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Is there a discountprovidedif  I  payinadvance?

分析 如果我预付款的话是不是有折扣?

解答 答案是provided if;in advance.考查词组in advance 预先,提前."有折扣"即"提供折扣",用动词provide表示"提供".discount和provide之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词provided.句子后半部分是表示条件,所以用连词if引导条件状语从句.故答案是:provided if;in advance.

点评 解答此类题目,首先需要明确考查的句型或固定搭配,然后根据英语翻译习惯和相关语法填写正确的答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.Visualization is closely related to positive thinking.It is used by athletes,musicians,actors,speakers,and others to improve their performance in stressful situations.How does it work?Listen to long-distance runner Vicki Huber:
Right before a big race,I'll picture myself running,and I will try and put all of the other competitors in the race into my mind.Then I will try and imagine every possible situation I might find myself in…behind someone,being pushed,different positions on the track,laps to go,and,of course the final part.And I always picture myself winning the race,no matter what happens during the event.
Of course,Huber doesn't win every race she runs,but research has shown that the kind of mental imaging she describes can obviously increase athletic performance.It has also shown that visualization can help speakers control their stage fright.
The key to visualization is creating a vivid mental blueprint in which you see yourself succeeding in your speech.Picture yourself in your classroom rising to speak.See yourself at the lectern(放演讲稿的讲桌),confident,making eye contact(接触)with your audience and delivering your introduction in a firm,clear voice.Feel your confidence growing as your listeners get more and more caught up in what you are saying.Imagine your sense of achievement as you conclude the speech knowing you have done your very best.
As you create these images in your mind's eye,be realistic but stay focused on the positive aspects of your speech.Don't allow negative images to affect the positive ones.Acknowledge your nervousness,but picture yourself overcoming it to give an effective presentation.If one part of the speech always seems to give you trouble,visualize yourself getting through it without any problems.And be specific.The clearer your mental pictures,the more successful you are likely to be.
As with your physical rehearsal(排练)of the speech,this kind of mental rehearsal should be repeated several times in the days before you speak.It doesn't guarantee that every speech will turn out exactly the way you imagine it-and it certainly is no replacement for thorough(全面的)preparation.But it is a proven way to help control your nerves and to make a successful presentation.

29.Huber's visualization of her racesA.
A.is detailed and thorough
B.is used during the event
C.is based on real pictures
D.is created with other runners
30.The fourth paragraph is mainly developedC.
A.by spaceB.by comparisonC.by processD.by importance
31.According to the text,if you meet with difficulty when preparing a speech,you shouldC.
′A.ignore the negative aspects
B.do the mental imaging later
C.imagine finishing it smoothly
D.create clearer mental pictures
32.What do we learn about mental rehearsal?B
A.It usually produces the desired results.
B.It may be a good way to calm you down.
C.It is more important than physical rehearsal.
D.It is a good chance to show your imagination.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.Once air pollution _________ in most cities,it is hard _____________.(  )
A.rises; dealing withB.arouses,to be dealt with
C.raises,dealt withD.arises,to deal with


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.It has been proved that people have benefited from aspirin and penicillin since they were invented.
Aspirin and penicillin have provedbeneficialto people since they were invented.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

Ontheonehand,thereare several good things about the attraction.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Five years ago,David Smith wore an expensive suit to work every day."I was a clothes addict,"he jokes."I used to carry a fresh suit to work with me so I could change if my clothes got wrinkled."Today David wears casual clothes-khaki pants and sports shirt-to the office.He hardly ever wears a necktie."I'm working harder than ever,"David says,"and I need to feel comfortable."
More and more companies are allowing their office workers to wear casual clothes to work.In the United States,the change from formal to casual office wear has been gradual.In the early 1990s,many companies allowed their employees to wear casual clothes on Friday,but only on Friday.This became known as"dress-down Friday"or"casual Friday"."What started out as an extra one-day-a-week benefit for employees has really become an everyday thing."said business consultant Maisly Jones.
Why have so many companies started allowing their employees to wear casual clothes?One reason is that it's easier for a company to attract new employees if it has a casual dress code."A lot of young people don't want to dress up for work,"says the owner of a software company,"so it's hard to hire people if you have a conservative (保守的) dress code."Another reason is that people seem happier and more productive when they are wearing comfortable clothes.In a study conducted by Levi Strauss Company,85 percent of employers said that they believe that casual dress improves employee morale(士气).Only 4 percent of employers said that casual dress has a negative effect on productivity.Supporters of casual office wear also argue that a casual dress code helps them save money."Suits are expensive,if you have to wear one every day,"one person said."For the same amount of money,you can buy a lot more casual clothes."
28.David Smith refers to himself as"a clothes addict,"becauseC.
A.he often wore khaki pants and a sports shirt
B.he couldn't stand a clean appearance
C.he wanted his clothes to look neat all the time
D.he didn't want to spend much money on clothes
29.David Smith wears casual clothes now,becauseA.
A.they make him feel at ease when working
B.he cannot afford to buy expensive clothes
C.he looks handsome in casual clothes
D.he no longer works for any company
30.According to this passage,which of the following statements is TRUE?C
A.Company workers started to dress down every day about twenty years ago.
B.Comfortable clothes make employees more productive.
C.Dress-down has become an everyday phenomenon since the early 1990s.
D.Many workers want to wear casual clothes to impress people.
31.In this passage,the following advantages of casual office wear are mentioned exceptB.
A.saving employees'money             
B.making employees more attractive
C.improving employees'motivation     
D.making employees happier.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.After watching the video,he came to ________ a different attitude to western paintings.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.At the beginning of my 8:00 a.m.class one Monday at UNLV(拉斯维加斯内华达大学),I cheerfully asked my students how their weekend had been.One young man said that his weekend had not been very good.The young man then proceeded to ask me why I always seemed to be so cheerful.
His question reminded me of something I'd read somewhere before:"Every morning when you get up,you have a choice about how you want to approach life that day,"I said to the young man."I choose to be cheerful."
"Let me give you an example,"I continued."In addition to teaching here at UNLV,I also teach out at the community college in Henderson,about seventeen miles down the freeway from where I live.One day a few weeks ago I drove to Henderson.I exited the freeway and turned onto College Drive.But just then my car died.I tried to start it again,but the engine wouldn't turn over.So I put my flashers on,took my books,and marched down the road to the college."
"As soon as I got there,I called AAA(美国汽车协会) and asked them to send a tow truck (拖车).The secretary in the Provost's office asked me what had happened.'This is my lucky day',I replied,smiling."
"Your car breaks down and today is your lucky day?"She was puzzled,"What do you mean?"
"I live seventeen miles from here".I replied."My car could have broken down anywhere along the freeway.It didn't.Instead,it broke down in the perfect place:off the freeway,within walking distance of here.I'm still able to teach my class,and I've been able to arrange for the tow truck to meet me after class.If my car was meant to break down today,it couldn't have been arranged in a more convenient fashion."
51.According to the passage,if one wants to be cheerful,he shouldD.
A.have a good time every day         
B.be interested in his job.
C.earn a lot of money by working hard  
D.choose to be cheerful every day.
52.The underlined phrase"turn over"means"B"
A.roll back                       
B.start to work    
C.stop suddenly                
D.move around
53.From the passage we can infer that the author's car broke downC
A.near NULV                    
B.along the freeway
C.near the community college       
D.near her home
54.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A
A.The author taught not only at UNLV but also at a community college.
B.That was the author's lucky day because she liked walking.
C.The author hoped that the car would break down often.
D.The young man was not cheerful because he was poor at his lessons.
55.What would probably happen after the author told her story?C
A.The students would ask her to tell another story.
B.The students would still wonder how to be cheerful.
C.The students would be touched and try to be cheerful.
D.The students would doubt whether the story was true.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

10..For many people,the holidays are about helping the unfortunate.(36)Cthan buy presents for each other,a group of friends in a snowboard (滑雪板) group like to go to their(37)Dhomeless shelters and give people there a day to (38)A.They begin preparing at the start of the snow season by (39)D people who come to the mountain to (40)Cclothing like jackets,boots,gloves and hats.Then the group(41)D the shelters to distribute (分发) the things.Jay,18,one of the(42)C,says"We tell them,‘Now you guys are coming with us and we're going to teach you how to(43)Aor snowboard all day for free.'It's wonderful to know that we are able to take the pressure in their lives(44)C their minds for one day."
For this group,working together to help the homeless makes their relation(45)B.They feel like part of each other's lives in a (46)Dway.
It may sound no wonder until you try it,but doing something of charity can really help you (47)Cbetter about giving.That's because it benefits the(48)Aas well as the receiver-you're left with a feeling of belonging and being connected.(49)Dto help an organization or group that fits with your(50)Band the things you believe in.If you love children,buy a present for a child in need.(51)Aanimals are your thing,talk to your local animal shelters-many distribute pet food to low-income pet(52)Dover the holidays.If you(53)C   your grandparents and would like to spend time with the elderly,(54)Bout at a nursing home over the holidays.Or share a special skill.If you're good with your (55)C,you can help build or paint housing for people in need.
You don't have to wait for chance to help.By using whatever you have,you can make the world a better place to live in.
39.A.ca lling offB.calling onC.calling inD.calling for

