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A defect of vision prevented him from focusing accurately.




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Toyota is the world's largest automaker, but its road to success has been long and filled with speed bumps(颠簸).

1958:The company's first foray into the American market was the Toyopet in 1958. It was a flop.

1964:Toyota introduced their Corona line of automobiles and sales hit 6, 400 in 1965,

marking an increase in popularity.

1969:Toyota began importing the Corolla and in 1985 it would become the first Toyota built in the U.S.

1975:Toyota surpassed the popular German brand Volkswagen to become the top import sold in the U.S.

1986:The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ordered its first recall of Toyota cars due to "speed control" problems.

1988:The First North American Toyota plant opened in Georgetown, Ky.

1989:Toyota introduced the Lexus LS 400, the company's first U.S. luxury car. It was a major hit.

1997:Toyota debuted their Prius gas-electric hybrid car.

2002:The first consumer complaints emerged of the Camry's engine surging under braking.

2004:The NHTSA opened a defect investigation into 2002-2003 Camry, Camry Solara and Lexus ES models.

2006:Toyota "Americanizes" and opened a new plant in Texas to build full-size pickups

2007:Toyota surpassed General Motors to become the world's largest automaker.

2007:The NHTSA investigated pedal entrapment in some Toyota vehicles, which led recalls of floor mats on Camry and Lexus models.

2007:The NHTSA investigated pedal entrapment in some Toyota vehicles, which led recalls of floor mats on Camry and Lexus models.

Aug. 2009:An off-duty California Highway Patrol officer and three family members were killed when their rental 2009 Lexus ES speeds out of control.

Nov. 2009:Toyota recalled 3.8 million Lexus and Toyota models to remove floor mats that can trap pedals.

Jan. 2010:Toyota recalled approximately 2.3 million more vehicles with potential sticking pedal problems. On Jan. 26, Toyota stopped selling eight models involved in the recall.

Feb. 2010:Prius and Lexus hybrids are now being recalled for brake problems in 2010 models.

Which of the following brands belong to Toyota family?

Toyopet, Volkswagen, Lexus, Prius

Camry, Prius, Lexus, Georgetown

Corona, Prius, Lexus, Corolla

General Motors, Lexus, Camry, Corolla

The underlined the word in Para.6 probably means:

A. appreciation    B. sorrow     C. withdrawal      D. resolve

  We can infer from the passage that____________

A. Lexus LS 400 is a cheaper car

B. Prius may be a kind of environmentally friendly car

C. Corona became popular as soon as introduced to the US

D. Toyota’s plant opened in Georgetown symbolized its “Americanize” tactics

The purpose of this passage is to

   A. advertise for Toyota

   B. introduce Toyota’ s struggle in the US

   C. uncover Toyota’s braking problems

   D. display Toyota’s glory

What is the best title of the passage?

  A. The world’s largest automaker          B. The rise of Toyota

  C. Toyota meeting problems in the US      D. Toyota’s failure in the US


科目:高中英语 来源:2010--2011学年度江西省莲塘一中高二第一学期期末英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Toyota is the world's largest automaker, but its road to success has been long and filled with speed bumps(颠簸).
1958:The company's first foray into the American market was the Toyopet in 1958. It was a flop.
1964:Toyota introduced their Corona line of automobiles and sales hit 6, 400 in 1965,
marking an increase in popularity.
1969:Toyota began importing the Corolla and in 1985 it would become the first Toyota built in the U.S.
1975:Toyota surpassed the popular German brand Volkswagen to become the top import sold in the U.S.
1986:The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ordered its first recall of Toyota cars due to "speed control" problems.
1988:The First North American Toyota plant opened in Georgetown, Ky.
1989:Toyota introduced the Lexus LS 400, the company's first U.S. luxury car. It was a major hit.
1997:Toyota debuted their Prius gas-electric hybrid car.
2002:The first consumer complaints emerged of the Camry's engine surging under braking.
2004:The NHTSA opened a defect investigation into 2002-2003 Camry, Camry Solara and Lexus ES models.
2006:Toyota "Americanizes" and opened a new plant in Texas to build full-size pickups
2007:Toyota surpassed General Motors to become the world's largest automaker.
2007:The NHTSA investigated pedal entrapment in some Toyota vehicles, which led recalls of floor mats on Camry and Lexus models.
2007:The NHTSA investigated pedal entrapment in some Toyota vehicles, which led recalls of floor mats on Camry and Lexus models.
Aug. 2009:An off-duty California Highway Patrol officer and three family members were killed when their rental 2009 Lexus ES speeds out of control.
Nov. 2009:Toyota recalled 3.8 million Lexus and Toyota models to remove floor mats that can trap pedals.
Jan. 2010:Toyota recalled approximately 2.3 million more vehicles with potential sticking pedal problems. On Jan. 26, Toyota stopped selling eight models involved in the recall.
Feb. 2010:Prius and Lexus hybrids are now being recalled for brake problems in 2010 models.
【小题1】Which of the following brands belong to Toyota family?

A.Toyopet, Volkswagen, Lexus, Prius
B.Camry, Prius, Lexus, Georgetown
C.Corona, Prius, Lexus, Corolla
D.General Motors, Lexus, Camry, Corolla
【小题2】The underlined the word in Para.6 probably means:
【小题3】  We can infer from the passage that____________
A.Lexus LS 400 is a cheaper car
B.Prius may be a kind of environmentally friendly car
C.Corona became popular as soon as introduced to the US
D.Toyota’s plant opened in Georgetown symbolized its “Americanize” tactics
【小题4】 The purpose of this passage is to
A.advertise for Toyota
B.introduce Toyota’ s struggle in the US
C.uncover Toyota’s braking problems
D.display Toyota’s glory
【小题5】What is the best title of the passage?
A.The world’s largest automakerB.The rise of Toyota
C.Toyota meeting problems in the USD.Toyota’s failure in the US


科目:高中英语 来源:2012年人教版高中英语必修五Unit3 练习卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Writing being largely a self-taught occupation, texts on how to get about it -though great in number- seldom are of much use. .www.7caiedu.cn

You try, and fail. Then try again. Until at last, if you have some gift for it, the failures become less frequent, or at any rate less apparantly.

It is this ability to cover up one’s defects that is finally regarded as accomplishment or achievement.

Along the way there are the discouragements of unkind criticism, outright rejection, troublesome insecurity and irregular inability to meet debts.

It is uncommon, therefore, to come across a book containing advice of much practical value for anyone toying(漫不经心地考虑) with the dangerous idea of staring on a writing life.

A friend recently lent me such a book, however - one I wish I’d had the luck to read years ago, and which I would recommend to any young person devoted to making a career of words. It is the autobiography (自传) of the English novelist Anthony Trollope, first published in 1883, the year after his death.

Needing some means to support himself, Trollope at age 19 worked as a junior clerk in the British postal service. He was at his desk at 5:30 each morning to write for three hours. And he remained in the mail service 33 years, long after reputation and prosperity had come to him.

Now, what of his advice in his works?

1. For safety’s sake, arm yourself with some other skills, some other line of work to fall back on(求助)。 That way, failure at writing, though the disappointment may appear, will not mean ruin.

2. Do not depend too much on inspiration. Writing is a craft, which Trollope compared to the craft of shoemaking. The shoemaker who has just turned out one pair of his work sets to work immediately on the next pair.

3. Have a story to tell, but, more important than that, people with characters who will speak and move as living creatures in the reader’s mind. Without memorable characters, story alone is nothing.

4. Meet your deadlines. Life is endlessly “painful and troublesome” for writers who can’t finish their work on time.

5. Do not be carried away by praise. And, above all, do not be injured by criticism.

6. Understand the risks of writing for a living. “The career, when successful, is pleasant enough certainly; but when unsuccessful, it is of all careers the most painful.”

1.This passage mainly discusses__________.

A.the difficulties and risks of making a career of words

B.the uselessness of instructions contained in writing guidebooks

C.the autobiography of the 19th century English novelist Anthony Trollope

D.sound advice provided in Anthony. Trollope’s autobiography

2. From the context we can figure out that the underlined word “defect” in Paragraph 3 means__.





3.According to the author, writing _______.

A.is basically a self-taught occupation and no instructions on how to deal with it are of any practical use

B.is a “trial and error” process and it does not count whether you have the gift for writing or not

C.for a living is the most pleasant of all careers, full of praise and enjoyment

D.sometimes provides good hopes of winning public praise and escaping povert

4.From the passage we may infer that the author is most probably        

A.an instructor of writing

B.a writer

C.an educator

D.a publisher



科目:高中英语 来源:20112012学年四川省成都市高三入学考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Simply by analyzing a drop of blood, a doctor will be able to diagnose a birth defect or even cancer when it is in the early stage; using new technology, a material lighter but much stronger than steel can be produced.

These may sound like dreams at present. But the dreams may soon come true as research findings in laboratories are being turned into products more rapidly in the new century, according to experts participating in the fourth Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Technomart, a technology exhibition and trade fair in Suzhou.  

"Most people think nano-technology(纳米技术)is too far-fetched to be real. But in fact nano-technology has been applied in a wide range of fields, such as medicine. It is coming into our daily life," said Cheng Jiachong from a Hong Kong-based nano-technology firm.

Nano-technology based on the nanometer, the unit of which is a billionth of a meter, enables scientists to have new concepts of disease diagnosis and treatment on a molecular(分子)and atomic scale, Cheng said.  

By using nanometer particles, a doctor can separate the fetus cells(胚胎细胞)from the blood of a pregnant woman to see if the development of the fetus is normal. This method is also being used in the early diagnosis of cancer and heart disease, he said.  

One of the most significant impacts of nano-technology is at the bio-inorganic materials interface, according to Greg Tegart, executive advisor of the APEC Center for Technology Foresight.  

"By combining enzymes(酶)and silicon chips we can produce biosensors. These could be implanted in humans or animals to monitor health and to deliver corrective doses(剂量)of drugs," he told the participants a technology forum during the exhibition.  

"Nano-technology could affect the production of nearly every man-made object, from automobiles, tires and computer circuits(电路), to advanced medicines and tissue replacement, and lead to the invention of objects yet to be imagined," said David Minns, a special advisor to the National Research Council of Canada.  

It has been shown that carbon nano-tubes are ten times as strong as steel, with one sixth of the weight, and nano-scale systems have the potential to make supersonic transport cost- effective and to increase computer efficiency by millions of times, he said.

The experts agreed that the APEC technology exhibition and trade fair provided many chances for exchanges of innovative ideas and products.

1.Realization of the dreams mentioned in the first paragraph will mainly base on ________.

A. APEC                              B. Chinese scientist   

C. the APEC Center for Technology Foresight     D. Nano-technology

2.The length of a nanometer equals to ______.

    A.  meter         B.  meter      C.  meter        D.  meter

3. We can imply from what David Minns said that _________.

A. Nano-technology could only be used to invent new objects.

B. Nano-technology could be widely used to produce or invent objects.

C. Nano-technology is a money-consuming technology.

D. Nano-technology can not be used to improve the service of Internet.

4. Compared to steel, carbon nano-tubes are ________.

A. stronger and lighter      B. lighter but as strong

C. stronger but as light                                     D. poor in quality


