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7.Dar and I loved to dance.It was probably the first thing we did together,long before we would share our lives.
We grew up in a small Oregon mountain community where dances were held almost every Saturday night.Dar was seventeen and l was thirteen when we first danced.He was one of the best dancers on the floor,and so was I.We always jitterbugged.No slow dancing for us; nothing remotely romantic.
Our fathers would stand along the wall and watch.Every once in a while,Dar's dad would smile a little and say,to no one in particular,but my dad could hear,"Boy,my kid can sure dance."My dad never blinked an eye; he acted like he'd never heard.But a while later he would say,to no one in particular,"That girl of mine can sure dance."
Our dancing together stopped for five years while Dar was in the South Pacific in World War II.When we met again,Dar was twenty-two,and l was eighteen.We began to date and dance again.We were as good together as we remembered,and this time we added slow dancing.
For us,life is a dance,a movement of rhythms,directions,stumbles,missteps,at times slow and precise,or fast and wild and joyous.We did all the steps.
Two nights before Dar died,the family were with us.We all ate dinner together,and Dar sat with us.He hadn't been able to eat for several days.After dinner,I put on a Nat King Cole tape.Dar took me in his arms,weak as he was,and we danced and smiled.No tears for us.We were doing what we had loved to do for more than fifty years.It was our last dance---forever unforgettable.I wouldn't have missed it for the world.

21.The author first danced with Dar whenA.
A.they were still in their teens
B.they began to date each other
C.they began to share their lives
D.Dar returned from the South Pacific
22.What does the author mean by the underlined sentence in paragraph 3?D
A.Her dad didn't like Dar's father.
B.Her dad was not interested in the dance.
C.Her dad was too focused on his daughter.
D.Her dad thought his daughter danced better.
23.How did the author feel when she danced with Dar for the last time?B
24.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?B
A.My Unforgettable Dancing Partner
B.Dance Together to the Last
C.My Last Dance with Dar             
D.The Best Dancers.

分析 本文属于记叙文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了Dar和我以舞蹈结缘,最后他也在舞蹈中去世的故事.

解答 21.A.细节理解题.根据第二段第一二句Dar was seventeen and l was thirteen when we first danced.可知我们第一次一起跳舞的时候,他17岁,我13岁,我们都是十几岁的时候.故A正确.
22.D.句意理解题.根据前句Dar's dad would smile a little and say,to no one in particular,but my dad could hear,"Boy,my kid can sure dance."可知Dar的父亲在炫耀Dar的舞跳得很好.而我的父亲对此并不认同,所以在本段最后我的父亲说"That girl of mine can sure dance."所以划线句表示:我的父亲认为我跳得更好.故D项正确.
23.B.推理判断题.根据文章最后四句No tears for us.We were doing what we had loved to do for more than fifty years.It was our last dance---forever unforgettable.I wouldn't have missed it for the world.可知在最后一次舞蹈中,我们并没有流泪,因为我们在做我们真正喜欢做的事情.所以我的心情并不难过,应该使用褒义词形容我的心情.选项中只有B项"content"是一个褒义词.故B项正确.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.It was not a situation________ the volunteers are anxious._________,they saw it as one that would inspire them to try a better solution.(  )
A.that,On the other handB.about which,In addition
C.where,Aside fromD.about which,On the contrary


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.It was Sunday yesterday and my son and I walked a couple of miles in the morning.We got hungry so we decided to stop for a meal in a restaurant.While we were waiting in a line,a woman came in.She was very angry and talking about a beggar who had asked her for money.In her opinion,those people had the ability to earn their bread and butter.
I was feeling uncomfortable with the situation and wondering what I should say to my son later.I had told him that we should help those who were in need of help.At that time the lady said,"Today is my birthday,and nobody can bother me."
I knew this was my chance to help her change her thinking and to help her feel cared for on her birthday.I asked the waitress for help,telling her I wanted to pay for the woman's meal.
The waitress looked at me in surprise.I paid for our meal and that of the woman.When the woman finished eating her food,the waitress told her that it was I who had paid for her meal.Then the woman came to our table and tried to force her money on us.She even said,"I can't take your money,because I didn't help the person who asked me for money for food!"
I just smiled and said,"I just hope you have a very nice birthday."
She ended up sitting near us and talked with us.It turned out that she was crazy about animals.Hearing our stories of pet adoptions really cheered her up."You are a nice father,"she said.
She left,seeming to be happier and more thoughtful about all that had happened.I'd say it was worth the price.

1.The author and his son stopped walking that morning becauseC.
A.they were too tired to walk any farther     
B.the author felt sick and had to return home
C.they were hungry and needed to eat something
D.a woman stopped them and asked for some money
2.What did the author do to show his care for the woman?A
A.He paid for the woman's meal.
B.He gave the woman some money.
C.He bought a birthday gift for the woman.
D.He talked with the woman about pet adoptions.
3.By"I'd say it was worth the price",the author meantB.
A.the restaurant gave him a big discount          
B.what he did for the woman was meaningful
C.one should be generous with his money           
D.the price he paid for the meal was reasonable.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.Mr.Black,as well as the professor who_______ from Beijing University,________ to attend our school meeting.(  )
A.come;  isB.comes;  areC.comes;  isD.come;  are


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

Last Friday we have a discussion about whether it is the only way out for senior students to go to college.Views vary from person to person.The majority of us consider this very necessary to go to college.They think it can be widen their knowledge and improve their qualities.Only in this way can they find better jobs before graduation.Very few students think it no use go to university,because the tuition is too high for their family to afford.What's more,it's rather hard for college graduates to seek satisfied jobs.Thirty percents of the students,however,believe"All roads lead Rome."Therefore,it doesn't make some difference whether they go to college or not.
In my opinion,we can better themselves through college education so that we can serve society better in the future.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.Unlikeother easy-handle roles,the chance to play the British secret agent was a big
moment in Tom's life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

16.The present situation has somesimilarity (similar) to that of the 1970s.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Throughout the world,clothing has many uses.It is used to provide protection from cold.It is also worn to prevent others from seeing specific parts of one's body.However,the parts of the body that must be covered vary widely throughout the world.Some clothing is worn to provide supernatural protection.Wearing a lucky shirt to take an exam is calling for supernatural assistance.
People in all cultures use clothing and other forms of bodily decoration to communicate status(身份),intentions and other messages.In North America,we dress differently for business and various leisure activities.North American women usually are much more knowledgeable of little difference in messages communicated by clothes than men.At times,this leads to silly mistakes of understanding of female intentions on the part of men.Of course,clothing styles also are intended to communicate messages to members of the same gender(性别).
Long before we are near enough to talk to someone,their appearance tells their gender,age,economic class,and often even intentions.We begin to recognize the important cultural clues at an early age.The vocabulary of dress that we learn includes not only items of clothing but also hairstyles,jewelry,and other body decoration.In most cultures,however,the same style of dress communicates different messages depending on the age,gender,and physical appearance of the individual wearing it.
Putting on certain types of clothing can change your behavior and the behavior of others towards you.This can be the case with a doctor's white lab coat,or an army uniform.Most uniforms are clearly symbolic so that they can rapidly and unmistakably communicate status.For instance,the strange hairstyle and clothing of the English"punks"are essential aspects of their uniforms.
There are many forms of body decoration other than clothes that are used around the world to send messages.These include body and hair paint,and even body deformation.When doctors put braces on teeth,they are actually doing the same thing-deforming or reforming a part of the body to make it more attractive.
33.Which of the following is the best title for this passage?D
A.Clothing and Culture
B.Ways of Sending Message
C.Clothing and Social Behavior
D.Communication through Clothing
34.Some people wear lucky shirts to take an exam because they believeB.
A.clothes can hide t heir fear for the exam
B.clothes have extraordinary power
C.shirts can make them more comfortable
D.shirts provide protection against bad weather
35.From the passage,it can be inferred thatA.
A.clothing plays an important role in social activities
B.words of dress are unable to communicate different messages
C.dress is better than language in communicating messages
D.messages communicated by clothes are the same in different cultures.

