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I really love my job because I enjoy working with small children and like the challenges and awards from the job. I also think my work is important. There was a time when I thought I would never have that sort of career(职业).

I wasn’t an excellent student because I didn’t do much schoolwork. In my final term I started thinking what I might do and found I didn’t have much to offer. I just accepted that I wasn’t the type to have a career.

I then found myself a job. Looking after two little girls, it wasn’t too bad at first. But the problems began when I agreed to live in, so that I would be there if my boss had to go out for business in the evening. We agreed that if I had to work extra hours one week, she’d give me time off the next. But unfortunately, it didn’t often work out. I was getting extremely tired and fed up, because I had too many late nights and early mornings with the children.

One Sunday, I was in the park with the children, and met Megan who used to go to school with me. I told her about my situation. She suggested that I should do a course and get a qualification (资格证书)if I wanted to work with children. I didn’t think I would be accepted because I didn’t take many exams in school. She persuaded me to phone the local college and they were really helpful. My experience counted for a lot and I got on a part-time course. I had to leave my job with the family, and got work helping out at a kindergarten.

Now I’ve got a full-time job there. I shall always be thankful to Megan. I wish I had known earlier that you could have a career, even if you aren’t top of the class at school.

1.What is the author’s present job?

A. Working part-time in a college.

B. Taking care of children for a family.

C. Helping children with their schoolwork.

D. Looking after children at a kindergarten.

2.When staying with the two girl’s family, the author_________.

A. was paid for extra work.

B. often worked long hours.

C. got much help from her boss.

D. took a day off every other week.

3.Why did the author leave her first job?

A. She found a full-time job.

B. She was fed up with children.

C. She decided to attend a part-time course.

D. She needed a rest after working extra hours.

4.What has the author learned from her own experiences?

A. Less successful students can still have a career.

B. Qualifications are necessary for a career.

C. Hard work makes an excellent student.

D. One must choose the job she likes.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届云南玉溪第一中学高三上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


Today, after finishing dinner in town, my husband and I were driving back home. As we pulled over, we saw a couple painting their furniture.

I went inside our home,1._______ (change) and then went back out again to ask our neighbors if they needed any help. While leaving my home, I was plagued (困扰) by thoughts of2._______ (embarrass), denial, or being received. 3.________, I gathered the courage to go down and ask 4. ________ ,anyway!

Initially, the woman denied. Then, the man said, “Sure”, and he handed me a spray paint bottle. We got into some good conversations5._______ painting with great effort. When we finished, I briefly chatted with them before leaving.

In the end, not only 6._______ I enjoy helping them, but also learned about my neighbors. 7.________ the way home, I must admit, I couldn’t help but wonder 8.________ they might be thinking about me. 9.________ is tough to do a good deed for others and not expect that they will be thinking good about you.

Today’s experience taught me some 10. ________ (value) lessons in my life! Hopefully, these lessons will help me continue my acts of kindness in future.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西抚州临川十中高二上学期12月月英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达






1. 交通拥堵问题,方便市民生活。

2. 提供新的交通方式,促进环境保护。






Recently,people are having an argument on whether a subway should be built or not in the city. Opinions vary from person to person.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山西祁县中学高二上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空



One morning, I was waiting at the bus stop, worried about 1. (be) late for school.There were many people waiting at the bus stop, 2. some of them looked very anxious and 3. (disappoint) . When the bus finally came, we all hurried on board.I got a place next 4. the window, so I had a good view of the sidewalk.A boy on a bike 5. (catch ) my attention.He was riding beside the bus and waving his arms.I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the driver, but he refused ___6.___ (stop) until we reached the next stop.Still, the boy kept ___7.___ (ride). He was carrying something over his shoulder and shouting.Finally, when we came to the next stop, the boy ran up the door of the bus.I heard an excited conversation.Then the driver stood up and asked,“ 8. anyone lose a suitcase at the last stop?” A woman on the bus shouted, “Oh, dear! It ‘s 9. (I)”.She pushed her way to the driver and took the suitcase thankfully. Five others on the bus began talking about what the boy had done and the crowd of strangers 10. (sudden) became friendly to one another.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖南常德石门第一中学高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达



Dear Editor,

I am an active girl, and I speak and laugh loudly in the classroom like a boy. I don't care about small matters. On the contrary, my neighbor, the girl who sits next to me, speaks quietly and dare not do the things I often do. I can understand this.

What I can't stand is that she often gets angry with me about small things. How can I get along with her?

Yours sincerely,




2.词数:100左右, 信的开头、结尾已给出,不计人总词数。

Dear Sunny,




Good luck to you.


Editor Tape


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届山东滕州第一中学高三12月阶段检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

One cold morning in winter, I went alone to a hillside to do some hunting. I sat there waiting for about an hour. Suddenly, a big beautiful deer appeared less than 20 feet away from me. There was no cover near him. Surely I could shoot him.

To my surprise, he came toward me! He was curious, I suppose, or maybe he was stupid. For this was not a youngster, but a fully grown-up one. He must have known about men and their guns. But this deer came closer, and I still waited. His big eyes never moved away from my face. His wonderful head with a set of antlers (鹿角) was clear in sight.

I was getting a bit nervous as he walked closer. A big deer can do a lot of damage. Well, he walked right up to where I was sitting. Then he stopped and looked at me.

What happened next was hard to believe. But it all seemed quite natural. I held out my hands and scratched his head right between the antlers. And he liked it. The big, wild, beautiful deer bent his head.

I scratched and touched his head and body. His nose touched my shoulder. I fed him with my last sandwich. Well, he finally went his way, down the hill. Shoot him? Not me. You wouldn’t, either. Not after that. I just watched him go, a strong deer carrying a proud head.

I picked up my gun, and started walking back. Suddenly, I heard two shots, one after another. If you have hunted much, you will know what two shots mean. They mean a kill. I had forgotten that there were other hunters around. You will now understand why I gave up hunting from that day on.

1. How the deer behaved toward the writer shows that______.

A. it pretended to be friendly to the writer

B. it was quite friendly to the writer

C. it was too scared to run away

D. it wanted to attack the writer

2.You can infer from the passage that ______.

A. the writer had waited for more than an hour before the deer appeared

B. the writer was a little nervous at first as he had been attacked by a big deer before

C. the writer felt afraid to kill the deer the moment the deer walked up to him

D. a grown-up deer usually will not get close to men with guns

3.After reading the whole passage, we can know that the passage is written in a(n)_____ tone.

A. sad B. excited C. worried D. happy


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年黑龙江牡丹江一中高一上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Fear may be felt in the heart as well as in the head,according to a study that has found a link between the cycles of a beating heart and the chance of someone feeling fear.

Tests on healthy volunteers found that they were more likely to feel a sense of fear at the moment when their hearts are contracting and pumping blood around their bodies, compared with the point when the heartbeat is relaxed. Scientists say the results suggest that the heart is able to influence how the brain responds to a fearful event, depending on which point it is at in its regular cycle of contraction and relaxation.

Sarah Garfinkel at the Brighton and Sussex Medical School said:“Our study shows for the first time that the way in which we deal with fear is different depending on when we see fearful pictures in relation to our heart.”

The study tested 20 healthy volunteers on their reactions to fear as they were shown pictures of fearful faces. Dr Garfinkel said, “The study showed that fearful faces are better noticed when the heart is pumping than when it is relaxed.Thus, our hearts can also affect what we see and what we don't see—and guide whether we see fear.”

To further understand this relationship,the scientists also used a brain scanner(扫描仪)to show how the brain influences the way the heart changes a person's feeling of fear.

“We have found an important mechanism by which the heart and brain ‘speak’ to each other to change our feelings and reduce fear,”Dr Garfinkel said.

“We hope that by increasing our understanding about how fear is dealt with and ways that it could be reduced, we may be able to develop more successful treatments for anxiety disorders,and also for those who may be suffering from serious stress disorder.”

1.What is the finding of the study? ________.

A. Fear is a result of one's relaxed heartbeat.

B. One's heart affects how he feels fear.

C. Fear has something to do with one's health.

D. One's fast heartbeats are likely to cause fear.

2.The study was carried out by analyzing ________.

A. volunteers' heartbeats when they saw terrible pictures

B. the time volunteers saw fearful pictures and their health conditions

C. volunteers' reactions to horrible pictures and data from their brain scans

D. different pictures shown to volunteers and their heart-brain communication

3.Which of the following is closest in meaning to “mechanism” in Paragraph 6?

A. order B. treatment C. machine D. system

4.This study may contribute to ________.

A. treating anxiety and stress better

B. explaining the cycle of fear and anxiety

C. finding the key to the heart-brain communication

D. understanding different fears in our hearts and heads


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年贵州遵义航天中学高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

American parents generally can choose any name they want for their children. They may choose a name because it honors a family member. Or they may choose a name just because they like it.

A website called Baby Center lists some unusual names given to American babies born last year. Some were named for characters in old stories, such as Hero, Thor and Ulysses. Other people named their babies after kinds of food, like actress Gwyneth Paltrow. She named her daughter Apple. Other people named their babies Banana, Pumpkin and Cookie.

Still some babies were named for places. These included Brazil, India and Rome. Some parents used names of famous people from history such as Newton and Hannibal. Other parents named their babies after flowers or the weather. These babies were named Buttercup, Iris, Sunshine and Thunder.

Recording artists and movie actors influence some parents’ choices of names. Babies were named Beyonce, Charlize, Reda, Pierce, Shajira and Whitney. Movie actors themselves often give their babies unusual names. For example, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt named their baby daughter Shiloh. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes named their little girl Suri.

Some American parents do not want unusual names. They want their baby’s name to honor their religious faith. Such names include Abraham for boys or Sarah for girls. And many people give their babies the same name as a family member or good friend.

The United States Social Security Administration once published a list of the most popular names for American girls and boys born. Many of the top ten boys, names are from the Jewish and Christian Bibles.

1.How did American parents usually name their children?

A. In a way they please. B. In a scientific way.

C. In a careless way. D. In a common way

2.From the second paragraph, we can infer that _______.

A. Ulysses is a main person in an old story book.

B. the meaning of Gwyneth Paltrow is a kind of fruit

C. American parents expect their children to be a hero.

D. a girl was named Apple because she liked eating apples.

3.What can we know from American children’s name?

A. American children’s names express American history.

B. A foreign place may become a name of an American child.

C. American parents’ favorite names are those of famous actors.

D. American parents expect their children to be different from others.

4.If a girl is named Sarah, the name reflects her parents’ _______.

A. love B. career C. expectation D. religion


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏清江中学高三第四次(12月)月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

If something such as a product, an activity, or someone’s career______, it suddenly becomes very successful.

A. takes up B. takes in C. takes off D. takes away

