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The Best Rice Cookers

☆☆☆☆Tefal Automatic 2W3 Classic Rice Cooker

One of the largest rice cookers on the market, with a 2-litre capacity (容量)(up to 12 servings).It looks "rather utilitarian", but gives "the least sticky results" and its removable power cord means it can be taken outdoors or to the table.It comes with eight recipes and once cooking is completed it automatically switches to "keep-warm mode".Price; $29.99.Call 0800-616413 for stockists.

☆☆☆ Keiswood Rice Cooker and Steamer RC310

A "stylish looking machine with a heavy glass lid and a steam tray for steaming fish and vegetables.It cooks up to ten portions of rice(l.8-litre capacity), and produces "good results" although the rice tends to get sticky on the bottom layer.It keeps the rice warm once cooking is completed, but the power cord is not removable.Price:$34.99.Call 01705-392333 for stockists.


☆☆☆Zojurushi Rice Cooker / Warmer NDAQ – N10W

This cooker has a one – litre capacity (five portions of rice) and keeps rice warm for up to 12 hours after cooking. The lid has a clip – lock and is sealed so cooking is pressurized. It cooks rice “perfectly”, though “at a price”. Price: $ 109.90. Call 0181 – 9982100 for stockists.

☆☆☆Magimix – 2 – Tier Steamer

    A double – layer steamer with two large stainless – steel steam baskets. Rice is cooked in a heat – proff dish which is inserted in the bottom tier (层). It is “perfectly done” in just 20 minutes, with “no stickiness or scorching (烧焦).” The rice can also be kept warm on half power. Price: $ 89.95. Call 04183 – 427411 for stockiest.

☆☆☆Lakeland Ltd Microwave Multi – Steamer (Raf 4241)

    A four – portion steamer which takes just ten mantes in the microwave to cook four “fluffy” portions of rice. It is alos suitable for vegetables, noodles and pasta and is “great for smallest quantities”. Price: $ 5.95. Call 015394 – 88100 to order.

☆☆Hinari Steam Supreme

A double – layer steamer which comes with an additional rice bowl and lid. Its main drawbacks are “time and capacity”; the rice bowl can only hold two portions and this takes 55 minutes to cool. The instructions are also confusing. “Good as a general steamer, mediocre as a rice cooker”. Price: $ 19.99. Call Alba Ltd on 0181 – 7873111 for stockiest.

1.Which of the following is unlikely to be considered by a housewife who hates washing sticky cookers?

         A.Tefal Automatic 2003 Classic Rice Cooker

         B.Kenwood Rice Cooker and Steamer RC 310

         C.magimix 2 – Tier Steamer

         D.Lakeland Ltd Microwave Multi – Steamer (Ref 4241)

2.      may not be so popular with customers as others because it is time – consuming, low in capacity and vague in instructions.

         A.Zojurushi Rice Cooker / Warmer NDAQ – N10W

         B.Lakeland Ltd Microwave Multi – Steamer (Ref4241)

         C.Hinari Steam Supreme

         D.Kenwood Rice Cooker and Steamer RC 310

3.The phrase “at a price” describing Zojurushi Rice Cooker / Warmer NDAQ – N10W implies that its price is           .

         A.low     B.high   C.above average  D.reasonable










科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


This v________ became active last year with a series of eruption.

Motorists are warned to slow down and take extra care in f _______ conditions.

How can a responsible father d ______his wife and two children and be here alone?

To live in a world without you is more painful than any punishment. And no one can r_____ you in my heart.

His writings have been_________ (影响) by his mother.

Your v______ is too small; you need to learn more words.

Why do I always become the t_____ of the thief?

The performance of the host, i_______ to please the audience and draw their attention, was greeted with cold silence, however.

I didn’t dare to speak aloud or even w________ to her what was in my mind.

Even the best doctor in the country can not c_____ him of his disease .


科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省武汉市2010届高中毕业生四月调研测试英语 B卷 题型:阅读理解

Sure, human dads can play catch and help with homework, but can they give birth? Daddy sea horses can! This Father’s Day, while you’re showing respect to your dad, remember some of the best dads in the world can also be found in the animal kingdom.
Sea Horses: The "Mr. Moms" of the marine world, male sea horses, carry up to 2,000 fertilized eggs in pouches in their stomachs until they hatch. Even after the babies are born, they stay inside the pouch until they are ready to venture out on their own.
Microhylid Frogs: Buy these dads a "Baby on Board" sign to put on their backs! These froggy fathers from New Guinea play piggyback once their babies hatch from their eggs. One by one, the dad lets as many as 24 froglets climb onto his back for a family road trip. He hops about 50 feet each night, and one by one, his kids jump off along the way to begin new lives of their own.
Darwin's Rheas: Thought your dad was overprotective? Darwin's rhea, also known as South American ostriches(鸵鸟), are so protective of their children that they routinely rush cowboys on horseback and have even been known to attack small airplanes on the ground if they get too close to their brood!
Marmosets: These little monkeys do everything but Lamaze class(心理助产课)! Dedicated dads assist during labor by biting off the umbilical cord(脐带)and cleaning up the afterbirth. They also let Mom get some R&R(rest & recreation)by taking care of the kids when they're not nursing.
Sand Grouse: Talk about sponging off Dad! These pigeon-like birds live in areas where water is sparse, so fathers fly as many as 50 miles to get water for their kids. After they soak up the water in their breast feathers, they fly home and let their chicks suckle the moisture from their bodies.
Fathers of the animal kingdom are not that different from our own beloved dads. This Father's Day, when you are honoring your dad, honor animal dads, too, by practicing kindness and compassion toward all animals.
59.The passage is mainly written to________.
A.introduce to us some unusual animals
B.distinguish between human and animal dads
C.raise our awareness of animal protection
D.praise animal dada for their sacrifices
60.Among these animal dads, which have the ability to fly?
A.Microhylid Frogs.   B.Sea Horses.      C.Darwin’s Rheas.      D.Sand Grouses.
61.What these animals have in common is that      .
A.they carry their young to wherever they please
B.they’re all devoted to their children
C.they’re overprotective of their children
D.they help their wives clean up the afterbirth
62.When Microhylid Frogs play piggyback, they___________.
A.let their kids ride on their back         B.attack cowboys with their back
C.carry their babies inside a pouch     D.help their wife during the labor


科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年度山东省苍山县高一下学期模块学业水平测试英语试卷 题型:填空题

【小题1】 你敬人一尺,人敬你一丈。
R     a man, he will do the more.
【小题2】 当你同傻子辩论时,一定要弄清他是不是也在与傻子争论。
When you a     with a fool, be sure he isn’t similarly engaged.
【小题3】 你不能把感谢装到口袋里。
You can’t put t      into your pocket.
【小题4】 条条大路同罗马。
All roads l      to Rome.
【小题5】 少许也满足是真正的快乐。
To be c      with little is true happiness.
【小题6】 失败乃成功之母。
F     is the mother of success.
【小题7】 进攻是最好的防卫。
Attack is the best d     .
What-e’er is begun in a     , ends in shame.
【小题9】 行动胜于语言。
D     speak louder than words.
【小题10】 失去自由就失去一切。
If we lose our f     , we have nothing else to lose.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江省杭州十四中高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】The lady offered a r___________ of $ 5 for the finder of a lost necklace.
【小题2】She has many good q____________, but the best one is her kindness.
【小题3】In some countries, especially in some poor countries, women are not really e________ to men.
【小题4】As you know,Michael Phelps won 8 swimming gold m________ in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
【小题5】The People’s Republic of China was f_______ on October 1st, 1949.
【小题6】He wants to be a l________ so he’s decided to study law.
【小题7】She said she doesn’t like it, but p______ I think it is very good.
【小题8】All the Christmas trees in the room were d_______ with lights.
【小题9】The children were happy because they were going to the beach to swim, but their hearts s_____ when it began to rain.
【小题10】We have difficulty s_______ the problem in such a short time.


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省芜湖市09-10学年度高一下学期单元检测卷(四)英语 题型:单词拼写

五、单词拼写: (共10小题;每小题0.5分,满分5分)

61. In order to c_____________ his son of the terrible disease, the old woman sold out all she had to collect money.

62. He is c_____________ and always comes up with new ideas.

63. He proves to be a true friend of mine. Whenever I am in trouble, he is always the person a_____________ to give you a hand.

64. This dictionary is just the one he r_____________ to me the other day and I think it is quite good for a middle school student.

65. You can come and have a chat with me whenever you feel it is c_____________ to you.

66. What is said in an advertisement should __________(迎合)to needs of the audience.

67. You said that your idea was the best among others, but it is important that you should try to find some __________(支撑的)reasons.

68 This new product was very well advertised on TV and its sale rose __________(平稳地)up till now.

69. He could have grown fatter but he is too __________(挑剔)about food.

70. The __________(平均)price of the micro-wave oven in the supermarket was no more than $ 70.


