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6.Why ________ it rain on Sundays?We can't go camping as planned.What a pity!(  )

分析 为什么偏要星期天下雨?我们不能按计划去野营了.多么遗憾!

解答 答案是C.本题考查情态动词must的用法.情态动词must常常可以用于问句中表示生气和不满"偏偏,非要";根据句意,说话人想要去野营,所以对星期天下雨不满意"为什么偏要下雨",所以答案选C.

点评 要在正确理解情态动词的基本含义的基础上,整体理解语境中的情感态度,做出合理的判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.Camera flashes cut across the softly lighted downtown Los Angeles restaurant,as the crowd at Ludo Bites jostles(推挤)for the photo-of the Columbian River king salmon duck."This is the game we all now play,"chef and owner Ludo Lefebvre said."We cook,we smile-and the people,they don't eat.They get their cameras."
Not so long ago,diners,hungry for special meals,would pull out a point-and-shoot at a restaurant for a quick picture of sliced birthday cake.
No more.Taking a cue from Twitter and Facebook cultures,serious foodies(美食家)and casual consumers alike are using digital technology to document each bite,then sharing the pictures online.
Flickr,the photo-sharing website,has seen the number of pictures tagged as"food"jump from about half a million in 2008to more than 6million today,according to company officials.In the group"I Ate This"on Flickr's site,nearly 20,000people have uploaded more than 307,000images of their latest meals.
Camera manufacturers are joining the trend,selling cameras that offer"food"settings,which adjust to enhance colors and textures(质地)on close-ups.
"I am sharing my experiences with my friends,"said Hong Pham,33,a Los Angeles radiologist who runs the food blog Ravenous Couple."Why shouldn't I share what inspires me?"
But what is documentary fun for people such as Pham is souring the gastronomic(美食的)set.
Managers regularly face diners demanding to be moved away from camera flashes and sounds.Waiters find themselves tongue-tied as customers take out voice recorders to capture a recitation of each course.Some chefs have had enough.
Chef Grant Achatz allows only no-flash photography in his restaurant.He,like many other chefs,finds himself torn between being flattered by the public's enthusiasm and annoyed with the effect the picture-taking is having on the restaurant's operation.
Some consumers now believe food should be consumed visually as well as physically."What happened to the enjoyment of just eating the food?"said Andrew Knowlton,the restaurant editor for Bon Appetite magazine."People are losing sight of why you go out."

72.Who is the most supportive of taking pictures of food in restaurantsC?
A.Grant Achatz. B.Andrew Knowlton. C.Hong Pham. D.Ludo Lefebvre.
73.People tend to take pictures in restaurants becauseB.
A.delicately-made dishes are visually inviting
B.they will share with others their dining experience
C.cameras can be specially set for food photography
D.they can profit by selling pictures to famous websites
74.What can we infer from the passageD?
A.More pictures will be uploaded at websites like Twitter and Facebook.
B.Consumers used to take pictures in restaurants only for their birthdays.
C.Rules should be set out that there is no food photography in restaurants.
D.Chefs are likely to accept picture-taking in their restaurants to a limited extent.
75.The passage is most probably aB.
A.news story       
B.feature article
C.commercial advertisement  
D.survey report.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.England has been the birthplace of most of the great English-language theater written throughout history.Most of the plays in England that are truly famous have something in common.They usually come from a playwright(剧作家) with several famous plays.
William Shakespeare is considered the most famous British playwright.Shakespeare has a large catalog(目录) of tragedies,comedies and history plays,and each category is home to some of the most famous plays ever written.Hamlet,Macbeth,Romeo and Juliet,Othello and Julius Caesar  are all tragedies and performed in theaters around the world every year.Famous comedies include A Midsummer Night's Dream and Much Ado About Nothing.In the history category,RichardⅢand HenryⅤare very famous.
Oscar Wilde and George Bernard Shaw
Several hundred years after Shakespeare,English people began to enjoy the works of Oscar Wilde and George Bernard Shaw.Wilde's plays are still popular now,and The Importance of Being Earnest is both performed and studied extremely frequently.A Woman of No Importance and An Ideal Husband are among his other famous works.Shaw and Wilde were born within a few years of each other,but Shaw was a much more productive writer.His most famous plays include Pygmalion and Candida.Shaw's plays are loved so much that an entire theater company is devoted to performing his work in Niagara-on-the-Lake in southern Ontario.
Harold Pinter
The plays of Harold Pinter certainly have an international presence.His writing was so widely recognized for its importance that he was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature in 2005.Pinter is especially known for his style of writing.Many of his plays such as Betrayal,The Dumb Waiter and his first play,The Room,are extremely well known.

60.The writer wrote this passage toC.
A.advise us to spend more time enjoying plays
B.explain why England has so many wonderful plays
C.tell us about some famous British playwrights and their works
D.tell us the differences among some British playwrights
61.What do the works in the underlined part in Paragraph 2have in common?B
A.They are all Shakespeare's early works.
B.They are all tragedies written by Shakespeare.
C.They are all Shakespeare's famous comedies.
D.They all belong to the history category of Shakespeare's plays.
62.Which of the following plays were most probably written in the same period of time?C
A.The Dumb Waiter and A Woman of No Importance.
B.RichardⅢand A Woman of No Importance.
C.An Ideal Husband and Candida.
D.Candida and Betrayal.
63.Who was mentioned in this passage that he had received the Nobel Prize because of his writing?D
A.William Shakespeare.    B.Oscar Wilde.
C.George Bernard Shaw.    D.Harold Pinter.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.-Would you please change my appointment with Mr.Li to 9o'clock tomorrow?
-I am afraid he __________an important conference then.How about 11o'clock?(  )
A.will be havingB.is havingC.has hadD.would have


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.-Tomorrow is Tim's birthday.What ______ we buy him as a present?
-How about a book?(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.-Can you describe ___ it happened?
-Yes,I was riding on my bike ___ a car knocked me down from behind.(  )
A.when; asB.how; asC.how; whenD.how; while


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.-I received one more message on my cell phone,telling me that I had won a big prize.
-Do you believe it?You_______.(  )
A.should be cheatedB.are being cheated
C.are cheatingD.must have cheated


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.The population of China      to many times what it was in 1949,and most of its population      farmers.(  )
A.have grown; areB.have grown; isC.has grown; isD.has grown; are


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.Hello,everyone.First let me introduce myself.My name is Jenny Barker,and I work at St.James Hospital.As most of you know,I'm here today to talk about blood transfusion.The idea of blood transfusion is very simple,but that idea has saved many thousands of lives over the past century.Often,if a person is in an accident,or has an operation,he will lose a lot of blood.And these are times when blood transfusion is needed.This simply means taking blood from another person and putting it into the body of the patient.Doctors have been carrying out blood transfusions for hundreds of years.At first,they used blood from sheep.But that wasn't very successful.It wasn't until the last century that doctors realized there are several types of blood,and that the correct type must always be used.Once they knew that,blood transfusion had become almost a hundred percent successful.So,you might be thinking:what does this have to do with me?Well,it has something to do with all of us.Hospitals need to keep banks of blood ready for transfusion.The only way they can get that blood is from ordinary people like you.All the human body has five liters of blood,and we take 0.5 liters from each person.This is completely safe.In fact,your body will make enough blood to replace it after around a day.Giving blood only takes a short while,and it doesn't hurt.It costs you nothing,and it could save a life.So please give blood.
66.What might the speaker most probably be?A
A.A doctor or a nurse
B.An engineer
C.A teacher
D.A scientist.
67.What is a blood transfusion?D
A.Losing a lot of blood in a serious accident or a difficult operation.
B.Finding out the amount of blood a patient needs for an operation.
C.Identifying the right type of blood a person has for the patient.
D.Taking blood from someone else and putting it into a patient's body.
68.What finally made almost every blood transfusion successful?B
A.The founding of a blood bank
B.The discovery of blood types.
C.The experiment with sheep blood
D.The developed skill of taking out blood.
69.If you give 10% of your blood,how long does it take your body to replace it?D
A.One week
B.Five days
C.Two days
D.One day.
70.What is the main purpose of the speech?A
A.To call on people to give blood
B.To explain what a blood transfusion is.
C.To review the history of research on blood
D.To explain the theory of blood replacement.

