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【题目】We would rather our daughter ________ at home with us, but it is her choice, and she is not a child any longer.

A. would stay B. has stayed

C. stayed D. stay



试题考查特殊句式。would rather后直接跟宾语从句中,从句不用that连接。如果表示现在或将来要做的事情,从句的谓语动词用一般过去式。如:I'd rather you met her at the airport tomorrow morning. (将来) 我但愿你明天早上能在机场见到他。如果谈论过去动作,从句的谓语动词用过去完成式。如:I'd rather you hadn't told him the news that day. (过去) 我宁可你那天没有把那消息告诉他。根据语境,这是与现在事实相反的愿望,故选C


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:






Today was my former junior school’s fifty anniversary. I attended to its Homecoming Day. Early in the morning, followed some other former schoolmates of different age, I arrived at the school gate. We first went around the school and then visit the school museum to admire all the pleasant changes in recent years. Afterwards, several students had a tea party with some teachers or other students, talking about our old days and school life today. Unknowingly, several hours passed. Before leaving, all of us were inviting to leave a message on a wall. I wrote serious that I was very grateful to my school for her giving me a happy and brilliant childhood. What great Saturday!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The boy often gives a satisfactory answer to the teacher’s question, ______ just a minute. So he’s usually the teacher’s pet.

A. thought B. having thought

C. and to think D. thinking


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

俗话说万事开头难All things are difficult before they are easy.)。你是否同意这一说法?请用英语写一篇短文,内容包括:

1. 你对这句俗语的理解;

2. 结合生活中一个具体事例加以说明。




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



The loss of handwriting in our high-tech world saddens me. People of all ages openly admit their handwriting as keyboards replace pen and paper. Increasingly, schoolchildren deal with assignments on computer and struggle to write, having had little practice. I am of the generation that learnt to write with a dip pen in kindergarten and a fountain pen in high school; by the time I reached university, like everyone else. I used a functional ballpoint. Handwriting has filled every aspect of my life since I was first taught to shape letters on the lined pages of my exercise books.

From the age of 12,I kept a handwritten journal, recording my thoughts and feelings regarding both the significant and mundane aspects of my life. Through this daily practice I connected with myself, explored experiences and found a way to interpret and make sense of my relationships. Although I rarely reread my written material, the process of writing has remained with me as a means of processing my feelings and filtering(过滤) my experiences.

Yet today, handwritten letters are as rare as a red panda. Few of us write any longer, even to those to whom we are close, We communicate difficultly when we e-mail or text, both methods characterized by speed and informality. The deep thinking which accompanied a handwritten letter is almost entirely absent. We may be communicating more frequently and with more people, but the depth and quality of our communication has reduced.

Sadly, modern technology tends to be temporary. Few of us keep old e-mails or even print them out, so a sense of history and memory is lost. Archivists(档案管理者)report that more information has been lost in the past decade than in the previous 150 years. It is too easy to press the delete button.

In many other areas of records, material is now in the digital format. Yet saving material in a digital format only is extremely unstable. How it will survive the future remains a problem.

In this digital world of text, e-mails and instant messaging, the perceived value of writing is no longer obvious and the case for retaining the practice of writing needs to be made. Should we save the bumble pen and paper when laptops and mobiles are functional, universal and unstoppable? Should children continue to be taught to write with a pen and paper?

With its passing a good mode of self-expression is being lost. I invite readers to engage with handwriting and become aware of this special skill that has created civilization for centuries.

Paragraph outline

Detailed information

The current 1of handwriting

▲Students 2to computers to complete their homework

▲With little practice, students have 3 writing.

▲We seldom write letters even to people we are close to.

The author’s link with handwriting

▲The author4 himself to handwriting from kindergarten to university

▲The author kept 5of his thoughts and feelings by keeping writing journals.

▲The author also takes 6of writing to process his feeling and filtering his experiences.

The 7with modern communication methods

▲There is an 8of depth and quality in e-mail and texts

▲The temporariness of modern technology tends to give 9 to the loss of some history and memory

▲Saving materials only in a digital format is not very stable.

▲A style of self-expression is being lost.

The author’s 10to people for handwriting

Write as much as possible and realize the importance of this special art


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







My family was very poor when I was child. My parents were workers but couldn’t afford to buy toysfrom me. As a result, my dolls looked a lot differently from those bought from toy stores. My dolls were home-made. The first doll I owned it was made of a glass Coca-Cola bottle. I was such excited to make a doll byitself. Soon I became a collector of empty Coca-Cola bottles because I see each bottle as a possible baby doll atthat time. People whom worked in the store selling Coca-Cola could see me pick up empty bottles almost everyday. Those home-made toys brought me a lot of happy.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







Last night when Steven and I are having a walk in the street, we sudden heard a painful cry for help near a tree.We quickly ran to the tree and found a boy laying on the ground with a stick in his leg.He had fallen of the tree.Steven suggested we pulled the stick out at once, but I disagreed.Because I had learned little about first aid at school.The stick in the leg would help controlling the bleeding.As there was no telephone, so we managed to find a taxi.We took a boy to the hospital.Finally we telephoned his parents and left after he came to the hospital.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.The man’s toy.B.The man’s father.C.The man’s childhood.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



1. 英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言之一,是许多国家的官方语言。

2. 纵观历史,英语已经经历了巨大的变化。可以肯定的是这一变化过程还将会持续下去。

3. 学习英语的好处(不少于二点)。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 注意表达连贯,不要逐字翻译;

3. 不必写标题。


