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  Some years ago, leaving the farm to work in the city, three brothers were employed by the same company and on the same pay.But three years later, they received different wages.So their father was confused and decided to pay a visit to the boss, who told him that he would let his sons explain for themselves.

  The three brothers were asked by the supervisor to go to the airport to get a cargo inventory at different times.Jim, who received 500 dollars a months, got the information on the phone instead of going to the airport himself.Frank, the 1000 dollars a month brother with a list of more cargoes.George, the 1500 dollars a month brother came back with detailed information and also did something extra without being told.











  Three brothers, who worked for the same company, received different wages due to their different attitudes towards their work, which shows right attitude is of great help to one’s life.

  Their different attitudes towards their work result in their different wages.From the story I can conclude that those who take positive attitude towards work will be rewarded.

  Different attitudes lead to different results.Take Xiao Hua as an example.They are both my classmates.Not only does he put his heart into study but he is also helpful both to teachers and students.So he has become a top student in our class, even in the grade.With his diligence and concentration, he is bound to succeed in entering his ideal university.However, Xiao Li never cares about his study because he is addicted to playing games, he turns a deaf ear to the teachers’ advice.As a result, he falls far behind others in his study.

  In my opinion, attitude is everything.No matter what you do, you must do it well even if you may fail many times.Sooner or later you will be rewarded for your positive attitude towards your work or life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


   Some years ago, leaving the farm to work in the city, three brothers were employed by the same company and on the same pay. But three years later, they received different wages. So their father was confused and decided to pay a visit to the boss, who told him that he would let his sons explain for themselves.                      

   The three brothers were asked by the supervisor to go to the airport to get a cargo inventory at different times. Jim, who received 500 dollars a month, got the information on the phone instead of going to the airport himself. Frank,  the 1000 dollars a month brother with a list of more cargoes. George, the 1500 dollars a month brother came back with detailed information and also did something extra without being told.






3)你对 “态度决定一切”如何理解?

4) 举一对比事例说明不同的学习态度产生不同的结果。




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


In modern society, more and more people have great pressure in their work. They have to work day and night. Some of them suffer from too much work. And some are even killed by overwork.

Which is more important, health or wealth? Some people think that wealth is more important than health. In their opinion, money is everything. “I would rather be the slave of money than the slave of people.” This is what they appreciate most. In order to earn more money, some of them spend most of the time working, running the rest of their life for wealth.

As a matter of fact, health is more important than wealth because health is the foundation of wealth. Without health, you can hardly imagine where the wealth comes from. Even if you are wealthy, how can you enjoy your wealth when you gave lost your health? In other words, wealth is based on health and wealth serves health. However, we cannot ignore wealth. Without money, we can do nothing.


下面请你以 “要健康还是要财富”为主题,谈谈你读了这篇短文以后的感受。内容要点包括:









科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年广东省新兴县惠能中学高二月考英语试卷 题型:写作题

One morning, Mr Hare was running on the road. Suddenly he saw Mr Tortoise, who was also running on the road towards him. Mr Hare ran up to Mr Tortoise and laughed at him. Mr Tortoise got angry and wouldn’t take failure lying down, so he suggested having a race to see who could first get to the big tall tree by the roadsides. Mr Hare agreed with him without hesitation. The race began. Mr Hare and Mr tortoise started from the same line at the same time. When Mr Hare was far ahead of Mr Tortoise and even couldn’t see Mr Tortoise, he thought that Mr Tortoise fell behind and couldn’t catch up with him. So he stopped and lay down to have a nap. But soon he fell asleep. At the same time, Mr Tortoise kept on running and running. When Mr Hare woke up, he found Mr Tortoise had already sat under the tree and was smiling at him!


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届广东汕头四中高三年级第一次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


An elderly carpenter (木匠)was ready to retire. He told his employer of his plans to leave the house-building business to live a more leisurely(休闲的) life with his wife and children. His employer(老板)was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor. The carpenter said yes, but it was obvious that his heart was already not in his work . He built it impatiently and used poor materials. It was unfortunate for a wonderful career to end like that.

When the carpenter finished his work, his employer came to insect the house. Then he handed the front-door key to the carpenter and said, ”This is your house. It’s my gift to you.”

The carpenter was shocked! What a shame! If he had known he was building his own house, he would done it all so differently.

So it is with us. We build our lives, a day at a time, often putting less than our best into   building . Then with a shock, we realize we have to live in the house we have built. Therefore build it wisely( 明智)!


1 请你以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。

2请你以约120词以“Build your life wisely ”为题谈谈你的想法,内容包括:







