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1. 海洋渔业资源的现状

2. 分析现状出现的原因

3. 提出解决问题的方法

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科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北正定中学高一下期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

In early summer, one of the most popular fruit is strawberry(草莓). It is said strawberry is the "Queen of fruit" as it has many nutritious elements. But many people feel that the strawberry in the current market tastes different as many strawberries are artificially(人工地) grown and some even have a scent of pesticides(杀虫剂). So finding naturally-grown strawberries is a hot issue. There are some places where you can not only find tasteful strawberries, but also enjoy picking them.

Tianxing Strawberry- Picking Garden

As one of the biggest strawberry-growing areas, Tianxing is known for its healthy fruits. The strawberries here are pesticide-free with no artificial coloring. And now the farm has a special offer that you can get a kilogram of strawberries for only 12 yuan. Here, visitors can have fun picking strawberries as well as taste their freshness. And if you are a newcomer, you can get a discount card and enjoy an extra 20 percent discount on your purchase.

Address: Xinzhuang Village, Xingshou Town, Changping District, Beijing.

Tel: 13910667270

Taolin Strawberry Garden

This garden is not as famous as the first one, but it is a quiet place and relaxing. The strawberries here are much cheaper than those sold in markets. It only costs 6 yuan per kilogram.You can also buy freshly-picked lettuce and Tonghao, a green vegetable. You can have fun picking strawberries in person, but you can’t taste them for free.

Address: Linzhuang Village, Xingshou Town, Changping District, Beijing.

Tel: 010--88413840

Baihe Green Strawberry Garden

Baihe Town is the biggest strawberry-picking area. Known for the freshest and healthiest strawberries, this place is named as the "Hometown of Strawberries". The price for this fruit is about 12 yuan per kilogram. And you can bargain(讲价) with the local sellers for further discounts.

Address: Zhaotun Village, Baihe Town, QingpuDistrict, Shanghai.

Tel: 13803456780

1.People prefer naturally-grown strawberries mainly because ________.

A. they contain many nutritious elements

B. they have a different scent

C. they are pesticide-free and tasteful

D. they are cheaper and bigger

2.You should pay Tianxing Strawberry- Picking Garden ________yuan if you buy 10 kilograms with a discount card.

A. 120 B. 108 C. 96 D. 60

3.Which of the following is WRONG about Taolin Strawberry Garden?

A. It is not better known than Tianxing Strawberry- Picking Garden.

B. Besides strawberries, you can buy green vegetables from it.

C. You can have fun picking strawberries as well as taste them as you like.

D. If you buy 20 kilogram strawberries, you should at most pay 120 yuan.

4.What is the purpose of writing the passage?

A. To advertise Strawberry Gardens.

B. To show the magic of strawberries.

C. To tell the difference between artificially-grown strawberries and naturally-grown strawberries.

D. To tell us the joys of picking and buying strawberries.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖南浏阳一中高二下期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

La Gomera is the only place in the world that has a whistle(口哨) language. We do not know how and why it began because we do not know the complete history of the island. But we can certainly imagine the reasons for the beginning of the whistle language. There are many deep valleys on the island. A person on one side of a valley can not easily shout to a person on the other side. But he can whistle and be heard. Some of the best whistlers can be heard from four miles away and the record is seven miles.

The people who live on the island usually have good teeth, and this helps them to whistle well. They must also have good ears so that they can hear other whistlers.

We can understand why the whistle language continues. It is very useful on the island, and quite easy to learn. When somebody is hurt or ill, the whistle language takes the place of telephone. If the sick person is quite far away from the town, people pass the message from one to another. A boy guarding cattle on a hillside whistles to a man fishing from his boat. The last one is able to describe the trouble fully and exactly to the doctor in town. People help one another in the same way when a car breaks down or a cow is lost.

The whistle language is hundreds of years old, and probably it will continue to live on for hundreds of years more. Radio and TV often kill the special ways of speaking in different parts of a country. But on La Gomera you are nobody if you cannot whistle. Perhaps soon after TV arrives on the island, people there will be whistling the news and other facts and opinions.

1.If a person on La Gomera is ill, ______.

A. the whistle language will help pass the message to the doctor

B. people will take him to town by carriage

C. his family will take him to the hospital

D. others will phone the doctor in town

2.La Gomera is special because ______.

A. we don’t know its complete history

B. people have to shout if they want to communicate

C. people there have good teeth and ears

D. people there use the whistle language to communicate with each other

3.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. The whistle language has been used for hundreds of years on the island, but will not be used any longer.

B. The whistle language can only be found on La Gomera.

C. It is not easy for a person to live on La Gomera if he cannot whistle.

D. The record shows that one best whistler can be heard by others from seven miles away.

4.Which of the following will be the best title of this passage?

A. The Secret Language

B. Do You Know the Whistle Language?

C. The Life of Islanders

D. La Gomera-a Mystery


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北邯郸一中高一下期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Ireland has had a very difficult history. The problems started in the 16th century when English rulers tried to conquer (征服) Ireland. For hundreds of years, the Irish people fought against the English. Finally, in 1921, the British government was forced to give independence to the south of Ireland. The result is that today there are two "Irelands". Northern Ireland, in the north, is part of the United Kingdom. The Republic of Ireland, in the south, is an independent country.

In the 1840s, the main crop, potatoes, was affected by disease and about 750,000 people died of hunger. This, and a shortage (短缺) of work, forced many people to leave Ireland and live in the USA, the UK, Australia and Canada. As a result of these problems, the population fell from 8.2 million in 1841 to 6.6 million in 1851.

For many years, the majority of Irish people earned their living as farmers. Today, many people still work on the land but more and more people are moving to the cities to work in factories and offices. Life in the cities is very different from life in the countryside, where things move at a quieter and slower pace.

The Irish are famous for being warm-hearted and friendly. Oscar Wilde, a famous Irish writer, once said that the Irish were “the greatest talkers since the Greeks”. Since independence, Ireland has revived (复兴) its own culture of music, language, literature and singing. Different areas have different styles of old Irish songs which are sung without instruments. Other kinds of Irish music use many different instruments such as the violin, whistles, etc.

1.What does the author tell us in paragraph 1?

A. how the Irish fought against the English.

B. how Ireland gained independence.

C. how English rulers tried to conquer Ireland.

D. how two "Irelands" came into being.

2.We learn from the text that in Ireland __________.

A. food shortages in the 1840s led to a decline in population

B. people are moving to the cities for lack of work in the countryside

C. it is harder to make a living as a farmer than as a factory worker

D. different kinds of old Irish songs are all sung with instruments

3.The last paragraph is mainly about __________.

A. the Irish character

B. Irish culture

C. Irish musical instruments

D. a famous Irish writer

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A. life in Ireland

B. A Very difficult history

C. Ireland, past and present

D. the independence of Ireland


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北邯郸一中高二下期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


A strong vocabulary helps develop understanding, communication and reading ability. 1. Consider the following tips on helping your child develop an impressive vocabulary.

Let Your Child Tell the Story

Perhaps you read nightly to your child or take turns doing so. Of course, this is an excellent way to expand reading and vocabulary skills. 2. Then, let your child charge the end of the rope of his imagination wherever his imagination leads.


In short, you need to take an active role. If you want your children’s language skills to improve, take their vocabulary questions seriously. When they express curiosity about a word, be sure to teach the correct definition and pronunciation.

Correct Mistakes with Care

4. However, it’s essential not to scold them when they make such mistakes. Rather, point out what they got right, and then review the proper way to use and or speak the word. The more fun and positive an experience, the more interested and able your children will be in expanding their vocabulary.

Do Be Patient

You may need to repeat words and meanings many times before your child fully grasps the concept. This is completely normal. 5. Children develop at their own paces. The most important thing is to honor and balance their needs so that learning doesn’t become struggle. While you want them to get ahead, you don’t want them to develop pressure with trying to do so.

A. Try Your Best to Correct Them.

B. Pay More Attention to Your Kid’s Vocabulary.

C. It’s natural for children to mispronounce or misuse new words.

D. It’s important for children to mispronounce new words while learning.

E. That’s why parents should do what they can to help kids learn new words.

F. Further, if your neighbor’s child has twice the vocabulary yours does, it’s not worth stressing over.

G. However, on occasion, feel free to put the book down and ask your child to create a story to tell you.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东佛山一中高一下期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。(选 E 涂AB, 选 F 涂CD,选G涂AC)

Americans use the term “college students” to mean students either in colleges or universities. Not only that, Americans almost never say “going off to university” or “when I was in university.” That sounds British. 1.

2. Both offer undergraduate degrees in the arts and sciences, for example. And both can help prepare young people to earn a living.

But many colleges do not offer graduate studies. Another difference is that universities are generally bigger. 3.

Another place of higher education, especially in technical areas, is an institute, like the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Yet even an institute of technology can offer a wide choice of programs and activities.

Modern universities developed from those of Europe in the Middle Ages. The word “university” came from the Latin universities, describing a group of people organized for a common purpose. 4. In England, colleges were formed to provide students with places to live. Usually each group was studying the same thing. So college came to mean an area of study.

The first American universities divided their studies into a number of areas and called each one a college. This is still true. 5. For example, Harvard College is the undergraduate part of Harvard University.

A. A college can also be a part of a university.

B. They offer more programs and do more research.

C. There are more universities than colleges in the USA.

D. Colleges and universities have many things in common.

E. Universities and colleges offer students different opportunities.

F. Instead, they say “going off to college” or “when I was in college.”

G. “College” came from collegium, a Latin word with a similar meaning.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016年佛山一中、中山纪念中学高二下联考英语卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空



Have you ever heard “Tuhao, let’s be friends”? Are you puzzled, wondering 1. it means? Then you’re possibly out of date.

Nowadays, the Chinese words “tuhao” and “dama” have become so familiar 2. many Chinese people that they often play jokes on each other when 3. (chat) about the daily life. For example, if you take your new 4. (fashion) mobile phone, your naughty friends may call you “tuhao”, laughing loudly and happily.

Amazingly, the two wildly popular words have become hot words in English too. Recently, the BBC 5. (produce) a program to introduce “tuhao”. 6. the Internet, “tuhao” can be translated into “new money(暴发户)” in English. Besides, The Wall Street Journal has also borrowed “dama” from the Chinese pinyin 7. (describe) bargain-hunting middle-aged Chinese women, calling 8. “a force in the global gold market”. Experts say 9. Chinese language’s influence on English will continue during the entire 21st century, 10. it is expected that “tuhao” will be welcomed by the Oxford University Press to appear in the new word lists.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届山东威海高三第二次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错








Dear Ms Lee,

I'm delighting to have you as my English teacher.

English has become a global language,so I’m convinced that learning English is of great useful.We should learn English well to better under stand that happens around the world.

But my English is rather poor. One of my problems are that I often feel nervously when speaking in public.Besides,I feel difficult to learn words by heart.I really hope you call offer us more chances to speak with English.But I also hope you’ll give me some advices on how to learn new words.I believe I can make many progress than ever with your help.

Thank you!

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届北京顺义区高三第一次统练(一模)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

He ______ a chance to try it again just now.

A. gave B. will give C. is given D. was given

