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People think it quite _______delight when the computer was first wildly used in _______1990s.

A. a; 不填 B.不填;the C. a; the D.不填;不填



试题分析:考查冠词。前一空中所修饰的名词是delight,它既可以是可数名词也可以是不可数名词,其区别是:表示具体意义的“乐事”,为可数名词,表示抽象意义 的“快乐”,为不可数名词,该空表示的是具体的乐事,delight在此处是可数名词,用a修饰;1990s表示20世纪90年代,前要加the修饰,若单指在1990年是不加the的,句意:在20世纪90年代电脑初次被广泛使用真是一件令人高兴的事。故选C



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖南长望浏宁四县高三3月调研一模考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Bicycles, roller skates and skateboards are dangerous. I still have scars (伤疤) on my knees from my childhood run-ins with various wheeled devices. Admittedly, I was a foolish kid, but I’m glad I didn’t spend my childhood trapped indoors to protect me from any injury.

“That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” But parents can’t handle it when teenagers put this theory into practice. And now technology has become the new field for the age-old battle between adults and their freedom-seeking kids.

Locked indoors, unable to get on their bicycles and hang out with their friends, teens have turned to social media and their mobile phones to gossip and socialize with their friends. What they do online often mirrors what they might otherwise do if their mobility weren’t so heavily restricted (限制) in the age of helicopter parenting. Social media and smartphones have become so popular in recent years because teens need a place to call their own. They want the freedom to explore their identity and the world around them. Instead of climbing out of windows, they jump online.

As teens have moved online, parents have projected their fears onto the Internet, imagining all the potential dangers that youth might face.

Rather than helping teens develop strategies (策略) to deal with public life and the potential risks of interacting with others, fearful parents have focused on tracking, monitoring and blocking. These approaches don’t help teens develop the skills they need to manage complex social situations. “Protecting” kids may feel like the right thing to do, but it denies teens the chances of learning as they come of age in a technology-soaked world.

The key to helping youth in the modern digital life isn’t more restrictions. It’s freedom — plus communication. Urban theorist Jane Jacobs used to argue that the safest neighborhoods were those where communities collectively took interest in and paid attention to what happened on the streets. Safety didn’t come from surveillance (监视) cameras or keeping everyone indoors but from a collective willingness to watch out for one another and be present as people struggled. The same is true online.

What makes the digital street safe is when teens and adults collectively agree to open their eyes and pay attention, communicate and work together to deal with difficult situations. Teens need the freedom to wander the digital street, but they also need to know that caring adults are behind them and supporting them wherever they go. The first step is to turn off the tracking software. Then ask your kids what they’re doing when they’re online — and why it’s so important to them.

1.When he was a child, the writer ______.

A. became disabled

B. spent much time outdoor

C. always stayed at home

D. was ignored by his parents

2.Teens go online mainly because ______.

A. online games mirror real life

B. they want to fight against their parents

C. online experiences make them strong

D. they need a space of their own

3.By mentioning “helicopter parenting” (Paragraph 3), the writer means parents ______.

A. remove any hidden dangers their kids may face

B. use helicopters to track their kids

C. prevent their kids from going to school

D. protect their kids too much

4.According to the passage, helicopter parents may make kids ______.

A. lose the chances of learning

B. handle complex social situations well

C. adapt to the digital world quickly

D. develop strategies to deal with public life

5.The main idea of the passage is that ______.

A. kids should be given freedom to deal with online risks

B. safe neighborhoods come from joint efforts of all

C. the digital street is a threat to kids’ safety

D. kids should be warned against potential dangers in society


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖北省八市高三3月联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

If your child tends to __________ children of her own age and push them round, try to arrange for him to play with older children who will have no trouble in holding their own.

A. dominate B. condemn

C. distinguish D. assume


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖北荆门市高三元月调研考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The education reform is being carried out in China. It’s certain that a completely new situation will _________ when the new examination system comes into existence.

A. advocate B. promote C. arouse D. arise


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年黑龙江绥化市高三下期初开学联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Why do you insist on buying a car _______you have such good public transports here?

A. because B. unless C. when D. though


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年河南郑州市高三第一次质量预测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

Although most games have winners and losers, the goal of sports is not to win every game. The real goals include getting exercise, having fun, and learning important social skills, like sportsmanship.

Good sportsmanship is all about respect. Good sports (具有运动家品格的人) respect the other players on their team. They respect he players on opposing teams. They respect coaches, and they also respect the referees or other officials involved in their games. 1.they yell at their teammates and they talk back to coaches or referees.

Kids usually learn sportsmanship ─ good and bad ─ from the adults in their lives 2.If parents and coaches show disrespect to other fans, referees, or each other, kids will likely act the same way on the field.

3.Some of them are very basic and easy to do, like shaking hands with other players before a game. Other examples may take a little more courage, such as acknowledging a great play made by the opposing team.

Learning good sportsmanship is important because it helps you develop an attitude of graciousness (礼貌) and respect that will carry over into all the other areas of your life! 4.Being a good sport in the classroom will eventually lead to being a good sport in the workplace.

So be a good sport in whatever you do! 5.When others see you acting in a way that makes it clear that winning isn't the most important thing, you can move on to focusing on the important things, like having fun, getting exercise, and improving your skills.

A. Good sportsmanship can be shown in many ways.

B. On the contrary, bad sportsmanship is all about disrespect.

C. The example you set can be a powerful teaching tool for others.

D. Players 'parents and coaches set examples that kids tend to follow.

E. We can be good sports by encouraging others but not laughing at them.

F. Starting as a good sport earlier will help you be a good sport as you get old.

G. If you're a good sport on the field, you'll also likely be a good sport in the classroom


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年广东肇庆市高三第二次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:信息匹配



A. Strong Is Your Hold

This book was written by Galway Kinnell, who spent many years in finishing the book. Kinnell’s first collection of new poems in more than a decade revisits themes of marriage, friendship and death, with long, loose lines reminiscent of Whitman. It is popular with the people who are interested in literature.

B. The Letter

The murder of a television star appears to be the work of thieves who are quickly caught. But they escape from prison and a young lawyer says she knows who the real criminals are. Written with intelligence, this story is so fast-moving that it demands the reader’s complete attention.

C. London Alive

This author of many famous novels has now turned to writing short stories with great success. The stories tell of Londoners’ daily lives and happen in eighteen different places——for example, one story takes place at a table in a cafe, another in the back of a taxi and another in a hospital.

D. Gone West

A serious look at one of the least-known regions of the United States. The author describes the empty villages which thousands left when they were persuaded by the railway companies to go west in search of new lives. The author manages to provide many interesting details about their history.

E. Cutting for Stone

This book was written by Abraham Verghese. It is a powerful story about twin brothers born in a Catholic hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Their mother, an Indian nurse at the hospital, dies in childbirth. The brothers are raised by two Indian doctors who live at the hospital. One brother later moves to the United States. This is a story about the extremes of love, family, and medicine.

F. Jane Eyre

There is great kindness and warmth in this love story. Poor and plain as Jane Eyre is, she has a strong will, sharp wisdom and great courage. She is forced to battle against a harsh employer and a rigid social order. Yet she is never defeated. Standing on her feet, she gains her own happiness in the end.


1.Takumi doesn’t have much free time so he reads short stories which he can finish quickly. He likes reading stories about ordinary people and the things that happen to them in today’s world.

2.Terresha Houghs has read widely since she was in university. She can recite most of essays and poems she has read, especially poems from Leaves of Grass. She is fond of traditional themes in poetry and still keeps her habits of reciting poems.

3.Ali enjoys reading crime stories which are carefully written so that they hold his interest right to the end. He enjoys trying to guess who the criminal really is while he’s reading.

4.Lucy is a quiet girl who likes to read in a quiet corner in the library. Her favorite stories are those with characters brave enough to face and overcome difficulties in life.

5.Charlie, who attends college in the Midwest, majors in medicine. He is fond of reading stories about family and love, especially those related to his future career.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东枣庄第九中学高二上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I tried to telephone Mary last night, but I couldn’t ________ after trying again and again.

A.get through B.get off

C.get into D.get down


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年辽宁大连市高一上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

After I made it to the city center, I started to feel it might be easy for a foreigner to deal with the great size of Beijing. With growing confidence, I decided to take the subway to the hotel, not realizing that the network didn’t go that far. Impressed with the cleanliness of the station, I bought a ticket and boarded the first train that came along.

After a few minutes I asked in English of course a young man seated next to me where I should get off closest to the Friendship Hotel. Wearing a smart business suit and tie, he would surely speak English, wouldn’t he? Unfortunately, he couldn’t understand me but seemed very friendly. I showed him the room card with all the information of the Friendship Hotel in Chinese characters. He looked at it, and then his eyes moved quickly to the carriage (车厢) subway map. Next, he raised three fingers of his right hand.

In Australia, raising fingers at someone is not usually nice, but this man wasn’t smiling. At the next station he showed me two fingers. Now in Australia, that’s really rude, but I got the message. When we stopped at the third station, he didn’t just point to the door, but got up, took me out of the train, and led me to the top of the stairs, and out onto the street. Then he stopped a taxi and told the driver where to take me.

All this came from a man who couldn’t speak my language, and I couldn’t speak his. I was now speechless, especially when he refused my offer of money. I felt a little embarrassed having even thought he would accept a tip.

This experience made it clear I had to learn some Chinese quickly or my adventures might start turning into bad luck.

1.The author decided to take the subway because ________.

A. he lived near the city center

B. the network covered most of the stops

C. he believed in his ability to deal with the trip

D. he had a good impression of its cleanliness

2.Having been shown the room card, the young man_________.

A. understood the author well

B. still remained puzzled

C. answered the author directly

D. pointed at the subway map

3. Which of the following can’t be used to describe the young man?

A. helpful B. rude

C. warmhearted D. caring

4.The author’s purpose of writing this passage is mainly to ________.

A. prove the importance of being careful

B. appreciate the kindness of the young man

C. complain some cultural misunderstanding

D. describe one of his adventurous experiences

