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   Maybe it's Katie,the North Carolina native who started a community(社区) garden at her elementary scRool as a means to support her local food bank,forming an organization that has since spread to nearly 30 states.

  Perhaps itJ s Ashley,the Colorado student who,while on a field trip to Africa,saw the bad situation of young girls there and decided to find a way to help them. She went on to found an organization that has since provided education for more than 40 ,000 African girls through 13 new schools in East Africa.

  Or maybe it's Shawn,the young man growing up in Queens who decided to work together with his classmates to take back empty land near his school that was plagued with drugs and criminal activities,establishing a garden taken care of by the students.

  It is hard for T. A. Barron to pick the young hero. In fact,they all inspire the writer,who was honored for his contributions (^" life.) to literature for diildren and young adults.

  In 2001,Barron founded the Gloria Ba?on Prize for Young Heroes,a program that aims to,as Barron describes it, spread the word about the examples young heroes make,so that other young people from all backgrounds will be inspired to do something themselves to make the world better."

  In the 15 years since its founding,the Gloria Barron Prize has awarded more than $540,000 to 364 young leaders. The honorees come from 46 states,the District of Columbia,and Canada,and have raised more than $ 15 million for their causes.

 “Every single year we have kids that just knock me out with the things they have done to help others,or help the environment,or help the? cortimunity,” says Barron. “I hope their examples will empower other kids to do the same thing,in whatever way they choose."

5. The three young people mentioned at the beginning of the text .

   A. improved their communities

   B. helped students in Africa 

    C. are friends of Barron

   D. inspire Barron a lot

6. The underlined words “wa& plagued with” in Paragraph 3 most probably mean “

   A. was free from   B. was fighting for

    C. was suffering from   D. was suitable for

7. What's the purpose of the Gloria Barron Prize?

   A. To recognize,the best youth for colleges.

   B. To raise money for young heroes’ causes,

    C. To help young heroes with their education.

   D. To encourage the heroic efforts of young people.

8. The last paragraph mainly talks about .

   A. Barron's hopes for kids

   B. kids that set good examples

    C. kids’ ways of doing good deeds   

    D. Barron's advice on helping others 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                A ★★★☆

A Trip with Grandma 

    Little Sprout is a lovely hamster (仓鼠) ,who is about to go on his first overnight trip with his grandmother and sister,but the thought of being away from his parents makes him nervous. Thankfully,Sprout has brought along a stuffed animal. Gradually,he finds himself having more fun. This hamster will help your child find the courage to take his first trip away from home.

Lately Lily 

    Lily is a brave girl whose parents are travel writers. She is travelling the world with her parents and her best friend Zeborah. Together,they explore the world and make new friends. The bright colours of the illustrations(插图) bring the wonders of travelling to life. The book focuses on the exciting exploration and will encourage readers to venture into the world. There is also a fun App offered to feature Lily on a tour of Paris.

Greetings from Kiwi and Pear 

    Kiwi and Pear are two little monkeys who start an adventure around the world. They send readers a postcard from each place they visit. The monkeys visit some of the most famous places,including the Eiffel Tower and the Taj Mahal. The book comes with a map that shows all the stops on their journey. Readers can track the monkeys’ trip as they travel the world,giving kids a chance to learn some geography.

Not For Parents series 

   Lonely Planet is the largest travel guide book publisher in the world. It started a series designed for young travellers. Today,the series totals more than 20 books about the wonders of the world,how to be a world explorer and even how to search for dinosaurs. The humor of the books will attract children and make it easy for them to remember what they are reading.

1. Why does little Sprout feel upset?

   A. He has lost his stuffed animal.

   B. His grandmother treats him badly.

    C. He is unwilling to travel with his sister.

   D. He will be separate from his parents for some time.

2. What do we know about Lily?

   A. She is a courageous girl.

   B. She wants to be a travel writer.

    C. She makes a new friend called Zeborah.

   D. She makes use of an App to guide her trip.

3. Which of the following contains a map that shows the stops of the trip?

   A. Lately Lily.

   B. Not For Parents series,

    C. A Trip with Grandma.

   D. Greetings from Kiwi and Pear.

4. Both Lately Lily and Greetings from Kiwi and Pear.

   A. use humorous words

   B. are about adventurous stories

    C. tell science fiction stories 

   D. teach kids to love their family 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Five of us went off to Amsterdam late last summer for a week. We finished our holiday jobs and thought we deserved a break. We got a cheap flight to Amsterdam,took a bus into town,and went to see the sights. .

   None of US knew the place,so it was a bit of an adventure,and we got completely lost at one point.

My friend Dave nearly fell into ? canal when we were crossing a bridge because he wasn,t looking where he was going!But we managed to find the Van Gogh Museum,where we had to queue for two hours. There were so many people!While we were waiting there,I met an old friend from school. The world is a small place!

   We stayed in a travellers’hostel(招待所) ,and met some friendly Italians who were staying there too. The hostel was cheap and clean. Ten people in one dormitory can be a problem!And for food,we generally ate in fast food restaurants. Did you know the Dutch have mayonnaise (蛋黄酱) with their chips? But on my birthday we had a special meal at an Indonesian restaurant.

   Anyway,public transport is good,so it's easy to get around the city. A lot of people rent bikes,but we preferred to go by bus. You have to be careful though. You get your ticket from a machine,not from the driver. When we were going to the Vondelpark on Friday,two of the boys didn’ t have any money to buy a ticket,and an inspector caught them. They had to pay five times the fare!They tried to say they were foreigners,but the man didn' t accept that. The rest of us just laughed. In the end,we all had a great time and would love to go back to Holland.

1. Why did the author decide to go to Amsterdam?

   A. To visit his friends.

   B. To find a holiday job. 

    C. To take a business trip.

   D. To enjoy a summer holiday.

2. What happened to the author after he arrived in Amsterdam?

   A. He fell into a canal.

   B. He came across his old friend.

    C. He had a quarrel with his friends.

   D. He couldn' t  find the Van Gogh Museum.

3. What was the author's problem according to Paragraph 3 ?

   A. There were too many people in one room.

   B. The local people were not very friendly.

    C. The meals in fast food restaurants were bad.

   D. He had to clean the room while living in a travelers,hostel.

4. What did the author think of his stay in Amsterdam?

   A. Boring.     B. Exciting.

    C. Tough.      D. Disappointing.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Everything worked out so smoothly and everyone was so kind to me,an America girl,that I had the most wonderful time as a volunteer teacher there.

   I felt at home right away. Also my host family was amazing.  I really found ? secoiid family in Thailand and we got along well even without speaking the same language. My host mother made a great effort to leam some English and I did my best to learn a couple of Thai words .

   Teaching was great fun and also quite challenging because I taught many different classes at different levels of English. So I always had to first check and then quickly adapt to (适应) their levels of English.

   But luckily,all the former teachers kept a teacher’ s diary and wrote down their exp?riences with the students so I could check in advance what kind of games or exercises they had been doing. Its stress was on conversation. And this was best done through little games. Students loved the competition and teaming up against each other. It sometimes took a bit to involve them because they were often very shy. But once they warmed up it was so much fun. I must say I enjoyed all the classes.

   On Sundays I went to temple school to teach the little students together with other teachers from Prangku. All the teachers at Prajigku were willing to spend much of their own free time helping these students. And the students were so nice,polite and really eager to learn English.

  I want to share this experience with everyone who enjoys being with children,and with everyone who is interested in getting to know a new culture. This is really an unforgettable experience.

1. Living with the host family,the author .

   A. became part of the family quickly

   B. found what the family did was strange 

    C. was often misunderstood by the family   

    D. could talk with the family fluently in Thai

2. Why did the author consider teaching in Thailand a challenge?

   A. No teacher gave her a helping hand.

   B. Her students were too shy to speak English,

    C. She had difficulty dealing with large classes.

   D. Her students were at different levels of English.

3. According to the author,teachers,from Prangku

   A. recorded studentsJ activities in a diary

   B. thought highly of what the author did 

    C. had a strong sense of responsibility   

    D. were not good at organizing games

4. The author thinks her experience in Thailand is

   A. worthwhile   B. adventurous

    C. uncomfortable   D. doubtful 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   In the mid-1800s,two chance events occurred in the life of a young “gold rusher” that resulted in the creation of the world's first pair of jeans. Twenty-three-year-old Levi Strauss,a Bavarian immigrant (?? R.) working at his brothers,dry goods store in New York City,didn't join the gold rush. He wanted to sell diy goods to the miners.

   So in January of 1853,Levi Strauss began selling dry goods in San Francisco. Business went well for him and Levi became a wealthy man. Then the first chance event presented itself to Levi. Levi imagined that the gold miners would require denim(牛仔布) with which to build tents. He was wrong. Pleasant California weather persuaded miners to sleep directly under the stars. Levi would have to find another use for his yards and yards of brown denim. The first generation of jeans was bom. They were named “waist overalls”.

   Then the second chance event occurred. Jacob Davis,a Nevada tailor (^ invented a method of strengthening the trousers. He placed metal rivets 4t) at pocket comers. He didn't have the money to apply for a patent i'J) for his idea,so he sent Levi a letter. Perhaps Levi would be interested in paying for the paperwork so that the two men could apply for the patent together. Levi agreed and the second generation of jeans was bom. The term jeans was bom out of the name of an Italian city,Genoa,where denim could be bought.

   Jeans didn't change the life of Levi greatly. He and Jacob Davis did earn good money from their successful riveted denim trousers,but Levi was already a wealthy man. Denim jeans did greatly alter the lives of the rest of US. Today more than a hundred years later,Levi' s  jeans are still popular all over the world.

9. Before inventing jeans,Levi Strauss was .

   A. a rich man   B. a tent builder

    C. a famous tailor   D. a miner in California

10. What do we know about the second generation of jeans?

   A. It was made in Italy.

   B. It was not given a patent.

    C. It was called “waist overalls”.

   D. It was improved by Jacob Davis.

11. The underlined word “alter” in the last paragraph probably means.

   A. guide   B. ruin

    C. change   D. shape

12. What might be the best title for the text?

   A. A clever tailor

   B. The best trousers

    C. The invention of jeans   

    D. The process of making jeans


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

    Julia McWilliams,who would later be known as the French Chef(大厨) Julia Child,was bom in California in 1912. She was an athletic young woman who played tennis,golf,and basketball,but cooking was not yet on her mind. She hoped to be a writer. Therefore,when she graduated from Smith College in 1934 with a degree in English,Julia headed to New York and began ? career in advertising as ? copywriter.

    Julia got married with Paul Child in 1946. Two years later,they moved to Paris. After eating at France's oldest * restaurant,La Couronne,Julia realized that cooking was her passion and she attended the world-famous Le Cordon Bleu cooking school. She also joined a women's cooking club.

    Through the club,Julia met two French women who were writing a French cookbook for Americans. They hoped that Julia would be able to work with them to make the book attractive to Americans. They worked together on the book for 10 years. Several times it was rejected for being too big or too much like an (百科全书) . But finally,in 1961,when the 726-page Mastering the Art of French Cooking was published in the United States,it became a best-seller.

    Based on the popularity of her book,Julia was invited to cook live on air as a guest on a public television show in Boston. Her segme咐(视频片段) was so popular that the station decided to invite her back to host her own cooking show — The French Chef.

    When Julia died in 2004,she was arguably the most famous French chef.

5. When Julia graduated from Smith College,her dream was to be .

   A. an advertiser   B. a writer

    C. a chef         D. an athlete

6. What inspired Julia to become a chef?

   A. A cooking show.

   B. A cooking book.

    C. A meal in La C?uronne.

   D. A women's cooking club. .

7. What do we know about Mastering the Art of French Cooking?

   A. It was very expensive.

   B. It was written for the French,

    C. It took two years to complete.

   D. It was very popular in America.

8. The text is mainly written .

   A. to introduce Julia Child

    B. to advertise French food 

    C. to introduce a cooking book   

    D. to popularize a cooking show 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. Nowadays I can choose online courses and study by.

   A. I   B. me

    C. my   D. myself           (2015 上海)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. Sue made a cake (her) without her mother’s help.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 31. I painted the apartment quickly my parents could move in soon.

   A. although   B. unless    C. so that   D. as soon as 

