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A group of Russian criminals have stolen l.2 billion username and password combinations for more than 500 millione-mail addresses. It's the largest known theft on the Internet, according to a report of The New York Times.

Cyber security firm Hold Security discovered the security breach(漏洞 ). The firm found that the group of criminals collected personal information from 420,000 websites, including household names and small Internet sites. The criminals were based in a small city in south central Russia. They hacked websites inside Russia as well as big companies in the U.S. and other countries ,The New Times reports.

The criminals found hundreds of thousands of weak websites and attacked their coding,Hold Security said. Alex Holden is chief information security officer of Hold Security. “The hackers did not just target U.S. companies;they targeted any website they could get,” Holden said. “And most of these sites are still easy to attack”.

According to Hold Security, the criminals have been using the stolen information to send junk mail through e-mail and on social networks like Twitter. They can also use the 500 million stolen e-mail -addresses to plan other crimes. They could use information from bank e-mails to steal your identity or sell the e-mail address to other criminals to make quick cash.

The reported break-ins are the latest events to raise doubts about security at big and small companies. Last winter, hackers stole 40 million credit card numbers and 70 million addresses, phone numbers and other personal information from the retailer Target Corp. The brand is still working to regain its shoppers' trust.

John Prisco is a CEO of a security firm. He says security hacks are more common than many people and companies realize. "This issue reminds me of an iceberg, where 90% of it is actually under water," Prisco said in an e-mailed statement. So many cyber breaches today are not actually reported, because companies are losing information and they are not even aware of it. "

Security experts believe hackers will continue breaking into computer networks unless companies become more protective of personal information.

1. What did a group of Russian criminals do according to the report?

A. They stole e-mail addresses of the Internet users.

B. They destroyed the websites of some big companies.

C. They attacked American companies in southern Russia.

D. They downloaded the secret information of some banks.

2. According to Alex Holden, the criminals entered some websites easily because .

A. some websites don't have their own coding

B. most of the websites lack protective measures

C. Russia is more developed in computer science

D. the hackers are equipped with high technology

3. What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?

A. The criminals are fond of using social networks.

B. The criminals sell the stolen information for money.

C. The stolen information causes great economic losses.

D. The stolen information could bring harmful effects.

4. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 6 imply?

A. We cannot tell how large an iceberg is just from the part on the water.

B. Many companies are unwilling to report their information stolen.

C. Many companies are not aware their information has been stolen.

D. People usually can see just a small part of an iceberg.







1.小题1】细节理解题:从第一段的内容:可知A group of Russian criminals have stolen l.2 billion username and password combinations for more than 500 millione-mail addresses. It's the largest known theft on the Internet, according to a report of The New York Times.有一群俄罗斯犯罪分子在网上盗取了12亿用户的邮件用户名和密码。可知选A。

2.小题2】细节理解题:从第三段The criminals found hundreds of thousands of weak websites and attacked their coding,Hold Security said. Alex Holden is chief information security officer of Hold Security. “The hackers did not just target U.S. companies;they targeted any website they could get,” Holden said. “And most of these sites are still easy to attack”.,可知信息安全办公室官员Alex Holden认为大多数网站缺乏安保措施,很容易成为犯罪分子攻击的目标。选B。

3.小题3】主旨大意题:从第四段的句子According to Hold Security, the criminals have been using the stolen information to send junk mail through e-mail and on social networks like Twitter. They can also use the 500 million stolen e-mail -addresses to plan other crimes. They could use information from bank e-mails to steal your identity or sell the e-mail address to other criminals to make quick cash.可知犯罪分子利用网上盗来的信息发送垃圾邮件,计划其它的犯罪,盗取你的银行信息来赚钱。这些都是信息被盗带来的严重后果。答案是D。

4.小题4】猜测词义题。根据下一句So many cyber breaches today are not actually reported, because companies are losing information and they are not even aware of it. 有很多网站漏洞没有被报道出来,因为公司正在丢失信息而他们并没有意识到这一点。选C。



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年河南方城县第一高级中学高一12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错

短文改错 ( 共10小题,每小题 1分, 满分10分)





注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词


John is a tall man weighing as much as 100 kilogram(公斤). Though he is large, but he fears dogs.

One day he was take a walk when a dog suddenly appeared. He became such nervous that he ran as fast as he could. The dog kept run after him and it was getting closer. In the dangerous situation, John decided climb up a tree to avoid the dog. Unfortunate, it was not a easy job. He hadn’t gone up very high when the dog stood right under the tree. The dog jumped up and bit it’s teeth into his bottom. John fell right onto the dog’s head, that killed it immediately.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建福州第八中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达















Dear friends,

May I have your attention, please? Now I’d like to make a speech here.

With the improvement of living standard, there are a lot of waste on campus. For example, the students___________________________________________________







That’s all. Thank you!


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建福州第八中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Film has a much shorter history, especially when such art forms as music and painting.

A. compare to B. compared to

C. comparing to D. having compared to


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年四川省高三一诊模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达












参考词汇:pedestrian n.(行人);jay-walk vi.(乱穿马路);reprimand vt.(批评,训诫)


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年四川省高三一诊模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

--Tom often plays the record very loud at midnight in his apartment.

-- _____!

A. Just your luck B. Better not

C. It can’t be helped D. That’s too much


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年四川省高三一诊模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I’m not sure ___ I can learn at present; but I’m sure it will be something ___ I might use in the future.

A.That; what B. what; /

C. which; that D. /; that


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖北武穴市高三11月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The first day of school always goes wrong. For many students in the United States, however, this year it was even more so. It was all due to one extra school policy – they are now required to follow a new standardized dress code.

According to the handbooks of all high schools in Allentown, Pennsylvania, students must wear short- or long-sleeve polo shirts and khaki (卡其色) or black pants. Skinny jeans, leggings and open-toe shoes are not allowed.

Allentown schools are not alone. At Edgewater High School in Florida, shirts must have collars or sleeves, and pants must not sag (下垂) and reach at least mid-thigh (大腿中部). No see-through shirts or T- shirts with references to sex on them are allowed.

Overall, more than half of US public schools now enforce dress codes, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. About 57 percent of schools now have a “strict dress code”, up from more than 47 percent a decade earlier, USA Today said.

Among young people, there are mixed emotions. Some don’t mind wearing similar clothes every day while others aren’t happy. Despite dress codes in many school districts, some students still come to school – even on their first day – in skirts that are too short, necklines that are too low and sagging pants that don’t stay up on their hips.

But there are punishments. If they are out of dress code, students can be removed from the classroom until they fix the problem. In Florida, wearing sagging pants is illegal for youths according to a state law issued in 2011. Breaking the rule results in not being able to do after-school activities, and even being forbidden to attend class.

Some US schools go further and require students to wear uniforms. Many say that they simplify their jobs, saving teachers from having to punish students for wearing skirts or shorts that are too short, for instance. They can also prevent feelings of competition and envy among students.

“It takes away the daily fashion show and helps level the playing field a little bit with the haves and have-nots,” longtime school safety consultant Ken Trump told USA Today.

Critics of uniforms say they rob students of individuality. But for some people, that’s a lazy argument.

“Clothing isn’t the only form of self-expression. Students should know that it’s what they do that counts,” commented a parent named Beth Kassab in The Orlando Sentinel in Florida.

1.According to the new standardized dress code, students in the US are allowed to wear .

A. knee-length pants

B. shirts without sleeves

C. transparent T-shirts

D. jeans sticking to skin

2.What is the main idea of Para 5?

A. What the new dress code is.

B. How students dressed themselves.

C. What punishments students may receive.

D. How students responded to the code.

3.Students in some US schools are required to wear uniforms Not to .

A. pay less attention to their appearance

B. prevent comparison among students

C. bring out the best in students

D. spare teachers from punishing students for their improper dress

4.What do Beth Kassab’s words imply?

A. Uniforms limit the individuality of students.

B. Students should pay more attention to their behavior.

C. Clothing is of no importance to students.

D. Students should concentrate more on their study.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建泉州第一中学高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Most damagingly, anger weakens a person’s ability to think clearly and keep control over his behaviour. The angry person loses objectivity in evaluating the emotional significance of the person or situation that arouses his anger.

Not everyone experiences anger in the same way; what angers one person may amuse another. The specific expression of anger also differs from person to person based on biological and cultural forces. In contemporary culture, physical expressions of anger are generally considered too socially harmful to be tolerated. We no longer regard duels (决斗) as an appropriate expression of anger resulting from one person’s awareness of insulting behaviour on the part of another.

Anger can be identified in the brain, where the electrical activity changes. Under most conditions EEG (脑电图) measures of electrical activity show balanced activity between the right and left prefrontal (额叶前部) areas. Behaviourally this corresponds to the general even-handed disposition (意向) that most of us possess most of the time. But when we are angry the EEG of the right and left prefrontal areas aren’t balanced and, as a result of this, we’re likely to react. And our behavioural response to anger is different from our response to other emotions, whether positive or negative.

Most positive emotions are associated with approach behaviour: we move closer to people we like. Most negative emotions, in contrast, are associated with avoidance behaviour: we move away from people and things that we dislike or that make us anxious. But anger is an exception to this pattern. The angrier we are, the more likely we are to move towards the object of our anger. This corresponds to what psychologists refer to as offensive anger: the angry person moves closer in order to influence and control the person or situation causing his anger. This approach-and-confront behaviour is accompanied by a leftward prefrontal asymmetry (不对称) of EEG activity. Interestingly, this asymmetry lessens if the angry person can experience empathy (同感) towards the individual who is bringing forth the angry response. In defensive anger, in contrast, the EEG asymmetry is directed to the right and the angry person feels helpless in the face of the anger-inspiring situation.

1.The “duels” example in Paragraph 2 proves that the expression of anger ________.

A. usually has a biological basis

B. varies among people

C. influences one’s thinking and evaluation

D. is socially and culturally shaped

2.What changes can be found in an angry brain?

A. Balanced electrical activity can be spotted.

B. Unbalanced patterns are found in prefrontal areas.

C. Electrical activity corresponds to one’s behaviour.

D. Electrical activity agrees with one’s disposition.

3.Which of the following is typical of offensive anger?

A. Approaching the source of anger.

B. Trying to control what is disliked.

C. Moving away from what is disliked.

D. Feeling helpless in the face of anger.

4.What is the key message of the last paragraph?

A. How anger differs from other emotions.

B. How anger relates to other emotions.

C. Behavioural patterns of anger.

D. Behavioural responses to anger.

