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In a world today of immense technology, population growth and economic flourish, planning for future residential (适合居住的) and commercial developments needs careful analysis with well thought through assumptions about effects on the environment and the people of the community.
One example of a growing city is Wooster, Ohio, my place of residency, Wooster in the last five years has grown considerably in population, leading to a growth in commercial business. Surrounded by farmland, Wooster's planning commission chose to extend the community into these farm areas in the form of residential and commercial areas.
Picture this—corn fields, old trees, clean air, country roads, and wildlife are all part of the area. Within four years, the people living on this farm step outside on their front porch to view an extensive shopping center containing Wal-Mart, McDonald's, Wendy's, TCBY, and a Cinemark movie theatre. The once quiet road is now a city street with traffic lights, busy with automobiles day and night. The air smells of car exhaust and fast food.
Some destruction of farmland is unavoidable when a city expands. Instead of expanding outward, planning commissions should consider interior(内部的) remodeling of a city. Tearing down unusable buildings could remodel many areas inside the city. In addition, commercialized buildings could extend upwards to avoid unnecessary use of land.
Environmentally, commercial expansion is harmful to the land. Besides forms of pollution, wildlife, including both plants and animals, is put at risk. A planning commission could have realized the benefits of environmental protection. Why not preserve the beauty and naturalness of the land while at the same time allowing for growth?
With a steady growth of population and the need for more homes and more workplaces, many problems arise when planning for the future. The hillsides, fields and animal habitats need to be preserved while expanding cities. In the future, a world covered with concrete and asphalt(沥青)could become reality. Serious research and analysis are needed when planning for the future of our home communities and for the entire globe to avoid such a miserable result.
(1)It can be inferred from the passage that ______.
A.it is unavoidable to destroy farmland when a city grows
B.Wooster used to be a quiet and peaceful city surrounded by farmland
C.with many nationwide shopping centers, Wooster lost its uniqueness
D.commercial expansion has done no harm to Wooster
(2)It can be concluded from the passage that the author thinks Wooster's planning commission ______.
A.has tried its best to protect the environment
B.preserves the hillsides and fields
C.should have avoided such a tragedy
D.is the cause of environmental pollution
(3)Which of the following sentences best expresses the main idea of the passage?
A.Planning for future residential and commercial developments has bad effects on the environment and the living things.
B.With a safety growth of population, more homes and more workplaces are needed.
C.With immense technology, population growth and economic prosperity, we need to plan for the future.
D.When planning for future developments, effects on the environment should be taken into account.
(4)What is the writer's attitude towards the current planning of cities?


(1)B 推理判断题。根据第三段第一句“Picture this—corn fields, old trees, clean air, country roads, and wildlife are all part of the area.”可推断出,Wooster曾经是一个被农田包围的安静祥和的城市。故B正确。

(2)C 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段第三句A planning commission could have realized the benefits of environmental protection. “计划委员会本可以意识到环境保护的益处”可推断出,作者认为Wooster的计划委员会本应该避免这样的悲剧。故C正确。


(4)A观点态度题。根据第三段后两句“The once quiet road is now a city street with traffic lights, busy with automobiles day and night. The air smells of car exhaust and fast food.”、第四段第一句“Some destruction of farmland is unavoidable when a city expands.”以及全文最后一句“Serious research and analysis are needed when planning for the future of our home communities and for the entire globe to avoid such a miserable result.”等都可以看出,作者以自己家乡为例,批评了不注重保护环境的商业开发行为。故A正确。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(1)The old man (陷入恐慌中) when he found the door was open.
(2)She (担心) the safety of her students.
(3)The boy is very clever and art (在……方面有天赋).
(4)This nature reserve is home to (各种不同的) rare plants and animals.
(5)She (生下了) a baby last night.
(6)He (浏览) the list and chose one immediately.
(7)The height of the building (由……到……不等) 10 meters to 30 meters.
(8)In production, we should always keep an eye not only on quantity (而且要关注质量).
(9)I am surprised that a company (拥有盛誉) would produce such poor quality goods.
(10)The mother felt herself grow old and (双手颤抖) with anxiety as she read the letter from the battlefield.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Make contacts among your parents' friends, your neighbors, your community organizations — _______ you can find working adults, network.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Here is a message that needs to (keep) in mind by every mom and dad. You love your kids not because ofthey do, but because of who they are.
In fact, raising a child is just like training a dog. You reward your children because of their
(succeed) or progress they made. (similar), a circus trainer gives a dog some food every time it (jump) through a hoop (圈).
The dog isn't loved for itself, for its actions.
Dr. Laura Schlessinger, the popular talk show host, has a new book for children (title) Why Do You Love Me? Part of the story includes a mother (explain) to her son that it is not what he does that makes her love him—she loves him because he is unique and he is (she) son.
Every mom, dad and grandparent needs to memorize the words of popular song: I love you most of all because you are you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Most visitors come to the UK expecting the rain and weather for which the country is famous. However, when summer finally arrives, British people like nothing more than heading for the coast. Here are some of more famous places of interest that you could expect to visit on a trip to Britain. Black pool, in the northwest of England, is the most visited place in the UK. Each year around 6.5 to 7 million people come to enjoy the miles of sandy beaches, the 158m Black pool Tower and the 11km-long Golden Mile, where there are entertainments, pubs, ice rinks (溜冰场) and even a zoo. On the south coast of the country you can find Brighton. Until 1786, Brighton was a sleepy village. Then the future king, George IV, decided to build a house there, and now it has become a large, international centre. Apart from the beaches, Brighton is famous for its pier (码头). There are theatres, entertainments and restaurants there. Brighton is also fantastic for shopping. If you want to travel a little further, why not go to Cornwall in the far southwest of the UK? South Cornwall offers miles of sandy beaches and beautiful scenery. The climate there is warmer than the rest of Britain, and you can even find palm trees. For a bit more excitement, go to North Cornwall. The scenery there is nicer, and the beaches are famous for their powerful waves. As a result, North Cornwall has become the home of British surfing. One word of warning though, if you are using the roads in the UK during holidays, you can expect long traffic jams on the motorways. It might be better to take the train.
(1)Which is the best title for this passage?
A.How to Enjoy Your Holidays
B.Let's Go to the Beach!
C.Welcome to Britain!
D.How to Travel in Britain
(2)We may find this passage in a ______.
A.travel guide
C.geography book
D.news magazine
(3)If Andrew likes surfing, which is the best place for him to spend his holidays?
A.Black pool.
C.North Cornwall.
D.South Cornwall.
(4)From the passage we can infer that ______.
A.there are no beaches in the east and west of Britain
B.the climate in South Cornwall is attractive to many people
C.the pier is more interesting than the beaches in Brighton
D.Black pool is the most famous place in the UK


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1—Jane is being scolded by our boss for her being late.

— Oh, poor girl. She should have been p__________ for such an important meeting.

2—That’s funny. I am forced to log off the Glory of King when I am playing.

—Oh, the Tencent Company has issued a ban, which f__________ any child under 12 from playing the game more than one hour.

3—What a pity! Although the young man jumped into the cold water b__________ to save the drowning child, the child still died.

—Well, we still think of the young man as our hero.

4—What c__________ should be used for assessing a student’s ability?

—It is complicated to say, but obviously, the college entrance examination should not be the only standard.

5—The building project will be f__________ only by public donation.

—But it is really a big challenge to collect such a big sum of money.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(1)His name was Tony and he seemed more like a human than a machine.
仿写 与其说她是个演员,不如说是个歌唱家。

(2)As she turned around, there stood her best friend.
仿写 我们的校长来了。(倒装)

(3)It was then that Claire realized that Tony had opened the curtains of the front window.
仿写 你昨天在街上所见到的就是李蕾的兄弟。

(4)But even though Tony had been so clever, he would have to be rebuilt. You cannot have women falling in love with machines.
仿写 他让我们在午饭期间一直笑个不停。

(5)It was going to be tested out by Larry's wife, Claire.
仿写 这种新的开关尚未经过充分检验。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(1)这计划似乎符合他们的主张。(meet with)
The plan seems their ideas.
(2)为了给孩子们提供公平的教育机会,当地政府已经采取了一些措施。(access to)
In order to provide children with fair , the local government has taken certain measures.
(3)我爷爷走几步就气喘吁吁,需要休息一下。(out of breath)
My grandpa gets a few steps and needs to rest.
(4)这样一来,残疾人进超市就会很方便了。(be convenient for)
In this case, the disabled to go into the supermarket.
In the evening, we usually the fire, listening to beautiful songs and eating delicious food.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1When did it rain last time in Juárez?

A. Three days ago. B. A month ago. C. A year ago.

2What season is it in Juárez?

A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Autumn.

3What are the elderly advised to do?

A. Take a walk in the afternoon.

B. Keep their homes cool.

C. Drink plenty of water.

4What is the speaker doing?

A. Hosting a radio program.

B. Conducting a seminar.

C. Forecasting the weather.

