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18.[1]It's a fine line parents walk as they try to guide their kids into adulthood.You want to protect but not treat too kindly,advise but not control and let them live their own lives-with some input,of course.
[2]When your child asks for help or advice,give only what was asked for.If your Child asks you to tie a particular hard-to-tie knot(绳结)for a project she is working on,just tie the knot.Don't start helping with the rest of the project or making suggestions on how to do it.She wants to do it herself,in her own way.Befor                 which your child has not askd for,count to ten.Perhaps in those seconds you'll decide that the advice would do no good,or isn't really that important,and you'll drop it.If the advice still seems important,you will give it,but the pause may lead you to give it in a more thoughtful way.
[3]Remember that your child is not you and is not a reflection of you.We mak a serious mistake if we try to shape our children into copies of ourselves,or if we think of them as extensions or reflections of ourselves.We need to help them to be them,not try to turn them into us or into something that we think will make us look good.
[4]Our primary responsibility to our children is not that of telling them moment-to-moment or day-to-day how to behave but providing them with a healthy environment in which to develop.For example,one of the best ways you can help your kids is to work with your community to create safe-enough outdoor places to play in your neighborhood.
76.What's the best title of this text?(no more than 10 words)
Teach Children Wisely and Well/Guide Kids Into Adulthood Wisely                                                                     
77.Which sentence in the text is closest in meaning to the following one?Don't start helping with the rest of the project or making suggestions on how to do it.
It's not your duty to help her finish the whole thing or give her advice on the way of doing it.Don't start helping with the rest of the project or making suggestions on how to do it.
78.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words.(no more than 5  words)
offering help or advice/you offer help or advice                                                                             
79.Make a list of three mistakes that we parents usually make in guiding the kids.(no more than 24 words)
(1)shaping the kids into our copies
(2)thinking of the kids as our extensions
(3)trying to turn the kids into us
80.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 into Chinese.我们对子女的首要责任不是耳提面命地告诉他们如何行事,而是为他们的发展提供一个健康的环境..

分析 本文为科教类阅读,文章向父母介绍了怎样帮助孩子过渡到成年期.

解答 76.Teach Children Wisely and Well/Guide Kids Into Adulthood Wisely
77.Don't start helping with the rest of the project or making suggestions on how to do it.
78.offering help or advice/you offer help or advice
79.(1)shaping the kids into our copies;(2)thinking of the kids as our extensions;(3)trying to turn the kids into us
76.答案Teach Children Wisely and Well/Guide Kids Into Adulthood Wisely.主旨大意题.根据第一段It's a fine line parents walk as they try to guide their kids into adulthood.You want to protect but not treat too kindly,advise but not control and let them live their own lives-with some input,of course可知,本文主要教父母们怎样帮助孩子过渡到成年期.
77.答案Don't start helping with the rest of the project or making suggestions on how to do it.细节理解题.根据题干It's not your duty to help her finish the whole thing or give her advice on the way of doing it可知,帮助她完成所有的事情或者指挥她怎样做,都不是你的职责.对应第二段Don't start helping with the rest of the project or making suggestions on how to do it.help her finish the whole thing对应helping with the rest of the project,give her advice on the way of doing it对应making suggestions on how to do it.
78.答案offering help or advice/you offer help or advice.推理判断题.根据第二段开头When your child asks for help or advice,give only what was asked for可知,当孩子请求帮助时,你才能提供帮助.根据Before____ which your child has not askd for,count to ten,在孩子要求帮助以前,不要提建议,先倒数十个数.故填offering help or advice/you offer help or advice.
79.答案(1)shaping the kids into our copies;(2)thinking of the kids as our extensions;(3)trying to turn the kids into us.细节理解题.根据第三段We mak a serious mistake if we try to shape our children into copies of ourselves,or if we think of them as extensions or reflections of ourselves.We need to help them to be them,not try to turn them into us or into something that we think will make us look good可知,父母经常犯的错是:让孩子成为父母的复制品,把孩子当做父母的延伸,试着把孩子变成父母的样子.

点评 此类型的题要寻找细节,从原文中找答案,还要通过已知信息进行判断推理和透过字面意思解读深层含义.做这一类型的题时,还需注意:①把握文章的内在逻辑关系,以文章提供的事实和观点为依据,立足原文,推断未知.不能主观臆造,凭空想象,随意揣测,更不能以自己的观点代替作者的观点.②在理解全文的基础上,吃透文章的字面意思,从字里行间捕捉一些线索,对文章的表面意思进行挖掘加工,悟出作者的深层含义或弦外之音.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

10.时下,越来越多的家庭拥有了轿车,同时车祸也在不断上升.请围绕"How to Drive safely?"写一篇80~100词的文章,内容要点如下(括号中的词汇可供参考):
为了保护你和他人,开车时应记住以下几点:(in order to,protect )
1.不酒后驾车;(drink wine)
4.遇到行人减慢你的车速.(slow down)
How to Drive Safely?
Nowadays,more and more families have cars.At the same time,there are a lot of car accidents every day.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

9.I've been writing for most of my life.The book Writing Without Teachers introduced me to one distinction and one practice that has helped my writing processes greatly.
(71)D Though you need to employ both while you are writing to get to a finished result,they cannot work in parallel no matter how much you might like to think so or even try to do so.
Trying to criticize(批评) writing on the fly is possibly the single greatest barrier to writing that most of us often come across.If you are listening to that 5th grade English teacher correct your grammar mistakes while you are trying to seize upon a fleeting (稍纵即逝的) thought,the thought will die.If you catch the fleeting thought and simply share it with the world just in raw form,no one is likely to understand it.(72)G
The practice that can help you to get rid of your bad habits of trying to edit as you write is what Elbow calls"free writing."In free writing,the objective is to get words down on paper non-stop,usually for 15-20minutes.No stopping,no going back,no correcting,no deleting.(73)B As the words begin to flow,the ideas will come from the shadows wildly and you just let themselves be noted down on your paper or your screen.
(74)F Most likely,you will believe that this will take more time than you actually have and you will end up staring blankly at the pages as the deadline draws near.Instead of staring at a blank,start filling it with words no matter how bad they are.Halfway through your available time,stop and rework your raw writing into something closer to finished product.(75)E.

A.Try to find faults in the raw writing.
B.The goal is to get the words flowing.
C.Write down the words coming to your mind with caution.
D.The distinction is between the creative mind and the critical mind.
E.Move back and forth and the final result will most likely be far better.
F.Now you have raw materials that you can begin to work with the critical mind.
G.You must learn to create first and then criticize if you want to make writing the tool for thinking.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

6.Many adults see teens as energetic.Many of us see ourselves as proud.This thinking(36)C   many adults and us to have the idea that if we can't handle school or (37)B   life well,we are just not trying hard.
But in my opinion that may not be  (38)A.
Earlier this school year,I was leaving my class one Friday   (39)B  suddenly it  (40)Dlike I had pulled a muscle in my back.I knew I was ill.
After a few days I stopped eating.This meant I lost  (41)C; the clothes that I bought two weeks earlier began   (42)A   loose.This time my parents got scared.
(43)B,I started sleeping less.My eyelids (眼皮) were constantly(44)D.
I refused to (45)Cthat I was ill.I kept my job working 25hours a week in a shop; I didn't (46)B  any classes.When I was hurting,I didn't mind and kept on going.(47)A it kills you,it makes you stronger,right?
But now I find myself thinking.Is it (48)D  it?I'm taking the classes and working for the newspaper because it does good (49)Bcollege applications.And I'm working 25hours a week so that,once I get into my dream school,I can (50)D it.
Here I am,already sick from the (51)A  of work I'm doing in and out of school.So,what good is a(n)(52)Bapplication if I'm badly ill?What is the(53)C of doing this work if I can't enjoy the results?
In fact,by writing my(54)DI'm telling all the people who(55)Bmuch about the future to worry about it now.

43.A.In factB.In additionC.In disorderD.In general
48.A.paidB.similar toC.equal toD.worth


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

13.There is a heated (81)ddiscussion/debate about whether parents should give presents(82)to their children's teachers on Teachers'Day.Some parents hold the view(83)that they should send presents to teachers in order to make  sure their children have a brighter future.(84)however,others are against it.In their eyes,sending presents,especially(85)valuable(有价值的)ones,is a bad habit,which could have a negative (86)eefect on students as well as teachers.Personally,I think we should really show(87)respect(尊敬)to teachers and think highly of their(88)contributions(贡献)to education insome ways.The most (89)important thing is not giving our teachers presents but loving(90)them in mind.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.The old man tried to save more money ______ he could contribute some to the flood victims.(  )
A.so as toB.now thatC.so thatD.even though


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached _____ looked like a large market because of too many carriages flying by in all directions.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.It is reported that by careful questioning the police managed to _________ the information they were looking for.(  )
A.add upB.set downC.dig outD.give up


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.The doctor has ________ a new idea for the treatment,which is well thought of by his companions.(  )
A.come aboutB.put forwardC.taken onD.come up

