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A. Tiarella-A solid plant reaching 40-80cms that requires very rich,wet    soil with a lot of shade to grow healthily.Has attractive white to pink flowers throughout the year. 
B. Lantana-A fast-growing plant that develops best in full sun with dry but rich soil.Grows about 60-90cms tall.Bright,colourful globe-shaped flowers that appear in winter. 
C. Russian Sage-It has grey leaves and purple flowers which come out in mid-summer.Grows 1-1.5metres tall and prefers full sun and dry soil.Can cope well in poor soil. 
D. Soapwort-A plant that grows 10-25cms tall.Prefers a full sun site.It can handle poor sooil but will not survive well when conditions are wet over the winter months.Flowers in spring. 
E. Wishbone Flower-Suitable for both indoors and outdoors.It grows up to 15cms tall and has flowers that range in colour from pink to purple.Prefers a dry,cool,shady site as summer heat will cause it to decline. 
F. Japanese Painted Fern-Attractive non-flowering plant that grows well in either rich or poor soil.Prefers shade and soil that will not dry out-as this will cause its leaves to die quickly.Grows 2-4metres tall so needs a large area to maintain its health. 
46.Bill has a garden with many trees providing lots of shade for his family.The soil is wet but poor so Bill has found it difficult to get plants to grow there.F
47.Spyros has a small,sunny back garden.The soil is very dry and is also of very poor quality.He wants a plant that will brighten his garden in spring.D
48.Tran has just moved into a new flat which has a small balcony and wants to grow some flowers to add colour.But the balcony gets little sunshine or direct rain and is quite cool.E
49. Mario has a small back garden with little sunlight.It still gets plenty of rain and the soil is very rich.He would like a plant that will be able to provide him with colour throughout the year.A
50Ravi has a back garden which is open,giving it lots of sunshine but unfortunately the soil is of poor quality.He wants some plants that will provide colour during the dry summer time.C.

分析 本文为信息匹配,让考生根据顾客家里的土壤状况选择适合种植的植物.

解答 46~50.FDEAC
46.答案F.信息匹配题.根据题干关键词The soil is wet but poor so Bill has found it difficult to get plants to grow there可知,这里的土壤很湿但很贫瘠,很难种活植物.对应F项的Japanese Painted Fern-Attractive non-flowering plant that grows well in either rich or poor soil.Prefers shade and soil that will not dry out,日本的这种植物在贫瘠的土地也能生长,尤其喜爱潮湿的土壤.故选F.
47.答案D.信息匹配题.根据题干关键词The soil is very dry and is also of very poor quality.He wants a plant that will brighten his garden in spring可知,这里的土地很干而且很贫瘠,他想种春天能为花园增色的植物.对应D项的It can handle poor sooil but will not survive well when conditions are wet over the winter months.Flowers in spring,这种植物喜欢干燥的土壤,在春天开花.故选D.
48.答案E.信息匹配题.根据题干关键词 the balcony gets little sunshine or direct rain and is quite cool可知,阳台几乎没有阳关,没有雨水,很凉.对应E项的Prefers a dry,cool,shady site as summer heat will cause it to decline,这种植物喜欢阴凉的地方.故选E.
49.答案A.信息匹配题.根据题干关键词It still gets plenty of rain and the soil is very rich.He would like a plant that will be able to provide him with colour throughout the year可知,这里雨水丰富,土壤好,他想种全年开花的植物.对应A项的Tiarella-A solid plant reaching 40-80cms that requires very rich,wet soil with a lot of shade to grow healthily.Has attractive white to pink flowers throughout the year,这种植物长在土壤好的地方,喜爱潮湿的土壤,并且全年开花.故选A.
50.答案C.信息匹配题.根据题干关键词giving it lots of sunshine but unfortunately the soil is of poor quality.He wants some plants that will provide colour during the dry summer time可知,这里阳光充足,但土壤贫瘠,他想种夏天开花的植物.对应C项的Russian Sage-It has grey leaves and purple flowers which come out in mid-summer.Grows 1-1.5metres tall and prefers full sun and dry soil.Can cope well in poor soil.故选C.

点评 信息匹配题解题技巧:1.先题后文.先看题再看文章能够将更多简单的题先做出来,当你发现简单题全部处理完毕之后,剩下的难题可以再重新回到文章当中再去找那些已经被挑剩下的段落.所以不管怎么样一定是先题后文,稍后再文题同步或先文后题.2.关键词定位(key words positioning) 和同义替换(paraphrasing).其实阅读只考两件事,一件事情是简单的:看到什么,定位什么,选择什么;而另外一个则是通过定位确定这个位置,然后再进行一个切换之后发现原来这个东西就是另外一个东西.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

9.Danny's Courage
Danny came to my school in seventh grade.He was handsome and smart.I fell for him at once and so were many girls.That,(36)A,soon changed.
Danny had been in our school for about a week when his parents picked him up in a/an(37)
D car that made loud noise.Obviously that Danny was poor and he was no longer (38)B material.
I had a poor family too; I just (39)C it from everyone.I was so ashamed of my situation that I never had kids come over to my house.I felt like my friends would judge me if they knew the truth.It was a lot of work keeping my (40)B,but I figured it was easier than it would be to have no friends.
One day,our teacher,Mr.Sims,announced that the seventh-grade field trip would be to an amusement park.The classroom was filled with (41)C as the girls discussed what to wear and what to bring with them.I felt(42)D.But not Danny.He simply told everyone that he wouldn't be going.When asked why,Danny stood up and stated,"I can't(43)A it.My dad hurt his back and has been out of (44)B.I'm not asking my parents for money."
Sitting back in his seat,Danny held his head up (45)C,even though whispering had begun."Dan,I'm very proud of you for(46)A the situation that your parents are in.Not every student can do that."replied Mr.Sims.Glaring at us,he spoke again,only louder.
"We're going to do things differently.The trip is not until the end of the month,so we have plenty of time (47)D fund-raising.Each student will be responsible for bringing in an idea for fund-raising.Bring them in tomorrow.If a student doesn't want to(48)B,he or she will be spending the field trip day here at the school.Any questions?"
While walking home,I(49)C some boys talking with Danny.I worried that they were giving him a(50)D time,but as I got closer,I realized they were just (51)A about the best ideas for a fund-raiser.
In order to (52)D in the class,I lied and came up with excuse after excuse.But Danny made a(53)A in my life by standing up and admitting he was poor.I no longer felt I had to (54)B.And the funny thing was that my friends stuck by me when I finally let them get closer.
Danny,because of his courage and(55)C rather than his great looks,is someone I will never forget.
48.A playB.contributeC.escapeD.register


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

1.A popular saying goes,"Sticks and stones may break my bones,but words will never hurt me."However,that's not really true.Words have the power to build us up or tear us down.It doesn't matter if the words come from someone else or ourselves-the positive and negative effects are just as lasting.
We all talk to ourselves sometimes.We're usually too embarrassed to admit it,though.In fact,we really shouldn't be because more and more experts believe talking to ourselves out loud is a healthy habit.
This"self-talk"helps us motivate ourselves,remember things,solve problems,and calm ourselves down.Be aware,though,that as much as 77% of self-talk tends to be negative.So in order to stay positive,we should only speak words of encouragement to ourselves.We should also be quick to  give ourselves a pat on the back.The next time you finish a project,do well in a test,or finally clean your room,join me in saying"Good job!"
Often,words come out of our mouths without us thinking about the effect they will have.But we should be aware that our words cause certain responses in others.For example,when returning an item to a store,we might use warm,friendly language during the exchange.And the clerk will probably respond in a similar manner.Or harsh and critical language will most likely cause the clerk to be defensive.
Words possess power because of their lasting effect.Many of us regret something we once said.And we remember unkind words said to us!Before speaking,we should always go through a"ask-yourself"test:Is it true?Is it loving?Is it needed?If what we want to say doesn't pass this test,then it's better left unsaid.
Words possess power:both positive and negative.Those around us receive encouragement when we speak positively.We can offer hope,build self-esteem and motivate others to do their best.Negative words destroy all those things.Will we use our words to hurt or to heal?The choice is ours.
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN 10WORDS.)

81.As to the power of words,the author believes they can eitherbuild us/people up or tear us/people down/be positive or negative/hurt or heal/encourage or discourage us/people.
82.People should only speak words of encouragement to themselves tostay positive.
83.What does the underlined part"give ourselves a pat on the back"mean?encourage/praise ourselves
84.What should we do if the"ask-yourself test"is not passed?We'd better leave the words unsaid..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

[1]It's a fine line parents walk as they try to guide their kids into adulthood.You want to protect but not treat too kindly,advise but not control and let them live their own lives-with some input,of course.
[2]When your child asks for help or advice,give only what was asked for.If your Child asks you to tie a particular hard-to-tie knot(绳结)for a project she is working on,just tie the knot.Don't start helping with the rest of the project or making suggestions on how to do it.She wants to do it herself,in her own way.Before                 which your child has not askd for,count to ten.Perhaps in those seconds you'll decide that the advice would do no good,or isn't really that important,and you'll drop it.If the advice still seems important,you will give it,but the pause may lead you to give it in a more thoughtful way.
[3]Remember that your child is not you and is not a reflection of you.We mak a serious mistake if we try to shape our children into copies of ourselves,or if we think of them as extensions or reflections of ourselves.We need to help them to be them,not try to turn them into us or into something that we think will make us look good.
[4]Our primary responsibility to our children is not that of telling them moment-to-moment or day-to-day how to behave but providing them with a healthy environment in which to develop.For example,one of the best ways you can help your kids is to work with your community to create safe-enough outdoor places to play in your neighborhood.
76.What's the best title of this text?(no more than 10 words)
Teach Children Wisely and Well/Guide Kids Into Adulthood Wisely                                                                   
77.Which sentence in the text is closest in meaning to the following one?
It's not your duty to help her finish the whole thing or give her advice on the way of doing it.
Don't start helping with the rest of the project or making suggestions on how to do it.                                                                              
78.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words.(no more than 5  words)
offering help or advice/you offer help or advice                                                                             
79.Make a list of three mistakes that we parents usually make in guiding the kids.(no more than 24 words)
(1)shaping the kids into our copies
(2)thinking of the kids as our extensions
(3)trying to turn the kids into us
80.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 into Chinese.我们对子女的首要责任不是耳提面命地告诉他们如何行事,而是为他们的发展提供一个健康的环境.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

5.[l]Imagine waking up to a world where China is the world's leading superpower,astronauts are busy walking on Mars and a brand new political party is ruling the UK?Well,this could be die reality in 14years if some of the predictions of 100,000Britons are correct.
[2]The survey asked the people of the UK how they pictured the world in 2025.
[3]Nearly half believe Prince William will be crowned King of England instead of Prince Charles although one in six think the monarchy (君主制度) will have been abolished.A quarter of those surveyed believe a new party will form the government in 2025although the same number of people think that Labor will be back in power.
[4]On the world stage 60per cent think China is set to become the world's leading superpower,while a third of us think Great Britain will be made up of four self-governed countries.
[5]Meanwhile technology will have come on in leaps and bounds.Four percent are optimistic that there will be a permanent human base on Mars while one in ten expect a colony of humans to be living in space.More than half questioned in the MSN study predict people will watch all their favorite shows via TV sets hooked up to the Internet.Two-thirds believe cosmetic surgery(整容手术) will have become
common place and one in six think we will look after our own health using computers rather than      .
[6]But at least we can amuse ourselves with the daily comings and goings of pop singers and reality stars,as more than half thinks that"celebrity(明星)"will be a registered profession.

76.What is the main idea of the text?(less than 10words)
How the British people viewed the world in 2025.
77.According to the passage,finish the following sentence,(less than 4words)
The majority of people questioned in the survey believed that China would playan important rolein the world in 14years.
78.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 5with proper words,(less than 6words)
depending on the doctors
79.What did more than 30percent of the people surveyed think about the UK?(less than 10words)
UK will be made up of four self-governed countries.
80.What does the underlined word in the third paragraph refer to?(less than 8words)
The Labor Party in the UK..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

15.[1]Whether you're recovering from a foot injury or working hard to prevent one,a proper warm-up before athletic activity is important.You should start with a general warm-up.This is intended to get your heart rate up and your muscle groups warm.Walking,gentle jogging or basic aerobics (有氧运动) are all good places to start.The general warm-up should increase your heart rate and speed up breath so that your blood becomes oxygen-rich and carries nutrients to the muscle groups you're about to work.
[2]After the general warm up,move on to basic stretching,which doesn't require a lot of movement.Stretch your legs,ankles,feet,arms,chest and back.After completing these basic stretches,you can move on to sport-specific stretching.They should focus on the muscle groups you're about to engage and prepare your body for the types of movements the sport requires.
[3]Failure to warm up properly before athletics can result in injuries.So don't forget to stretch your feet and ankles when warming up!Point and bend your feet.Gently roll your ankle in one direction,and then in the other direction.Rise up on your toes and then gently rock back so that your weight is on your heels.
[4]Cooling down after physical activity is just ________________ warming up.First stretch the muscle groups and parts of the body you just worked the hardest.Then move on to general body stretching.And finally,cool down with a gentle aerobic activity that will gradually return your heartbeat to its resting rate.
[5]Properly fitting athletic shoes are also important to preventing foot injuries.Look for athletic shoes specific to your foot type.People with high arches (足弓) should buy shoes which have a lot of support,and people with fallen arches should look for shoes that advertise motion control.Buy your athletic shoes a half size bigger than your normal size as feet tend to increase in size when you exercise.
76.What is the text mainly about?(no more than 6 words)Ways/How to prevent foot injuries/Away from foot injuries
77.Complete the following statement with proper words.(no more than 4 words)
It's possible that notwarming up properly/doing a proper (general) warm-up/doing (or starting with )a warm-upbefore carrying out sports activities will cause injuries.
78.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words.(no more than 4 words)
as important as/the same as
79.Why do you need to move on to do sport-specific stretching after basic stretching?(no more than 13 words)To prepare your body for the types of movements the sport requires./To prevent yourself from foot injury (injuries)./If not,a foot injury is ( foot injuries are) likely to be (or may be ) resulted in.
80.What does the word"This"(Line 2,Paragraph 1)probably refer to?(no more than 4 words)A general warm-up..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.Only after David was asked to pay more attention ______ repeating the same mistake.(  )
A.he avoidedB.did he avoidC.had he avoidedD.he had avoided


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.He issuffering (遭受)from a bad cold.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

20.Our teacher often tells us thatwinning your/the confidence backwhen failing in doing something means you have opportunity of success.( win )

