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They did it all____ friendship.

A.by the name of        B.of the name of

C.under the name of       D.in the name of



本题考查由name构成的短语。by/of the name of 意为“称做,叫做”,under the name of意为“用某某作名字(不用自己的真名)”,in the name of“为某事物的缘故”。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I remember my math teacher Mr. Young very well. He stood out because the kids made fun of him. He was missing one of his fingers, and always pointed at students with his middle finger.

 I was not very good at English and math. No matter how hard I tried, I just could not figure out why I did not understand what all the other kids found so easy to learn.

One day, I was told that if I got one more E on my report card, I would be taken to the “big prison for kids”.

 I tried really hard for weeks. I just couldn’t understand how to make different parts of numbers into whole things.

The day before report cards were to come out, I knew that Mr Young would give me an E, just like he always did.

I went to Mr. Young and told him that the orphanage (孤儿院) was going to send me to the big prison if I got another E on my report card. He told me there was nothing he could do; it would be unfair to the other kids if he gave me a better grade than I had actually earned. I smiled at him and said, “Mr. Young, do you know how the kids make fun of you because you’re missing your finger?”

He looked at me, moved his mouth to one side and said nothing.

“They shouldn’t do that to you because you can’t help not having a finger, Mr Young. Just like I can’t help not being able to learn numbers and stuff like that,” I said.

The next day, when I got my report card, I tucked it into one of my books. While on the school bus, I opened it: Geography, B+; Mechanical Drawing, C-; English, D-; History, C-; Gym, B+; Art, C; Math, D-.

That math grade was the most favorite one I ever received. Because I knew that someone in the world finally understood what it was like for me to be missing a finger inside my head.

From the second paragraph we can infer that the boy is ______ in some subjects.

A. mind-blowing     B. slow-witted     C. fun-loving     D. badly-behaved

Where may the boy live according to the passage?

A. In an orphanage.        B. In a big prison.    

C. In the school dormitory.  D. In his home.

. What grade should the boy have got in the math test this time?

A. D-.            B. C.             C. B+.             D. E.

The underlined word “tucked” in the passage most probably means “________”.

A. stuck             B. listed              C. hid           D. copied

The reason why the boy remembers Mr Young is that ______.

A. he missed one of his fingers     B. he treated his students very well

C. he understood the boy          D. he taught his students in a special way


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省实验中学2010年高考仿真实战模拟考试英语试题 题型:完型填空

My father enjoys bike riding.Ever since I was little, I’ve always loved going biking with my dad.36 , as I became a teenager, other things began to draw my    37 .It was important to do things with friends  38   .I saw my dad every evening at home.Why did I have to  39  my Sundays to all-day bike trips with him , too? If my indifference(冷漠) hurt him, my father kept  40  , but he would always let me know when he was planning a bike trip  41  I wanted to come.
It was a Sunday morning, and I was in low  42 .Two of my friends had gone to the movies without inviting me.Just then my father  43 my room.“It’s a beautiful day.Want to go for a  44  today, Beck?”  “Leave me alone! ” I impatiently  45 .Those were the last words I said to him before he left the house that  46   .
Several hours later, the police called us,  47  us that Dad had a traffic accident.My father’s injuries were serious.It took several days before he could 48  speak.Beside his bed I held his hand gently,   49  of hurting him.
“Daddy … I’m sorry …”
“It’s OK, sweetheart.I’ll be OK.”
“No,” I said, “I  50  what I said to you that day.You know, that morning?”
“Sweetheart, I don’t  51  anything about that day, not before, during or after the accident.I remember kissing you goodnight the night before, though.” He 52  a weak smile.
I felt regretful for my thoughtless remark, for I   53  wanted him to leave me alone.My teacher once told me that  54  have immeasurable power.They can hurt or they can heal.And we all have the  55  to choose our words.I intend to do that very carefully from now on.
36.A.There fore       B.Instead            C.Besides       D.However
37.A.attention      B.sight            C.effort             D.energy
38.A.once again    B.all of a sudden      C.in time      D.on one hand
39.A.start         B.save               C.devote       D.waste
40.A.silent          B.busy            C.asleep          D.awake
41.A.unless       B.in case            C.so that         D.as if
42.A.spirits      B.conditions          C.emotions      D.hopes   
43.A.left            B.checked          C.entered       D.knocked
44.A.ride         B.walk            C.picnic       D.game
45.A.whispered       B.warned            C.announced    D.shouted
46.A.moment      B, morning           C.afternoon      D.evening
47.A.convincing   B.reminding        C.informing     D.phoning
48.A.eventually     B.generally        C.strictly            D.broadly
49.A.tired           B.afraid           C.aware         D.sorry
50.A.discuss        B.think             C.care         D.mean
51.A.hate        B. forget           C.remember      D.like
52.A.got          B.expressed         C.exchanged    D.managed
53.A.often        B.never           C.even         D.once
54.A.apologies      B.promises          C.smiles       D.words       
55.A.experience     B.honor             C.power          D.desire


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年内蒙古牙克石林业中学高一下学期期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

For thirty years, Johnson arrived at work at 9A.M. exactly. He never missed a day and was never late.
However, on one particular day, 9A.M. passed without Johnson’s arrival, it caused a sensation (轰动). All workers stopped and wait, and the boss himself looked at his watch and complained.
Finally, exactly at ten, Johnson turned up, clothes dusty and torn, his face hurt and bruised(挫伤), his glasses bent. He limped painfully to the time clock, struck in with a strong fist, and said, knowing that all eyes were upon him, “I fell and rolled down two flights of stairs in the subway and nearly killed myself.”
But the boss said, “And to roll down two flights of stairs took you a whole hour?”
【小题1】How long did Johnson work in the company?

A.9 years.B.10 years. C.20 years.D.30 years.
【小题2】What did the other workers do when Johnson was late for work?
A.They were waiting for Johnson.
B.They did their work as usual.
C.They complained against Johnson.
D.They were excited to see Johnson was late.
【小题3】What does the boss mean when he said “And to roll down two flights of stairs took you a whole hour?”?
A.He was worried about Johnson’s health.
B.He was glad that Johnson was late for work.
C.He was surprised at Johnson’s being late for work.
D.He wanted to know more about the reason for Johnson’s being late for work.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012届浙江省苍南县灵溪二高高三第二次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

She had been shopping with her Mom in Wal-Mart.She must have been 6 years old, this beautiful brown haired, freckle-faced image of innocence.Outside, it was pouring so heavily.
We all stood there just inside the door of the Wal-Mart.We waited, some patiently, others annoyed because nature messed up their hurried day.I got lost in the sound and sight of the heavens washing away the dirt and dust of the world.
Her voice was so sweet as it broke the hypnotic trance (昏昏欲睡) we were all caught in."Mom, let's run through the rain," she said.
"No, honey.We'll wait until it slows down a bit," Mom replied.
This young child waited about another minute and repeated: "Mom, let's run through the rain."
" We'll get wet totally if we do," Mom said.
"No, we won't, Mom.That's not what you said this morning," the young girl said as she tore at her Mom's arm.
"This morning? When did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet?"
"Don't you remember? When you were talking to Daddy about his cancer, you said, If God can get us through this, he can get us through anything!"
The entire crowd stopped dead silent.I dare say you couldn't hear anything but the rain.We all stood silently. No one came or left in. the next few minutes,Mom paused and thought for a moment about what she would say.
Now some would laugh it off and scold her for being silly.Some might even ignore what was said. But this was a moment of affirmation in a young child's lifetime when innocent trust can be developed so that it will bloom into faith."Honey, you are absolutely right.Let's run through the rain.If get wet, well maybe we just need washing," Mom said.Then off they ran.
We all stood watching, smiling and laughing as they rushed past the cars and they held their shopping bags over their heads just in case.They got soaked.But they were followed by a few who screamed and laughed like children all the way to their cars.And yes, I did.I ran.I got wet.I needed washing.
You may lose your material possessions, your money and even your health, but no one can ever take away your precious memories.So don't forget to make time and take the opportunities to make memories.
【小题1】Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the underlined word "affirmation"?

A.happiness B.approval C.disagreementD.love
【小题2】What do we know about the mother in the story?
A.Her husband was cured of his cancer.
B.She was strong-willed and considerate.
C.She was in despair and pretended to forget what she said.
D.Her daughter completely understood the situation her family was in.
【小题3】Which of the following may the author agree with?
A.The mother should not tell her child about the family misfortune.
B.Parents should act more bravely than their children.
C.Parents should grasp every opportunity to influence their children to grow well.
D.Children should learn to show gratitude and understanding to their parents.
【小题4】The best title for the passage might be _____.
A.Run Through the RainB.Be a Determined Mother
C.Wait in the RainD.Have a Wonderful Experience


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Many people find it difficult to do any activity for pure pleasure.I'm here to tell you about one of my
favorite pleasures.It doesn't cost a thing and takes very little time.Best of all, you can do it for pure
enjoyment.It's walking.
     There's something about walking that's different from jogging.When I'm jogging, I'm constantly
challenging myself to go farther or faster, sweat more, and breathe harder.But when I'm walking, I'm
taking time to go outside and put one foot in front of the other while I look around, breathe, and feel the
sun and the wind.When I walk, I'm submerging(浸没) myself in life.
     On walks, I make friends with myself.That little voice in my head asks, "How are you going to finish
three major projects this week?" I answer, "Now, calm down.This is your time.No deadlines, no projects, no havetodos."
      Walks alone and walks with companions each have their own pleasures.On walks with companions
, acquaintances become friends and friendships deepen.There are always memories and thoughts to share on walks.
     I also enjoy walking anywhere with my children, who constantly open my eyes to new
discoveries-rolling down a hill, or finding a strange rock.Walking expands their minds and teaches them
about nature.
      Years ago, when I read "Pride and Prejudice", I noticed Elizabeth Bennet walked three miles to visit
her sister.Then I learned that the Romantic poets-William Wordsworth, John Keats, and Percy Bysshe
Shelley-frequently walked for hours for creative inspiration.I might not have been able to write like these poets but I could take walks as they did, I thought.Then I became interested in the activity.
     Because I walk so often, I now have a list of my favorite walking spots.One of my favorite spots is a
park near my house.The park lets me experience the cycle of the seasons at my convenience.
     Where else can you appreciate the beauty in the world except on a walk? Why not take a walk and
do it for pleasure?

1. Compared with jogging, walking ________.
A. is more boring  
B. is more relaxing
C. needs more energy  
D. takes less time

2. The author seems to believe that ________.
A. walks may help promote friendship
B. walks help build children's independence
C. one had better walk without companions
D. one can solve hard problems during walks

3. From Paragraph 6 we learn ________.
A. the benefits of reading
B. why the author loves poems
C. how the author started walking
D. the importance of creative inspiration

4. Why does the author write the passage?
A. To stress the importance of literature.
B. To give advice about daily exercise.
C. To show the benefits of doing sports.
D. To recommend walking to the readers.

