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   Have you heard of the term “etiquette”?And do you know that etiquette is not only a useful word 1 very useful to understand?

   Etiquette is not the same in every culture 2 in every situation. For example,standing very close to the person you are talking with is quite common in some Asian countries. However,if you do this in Europe,some 3 people might feel 4 Even in China,we all know that etiquette is not the same in all situations. Perhaps we think that talking loudly in our own homes is fine,but there are other places where talking loudly is 5 . For example,most people would agree that talking loudly in a library,a museum,or a movie theater is 6 Even if you are with your friends,it is better to keep your voice 7 in public places. In fact,we should also 8 not to cough or sneeze loudly in public.

   If we see someone 9 the rules of etiquette,we may politely give them some suggestions. Perhaps one of the most polite ways 10 ask someone. “Would you mind doing this” or “Would you mind not doing that”. For example,if someone cuts 11 you in a line,you could ask them,Sorry,would you mind 12 in the line?” If someone is smoking on the bus,you could ask, “Excuse me,could you please 13 that cigarette?” People don't usually like 14 , so we have to be careful how we do this.

   Although rules of etiquette can often be different,some rules are the same almost everywhere in the world!For example,15 is almost never allowed. If you see someone you know doing this,you can ask them ,“Would you mind picking it up?”

() 1. A. however   B. although   C. nor   D. but also

() 2. A. or   B. but   C. as   D. and

() 3. A. Asian   B. American   C. European   D. African

() 4. A. comfortable   B. uncomfortable   C. happy   D. excited

() 5. A. not allow   B. not asked   C. not allowed   D. allowed

() 6. A. polite   B. rude   C. impossible   D. common

() 7. A. off   B. small   C. loud   D. down

() 8. A. try   B. make it   C. take care of   D. care for

() 9. A. following   B. breaking   C. obeying   D. broken

() 10. A. are   B. are to   C. is   D. is to

() 11. A. in front   B. in front of   C. in the front   D. in the front of

() 12. A. waiting   B. jumping   C. cutting   D. joining

() 13. A. put on   B. put off   C. put out   D. put up

() 14. A. be criticized   B. to criticize   C. to be criticized   D. criticized

() 15. A. dropping litter   B. chopping trees   C. smoking   D. picking litter up

1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. A 9. B 10. D 11. B 12. A 13. C 14. C 15. A

阅读提示:本文是一篇说明文,“礼仪”这个词在不同国家不同场合含 义不同。在亚洲,说话人彼此靠得很近是很正常的,但欧洲人就会感 觉不舒服。在中国,在家里可以大声说话,而在一些公共场合大声说 话是不礼貌的。如果你看到有人破坏了“礼仪”,你可以给他建议或 提醒。

1. D not only... but also…为固定结构,意为“不但 而且 ”。

2. A在否定句中表示连接用连词or。

3. C由前半句“如果你在欧洲这样做”可推知应是欧洲人。故选C.

4. B由前一句的句意和本句的连接词however可知,欧洲人会感到 不舒服的。

5. C but表转折,由前半句的意思“在家里大声说话没什么不妥”后 半句意为“而在其他一些地方是不允许大声讲话的。”不被允许应 用被动语态,故选C.

6. B大家都知道在图书馆、博物馆、影剧院等公共场所大声讲话是 粗鲁的,不礼貌的。故选B.

7. D句意为“即使和朋友在一起,在公共场合声音最好小点”。

8. A try not to do sth.意为“尽量别做某事”.

9. B break the rules破坏规则,see sb. doing sth.意为“看到某人在 做某事”。

10. D one of...作主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,由后面的 ask可知本句句式应用be to do。

11. B in front of为固定短语,意为“在 前面”。

12. A根据前面的内容可知是建议某人排队等候。

13. C根据前半句可知是讲让某人把烟熄灭。

14. C根据上下文可知本句句意为“人们通常不喜欢被批评”,应用 被动语态。空格前为动词like ,故后面应用不定式的被动语态。

15. A由后面的内容可知本句意为“乱扔垃圾在全世界都不被允 许”。

题目来源:2016年启东中学作业本英语阅读理解与完形填空4 > Week 10 Chores 家务劳动


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. is known to us all is that the 2012 Olympic Games took place in London.

   A. It   B. What

   C. As   D. Which


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

              Basic Table Manners in Western Culture 

   Manners in every country are different. What is polite in China may not be polite in the USA. Australia,UK, Germany,France,Canada,or New Zealand.

   We must know the following basic rules.

   1. Put the napkin on your lap.

   2. Wait until everyone has been served to begin eating.

   3. Everyone begins eating at the same time.

   4. Do not make sounds when eating.

   5. Sit up straight at the table and bring the food to your mouth: do not lean down to your plate.

   6. Do not lean on your arm or elbow while eating (as well as before or after eating) : you may rest only your hand and wrist on the edge of the table.

   7. Try to be friendly to others. If you are a man,you should pay attention to ladies sitting closest to you. Pass the dishes to them,serve them,etc. Equal attention must be paid to children.

   8. Hold the knife in your right hand,and fork in your left hand.

   9. Cut large pieces of meat,potatoes and vegetables into bite-size pieces;eat one of the pieces at a time.

   10. Each time you cut a small piece with the knife,put it into your mouth with a fork.

   11. When eating spaghetti,hold your fork in the right hand. Wind the noodles up on your fork: the spaghetti on your fork should be eaten in one bite. It is very impolite to eat half your noodles and allow the other half to fall back on your plate.

   12. While eating,remember not to talk with your mouth full of food.


1. Manners in every country are 1.

2. It's good manners to wait till 2 has been served to begin eating.

3. You can't make 3 when eating.

4. Sit up 4 at the table and bring the food to your mouth.

5. You should hold the knife in your 5 hand,and fork in your 6 hand.

6. Each time you cut a small piece with the 7 ,put it into your mouth with a 8 .

7. It is very 9 to eat half your noodles and allow the other half to fall back on your plate.

8. While eating,remember not to talk with your mouth 10 of food.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   With society developing fast,people's life standard has improved greatly. More and more people own their personal cars,which causes many problems,such as air pollution,traffic jams (堵塞) and even traffic accidents.

   In big cities,traffic jams happen every now and then,especially in rush hours. Cars can5t move smoothly and people feel upset on the way to work or home. For this,they are often late for work and even lose their jobs.

   To solve these problems,the government has taken many measures (措施) ,such as broadening (拓宽) the roads,building more roads and subways,increasing buses and so on. The government has also suggested people taking public transport and using fewer personal cars.[2013 贵州黔东南改编]


1. What problems do more and more personal cars cause?

2. When do the traffic jams often happen according to the passage?

3. What does the underlined word “smoothly” mean in the passage?

4. What measures has the government taken?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Nine-time Olympic gold medalist Carl Lewis has worked with Hershey's for the 34th annual Hershey's Track and Field Games. The chocolate company wants to encourage 1 to get healthy.

   “Everyone should help kids to get active ,” Lewis said He took part in Hershey's Track and Field Games in New York City. He 2 kids how to stretch. He also made a model of a long jump. The kids practiced 3 softballs. They enjoyed 4 in a relay race,too.

   The 5 last from April to August. Kids ages from 9 to 14 6 in softball throws,long jumps and relay races. At last,450 winners will be chosen to take a trip to Hershey,Pennsylvania,for the Track and Field finals. That's a/an 7 thing. Winners will get a tour of the Hershey's 8 company and a medal awarded by Lewis himself.

   More than 10 million kids have 9 Hershey's Track and Field Games by now. You can sign up too.Find out if there are events in your neighborhood at hersheytrackandfield. com.

   “It's good for your 10 . You can also have a lot of fun ,” Lewis said.

() 1. A. babies   B. kids   C. adults   D. olds

() 2. A. showed   B. asked   C. told   D. wondered

() 3. A. making   B. showing   C. cleaning   D. throwing

() 4. A. runs   B. to run   C. running   D. ran

() 5. A. games   B. displays   C. concerts   D. exhibitions

() 6. A. compete   B. clean   C. change   D. burn

() 7. A. long   B. short   C. exciting   D. excited

() 8. A. clothes   B. chocolate   C. pants   D. softball

() 9. A. looked for   B. taken part in

   C. worried about   D. agreed with

() 10. A. ears   B. hands   C. eyes   D. health


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Most parents are crazy with their children's little white lies,but here is a piece of good news. A study has shown that children who lie from an early age are more likely to become high-flying leaders,executives (管理者) and bankers. The study of 1 ,200 children has found that a fifth of two-year-olds are likely to tell lies,rising to 90 percent from the age of four. At the age of 12 ,it reaches the highest.

   Dr Kang Lee studied children from the age of two to seventeen. He said ,“Parents should not be worried if their child tells a lie about something that is not important. Almost all children lie. Those children who lie better mean that they can cover up their mistakes. “They may become executives in later life. Lying shows that children have developed executive ability — an act which involves several brain processes to keep the truth at the back of their mind ,” Dr Lee said. 

   Dr Lee told the children not to look at a purple Barney toy dinosaur (恐龙) placed behind their back. He then left the room for one minute —giving them time to look,while their activities were filmed. Nine of the ten children did turn around.

   But most of the children denied (否认) it. While the study found the most dishonest age was 12 ,it dropped to about 70 percent once the children turned to 16 years old.

() 1. The passage mainly talked about the lies from.

   A. children   B. parents   C. boys   D. girls

() 2. Children at the age of like to tell lies most.

   A. 8   B. 10   C. 12   D. 17

() 3. Children who lie better may become in the future.

   A. teachers   B. thieves   C. policemen   D. executives

() 4. percent children turned around to see the purple Barney toy.

   A. 70   B. 80   C. 90   D. 100


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


                                I’ll Never Forget That Day 

  When I was 8 years old,my father took my brother and me on a picnic. On that day,I did something wrong,and I will never forget it.

  It was a sunny day;I was very happy and excited. When we arrived there,my father warned me that the river was very dangerous and made me promise not to walk up to it. I promised my father,but I did not keep my promise.

  I forget why I walked into the river. Maybe I was curious. I walked into the river,and I fell down because the river was very deep. I could not stand or touch the bottom. I cried out loudly,but nobody was there,except my younger brother.

  I remember that my younger brother was very scared and did not know what he could do because he was just one year younger than me. He jumped into the river,but that just made the situation worse because he was even shorter than me and he could not swim. Both of us cried out.

  Fortunately,there was a farmer who was working there. He found us and saved me first. At that time,I could no longer see my brother. I cried louder,and I shouted to the farmer ,“Please save my brother!” He was very shocked because it turned out he had only seen me. He asked me ,“Are you sure that your brother fell into the river?” “Of course,I am sure!” I answered. 

  Then,my father arrived and started looking for my brother in the river. Finally,they found him and took him to the hospital. Luckily my younger brother was alive,or else I could never forgive myself.

1. How many people were there on the picnic?

2. Why did the father warn the writer not to walk up to the river?

3. How old was the writer's brother when he wanted to save the writer?

4. Who saved the writer at last?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Learning to play an instrument in the right way can be one of the most satisfying and exciting ways to spend your free time. With the right dedication and hard training,you can learn to play any style of sound,any kind of instrument,and start speaking the language of music.

   In elementary schools,children often learn to play instruments such as keyboards or recorders,sing in small choirs,and learn about the elements of musical sound and history of music. Although music education in many nations has traditionally emphasized Western classical music,in recent decades music educators tend to incorporate a sampling of the worlds musical cultures to give a well-rounded musical experience and teach multiculturalism and international understanding.

   In secondary schools,students may often have the opportunity to perform in some type of musical program,such as a choir (唱诗班) ,a school band,a concert band,a marching band,or a jazz band. In some secondary schools,music classes may also be available. In junior high school,music usually continues to be a required part of the course.

   At the university level,students in most arts and humanities programs may receive academic credit for taking music courses,which typically take the form of an overview course on the history of music,or a music appreciation course that focuses on listening to music and learning about different musical styles.

() 1. What's one of the most satisfying and exciting ways to spend your free time?

   A. Learning to play an instrument the right way.

   B. Learning to play sports the right way.

   C. Having the opportunity to perform.

   D. Learning about the elements of musical sound and history of music.

() 2. Lily is six years old,and she is in an elementary school. What can she do?

   A. Learn to play keyboards or recorders.

   B. Sing in small choirs.

   C. Learn about the elements of musical sound and history of music.

   D. All of above.

() 3. Tom wants to join the school band;what kind of school should he be in?

   A. At elementary school. B. At secondary school.

   C. At the university. D. In junior high school.

() 4. How many kinds of school students does the article mention to have different music classes?

   A. 2.   B. 3.   C. 4.   D. 5.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   The following is a true story. It happened in a small village in Australia,where some dangerous animals live in the forest.

   Lisa,a 33-year-old mother,went to cook lunch in the kitchen;her 3-year-old son,Barney,playing by himself in the garden.

   Suddenly,a loud cry of Barney came into the mother's ears. Lisa rushed into the garden in a hurry and found a big snake entwining (缠绕) the little boy with its body and trying to eat the boy. It was a boa (癖) . Lisa was terrified and quite angry. She decided to save her son from the boa's mouth.

   It was great mother's love that made Lisa forget what she was facing. She took up a hoe (锄) from the ground and beat (打) the boa as hard as she could.

   One. .. two... with the hoe,Lisa beat the boa time and time again,but useless. The little boy^ voice and breath were getting weaker and weaker. Lisa’s heart was broken and she got nearly mad.

   Suddenly Lisa put away the hoe and threw herself to the boa,opened her mouth and bit (咬) into the boa's back. The boa was so badly hurt that it let go of Barney and moved into the forest hurriedly. It had never known how a woman had such sharp (锋利的) teeth. Soon the boa was found dead in the forest.

   It was great mother's love that saved the little boy.(北京市朝阳区12—13学年八年级期期末考试英语试题)

() 1. When she came into the garden,Lisa found .

   A. her son was in danger of losing his life

   B. her son was playing with a big snake

   C. a boa was playing with her son

   D. Barney was fighting with a boa

() 2. What is the Chinese meaning of the word “terrified” in the passage?

   A. 激动的   B. 惊恐的   C. 平静的   D. 难过的

() 3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

   A. Lisa was getting weaker and weaker.

   B. Lisa got mad when she saw her son in danger.

   C. Lisa opened her mouth and bit into the boa's back.

   D. Lisa beat the boa with the hoe as hard as she could.

() 4. In this passage the writer mainly wants to tell us.

   A. the boy is too young to fight with the boa

   B. how sharp the woman's teeth are

   C. a boa is a dangerous animal

   D. how great mother's love is

