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One evening, an elderly lady ___1.___ (drive) past a small town when one of her tires suddenly blew out. Even though all she had was only a flat tire, it was ___2.__ bad situation for a woman of her age. She was very ___3.__ (confuse), especially with the weather ____4.__ (get) colder and colder. At that moment, a man stopped his car in front of hers and asked ___5.____ she needed help. The old lady became even more nervous because the man looked poor and ____6.____ (hunger). However, since no one else had stopped to help her during the past hours, she stood back and let him help her. After the man finished changing the tire, the lady was willing ___7.____ (pay) him any amount of money. To her ___8.____ (astonish), the man replied that he just wanted to help her, just as others had helped him in the past. He didn’t want the lady to pay him back anything. Instead, he just wanted her to help others __9.__ need as well. Later that evening, the lady helped a heavily pregnant woman. _10.____ never occurred to her that the woman was the poor man’s wife.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017年黑龙江大庆实验中学高二上开学考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错






Yesterday my friend Julia and me had lunch in the Pizza Hut behind our school. I knew Julia wasn’t crazy about pizzas, but she came along just because me. At the table next to ours, there were two guys from our class. One of them was real funny. He tried to imitate all the customer in the Pizza Hut. We couldn’t stop to laughing. And there were some people whom did not like the fact that two boys were imitating them. They complained to an owner of the Pizza Hut, so he came over and tell them to stop. Seeing it, Julia and I was greatly embarrassed.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年河北邯郸一中高二上开学考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

假定你是李华,暑假想去一家外贸公司兼职,已写好申请书和个人简历(resume)。给外教Mr. Jenkins 写信,请她帮你修改所附材料的文字和格式(format)。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,已使行文连贯。












科目:高中英语 来源:2017届广西桂林市高三8月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Basketball Statistician Help Wanted

The Athletic Department is looking for students to help assist staff during the Fall 2016, Winter 2016-17 and Spring 2017 semesters. Students in this position will be keeping live statistics during basketball games. Students must meet all of the following requirements:

? Good computer skills

? Available evenings and weekends

? Knowing basketball rules and statistics

Students interested in working for the Athletic Department should contact the Athletic Coordinator at their respective(各自的) campuses.

? TP/SS Athletic Coordinator, Michael Simone,240-567-1308

? Rockville Athletic Coordinator, Jorge Zuniga,240-567-7589

? Springfield Athletic coordinator, Gary Miller,240-567-2273

? Germantown Athletic Coordinator, Gavri Chavan, 240-567-6915

1.When will the job start?

A. In May 2016.B. In September 2016.

C. In May 2017.D. In September 2017.

2.Who is more likely to get job?

A. Sam, English major, member of the college basketball team.

B. Judy, IT staff with night classes, children’s basketball team coach.

C. Ted, computer major, basketball fan, free on evenings and weekends.

D. Molly, part-time programmer, high school basketball player, new mother.

3.Whom should you contact if you want to apply for the job in Rockville?

A. Michael.B. Jorge.C. Gavri.D. Gary.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年重庆万州第二高级中学高二上期入学考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Our environment isn’t as green and beautiful as it should be. There are steel(钢铁) monsters blocking out the sun, blowing out dangerous smoke, and letting out poisonous chemicals into rivers, cars producing harmful waste gas, people throwing out waste in a wrong way and all other kinds of sources that ruin the planet. Facing current environmental problems, people need to do their best to save the earth.

You can see many big garbage dustbins in the streets. They’re not there for a show, but for you to drop your waste. We should realize that what we do does count. So next time you get that urge to throw gum or a chocolate package out of the car window, or “accidentally” drop as you walk down the street, ask yourself how much waste you’ve been contributing to the environment with that bad habit going on for years.

At home, the first thing we can do to protect the environment is avoid letting water run continuously and make sure that taps(水龙头)are not leaky(漏的),which would help greatly in scrimping. Another is to use energy-saving lights, and turn them off before you leave the rooms. It is not only energy-saving, but also cuts down electricity costs.

Recycling is a method to make items reusable. Many things you want to throw out can be made into new products through the reproducing process. Use your imagination to come up with ways on things that you can use again.

Pass the message of simple ways to save the environment on to kids. Starting with kids is a good way of teaching the message early in their lives, in the hope that they can carry it forward as they grow older.

With environmental protection awareness in mind, we can do what we can, for the results are to have a big effect on the planet. As long as we do our part, the world is one small step closer to being saved.

1.In the first paragraph the author uses “steel monsters” to describe ________.

A. huge buildingsB. high mountains

C. big factoriesD. characters in fairy stories

2.From the fifth paragraph, we can know that ________.

A. protecting the environment begins with small chores

B. protecting the environment should start from childhood

C. wonderful life comes from environmental protection

D. protecting the environment benefits the country and the people

3.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The more people do their part, the greener the environment will be.

B. Selling what you don’t want any more is a kind of recycling.

C. To protect the environment may help you save some money.

D. Your bad habits for the environment are a valuable contribution.

4.The passage is mainly about ________.

A. the use of garbage dustbins

B. how to save water and electricity

C. how to save the environment

D. our current environmental problems


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年辽宁大连十一中高一下期第二学段考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Bottled water is a drain on the environment: The US public goes through about 50 billion water bottles a year, and most of those plastic containers are not recycled, according to Elizabeth Royte’s book Bottlemania: How Water Went on Sale and Why We Bought It.

Transporting the bottles and keeping them cold also burns fuels, which give off greenhouse gases. And groundwater pumping by bottled water companies draws heavily on underground aquifers(含水层) and harms watersheds(分水岭), according to the Sierra Club. And some studies suggest it takes up to three liters of water to produce one liter of bottled water.

Yet more than $100 billion is spent every year on bottled water globally. In many cities in developing countries where there is not a safe source of tap water, bottled water becomes a trusted choice.

In the US, tap water is controlled by the government and often examined for dangerous polluted substances. Each American drinks 79 liters of bottled water per year on average, according to the Columbia Water Center at Columbia University’s Earth Institute in New York. The bottled water industry is so successful that it has outpaced(超过) milk, coffee, and juice in the number of gallons of drinks sold — putting it behind only beer and soda.

Though the sale and consumption (消费) of bottled water is still on the rise, certain policymakers have taken steps to reduce it and encourage people to drink tap water. In September 2009, the Australian town of Bundanoon became the first town in the world to completely ban bottled water from its stores’ shelves, building water fountains(喷泉) around the town instead.

Among US cities that have taken action are San Francisco and Seattle, which no longer buy water for city use, and Chicago, which added a five-cent tax on each bottle. Several restaurants in those cities have also given up bottled water for tap water. Other cities are also considering taking action.

1.What does the underlined word "drain" in the first paragraph probably mean?

A. Value.B. Consumption.C. Solution.D. Relief (缓解).

2.What is the second paragraph mainly about?

A. Why bottled water is so popular.

B. What Elizabeth Royte’s book is about.

C. How much it takes to produce bottled water.

D. What effects bottled water has on the environment.

3.According to the passage, what drink sells best in the USA?

A. BeerB. Bottled waterC. CoffeeD. Milk

4.Which of the following statements about the US is TRUE?

A. More than $100 billion is spent every year on bottled water in the US.

B. About 79 billion water bottles a year are gone through by the US public.

C. In Chicago, you have to pay 5 cents as tax if you buy a bottle of water.

D. An American drinks 50 liters of bottled water every year on average.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届云南临沧一中高三上第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


I was at the post office early that morning, hoping to be in and out in a short while. Yet, I __ myself standing in a queue that went all the way into the hallway. I had never seen so many people there on a weekday. It seemed someone might have made an announcement, welcoming customers to carry as many as they could and bring them in when I needed to have my own package __. The queue moved very slowly. My patience ran out and I got __ .The longer it took, the angrier I became. When I got to the counter finally, I finished my __ quickly and briefly, and then walked past the queue that was now extending past the front door.

“Excuse me,” I said, trying not to be too pushy. Several people had to move __ to make room for me to get to the .

I stepped out, complaining about the conditions. Thinking I was going to be late for my dentist appointment, I headed into the parking lot.

A woman was coming across the lot in my . She was walking with determination, and each step sounded very heavy. I that she looked as if she could breathe fire. It stopped me in my tracks. I myself and it wasn't pretty.Had I looked like that? Her body language said that she was having a day. My anger melted away.I wished I could wrap her in a hug but I was a . So I did what I could in a minute she hurried past me---I smiled. In a second everything changed. She was astonished, then somewhat . Then her face softened and her shoulders . I saw her take a deep breath.Her pace slowed and she smiled back at me as we passed each other.

I continued to smile all the way to my . Wow, it's amazing what a simple smile can do.

From then on, I became aware of people’s and my own, the way we show our feelings. Now I use that every day to let it me that when facing the world, I can try a smile.

1.A.found B.helped C.troubled D.enjoyed

2.A.things B.packages C.chances D.dollars

3.A.lifted B.cashed C.weighed D.carried

4.A.pleased B.disappointed C.delighted D.annoyed

5.A.business B.choice C.situation D.attitude

6.A.away B.about C.along D.aside

7.A.counter B.cashier C.exit D.entrance

8.A.weather B.service C.work D.shopping

9.A.satisfaction B.decision C.direction D.imagination

10.A.announced B.discovered C.proved D.noticed

11.A.trusted B.recognized C.hid D.persuaded

12.A.rough B.bright C.big D.nice

13.A.gentleman B.stranger C.customer D.passenger

14.A.until B.though C.before D.since

15.A.attracted B.frightened C.cheered D.confused

16.A.trembled B.raised C.relaxed D.tightened

17.A.car B.office C.home D.doctor

18.A.appearances B.reactions C.judgments D.expressions

19.A.treatment B.awareness C.conclusion D.achievement

20.A.remind B.show C.give D.tell


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届山西长治二中等五校高三上第一次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


My husband and I were paying a visit 1. my parents in Tucson. We went to a fast-food restaurant for dinner together. My husband went to the counter 2. (order) dishes and I stood with my parents.

My dad is 90 years old. He can hardly see very well and walks with a stick. I was scanning the restaurant, 3. (wait) to sit at the first table that was 4. (convenient) than others. A woman who was sitting with her son made eye contact with me and asked me to come to her. With a 5. (puzzle) look on my face, I pointed to myself and said, “Me?” She 6. (nod) and said , “ Yes, you.” I walked to the table and she said, “Bring your family here. I can finish eating at the counter. My son is in 7. hurry to leave anyway.” My eyes 8. (fill) with tears as she wiped down the table and guided my dad to the seat.

I always believe that there are 9. (nature) kind people in this world. This woman has set a good example to her son, 10. is a really lucky guy.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年新疆哈密地区二中高二下期末考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


You wake up in the morning, the day is beautiful and the plans for the day are what you have been looking forward to for a long time. Then the telephone rings, you say hello, and the drama starts. The person on the other end has a depressing tone in his voice as he starts to tell you how terrible his morning is and that there is nothing to look forward to. You are still in a wonderful mood? Impossible!

Communicating with negative people can wash out your happiness. It may not change what you think, but communicating long enough with them will make you feel depressed for a moment or a long time.

Life brings ups and downs, but some people are stuck in the wrong idea that life has no happiness to offer. They only feel glad when they make others feel bad. No wonder they can hardly win others’ pity or respect.

When you communicate with positive people, your spirit stays happy and therefore more positive things are attracted.When the dagger(匕首) of a negative person is put in you, you feel the heavy feeling that all in all, brings you down.

Sometimes we have no choice but to communicate with negative people. This could be a co-worker, or a relative. In this case, say what needs to be said as little as possible. Sometimes it feels good to let out your anger back to the negative person, but all this does is to lower you to that same negative level and they won’t feel ashamed of themselves about that.

Negativity often affects happiness without even being realized. The negative words of another at the start of the day can cling to(附着) you throughout the rest of your day, which makes you feel bad and steals your happiness. Life is too short to feel negative. Stay positive and avoid negativity as much as possible.

1.The purpose of the first paragraph is to ________.

A. make a comparisonB. offer an evidence

C. describe a daily sceneD. introduce a topic

2.How can negative people affect us?

A. By changing our ways of thinking.

B. By telling us the nature of life.

C. By influencing our emotion.

D. By comparing their attitudes to life with ours.

3.Some negative people base their happiness on ________.

A. making other people unhappy

B. other people’s pity for them

C. building up a positive attitude

D. other people’s respect for them

4.According to the passage, to reduce negative people’s influence on us,we are advised to ________.

A. change negative people’s attitudes to life

B. communicate with negative people as little as possible

C. make negative people feel ashamed of themselves

D. show our dissatisfaction to negative people

