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2. They had met such rude people nowhere before.

such rude people before.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


(W = William,N = Nicole)

W: It's Saturday today,1. ?

N: Yes,it is.

W: Turn the TV on,won't you?

N: You can turn it on yourself,2. ?

W: Don’t be so mean!You’ re never nice to me,3. ?

N: You,re so lazy. You know that,don't you? You can see I'm busy,4. ?

W: Busy!I don't call reading a stupid magazine busy. Anyway,you've read it before,5. ?

N: That's none of your business,6. ? I can read what I like when I like,can,11?

W: All right I'11 turn the TV on. Pass me the remote control,7. ?

N: You,re not going to watch “EastEnders”,8. ? I can't stand it.

W: You do what you want to do and I'11 do what I want,then we'11 both be happy,9. ?

N: Why don't you watch it in the bedroom,then you won’t disturb me?

W: I've had enough of you. Don’t expect me back until closing time.Goodbye.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


     Nick turned up late for work on Monday because he got stuck in a traffic jam on the ring road. Luckily Nick has a mobile phone so he was able to phone his boss and warn her that he would be late. She was furious(暴怒的) but managed to reschedule an important meeting for the afternoon.

1. Nick was late because he overslept,wasn't he?

No,it that he was late.

2. How on earth did Nick let the boss know he'd be late?

Well,what he call her from his mobile phone.

3. Was Nick late on Wednesday?

No,that he was late.

4. Nick's boss had to start the meeting without him,didn’t she?

No,what she the afternoon.

5. Did Nick get stuck in a traffic jam in the town centre?

No,not in the town centre; it got stuck.

6. 1 heard the boss was a little annoyed with Nick for being late.

No,she wasn’t “a little annoyed”. What she was!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   It has been with me every place V ve lived since I left home at 18 in 1977.

   Dad made it: Carved out of several pieces of wood glued together,shaped and sanded so smooth,it looked as if it had always been a single,solid piece. It was eventually to be a music box; the top flips (翻) up and the inside is hollow(空的). Dad could — and

over the years did — make just about everything anyone can make out of wood.

   He gave me the little man in the bathtub a few weeks after he told me in a letter that he and my mother were divorcing. He apologized for cruel words of days past and said he would understand if I never wanted to see him again. I cried while reading that. I was much closer to my mother,but how could Dad even think that? It never occurred to me to cut my father out of my life.

   Dad was an intelligent,creative and talented man,but he was also deeply insecure,something I didn't fully appreciate until years later. We both matured,and our relationship as adults was far better than when I was younger.

   And he was a fun,loving grandfather whom my sons adored. Dad died in 2013 of cancer. While I will forever treasure it,the little man in the bathtub will never be finished; it was supposed to play “I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles."

1. What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 1 refer to?

   A. A present bought by the author.

   B. A present from the author's son.

   C. A present from the author's mother.

   D. A present made by the author's father.

2. The little man in the bathtub.

   A. looked fragile

   B. was very expensive

   C. was skillfully made

   D. looked quite ordinary

3. When the author read the letter from his father,he.

   A. was very angry

   B. felt sad and surprised

   C. was proud of his father

   D. felt happy and thankful

4. As time went by,the relationship between the author and his father .

   A. worsened   B. had failed

   C. had improved   D. remained the same

5. What is the author regretful for?

   A. What he has done.

   B. Cruel words he said.

   C. His parents getting divorced.

   D. The music box not being finished.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. or not a computer is lightweight is important.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. Of all the grammar points I have studied in my seven years of English,the most recent unit(confUses,confUse) me the most for a variety of reasons.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

7. (Max,It, was) who borrowed the money.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


7. He understood little about the situation.

about the situation.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. Simon broke his brother's computer but he didn't (mean to break,mean to) .

