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13.The boss wanted an assistant with          knowledge of French and          work experience.(  )
A.the; aB.不填; theC.a; 不填D.the; 不填

分析 老板需要一个能够掌握法语知识和有工作经历的助手.

解答 答案:C.
第一空属于固定结构:a knowledge of掌握某种知识;第二空:名词短语:work experience 表示"工作经验"属于不可数名词,不需要冠词.所以选择A.

点评 解答冠词的题目注意分清句中所表示的内容是特指还是泛指,表示泛指一般用不定冠词a/an;而表示特指用定冠词the.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.Active Challenge
Weight loss camp for girls aged 13-18in Canada
Location:Beautiful Bear Creek Outdoor Center Near Ottawa,Ontario
Season:July 2nd-August 28th
Activities include:hiking,rafting,canoeing,yoga,cooking,camp skills,mountain biking,nutrition classes,swimming,fitness classes etc.
Choose what you like!
Active Challenge is a weight loss program specially for young women.The burden of being overweight is heavier than just the extra pounds.We use outdoor adventures to challenge the girls,to give them something to draw strength from.
Because you'll be losing weight alongside young women just like you,you'll find no one laughing at you and you'll help each other.At Active Challenge you'll make lifelong friends with young women of your own age and learn to love new adventurous activities.
Unlike any other weight loss program,Active Challenge is designed so you'll lose weight and have the strategies and skills to keep the weight off forever.Active Challenge does not put you on a diet.We follow the Canada Food Guide to healthy eating and exercise appropriate portion control.We help you develop healthy habits.
The staff at Active Challenge combine experienced outdoor adventure professional with highly qualified clinicians.All of us are absolutely devoted to helping you achieve lasting behavioral change and weigh loss.Most of all we are devoted to having a great time doing it.
Pre-Camp:Upon registration in Active Challenge,a registration package will be sent out to you with forms to be completed before camping as well as program preparation materials,an introduction to Active Challenge and pre-program personal challenge assignments to get you on your way toward a healthier you.
Post-Camp:Our post program is designed to keep you focused and remind you of the goals that you set during the camp.We will send you home with your personal meal and exercise plan and keep in touch with you for a full three months after the camp ends through letters,emails and phone calls,tracking your progress and giving you strategies and support.

36.Why are outdoor adventurous activitiesheld for girls?C
A.To lose weight quickly
B.To have fun.
C.To make them stronger.
D.To keep fit.
37.How will girls feel about the atmosphere at Active Challenge?A
A.Friendly and supportive.
B.Competitive and challenging.
C.Cold but exciting.
D.Lonely but safe.
38.After registration,girlsB.
A.should go to buy the program preparation materials
B.will be in informed how to get prepared for the program
C.should learn some skills and strategies to lose weight
D.will have to finish some challenging tasks at home
39.The post-camp help will last untilA.
A.the end of November
B.girls can keep weight off forever
C.the beginning of the next year
D.girls achieve success in their lives
40.What is the main purpose of the passage?D
A.To explain the popularity of Active Challenge.
B.To share skills and strategies of losing weight.
C.To introducethe importance of losing weight.
D.To invite girls to join in Active Challenge.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.When young people get their real jobs,they may face a lot of new,confusing situation.They may find that everything is different from the way things (33)were (be) at school.It is also possible that they will feel uncomfortable in both professional and social situations.Eventually,they realize that university classes can't be the only preparation for all of the different situations (34)that/which appear in the working world.
Perhaps the best way (35)to learn (learn) how to behave in the working world is to identify a worker you admire and observe his behavior.In doing so,you'll be able to see what it is (36)that you admire in this person.For example,you will observe how he acts when he is in trouble.Perhaps even (37)more important (important),you will be able to see what his approach to everyday situations (38)is/will be (be).While you are observing your colleague,you should be asking yourself whether his behavior is like (39)yours and how you can learn from his response to different situations.By (40)learning (learn) from a model,you will probably begin to identify and learn good working habits.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

1."So,what are you doing after graduation?"(71)FHowever,you have to make up your mind as your last high school year begins.Whether your plans include college,heading straight for the workforce,or taking a year off,here are some practical tips to prepare yourself for the journey.
Going to College
Some people know from an early age exactly what they want to be and how they plan to get there.(72)EAccording to a recent survey,75% of students change their majors after they enter college.After all,school is also not just about careers and getting a high-paying job after graduation-it's a place for learning about yourself and the world.
Selecting a School
If college is in your future,you need to plan.Start by asking yourself questions about your preferences.(73)GOnce you've narrowed down your choices,ask the schools to send you literature or visit their websites.
Getting a Job
Maybe you've decided that college isn't for you-right now,anyway.If you want to join the workforce,opportunities are out there for people who don't have degrees.Some products-selling or service industry organizations offer training programs to high school graduates.Search the classified ads in the newspaper and do some Internet research.(74)D
Taking Time Off
What if you intend to go to college but just don't feel ready to start yet,for whatever reason?(75)BThis practice is common in some countries,like the United Kingdom,where it's called a"gap year".Even if you decide not to apply to college,it can be a great idea to take a year to do something you may not have an opportunity to do again.Lots of volunteer organizations would welcome your time and energy and would provide you with a wonderful learning experience.
A.You might want to get a high-paid job first.
B.You might want to take a year off to pause.
C.This is the fact that young people have to take into consideration.
D.Most large companies list their job openings on their websites.
E.Not all of us are so sure of our plans,though,and that's OK too.
F.Many juniors and seniors get bored answering that question over and over.
G.Ask friends in college about their schools and other schools they're familiar with.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.Playing basketball is     great fun; it also provides us with a chance to develop our sense of    team spirit.(  )
A.a;不填B.不填;aC.a; theD.不填;不填


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.A study finds that the more education people have,______ they are to form unhealthy habits.(  )
A.more likelyB.more possible
C.the less likelyD.the less passible


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5._____ there are two different results,scientists now generally agree that some kinds of dinosaurs lived in big groups.(  )
A.ThoughB.IfC.As long asD.Unless


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.-How do you find _________ birthday party of the Blairs?
-I should say it was __________ complete failure.(  )
A.a; aB.the; aC.a;/D.the;/


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.A couple had been married for over 60years.They shared everything,talked about everything and kept no secrets (16)from each other except that the woman had a box in a drawer (17)that/which she had cautioned her husband never to open or ask her about.
He'd never thought about it ever since.One day (18)the woman got very sick and the doctor,said she wouldn't recover.To sort out their affairs,the husband took down the box and (19)brought(bring) it to his wife's bedside.She agreed it was time that he should know (20)whatwas in the box.
(21)Opening(open) it,he found two small table mats and a sum of money totaling﹩25,000.He asked her about the contents."When we were to be married,"she said,"my grandma told me the secret of happy (22)marriage(marry) was never to argue,and I should just keep quiet and make a mat (23)if/when I got angry with you."
The man was so (24)moved(move) that he had to fight back tears.She had only been angry with him twice in all those years of living and loving!"Honey,"he said,"that explains the mats,but what about the money?Where did it come from?"
"Oh,"she said,"that's the money I made from selling (25)them."

