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_________________,there is as much competition among countries to host the Olympics ______________________.


_____________________, more and more people ____________________ healthy life style.


____________________, it is disturbing for those stars that they can’t go anywhere ______________________ by their fans.


My grandpa __________________ the return of Milu deer so much that he ________________ when he saw them in the park.


The Peasant Movement Institute is______________ of Guangzhou, which ________________.

91. As we know/ As is known to us all/ As is known to everyone; as to win Olympic medals

92. As time goes by/passed/ With time going by/ passing; attach importance to

93. To be honest/To tell you the truth/ honestly speaking; without being followed

94. longed for/ look forward to; burst into tears/ burst out crying/ couldn’t help crying

95. a cultural relic; is worth a visit/ is worth visiting/ deserves a visit/ deserves to be visited


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届广东省高一下学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短句翻译

请根据中文句子含义,把对应的英语句子的空缺部分补充完整, 每空只能填写一个词。


This book is intended for those who want to _______ themselves ______ their bad habits.


The most universal facial expression is, of course, the smile---its function _______    _________  ___________ __________ and put people at ease.


__________  ___________ _________  ___________, no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland.


Laughter is the sun that _________ winter _________the human face.


I tried to help him focus on this issue first, but__________ __________.



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届广东省高一模块一考试英语题 题型:其他题

完成句子(共5小题, 每小题4分, 每空1分,共20分)请根据中文句子含义,把对应的英语句子的空缺部分补充完整,每空填一词。

1. 这是珍妮第一次患上这种奇怪的病.

It is the first time ______ Jenny _____ ________ ______ such a strange disease.

2. 这两个决定中,哪一个决定在你的生命中起了更为重要的作用, 是前者还是后者?

Which of the two decisions has _______ a more important ______ in your life, the former one or the _____ ________?

3. 我的侄子很固执. 一旦他决定想做什么, 没有人能改变他的想法。

My nephew is a very stubborn boy. ________ he has determined to do something, no one can _______ _______ ________.

4. 他看起来似乎不在乎你的表扬, 但是他其实是很看重的.

It seems ______ ________he didn’t _______ _____ your praise, but as a matter of fact, he thinks highly of it.

5. 只有当我们全心投入我们的学习时,我们才能实现自己的梦想.

_______ when we devote ourselves fully to study will we be able to _______ ______ _________.



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届广东省高一上学期期末考试英语试题 题型:其他题

完成句子(每空1分,共5分). 请根据中文句子含义,把对应的英语句子的空缺部分补充完整。

1. 毫无疑问,这幅画是属于张大千的。

_____________________________ this painting belongs to Zhang Daqian.

2. 随着时间的推移,我们学会了更多解决问题的方法。

_________________________, we have learned more ways to solve problems.

3. IOC 代表国际奥委会。但是老实说,我此前是不知道的。

IOC stands for International Olympic Committee. But _______________, I didn’t know it before.

4. 一见到他那张滑稽的脸,所有在场的人都大笑起来。 

At sight of his funny face, all people present__________________________.


The Peasant Movement Institute is a famous cultural relic of Guangzhou, which  __________________.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



Charlie Chaplin made people laugh at a time__________________________, so they could ____________________________________.

87. 他们所拥有的共同之处就是他们将毕生的精力都花在了帮助人们摆脱贫困上了。

_______________________is that they devote all their lives to ___________________________.

88. 直到现在,何时何地举行这个会议还没有决定下来。

________________, when and where the meeting will be held ______________________.

89. 袁隆平博士种植的是被称为“超级杂交水稻”稻种, 这种稻种使得在同样的土地上多生产出三分之一的庄稼成为可能。

Dr. Yuan Longping grows _________________________super hybrid rice, which makes it possible _________________________more of the crop in the same field.

90. 这个主题公园有一部分模拟的是古代中国的生活。

A part of the theme park ________________________Chinese ancient life.

91. 自从他离开了小镇,他的父母既没接到他的电话,也没有收到他的来信。

Since he left the small town, his parents haven’t got his ring, nor _________________________ .

