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6.成绩:伦敦奥运会获两块金牌;2013年巴塞罗那**"世界锦标赛"***男子400米、800米、1500米自由泳冠军,4x 200米自由泳接力季军,
参考词汇:自由泳*freestyle swimming   巴塞罗那**Barcelona    世界锦标赛***championships

分析 这是一篇提纲作文,让我们写一篇关于介绍我国著名的游泳运动员--孙杨的作文,这需要我们发挥英语思维,将提供的信息用英语完整流畅的表达出来.写作需要用第三人称,时态主要是一般过去时,内容要点包括:1.出生日期:1991年12月1日;2.出生地点:杭州;3.个人情况:中国泳坛明星,中国人的骄傲;4.毕业学校:浙江大学;5.专长:大学毕业后专攻长距离自由泳;6.成绩:伦敦奥运会获两块金牌;2013年巴塞罗那"世界锦标赛"男子400米、800米、1500米自由泳冠军,4x 200米自由泳接力季军,7.并被评为本届世锦赛最佳男运动员,成为历史上首次获得这一奖项的亚洲游泳选手.
be proud of对…感到自豪,骄傲
 concentrate on 集中注意力
win the third place 赢第三名
What's more而且,此外
高分句型一:Sun Yang,born in Hangzhou on Dec 1,1991,is a Chinese swimming star,who we Chinese are proud of.此句用了过去分词born作后置定语,以及who引导的定语从句
高分句型二:What's more,Sun Yang was awarded the best male swimmer of 2013 World Championships,becoming the first Asian swimmer to win such an award in history.此句用了现在分词作结果状语,顺其自然的结果.

解答 Sun Yang,born in Hangzhou on Dec 1,1991,is a Chinese swimming star,who we Chinese are proud of(高分句型一).
After graduating from Zhejiang University he has concentrated on long-distance freestyle swimming.
Besides winning two gold medals in London Olympic Games,he even eventually achieved his goal of becoming champions in men's 400m,800m and 1,500m freestyle events in the World Swimming Championships in Barcelona.
At the same time,together with his teammates,he also won the third place in the men's 4x200 meters freestyle relay in the Barcelona World Championships.
What's more,Sun Yang was awarded the best male swimmer of 2013 World Championships,becoming the first Asian swimmer to win such an award in history.(高分句型二)

点评 英语写作是一项主观性较强的测试题.它不仅考查学生的写作基础而且还考查学生在写作过程中综合运用语言的能力.在撰写时要注意主谓语一致,时态呼应,用词贴切等.要提高英语写作水平,需要两方面的训练:一是语言基础方面的训练,要有扎实 的造句、翻译等基本功,即用词法、句法等知识造出正确无误的句子;二是写作知识和能力 方面的训练以掌握写作方面的基本方法和技巧.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

7.I'm so happy that my dream will soon come true.
I'm so happy that my dream will soonturn intoreality.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.Jane was walking round the department store.She remembered how difficult (41)it was to choose a suitable Christmas present for her father.She wished that he was as easy (42)to please (please) as her mother,who was always delighted with perfume.Besides,shopping at this time of the year was not (43)a pleasant experience:people stepped on your feet or (44)pushed (push) you with their elbows(肘部),hurrying ahead to get to a bargain.
Jane paused in front of a counter (45)where some attractive ties were on display."They are real silk,"the assistant tried to attract her."Worth double the price."But Jane knew from past experience that her (46)choice (choose) of ties hardly ever pleased her father.Jane stopped where a small crowd of men had gathered.She found some good quality pipes (47)onsale.She did not hesitate for long:although her father smoked a pipe only once in a while,she knew that this was a present which was bound to(注定) please (48)him.
When Jane got home,with her small but well-chosen present in her bag,her parents were already at table having supper.Her mother was (49)excited(excite)."Your father has at last decided to stop smoking,"Jane(50)was told (tell).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5."Shanghai's students have been _____ to a lot of foreign culture.They may soon go beyond the stage of worshipping (崇拜) other cultures and return to their own,"Gu Xiaoming said.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.I can't concentrate         what I am doing while the noise is going on.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.China's second manned space flight will be done by two astronauts over five days in 2005."Shenzhou-VI will be sent into space sometime in 2005,"said Zuo Saichun,a spokesperson of the China Aerospace Science and Technology (CAST)."The spacecraft(宇宙飞船) will make new breakthroughs in China's manned space technology."
Unlike Shenzhou-V,a little more than a year ago (in October,2003),the next flight will see two astronauts fly in space for five days.Their capsule (太空舱) is designed to be capable of orbiting for a whole week,the spokesperson said."For the first time,astronauts will enter and live in the orbital module(舱) of the spacecraft to do scientific experiments,"said a statement from CAST.CAST did not say what those experiments will be.
In Shenzhou-VI,scientists have changed the spacecraft's configuration (构形) to reduce its weight,and tried to improve the performance of on-board equipment.They have also worked to make sure of the energy supply of the spacecraft and further improve its safety.So far,scientists have worked out ways to solve problems on environmental control and life support.Shenzhou-VI will be sent into orbit atop a Long March 2F rocket.
Meanwhile,a mode l of the Chang'e-1 satellite is expected to be sent to orbit the moo n in two years.The satellite,part of the three-stage programme,would be followed by the landing of an unmanned vehicle on the moon in the second stage by 2010 and collecting samples of lunar soil by 2020 in the final stage,according to Sun Laiyan,director of the China National Space Administration.
32.Which of the following about Shenzhou-VI is NOT true?B
A.It will be sent into space in 2005.
B.It is capable of orbiting for two weeks.
C.It will be sent into orbit atop a Long March 2F rocket.
D.It will be sent into space with two as tronauts.
33.According to the passage,the following problems should be solved before Shenzhou-VI is sent into space EXCEPTD.
A.environmental control       
B.energy supply
C.life support                
D.lunar soil collecting
34.Which of the following does NOT belong to the three-stage programme?A
A.Shenzhou-VI's being sent into space.
B.A model of the Chang'e-1 satellite will be sent to orbit the moon.
C.The landing of an unmanned vehicle on the moon.
D.Collecting samples of lunar soil.
35.The passage mainly tells usB.
A.some problems need solving before Shenzhou-VI is sent into space
B.Shenzhou-VI will be sent into space in 2005
C.what China's space programme is
D.how China's three-stage programme is carried out.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.The house was quiet at 5am and Tim's mother was asleep.Only the sound of the big freezer broke the quiet.He'd dreamt of the cave last night.The purring (轻微颤动声) of the freezer had been the sea.
Tim pulled on a sweater and put some apples into his schoolbag.It was too early for breakfast.He'd eat after he'd been through the cave,sitting on the rocks and staring at the sea.
He wished he had a proper pack.His schoolbag would have to do.What else?Sandwiches-but his mother might wake up if he started pulling out bread for sandwiches,she'd want to know why he had to leave so early.He settled for some biscuits,and left a note stuck to the table:Gone to Michael's.Back tonight,Tim.
The sky was high and soft and light outside,though the sun still wasn't up.Even the highway up the hill was quiet as he made his way down the street.The wind from the sea was fresh and sweet.
The sand hills still breathed heat from yesterday's sun,though the top of the sand was cool.He ran down to the beach impatiently,but there was no one,just dry sand dancing in the early wind and seabirds marching up and down watching the waves.
The light changed suddenly.The first rays of sunlight stretched across the sea.The sun was pushing its way over the edge of the world.
Over the first rocks,along to the point,Tim glanced back.The beach was still empty.The sun sailed higher in the sky.
He could see the cave now,even darker in the morning light.The sand turned silver then dark gold as the water flowed away from it.He had to force himself to go closer.Why was it so much more mysterious now?But it would be silly to go back now after so much trouble.He needn't go in all the way…

21.What did Tim do at the beginning of the story?D
A.He put a sweater in his schoolbag.
B.He had breakfast at home.
C.He left a note on the freezer.
D.He left the house quietly.
22.What made it possible for Tim to see the entry to the cave?B
A.The height of the first rocks.
B.The change in the position of the sun.
C.The ups and downs of the waves.
D.The vast stretch of the sunlit beach.
23.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the story?A
A.Tim was the only person on the beach.
B.Seabirds flew away when Tim arrived.
C.The sea looked like a piece of gold.
D.The sky got dark as Tim reached the cave.
24.In the story,Tim's mood changed fromC.
A.loneliness to craziness                 
B.anxiousness to excitement
C.eagerness to nervousness               
D.helplessness to happiness.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.To make members of a team perform better,the trainer has to know theirstrengths ( strong )and weaknesses.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.As you probably know,J.Paul Getty was one of the richest and moat successful American industrialists in history.Quite ambitious from an early age,Getty made his first million at age 23in 1916.He later went on to found the Getty oil company,In 1957,Fortune magazine named him the richest living American and in 1966,the Guinness Book of Records named him as the world's richest private citizen.
Although he is highly regarded by vast numbers of people for his financial success,as a younger man,his drive to acquire power and money had a detrimental impact on other aspects of his life,particularly in his relationships with women.He was,at one point quoted assaying"A lasting relationship with a woman is only possible if you are a business failure."He married five times,having children with four of these wives.He couldn't seem to keep a marriage going for very long.His obsession with having a fortune and power alienated (疏远) each of his wives,eventually driving them away. His marriage with his first wife Jeanette lasted for only three years,with Allene for two years,Adolphine,four years,Ann,four years,and finally Louise,nineteen years.
Perhaps as a young man,Getty was willing to pay whatever price for financial success.Yet Paul came to feel some regret in regard to his life priorities as he approached his later years when he Wrote:"I hate and regret the failure of my marriages.I would gladly give all of my millions for just one lasting marriage success."
At the end of Getty's life,all of the wealth that he had got meant very little to him.It was only then that he became wise enough to understand what really mattered most.Despite all of his accomplishments,he died with great regret.
It's a sad story and a cautionary tale for those of us who may have chosen to make career building our highest priority(优先权),thereby ignoring our relationships.Like any other living organism,relationships require care and attention in order to grow.Even the strongest relationships will he damaged,if there is not enough care.
66.What is Paragraph l mainly about?C
A. People's admiration for J.Paul Getty.
B. How J.Paul Getty led his life.
C. J. Paul Getty's achievements.
D. How J.Paul Getty became rich.
67.The underlined word"detrimental"in Paragraph 2is the closest in meaning to"_A".
A. harmful      
B. interesting      
C. positive       
D. demanding
68.J.Paul Getty's marriage that lasted for the longest time was with _D.
A. Ann         
B. Adolphine       
C. Allene       
D. Louise
69.At the end of his life,what J.Paul Getty cares about most is the success inC.
A. business      
B. politics        
C. marriage      
D. education
70.What is the author's conclusion from the passage?C
A.Young people should focus an career-building.
B.The strongest relationships between people won't be damaged.
C.We should attend to the needs in relationships.
D.Successful people don't care about relationships with others.

