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How to communicate effectively

Effective communication is a must for everyone who hopes to be successful. It helps express your thoughts and improves your career prospects (前景) as well as strengthens relationships. Therefore, it’s necessary to work hard to improve your communication skills.


Before you are ready to talk to a group of people, you should think about what you are going to talk about. Although a printed copy of a speech may not be always necessary, highlighting a few important issues in your mind is a must. 2.________ And it reduces the possibilities of getting away from the main issues.

Choose your words

Choice of words is the most important part of any communication. Simple, clear words are appropriate for the issue you are discussing. Needless to say, words that could make your audience unpleasant are best kept out of the communication. Most people tend to be careful about their language while at work. 3.________ This may hurt your loved ones beyond your imagination.

Body language

Many people use body language by mistake and end up making a fool of themselves. Body language means keeping eye contact and using hand gestures only wherever required. 4.________ This will make your talk more of a stage performance and defeat its purpose.

Listen and concentrate

Communication is an exchange of ideas. Once you are done with your part, listen carefully to what other people plan to say. 5.________ Get rid of all distractions (分散注意力的事物) such as a phone before you begin communication. A distraction not only disturbs your focus, but it also causes your audience’s attention to wander.

A. Gather your thoughts

B. Prepare a copy of a speech

C. However, when they get home they often use colorful language.

D. This will help you remain focused throughout your communication.

E. If you are giving a speech, it is important that you focus on that activity only.

F. Effective communication is a gradual process and requires efforts on your part.

G. Remember, there is no need to speak every word with a gesture or facial expression.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖南师大附中高三上学期月考四英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


Are you too old for fairy tales? If you think 1._ __, Copenhagen is sure to change your mind.

See the city first from the water. In the harbor sits Denmark's best?known landmark: the Little Mermaid. Remember her? She left the world of the Sea in search of a human soul in one of Andersen's popular 2._ __(fantasy). From the harbor you can get a feel for the

3. _ _ (attraction) “city of green spires”. At twilight(黎明) or in cloudy weather, the spires of old castles and churches lend the city a dream?like atmosphere. You'll think you've stepped into a watercolor painting.

Churches and castles are almost all that are left over in the original city. Copenhagen became 4.__ __ capital of Denmark in 1445. During the late 16th century, trade grew, and so did the city. But fires in 1728 and 1795 5.__ _(terrible) destroyed the old wooden structures. Much of what we see today 6._ __(date) from the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Copenhagen was the first city 7._ __(declare) a street for pedestrians only. The city has the 8. _ (little) traffic noise and pollution among European capitals. 9.__ _ you're from, you can come to dance, dine, and take in outdoor and indoor concerts. Even without money, you can still enjoy the proud old trees, the colored night lights and the beautiful gardens. You might feel as if you 10. .


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届宁夏银川市高三上学期统练五英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

A senior monk and a junior monk were traveling together. One day, they came to a ________ with a strong current. As the monks were ________ to cross the river, they saw a very young and beautiful woman. She asked if they could help her ________ to the other side.

The two monks glanced at one another because they had ________ not to have physical contact with women.

Then, without a word, the older monk ________ the woman, carried her across the river, ________ her gently on the other side, and carried on his journey.

The younger monk couldn’t believe ________ had just happened. After rejoining his companion, he was ________ , and several hours passed without a word between them.

________, the younger monk couldn’t contain himself any longer, and asked, “As monks, we are not permitted to have body contact with a woman; how could you then ________ that woman?”

The________ monk looked at him and replied, “Brother, I set her down on the other side of the river, why are you________ carrying her?”

This simple Zen story has a beautiful message about living in the ________ moment. How often do we carry around past ________ , holding onto dislikes when the only person we are really ________ is ourselves?

We all ________ times in life when other people say things or ________ in a way that does harm to us. We can ________ to think carefully over past actions or events, but it will finally weigh us down and use up our energy.

Instead, we can choose to let go of what doesn’t serve us anymore and ________ on the present moment. Until we can find a level of peace and ________ in the present circumstances of our lives, we will never be content, because “now” is all we will ever have.

1.A. river B. hole C. bank D. sea

2.A. hoping B. preparing C. complaining D. taking

3.A. fly B. jump C. cross D. dive

4.A. analyzed B. answered C. protected D. promised

5.A. picked up B. walked away C. threw over D. turned down

6.A. passed B. directed C. placed D. fixed

7.A. which B. where C. how D. what

8.A. sad B. speechless C. nervous D. afraid

9.A. Originally B. Hesitantly C. Madly D. Finally

10.A. carry B. fetch C. ship D. point

11.A. strange B. senior C. cute D. quiet

12.A. just B. ever C. still D. always

13.A. past B. permanent C. complex D. present

14.A. happiness B. pain C. disease D. performance

15.A. touching B. enjoying C. changing D. hurting

16.A. go through B. get through C. go for D. get up

17.A. type B. behave C. involve D. settle

18.A. pretend B. refuse C. choose D. hesitate

19.A. concentrate B. depend C. put D. move

20.A. kindness B. surprise C. happiness D. impression


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江临海台州中学高三上第三次统练英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Making money seems like a problem that’s very far away from us children, _____only the parents need to care about.

A.everything B.something C.anything D.Nothing


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江临海台州中学高三上第三次统练英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The doctor tried to laugh my brother _____ his fears about the coming operation.

A. from B. against C. off D. Into


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江西南昌第二中学高三上第四次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


Imagine falling towards the planet Earth at 1. awesome speed of 300 kilometers per hour. You start your fall from over four kilometers above the Earth. And you have less than one minute before you pull your parachute (降落伞)cord. You are falling 2. fast that just turning your head can send you off 3. a different direction. This is the wild side of a sport that has not found its limit—freeflying.

Freeflying 4. (base) on the more traditional skydiving, 5. of which are eye-catching. However, it is more terrifying to watch freeflyers create formations and movements. Freeflyers, 6. the name suggests, enjoy the more spontaneous(即兴的)thrill of doing their own things.

The wildest trip for a freeflyers is falling ‘head down’. Falling ‘head first’ requires a great deal of control, which means 7. (travel) not only fast but also steadily. Even the 8. (slight) movement has a great effect on your direction.

They wear the amusing jumpsuits, strange helmets and smaller parachutes. 9. (actual), their parachutes are about one quarter the size of the traditional skydiver’s parachutes. It is only in the last few years 10. freeflying has gained any real public acceptance.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届广东广州执信中学高三上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

Lesson 37 NCE Book 3

… When I 1. , I could not help noticing that a great many local people got on as well. At the time, this did not 2. . I reflected that there must be a great many people besides myself who wished to 3. this excellent service. … But when the train dawdled at station after station, I began to wonder. It suddenly 4. that this express was not roaring down the line at ninety miles an hour, but barely chugging along at thirty. One hour and seventeen minutes passed and we had not even covered half the distance. I asked a passenger if this was the Westhaven Express, but he had not even heard of it. I determined to 5. as soon as we arrived.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届广东广州执信中学高三上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

________, we are better off and live a more convenient life.

A. With the economy develops fast

B. With the economy developing fast

C. As the economy developing fast

D. As the economy develop fast


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山西康杰中学高一上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Online shopping has become more and more popular these years. Women have jumped ahead of men for the first time in using the Internet to do their holiday shopping, according to a study published last week in the US.

For years men have been more likely to shop on the Internet than women, but during the 2013 holiday season 58 percent of those shopping online were women.

“It shows how mainstream the Internet is becoming,” said Lee Rainie, director of the Pew Internet and American Life Project group, which carried out the study. Rainie said it was only a matter of time before women shoppers caught up with men. This is because women traditionally make decisions about spending.

Users were more likely to shop online to save time. Internet users between the ages 18 and 29 were responsible for some of the surprising increase in the online gift-buying population this time around.

However, three-quarters of the US Internet users did not buy holiday gifts online in 2013. They worried about credit card security(安全), or just compared online prices with off-line prices, then dashed off to the shops to get the best deals.

“But even if shoppers don’t buy online, websites are becoming promotion(促销) tools for stores, ” said Dan Hess, vice president of Com Score Network Inc. Hess said that actually most stores’ websites can make customers fully believe the security of their credit card numbers. And most are able to ensure that gifts arrive on time.

“It’s all about making the shopping experience more efficient, more reliable and more comfortable.” Hess said.

1.Which of the following statements is true?

A. There were fewer women online shoppers than men in 2013.

B. More women shopped online than men in 2013.

C. Most of the Internet users between the ages of 18 and 29 are women.

D. People in the US were more likely to buy gifts online.

2.What does the underlined part “dashed off” probably mean ?

A. 关闭 B. 推迟 C. 匆忙 D. 起飞

3.According to Dan Hess, shopping online ______.

A. is unsafe B. is convenient

C. is a waste of money D. is cheaper

