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73. 他愿意冒生命危险救他的朋友。

He would like to to save his friend.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


易读度★ ★ ★

    People used to see fed (松鼠) everywhere in British forests and countryside.36 there are fewer than 160,000 red squirrels left now and most of them are in Scotland. However,gr?y (灰色的) squirrels are now so common in Britain that many people don’t 37 them. Some people even 38 they should kill grey squirrels to protect red squirrels.

    The two kinds of squirrels are 39 when you see them for the first time. They both have a long tail. The tail helps them keep balance when they 40 from tree to ?ee. And they have the same large eyes,small ears and strong legs. However,grey squirrels are 41 . Their heads and bodies are bigger and their tails are also longer.

    So why did red squirrels lose in 42 with grey squirrels? Size is one reason,but there are others. Red squirrels live high up in trees,while grey squirrels spend more of their time 43 the ground. This means any loss of forests 44 influences (影响) the number of red squirrels,but it doesn’t have i much to do with grey squirrels. Another reason for grey squirrels’ success is that 45 can live in towns and cities,and can get food from humans.

() 36. A. But   B. And      C. or   D. So

() 37. A. change   B. lead     C. feed   D. like

() 38. A. think   B. promise

C. wonder   D. know

() 39. A. simple   B. similar

C. magic   D. strange

() 40. A. hide   B. rise   C. jump   D. serve

() 41. A. larger   B. quicker

C. cleverer   D. braver

() 42. A. research   B. training

C. communication   D. competition

() 43. A. of   B. on    C. for   D. with

() 44. A. carefully   B. luckily  

C. hardly   D. greatly

() 45. A. they   B. we    C. he   D. she


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

易读度★ ★ ★

    Most plants will die if they don’thave enough water. But one plant,called the resurrection ( 复活) plant,seems to come back to life after it dies. This plant can still be there after a long time of terrible drought because it travels to look for water.

    Many people say that one difference between plants and animals is that animals move from place to place to find food and water,while plants cannot. But in the desert areas of American West,the resurrection plant can move around to get what it needs,too.

    When there is lots of rain,the resurrection plant grows like any other plant. It sends roots (叶子) down into the ground and has green leaves (叶子) . But when there is little water,the resurrection plant pulls ( 拉) its roots back up and dries up. It turns into a brown ball of seemingly dead roots and leaves. This brown ball goes through the desert with the help of the wind.

    As soon as it touches water,the resurrection plant begins to act like a normal plant again. Its leaves turn green once more as it starts to grow. It is resurrected or brought back to life again in a new place. Because this plant can live a long time with no water,it has become a popular house plant. For anyone who always forgets to water his or her plants,the resurrection plant can be a fantastic gift.


任务一:判断正(T) 误(F) :

() 1. The resu?ection plant is a good example of showing the difference between plants and animals.

() 2. The resurrection plant's roots can dry up and turn brown when there is little water.


3. The resurrection plant can turn into a(n) to move around to find water.

4. Resurrection plants are fantastic gifts for people who always to water their plants


() 5. Who helps resurrection plants move,from place to place?

   A. Humans. B. The sun.

C. Animals. D. The wind.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

68. It’s a warm morning and the sun is (shine) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. 凯特是怎么绊倒的?

How did Kate


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

67. He lived under the (protect) of a strong and brave (首领) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

11. 从前

12. 拿走

13. 变成

14. 从事(某工作) ;致力于.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. Joe, I’m too w to walk far. I have to go to the doctor.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 34. The girls the museum as soon as they saw it. They said they wanted to visit it again.

   A. looked forward to   B. were in control of C. got on with   D. fell in love with

