How Americans Began to Eat Tomatoes

       People have strange ideas about food£®For example, the tomato is a kind of very delicious vegetable£®It is one of useful plants that can be prepared in many ways£®It has rich nutrition and vitamin in it£®But in the 18th century, Americans never ate tomatoes£®They grew them in their gardens because tomato plants are so pretty£®But they thought the vegetable was poisonous £¨Óж¾µÄ£©£®They called tomatoes ¡°poison apples£®¡± President Thomas Jefferson, however, knew that tomatoes were good to eat£®He was a learned man£®He had been to Paris, where he learned to love the taste of tomatoes£®He grew many kinds of tomatoes in his garden£®The President taught his cook a way for a cream of tomato soup£®This beautiful pink soup was served at the President¡¯s party£®The guests thought the soup tasted really good£®They never thought their president would serve his honored guests poison apples£®Jefferson never spoke

to his honored £¨ÖÒʵµÄ£© guests about the fact£®

71£®After you read the passage, which of the following do you think is true?

       A£®Americans never ate tomatoes after they began to plant them£®

       B£®Americans didn¡¯t eat tomatoes before 19th century£®

       C£®Even now Americans don¡¯t eat tomatoes£®

       D£®In the 18th century Americans ate a lot of tomatoes£®

72£®The passage tells us that Jefferson was a President who learned to love the taste of tomatoes __________£®

       A£®while he was in Paris                  B£®when he was a little boy

       C£®because his parents told him so         D£®from books

73£®According to the text, _______ made the beautiful pink soup served at the President¡¯s party?

       A£®the President himself                  B£®a French cook

¡¡   C£®the President¡¯s cook                 D£®the President¡¯s wife

74£®From the passage we know all the honored guests invited by Jefferson were __________£®

¡¡   A£®people from other countries¡¡¡¡¡¡           B£®from France

       C£®people of his own country¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡      D£®men only

75£®According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

       A£®All of the guests knew the soup that was served at the President¡¯s party was made of tomatoes£®

¡¡   B£®All of the guests thought the soup which was prepared by the President¡¯s cook was nice£®

¡¡   C£®All of the guests thought the taste of the beautiful pink soup was nice£®

¡¡   D£®None of the guests knew that their president would serve his honored guests poison apples£®


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2012-2013ѧÄ꺣ÄÏÊ¡ÑóÆÖÖÐѧ¸ß¶þÉÏѧÆÚÆÚÄ©¿¼ÊÔÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨´ø½âÎö£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â

This dictionary tells you about English words and how to use them in reading, writing and speaking English. It not only gives the meaning of words, it can also help you with spelling, word-building, grammar and pronunciation.
To use your dictionary correctly, you need to understand how the dictionary works. At the front of the book, you will find some exercises to help you make the most use of your dictionary.
If you look up the word ¡°colour¡±, you will find two spellings for this word. ¡°Colour¡± is used in British English, while ¡°color¡± is used in American English. When there are differences between British and American spelling, the dictionary shows it with the word ¡°BrE¡± for British English and ¡°AmE¡± for American English.
The dictionary also helps you pronounce words correctly. We use a special alphabet (ÌØÊâ×Öĸ) to show pronunciation. If you turn to the inside back face, you will see all the phonetic letters (Òô±ê) with some words to show you how they are pronounced. Just look at the inside back cover when you¡¯re not sure how to say a word.
The most important reason for using a dictionary is to find out the meaning of a word¡ªits definition
In this dictionary, the definitions have been written using only 2000 words. This means that the definitions of even the most difficult words are simply explained and easy to understand.
When a word has more than one meaning, read all the meanings until you find the one that correctly tells the use of the word you are looking for.
Most of the words in this dictionary can be used by people in all parts of the world.
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ1¡¿The AmE spelling of the Chinese word ¡°ÑÕÉ«¡± in this dictionary is ________.

A£®colour B£®colarC£®colorD£®corner
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ2¡¿The phonetic alphabet help you ________ each word correctly.
A£®understand B£®writeC£®sayD£®know
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ3¡¿The underlined word ¡®definition¡¯ means__________
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ4¡¿The dictionary explains ________.
A£®some of the difficult words
B£®all the words in the dictionary in a simple way
C£®all easy words
D£®the words with two meanings


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2014½ìº£ÄÏÊ¡¸ß¶þÉÏѧÆÚÆÚÄ©¿¼ÊÔÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â

This dictionary tells you about English words and how to use them in reading, writing and speaking English. It not only gives the meaning of words, it can also help you with spelling, word-building, grammar and pronunciation.

To use your dictionary correctly, you need to understand how the dictionary works. At the front of the book, you will find some exercises to help you make the most use of your dictionary.

If you look up the word ¡°colour¡±, you will find two spellings for this word. ¡°Colour¡± is used in British English, while ¡°color¡± is used in American English. When there are differences between British and American spelling, the dictionary shows it with the word ¡°BrE¡± for British English and ¡°AmE¡± for American English.

The dictionary also helps you pronounce words correctly. We use a special alphabet (ÌØÊâ×Öĸ) to show pronunciation. If you turn to the inside back face, you will see all the phonetic letters (Òô±ê) with some words to show you how they are pronounced. Just look at the inside back cover when you¡¯re not sure how to say a word.

The most important reason for using a dictionary is to find out the meaning of a word¡ªits definition

In this dictionary, the definitions have been written using only 2000 words. This means that the definitions of even the most difficult words are simply explained and easy to understand.

When a word has more than one meaning, read all the meanings until you find the one that correctly tells the use of the word you are looking for.

Most of the words in this dictionary can be used by people in all parts of the world.

1.The AmE spelling of the Chinese word ¡°ÑÕÉ«¡± in this dictionary is ________.

A£®colour            B£®colar             C£®color             D£®corner

2.The phonetic alphabet help you ________ each word correctly.

A£®understand        B£®write             C£®say              D£®know

3.The underlined word ¡®definition¡¯ means__________

A£®´ÊÐÔ             B£®´ÊÌõ             C£®´ÊÒå             D£®´Ê¿â

4.The dictionary explains ________.

A£®some of the difficult words

B£®all the words in the dictionary in a simple way

C£®all easy words

D£®the words with two meanings



¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2012Ä걱ʦ´ó°æ¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï±ØÐÞÒ»Unit3Á·Ï°¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â

 This dictionary tells you about English words and how to use them in reading, writing and speaking English. It not only gives the meaning of words, it can also help you with spelling, word building, grammar and pronunciation.

To use your dictionary correctly, you will find two spellings for this word. ¡°Colour¡± is used in British English, while ¡°color¡± is used in American English. When there are differences between British and American spelling, the dictionary shows it with the word ¡°BrE¡± for British English and ¡°AmE¡± for American English.

The dictionary also helps you pronounce words correctly. If you turn to the inside back face, you will see all the phonetic letters (񙱐 ) with some words to show you how they are pronounced. Just look at the inside back cover when you're not sure how to say a word.

The most important reason for using a dictionary is to find out the meaning of a word ¡ª its definition.

In this dictionary, the definitions have been written using only 2, 000 words. This means that the definitions of even the most difficult words are simple and easy to understand.

1.________ of the words in the dictionary have two spellings.





2.What is the main reason for us to use a dictionary£¿

A£®To read the word correctly.

B£®To write the word out.

C£®To know the meaning of the word.

D£®To find the difference between British English and American English.

3.The phonetic letters helps you ________ each word correctly.





4.The Chinese meaning of ¡°definition¡± here is________.





5.How many words are there in this dictionary?

A£®Two thousand.

B£®One thousand.

C£®One hundred.

D£®We don't know.



¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â

  This dictionary tells you about English words and how to use them in reading, writing and speaking English. It not only gives the meaning of words, it can also help you with spelling, word building, grammar and pronunciation.

To use your dictionary correctly, you will find two spellings for this word. ¡°Colour¡± is used in British English, while ¡°color¡± is used in American English. When there are differences between British and American spelling, the dictionary shows it with the word ¡°BrE¡± for British English and ¡°AmE¡± for American English.

The dictionary also helps you pronounce words correctly. If you turn to the inside back face, you will see all the phonetic letters (Òô±ê) with some words to show you how they are pronounced. Just look at the inside back cover when you¡¯re not sure how to say a word.

    The most important reason for using a dictionary is to find out the meaning of a word--its definition.

In this dictionary, the definitions have been written using only 2,000 words. This means that the definitions of even the most difficult words are simple and easy to understand.


36. ______ of the words in the dictionary have two spellings.

   A. All                   B. One         C. Few       D. Some

37. The AmE spelling of the Chinese word ¡°ÑÕÉ«¡± in this dictionary is _____.

   A. colour              B. colar       C. color      D. corner

38. The phonetic letters helps you _____ each word correctly.

   A. understand       B. write       C. say         D. know

39. The Chinese meaning of ¡°definition¡± here is _____.

   A. ´ÊÐÔ                B. ´ÊÌõ       C. ´ÊÒå      D. ´Ê¿â

40. How many words are there in this dictionary?

   A. Two thousand     B. One thousand    C. One hundred    D. We don¡¯t know


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â

American and British people use different greetings. In the USA , the commonest greeting is ¡°Hi¡±. In Britain , it is ¡°Hello!¡± or ¡°How are you?¡±. ¡°Hi!¡± is creeping (²»Öª²»¾õµØ½øÈë) into British, too. When they are introduced to someone, the Americans say, ¡°Glad to know you.¡± The British say, ¡°How do you do?¡± or ¡°Pleased to meet you.¡± When Americans say ¡°Good-bye¡±, they nearly always add, ¡°Have a good day.¡± or ¡°Have a good trip.¡± etc. to friends and strangers alike. Britains are already beginning to use ¡°Have a good day.¡±

The British usually use ¡°got¡± in the sense of ¡°have¡±. The Americans hardly ever do.

AmE:Do you have a car room,etc.? Yes,I do.

BrE: Have you got a car room, etc.? Yes, I have.

There are a number of differences between American and British English in the spelling of words, e.g. check (US)/cheque (UK). Many American words ending in ¡°or¡±, e.g. honor, labor are spelt in British English with an ¡°our,¡± e.g. honour, labour. Many verbs in American English with ¡°ize¡± or ¡°izing¡± forms, e.g. organize, realizing are spelt in BrE with ¡°ise¡± or ¡°ising¡±, e.g. organise, realising. In American English, ¡°practice¡± is used both for the verb and noun. In BrE, the verb is spelt ¡°practise¡±, and the noun ¡°practice.¡± In American English, one writes ¡°traveler,¡± while in British English, one writes ¡°traveller¡±.

It was once predicted ( Ô¤²â ) that British and American English would become separate ( ¶ÀÁ¢µÄ ) languages finally. But the opposite has happened. The links (ÁªÏµ) between the two countries are so strong that linguistically (ÓïÑÔÉϵØ), and probably culturally (ÎÄ»¯ÉϵØ) too, they are closer together than ever.

51. The Americans hardly say ¡°_____¡±

    A. Good-bye. Have a good day!              B. Glad to know you!

C. Hi!                                              D. Have you got a car?

52. ¡° Have you got a car room ? ¡¯¡¯ is _______

   A. American English     B. British English   C. Australian English   D. Spanish

53. What does the fifth paragraph talk about?

    A. There are lots of differences in spelling between AmE and BrE.

    B. Why do the Americans and the British use different spellings?

    C. There are few differences in spelling between AmE and BrE.

    D. The different usages of words in AmE and BrE.

54. Which of the following is TRUE?

    A. The two languages will become separate languages. 

    B. American English will be used more and more. 

    C. The two languages will be closer and closer.

D. British English will be used more and more.

55. What¡¯s the main idea of this passage ?

   A. The differences between AmE and BrE in greetings and spellings

   B. American English¡¯s greetings are different from those of Britain English.

   C. American English is different from Britain English .

   D. Britain English is better than American English .


