详解】你意识到伏在桌上,满嘴食物说话,狼吞虎咽是不礼貌的。与前一句的you know…对应。


【详解】满嘴食物说话是不礼貌的。课文中原文出现过。talk with one’s mouth full


【详解】本题考测短语be essential to… 是…的关键,精髓所在 considerate 体贴的,考虑周到的。  obvious  明显的   unusual 不寻常的


【详解】餐桌是一个…的地方。本题考测短语  be a place for….. 餐桌,不会是a time, 也不会是a chance, 更不会是a way.


【详解】从文中可以看出,第一句和第二句有转折的关系,因此选择 however “然而”。  therefore “因此”  moreover “此外”   otherwise “否则”


【详解】从55题的转折关系,下面的就是所举的一个例子,因此选择 for example “例如”


【详解】从第一句说的是a separate area到a warm relationship说明这里想说的是这两者关系密切,所以选择close “接近”


【详解】Mussorgsky的画给人以置身于音乐的世界的感觉。response “响应,反应” link “联系” addition “补充”   key  “钥匙,关键” 从后文中所表达的意思可以看出,被认为反映可视艺术作品的乐曲中,Mussorgsky的画最出名。




【详解】意想不到的死亡。unavoidable不可避免的  undiscovered未被发现的  unnecessary不必要的。根据这意思,应当选择 unexpected意想不到的。


【详解】relieve one’s grief 从悲痛中解除出来, control控制  conceal 隐藏…  represent 代表


【详解】这十个作品只是一种标志/symbols. 是画的象征,而不是代表。画与画之间的不同的乐曲,让人去体会画的内在含义。




【详解】通过一系列的惊人的对比,Mussorgsky 成功地再现了画家及其作品的精髓。乐曲家,只能通过音乐来表现,与文章的第一段呼应,说明两者之间的联系和相同之处。




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

   What will you be doing when you are 26 years old? Studying at university or working for a living? Take a look at what Albert Einstein was doing at the age of 26.

   100 years ago, Einstein was working in Switzerland. His hobby was physics. Without much money or help, he wrote five papers(论文) for a physics magazine. Three of these greatly changed the study of physics and our understanding of space, time, light and matter(物质). His most famous work is on the Theory of Relativity(相对论). Einstein was given the Nobel Prize for his discoveries. Although he also did many other things later, the years 1905 has been called Einstein’s “Year of Wonders”. It has been 100 years since then. Because of this, the UN has named 05 the World Year of Physics.

   Today, over fifty years after Einstein’s death, a question is asked,  “ Will there ever be another Einstein?” It may take a long time. After all, Einstein was born more than 200 years after Sir Isaac Newton, another great scientist. Besides, physics is a different field now, and education is different, too. Even if you can’t be the next great scientist, it is still helpful to remember some of the things that made Einstein great. He thought independently(独立地) and read widely. He left with us a formula(公式) for life: If A is a success in life, then A=X+Y+Z. X is work, Y is play, and Z is keeping your mouth shut.

The year 1905 is known as Einstein’s “Year of Wonders” because           .

A. Einstein was working in Switzerland in 1905            B. Einstein was 26 years old in 1905

C. Einstein made some very important discoveries in 1905    D. Einstein studied physics in 1905

Why hasn’t there been another scientist as great as Einstein?

A. Because the study of physics is not enough.

B. Because it is hard to make important discoveries as Einstein did.

C. Because people don’t work hard any more.

D. Because physics is getting more and more difficult.

The UN has named 05 the World Year of Physics because           .

A. Einstein is 100 years old this year     

B. Einstein has been dead for more than 50 years

C. there have been other great discoveries after Einstein’s death 

D. it is the 100th year since Einstein’s “Year of Wonders”

What does Einstein’s formula for life mean?

A. Success means years of hard work.   

 B. Success means all study and no play.

C. Success means working hard, relaxing and not talking too much.

D. Success is a secret that nobody knows.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

One day, Raul was miles away from the small ranch(牧场) house in a large valley.   36

seemed to be all right, yet he felt strange and somewhat uneasy. The wind had picked up, and angry, dark clouds   37  across the sky. He could smell the rain coming. And it did.  38  ,the lightning flashed through the clouds, nearly   39    Raul. The thunder(雷声) was so loud that he buried his  40   in his hands and rubbed his eyes. Then he heard it. Hoof beats(蹄声).He   41  .There before him stood a tall, white   42  . An old man stared down at him from its back.

      “Wh-wh-who are y-y-you?” asked Raul. “My name is Gray Cloud,” the old man answered   43  .“Come with me.”

      Raul followed on his horse. A   44   feeling came over him. All    45    them the rain was pouring down,  46    not a drop fell on them. They seemed to be  47   back toward Raul’s home. Raul lost track of time. Then all at once he found  48  at the ranch gate. The old man turned his horse,  49  his hand, and smiled. Lightning flashed again. The old man and his horse were  50 .

Raul’s father ran out across the yard  to   51  him. “we have been  52  sick about you. Are you okay? Hurry. Let’s get in out of the  53  .”

   “Wait,” said Raul. “Have you ever heard of an old man called Gray Cloud?”

   “Can’t say I … wait. I  54  my great-grandfather used to tell storied about a man called Gray Cloud. He died a long time ago. They say he was  55  by lightning during a terrible thunderstorm. Why do you ask?”

36. A. Something 

B. Everything

C. Anything   

D. Nothing


B. fell 

C. rolled 

D. covered


B. Strongly 

C. Quickly 

D. Hardly


B. blinding 

C. burning 

D. touching


B. hair 

C. neck 

D. head

41.A.looked up 

B. woke up 

C. lay down 

D. sat down


B. horse 

C. lion 

D. elephant


B. angrily 

C. coldly 

D. slowly


B. common 

C. strange 

D. bad


B. beside 

C. through 

D. above


B. for 

C. so 

D. or


B. leading 

C. heading 

D. returning


B. themselves 

C. him 

D. himself


B. waved 

C. held 

D. took


B. left 

C. followed 

D. lost


B. meet 

C. beat 

D. ask


B. thought 

C. worried 

D. excited


B. wind 

C. grass 

D. rain


B. consider 

C. doubt 

D. forget


B. caught 

C. damaged 

D. struck


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江省温州中学高二上学期期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

One day, Raul was miles away from the small ranch (牧场)house in a large valley. Everything seemed to be all right, yet he felt strange and somewhat uneasy. The wind had picked up, and angry, dark clouds  31  across the sky. He could smell the rain coming. And it did.  32 , the lightning flashed through the clouds, nearly  33  Raul. The thunder (雷声) was so loud that he buried his head in his hands and rubbed his eyes. Then he heard it — hoof beats (蹄声). He  34 . There before him stood a tall, white horse. An old man stared down at him from its back.
“Wh-wh-who are y-y-you?” asked Raul. “Oh, my name is Gray Cloud,” the old man answered  35 , “come with me.”
Raul followed on with his horse. A  36  feeling came over him. All  37  them the rain was pouring down,  38  not a drop fell on them. They seemed to be  39  back toward Raul’s home. Raul lost track of time. Then all at once, he found  40  at the ranch gate. The old man turned his horse, waved his hand, and smiled. Lightning flashed again. The old man and his horse were  41 .
Raul’s father ran out across the yard to  42  him. “We have been  43  about you. Are you okay? Hurry. Let’s get in out of the  44 .”
“Wait,” said Raul. “Have you ever heard of an old man called Gray Cloud?”
“Can’t say I … wait. I believe my great-grandfather used to tell stories about a man called Gray Cloud. He died a long time ago. They all say he was  45  by lightning during a terrible thunderstorm. Why do you ask?” At this, Raul was really more shocked than puzzled.

A.looked upB.woke upC.lay downD.sat down
A.themB.themselves C.himD.himself


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年靖安中学高一下学期期末考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

  What will you be doing when you are 26 years old? Studying at university or working for a living? Take a look at what Albert Einstein was doing at the age of 26.
100 years ago, Einstein was working in Switzerland. His hobby was physics. Without much money or help, he wrote five papers(论文) for a physics magazine. Three of these greatly changed the study of physics and our understanding of space, time, light and matter(物质). His most famous work is on the Theory of Relativity(相对论). Einstein was given the Nobel Prize for his discoveries. Although he also did many other things later, the years 1905 has been called Einstein’s “Year of Wonders”. It has been 100 years since then. Because of this, the UN has named 05 the World Year of Physics.
Today, over fifty years after Einstein’s death, a question is asked,  “ Will there ever be another Einstein?” It may take a long time. After all, Einstein was born more than 200 years after Sir Isaac Newton, another great scientist. Besides, physics is a different field now, and education is different, too. Even if you can’t be the next great scientist, it is still helpful to remember some of the things that made Einstein great. He thought independently(独立地) and read widely. He left with us a formula(公式) for life: If A is a success in life, then A="X+Y+Z." X is work, Y is play, and Z is keeping your mouth shut.
【小题1】The year 1905 is known as Einstein’s “Year of Wonders” because           .

A.Einstein was working in Switzerland in 1905B.Einstein was 26 years old in 1905
C.Einstein made some very important discoveries in 1905D.Einstein studied physics in 1905
【小题2】Why hasn’t there been another scientist as great as Einstein?
A.Because the study of physics is not enough.
B.Because it is hard to make important discoveries as Einstein did.
C.Because people don’t work hard any more.
D.Because physics is getting more and more difficult.
【小题3】The UN has named 05 the World Year of Physics because           .
A.Einstein is 100 years old this year
B.Einstein has been dead for more than 50 years
C.there have been other great discoveries after Einstein’s death
D.it is the 100th year since Einstein’s “Year of Wonders”
【小题4】 What does Einstein’s formula for life mean?
A.Success means years of hard work.
B.Success means all study and no play.
C.Success means working hard, relaxing and not talking too much.
D.Success is a secret that nobody knows.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届浙江省高二上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

One day, Raul was miles away from the small ranch (牧场)house in a large valley. Everything seemed to be all right, yet he felt strange and somewhat uneasy. The wind had picked up, and angry, dark clouds  31  across the sky. He could smell the rain coming. And it did.  32 , the lightning flashed through the clouds, nearly  33  Raul. The thunder (雷声) was so loud that he buried his head in his hands and rubbed his eyes. Then he heard it — hoof beats (蹄声). He  34 . There before him stood a tall, white horse. An old man stared down at him from its back.

“Wh-wh-who are y-y-you?” asked Raul. “Oh, my name is Gray Cloud,” the old man answered  35 , “come with me.”

Raul followed on with his horse. A  36  feeling came over him. All  37  them the rain was pouring down,  38  not a drop fell on them. They seemed to be  39  back toward Raul’s home. Raul lost track of time. Then all at once, he found  40  at the ranch gate. The old man turned his horse, waved his hand, and smiled. Lightning flashed again. The old man and his horse were  41 .

Raul’s father ran out across the yard to  42  him. “We have been  43  about you. Are you okay? Hurry. Let’s get in out of the  44 .”

“Wait,” said Raul. “Have you ever heard of an old man called Gray Cloud?”

“Can’t say I … wait. I believe my great-grandfather used to tell stories about a man called Gray Cloud. He died a long time ago. They all say he was  45  by lightning during a terrible thunderstorm. Why do you ask?” At this, Raul was really more shocked than puzzled.

1.                A.dropped        B.fell            C.rolled    D.covered


2.                A.Suddenly       B.Strongly        C.Quickly   D.Hardly


3.                A.beating         B.blinding         C.burning   D.touching


4.                A.looked up       B.woke up        C.lay down  D.sat down


5.                A.lazily           B.angrily          C.freely    D.slowly


6.                A.natural         B.common        C.strange   D.sad


7.                A.around         B.beside          C.through  D.above


8.                A.yet            B.for            C.so   D.or


9.                A.reaching        B.leading         C.heading  D.returning


10.               A.them          B.themselves      C.him  D.himself


11.               A.gone          B.left            C.followed   D.lost


12.               A.see            B.meet          C.beat  D.ask


13.               A.waited         B.thought        C.worried   D.excited


14.               A.yard           B.wind           C.grass D.rain


15.               A.defeated       B.caught         C.damaged  D.struck



