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 They recognized each other ________ they met in the church even though they hadn’t kept in touch for many years.

A. since      B. the moment     C. while       D. now that


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省保定一中2010届高三押题卷(英语) 题型:阅读理解

EI've been writing for most of my life. The book Writing Without Teachers introduced me to one difference and one practice that have greatly helped my writing processes. The difference is between the creative mind and the critical mind. While you need to use both of the creative mind and the critical (批判) mind to reach a finished result,they cannot work in parallel (平行,并行) no matter how much we might like to think so.
 Trying to criticize writing on the fly is possibly the single greatest trouble with writing that most of us meet. If you are listening to a 5th grade English teacher correcting your grammar while you are trying to capture a fleeting(稍纵即逝的)thought, the thought will die. If you catch the fleeting thought and simply share it with the world in raw form, no one is likely to understand. You must learn to create first and then criticize if you want to make writing the tool for thinking as it is.
 The practice that can help you overcome your learned bad habits of trying to edit as you write is what Elbow calls“free writing”. In free writing, the goal is to get words down on paper non-stop,usually for 15-20 minutes. No stopping, no going back, no criticizing. The aim is to get the words flowing. As the words begin to flow,the ideas will come from the shadows and let themselves be captured on your notepad or your screen.
 Now you have raw materials that you can begin to work with using the critical mind that you’ve persuaded to sit on the side and watch quietly. Most likely,you will believe that this will take more time than you actually have and you will end up staring blankly at the pages as the deadline draws near.
 Instead of staring at a blank start and filling it with words no matter how bad they could be,stop halfway through your available time and rework your raw writing into something closer to the finished product. Move back and forth until you run out of time and the final result will most likely be far better than your current practices.
1. When the author says the creative mind and the critical mind“cannot work in parallel”in the writing process,he means _______.
A. no one can be both creative and critical              
B. they can’t be regarded as equally important
C. they are in constant conflict with each other 
D. one cannot use them at the same time
2. What usually prevents people from writing on is _______.
A. putting their ideas in raw form            B. attempting to edit as they’re writing
C. ignoring grammatical problems           D. trying to capture their fleeting thoughts
3. What is the chief purpose of the first stage of writing?
A. To organize one’s thoughts logically.    B. To choose an appropriate topic.
C. To get one’s ideas down quickly.          D. To collect many more raw materials.
4. In what way does the critical mind help the writer in the writing process?
A. It refines(improves) his writing into a better shape. 
B. It helps him to come up with new ideas.
C. It saves the writing time available to him.
D. It allows him to sit on the side and observe.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年湖南省师大附中高一下学期期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

In 2003, Bethany Hamilton,13, lost her left arm to a shark attack while surfing off Kauai, Hawaii. A new film ,Soul Surfer, is based on the story of how she overcame that to achieve her dream of becoming a professional athlete.
Growing up on the “garden isle” of Kauai, Hamilton spent every minute she could riding the waves. She was on the verge of (即将) becoming a top competitor in professional surfing. But while she was practicing at an isolated cove (小湾),a four-meter-long tiger shark ripped off her left arm. Though her life was saved, nobody could imagine she would ever get back on a surfboard again.
In a true test of her faith and by tremendous will power, Bethany did get back up on a surfboard only a month after the attack. Six months later, she was competing again. Bethany Hamilton won her first amateur surfing championship just two years after she lost her arm. She also established the “Friends of Bethany,” a non---profit foundation dedicated to supporting sharks attack victims.
It’s a story told in her autobiography, which is the basis for the film that stars teenager Anna Sophia Robb. “I knew Bethany’s story, of course, but I thought ‘What an incredible role’ ,”explains Robb. “I was so fascinated by all of the challenges. What would it be like to have your arm taken and what would go through your head and how would your faith be challenged?”
The filmmakers used special effects to digitally remove Robb’ s arm .However ,no tricks were necessary for the surfing scenes because Hamilton herself did the breathtaking wave riding.
Now 21, Hamilton says she hopes audiences find inspiration in the description of the sport she loves.
“Not a lot of people know that much about surfing, so I hope they’re educated about it,” Hamilton says. “And most of all if people are going through a hard time, they could be encouraged and find inspiration to push through those hard times and see that, in my case ,so much good has come out of it.”
【小题1】According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?.

A.Hamilton was severely injured when surfing.
B.Nobody thought Hamilton could overcome the troubles.
C.Rob did the breathtaking wave riding in the film Soul Surfer.
D.Hamilton established the “Friends of Bethany” to help shark attack victims.
【小题2】Which of the following can best take the place of the underlined word “tremendous” in the third paragraph?
【小题3】What can we learn from Anna Sophia Robb’s words?
A.She was absorbed in the story.
B.she wasn’t sure she could play the role well.
C.She wants to challenge her faith.
D.She doesn’t believe Bethany’s story.
【小题4】How does Hamilton hope people will be affected by her story?
A.she hopes more people will take up surfing.
B.she hopes people will be inspired and encouraged
C.She hopes more people will keep off the sharks.
D.She hopes people will donate something to her charity.
【小题5】What can we learn from the passage?
A.A lot of people are fond of surfing.
B.Good things will happen to the disabled in the end.
C.Faith and will power will help people go through hard times.
D.People can always overcome every difficulty in life.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年福建省八县(市)一中高一下学期期末联考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

In the year after my mother left us, my father was 42 and he knew that he wasn’t going to make it to 43. He wrote a letter to me and hoped that something in it would help me for the rest of my life.
Since the day I was 12 and first read his letter, some of his words have lived in my heart. One part always stands out. “Right now, you are pretending to be a time killer. But I know that one day, you will do something great that will set you among the very best.” Knowing that my dad believed in me gave me permission to believe in myself. “You will do something great.” He didn’t know what I would be, and neither did I, but at times in my life when I’ve felt proud of myself, I remember his words and wish he were here so I could ask, “Is this what you were talking about , Dad ? Should I keep going?”
A long way from 12 now, I realize he would have been proud when I made any progress. Lately, though, I’ve come to believe he would want me to move on to what comes next: to be proud of , and believe in somebody else. It’s time to start writing my own letters to my children. Our children look to us with the same unanswered question we had. Our kids don’t hold back because they’re afraid to fail. They’re only afraid of failing us. They don’t worry about being disappointed. Their fear ---- as mine was until my father’s letter---- is of being a disappointment.
Give your children permission to succeed. They’re waiting for you to believe in them. I always knew my parents loved me. But trust me: That belief will be more complete , that love will be more real, and their belief in themselves will be greater if you write the words on their hearts :“Don’t worry; you’ll do something great .”Not having that blessing from their parents may be the only thing holding them back.
【小题1】We learn from the text that the author__________.

A.lost his father when he was young
B.worked hard before he read his father’s letter
C.asked his father’s permission to believe in himself
D.knew exactly what great thing his father wanted him to do
【小题2】What does the author tell us in the 3rd paragraph?           
A.Children need their parents’ letters.
B.Children are afraid to be disappointed.
C.His children’s fear of failure held them back.
D.His father’s letter removed his fear of failing his parents.
【小题3】Which of the following is true of the author?
A.He got no access to success.
B.He wrote back to his father at 12.
C.He was sure his parents loved him.
D.He once asked his father about the letter.
【小题4】The main purpose of the text is to        .
A.describe children’s thinking
B.answer some questions children have
C.stress the importance of communication
D.advise parents to encourage their children


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年四川省成都七中高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Franz Kafka wrote that “a book must be the ax (斧子) for the frozen sea inside us. ”I once shared this sentence with a class of seventh graders, and it didn’t seem to require any explanation.
We’d just finished John Steinbeck’s novel Of Mice and Men. When we read the end together out loud in class, my toughest boy, a star basketball player, wept a little, and so did I. “Are you crying?” one girl asked, as she got out of her chair to take a closer look. “I am,” I told her, “and the funny thing is I’ve read it many times.”
But they understood. When George shoots Lennie, the tragedy is that we realize it was always going to happen. In my 14 years of teaching in a New York City public middle school, I’ve taught kids with imprisoned parents, abusive parents, irresponsible parents; kids who are parents themselves; kids who are homeless; kids who grew up in violent neighborhoods. They understand, more than I ever will, the novel’s terrible logic—the giving way of dreams to fate (命运).
For the last seven years, I have worked as a reading enrichment teacher, reading classic works of literature with small groups of students from grades six to eight. I originally proposed this idea to my headmaster after learning that a former excellent student of mine had transferred out of a selective high school—one that often attracts the literary-minded children of Manhattan’s upper classes—into a less competitive setting. The daughter of immigrants, with a father in prison, she perhaps felt uncomfortable with her new classmates. I thought additional “cultural capital” could help students like her develop better in high school, where they would unavoidably meet, perhaps for the first time, students who came from homes lined with bookshelves, whose parents had earned Ph. Ds.
Along with Of Mice and Men, my groups read: Sounder, The Red Pony, Lord of the Flies, Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth. The students didn’t always read from the expected point of view.   About The Red Pony, one student said, “it’s about being a man, it’s about manliness.”I had never before seen the parallels between Scarface and Macbeth, nor had I heard Lady Macbeth’s soliloquies (独白) read as raps (说唱), but both made sense; The interpretations were playful, but serious. Once introduced to Steinbeck’s writing, one boy went on to read The Grapes of Wrath and told me repeatedly how amazing it was that “all these people hate each other, and they’re all white.” His historical view was broadening, his sense of his own country deepening. Year after year, former students visited and told me how prepared they had felt in their first year in college as a result of the classes.
Year after year, however, we are increasing the number of practice tests. We are trying to teach students to read increasingly complex texts, not for emotional punch (碰撞) but for text complexity. Yet, we cannot enrich (充实) the minds of our students by testing them on texts that ignore their hearts. We are teaching them that words do not amaze but confuse. We may succeed in raising test scores, but we will fail to teach them that reading can be transformative and that it belongs to them.
【小题1】The underlined words in Paragraph 1 probably mean that a book helps to __________.

A.realize our dreamsB.give support to our life
C.smooth away difficultiesD.awake our emotions
【小题2】Why were the students able to understand the novel Of Mice and Men?
A.Because they spent much time reading it.
B.Because they had read the novel before.
C.Because they came from a public school.
D.Because they had similar life experiences.
【小题3】The girl left the selective high school possibly because__________.
A.she was a literary-minded girlB.her parents were immigrants
C.she couldn’t fit in with her classD.her father was then in prison
【小题4】To the author’s surprise, the students read the novels__________.
【小题5】The author writes the passage mainly to__________.
A.introduce classic works of literature
B.advocate(倡导) teaching literature to touch the heart
C.argue for equality among high school students
D.defend the current testing system


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年福建省南安一中高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Is it wrong to use someone else’s wireless (Wi-Fi) connection? Just recently, a man was arrested for doing just that. At that time, he was sitting in the street with a laptop(便携式电脑) and using an unsecured(无安全保护措施) wireless connection to surf the Net. What do you think about this topic? Listen to the following different views on it.
For a start, if someone is using your Internet service or downloading, this will affect your speed of access or download limit. Also, it’s bad for Internet service providers. They will suffer in the long run because fewer people will pay for an Internet service if they know they can get it for free. And finally, just imagine this: what if the person who is stealing your Internet connection is involved in an illegal activity? I think the police are totally right to arrest these criminals.
— by Sandra Wilkins
Basically, if the person who paid for the service still has everything they paid for, what’s the problem? It’s just like using the light from streetlamps to read your book, or watching someone else’s firework display. It’s not stealing.
Also, if you leave your wireless connection unsecured, then it is your own fault(过错) if someone else uses it. Just as you wouldn’t leave your front door unlocked, or your car door open, neither should you leave your wireless connection open. By leaving your wireless connection open, you are inviting people to use it. Securing your wireless connection is as easy as clicking a few settings on your router(路由器). And finally, haven’t the police got more important crimes to solve? They’re always saying how they haven’t got the manpower to solve real issues. But this is just ridiculous(荒谬的).
— by James Hoarley
【小题1】 Why was the man mentioned in the first paragraph arrested?

A.For stealing someone’s laptop.
B.For surfing the Net in the street.
C.For destroying others’ wireless connection.
D.For using an Internet service without permission.
【小题2】 What does Sandra Wilkins think of people using others’ Internet service?
A.He thinks it is unacceptable.
B.He thinks it is necessary sometimes.
C.He thinks it requires good computer skills.
D.He thinks it is good for Internet service providers.
【小题3】 In James Hoarley’s opinion, ______.
A.Internet service should be improved.
B.it is hard to secure one’s wireless connection.
C.using others’ Internet service is not stealing at all.
D.people should leave their wireless connection open.
【小题4】 What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Wireless connectionB.Wireless worries
C.Internet serviceD.Internet users

