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第一节 听独白或对话(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)

听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。


1.What was the woman doing before she went home?

A.Typing a report.

B.Rewriting a report.

C.Reviewing a report.

2.Where did the woman have her dinner?

A.In a restaurant.

B.In her office.

C.At home.


3.Why does the man feel surprised?

A.The woman has found a new job.

B.The woman doesn’t feel like leaving.

C.The woman disagrees with him.

4.What does the woman say about her department?

A.There is a lack of trust.

B.There are serious problems.

C.There is too much pressure.


5.What are the speakers talking about?

A.Popular sports events.

B.TV programs people like best.

C.Things people do after work.

6.How did the woman do the research?

A.She talked to people.

B.She sent letters to people.

C.She collected information from newspapers.

7.What do most people do in their spare time?

A.Going to movies.

B.Reading books.

C.Watching TV.


8.Where does this conversation take place?

A.At the airport.

B.In a restaurant.

C.On the street.

9.Why does the woman like San Francisco?

A.It has less traffic.

B.It has the best food and music.

C.People there are friendlier.

10.Where does the woman come from?


B.San Francisco.


11.What does the woman think of the man’s English?





12.How many people are there in the woman’ s family?




13.What did the children think about having dinner together at home?

A.They thought it was funny.

B.They disliked the idea at first.

C.They preferred eating with friends.

14.How often did the family finally decide to have meals together?

A.Every Sunday.

B.Twice a week.

C.Three times a week.

15.Who finally set the time for these family dinners?

A.The children.

B.The father.

C.The woman speaker.

第二节 听取信息(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)



  答案:A B A B C A C A B A A C B B C the Tower of London seven 5∶30 15 Japan



  1.W:I worked late to type the report.

  M:It must be a long one, I guess.

  W:Exactly.Twelve pages.I spent three hours on it.

  M:By the way, what time did you go home?

  W:I left the office at about 9 o’clock.I got home at ten.

  M:What did you have for dinner?

  W:I sent out for a sandwich and I ate it at my desk.

  2.M:Ricky, what’s going on?Fred told me just now that you’re going to leave us.

  W:Yes.I really feel bad about it.But BMD came up with really a good offer.

  M:Well, I didn’t know that you are looking for a new job.

  W:Well, just between you and me.I think we have some real problems in this department.Don’t get me wrong.It has nothing to do with you, Frank.Everybody says that you’re an excellent manager.

  M:Problems?What problems?Do we have time to talk about it?

  3.W:You know, I’ve just finished some very interesting research for the newspaper about things people do in their spare time.

  M:Really?What did you learn?

  W:Well, I talked to 20 people, and 19 of them watch TV.

  M:That’s interesting.I never watch it.Do you?

  W:Not much.Anyway, about half of them, 9 people play some kind of sport.

  M:I’m not surprised.People are getting more exercises these days.

  W:Yes.A few of them go to movies.

  M:Mm, I do, too.

  W:But here is the most interesting result.Only one of them reads.

  M:That’s terrible.

  4.M:Excuse me, do you mind if I sit here?

  W:Not at all, go ahead.


  W:Are you going somewhere or are you meeting someone?

  M:I’m on my way to Washington, and you?

  W:I’m on my way to San Francisco.

  M:Really?I think San Francisco is probably the most exciting place in the US.

  W:So do I.No other city has as many good restaurants or as much good music as SanFrancisco.

  M:Is San Francisco your hometown?

  W:No, I’m from a very small town in Pennsylvania.I wouldn’t want to live there again either.I don’t like the small town living very much.

  M:En, neither do I really.But small towns have their advantages, less traffic.

  W:And friendly people.You know I’m beginning to feel homesick.By the way, where are you from?


  W:China?But you speak English like a native speaker.I didn’t have any idea.

  M:Oh, excuse me.It’s time for my flight.Well, nice talking with you.

  W:You too.Bye.

  5.M:Could you suggest some ways to bring family members closes together?

  W:Well, I feel it is very important for families to have regular meals together.One of my good childhood memories was dinner with my parents and two sisters because my husband and I both work and our three children are busy with their studies.We seldom had a chance to get together with the family.But we thought it would be possible for us to sit down and enjoy meals together every week.First, we tried setting three fixed dates:Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.But almost everyone was unhappy.Then my son had the idea that everyone told me his or her most convenient days and I would choose the two best days.For a while, the children were still unhappy with the idea.They said they would rather spend the time with their friends playing sports.Gradually though they began to see these evenings together as interesting and helpful.We loved a lot, we made plans for trips.We discussed each other’s problems.After a couple of months, anyone who had to miss a family meal felt regretful.And now we all feel that we have been able to build much stronger relationships within the family than we had before.


  W:May I help you?

  M:Yes, I’d like to take a one-day sightseeing tour around the town.

  W:We have several.Here are the written materials that describe them.

  M:I particularly want to visit the British Museum and the Tower of London.Do you have any tours that include both of them?

  W:Yes, this one does.You visit the Tower and Westminster Abbey in the morning.Right after lunch, the tour makes a stop at St.Paul’s.Then the rest of the afternoon is spent at the museum.

  M:How long does the tour take?

  W:About seven hours.Where are you staying?

  M:At the Hyde Park Hotel.

  W:Let’s see.The bus stops there at 9∶50.You should be back by 5∶30 in the afternoon.

  M:What is the cost of the tour?

  W:It’s £15, including lunch.

  M:Are there any Japanese-speaking guides?

  W:I’m afraid not.But we do have this guidebook.It tells everything about the places you’ll be seeing.Please take it, free of charge.

  M:Oh, that’ll be very helpful.Thank you very much.


科目:高中英语 来源:导学大课堂必修三英语北师版 北师版 题型:001


第一节 听独白或对话(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)

听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


1.How many countries did the man mention?




2.Which of the following is true?

A.The man knows much about paper-making.

B.Spain is the first country that made paper.

C.Now, paper-making has been improved.


3.What did the woman use to be?

A.A student at Nanjing University.

B.A teacher at Nanjing University.

C.A student at Nantong University.

4.What did the woman’s husband use to be?

A.A student at Nantong University.

B.A teacher at Nantong University.

C.A teacher at Nanjing University.

5.What did Peter use to be?

A.The woman’s teacher.

B.A workmate of the woman’s husband.

C.The woman’s schoolmate.


6.What had gone wrong in their house?

A.Their washing machine.

B.The electricity.

C.The lights.

7.Which of the following is true?

A.Mr.Smith did nothing for them at all.

B.Mr.Smith asked too much money from them for his work.

C.Mr.Smith did help them but couldn’t solve the problem completely that day.

8.Why did the man think it would cost him dearly?

A.Because he wanted to buy a car.

B.Because he didn’t have a good job.

C.Because their car needed repairing.


9.Where does Mary work?

A.In a construction company.

B.At McDonald’s.

C.At Joe’s party.

10.When will Tom’s father’s company employ workers?

A.In September.

B.In June.

C.In August.

11.Is Mary going to the party?

A.No, she doesn’t want to.

B.Yes, of course.

C.No, she has to work.


12.What do you think the speaker is?

A.A university teacher.

B.A university student.

C.A middle school student.

13.How many people are there living in the speaker’s house?




14.What size is the speaker’s room?

A.Seven meters long.

B.Five meters wide.

C.Thirty-five square(平方)meters.

15.Where does the speaker have his meal?

A.At school.

B.In his room.

C.In a restaurant.

第二节 听取信息(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)



科目:高中英语 来源:导学大课堂必修三英语北师版 北师版 题型:001


第一节 听独白或对话(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



1.What are they talking about?

A.the Ocean Park.

B.the visit to the Ocean Park.

C.the museum and the restaurants.

2.When will the man go to the Ocean Park?

A.That afternoon.

B.The next morning.

C.The next afternoon.

3.Where will all the visitorssurely go?

A.The Science Museum.

B.The Ocean Park.



4.What is the possible relationship of the two speakers?


B.Husband and wife.

C.Teacher and student.

5.Why do English people like to talk about weather with strangers?

A.Because it is interesting.

B.Because they feel friendly by doing this.

C.Because they want to know the weather condition.

6.What will happen if strangers talk about politics?

A.They may not agree with each other.

B.They may not be safe.

C.They may have to stop their talk soon.


7.What is the average depth?

A.About 16 meters.

B.About 20 meters.

C.About 10 meters.

8.How long will it take to get to the capital from the Canal?

A.Only three hours.

B.About four hours.

C.Nearly five hours.

9.How far is it from the capital to the Canal?

A.About 15 kilometers.

B.About 115 kilometers.

C.About 150 kilometers.


10.When did he go to Indonesia?

A.In 1960.

B.At the age of eighteen.

C.In 1961.

11.What has he not been so far?

A.An novelist.

B.An actor.

C.A farmer.

12.How many novels are mentioned here?





13.What will the boy most probably do tomorrow?

A.Go to school.

B.See a doctor.

C.Stay at home.

14.Howmany times did the boy take the medicine before he saw the doctor?

A.Twice a day.

B.Three times a day.

C.Once a day.

15.How many days will have the boy stay out of the school?

A.Three days.

B.Less than three days.

C.More than three days.

第二节 听取信息(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


information to check

1.The man wanted to post a box to   16  

2.He finally chose to send it   17   class.

the differences between the first class and the second class

1.The first class costs $  18  , and it will take about   19   to ten days to arrive.

2.The second class is much cheaper, only $   20  , but it wouldn’t arrive for about a month.


科目:高中英语 来源:导学大课堂必修三英语北师版 北师版 题型:001


第一节 听独白或对话(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



1.Where is the man going?

A.To the railway station.

B.To the“Spring Hotel”.

C.To take a journey around the railway station.

2.Which bus should the man take first?

A.Bus 307.

B.Bus 137.

C.Bus 301.


3.What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Doctor and patient.

B.Mother and son.

C.Boss and clerk.

4.What’s the matter with Steve?

A.He has a cold.

B.He has the flu.

C.He has a stomachache.

5.How long has Steve been sick?

A.Since Friday.

B.Since Saturday.

C.Since Sunday.


6.When did the woman go to see Kate?

A.A week ago.

B.Two days ago.

C.Ten days ago.

7.What do you know about Kate?

A.She’s too busy to see a doctor.

B.The doctor’s advice does her no good.

C.She hasn’t fully recovered though she’s seen a doctor.


8.What’s the woman’s hobby?

A.Collecting stamps.


C.Listening to music.

9.Why did the man stop the hobby?

A.Because he was too busy to do it.

B.Because he didn’t have enough money to buy them.

C.Because he was not interested in doing it any more.

10.What are the man’s hobbies?

A.Swimming and listening to music.

B.Listening to music and traveling.

C.Visiting libraries and attending lecture.


11.Where was Elizabeth born?

A.In New York.

B.In Washington.

C.In England.

12.When did Elizabeth decide to further her study?

A.In 1821.

B.In 1849.

C.In 1857.

13.Why couldn’t Elizabeth Blackwell realize her dream of becoming a surgeon(外科医生)?

A.Serious eye illness made it impossible.

B.She didn’t have enough money.

C.She was a woman.

14.What almost destroyed Elizabeth’s chances of becoming a doctor?

A.That she was a woman.

B.That she didn’t establish her hospital.

C.That she couldn’t establish her hospital.

15.Which of the following was setup by Elizabeth herself?

A.A hospital for men.

B.The first hospital for women and children.

C.A medical school.

第二节 听取信息(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)



科目:高中英语 来源:导学大课堂必修三英语北师版 北师版 题型:001


第一节 听独白或对话(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



1.How many times has Linda been to China?



C.Many times.

2.What’s Linda doing?

A.She’s visiting the Great Wall.

B.She’s doing sightseeing around the city.

C.She’s enjoying Chinese food.

3.How is the weather?

A.Warm and wet.

B.Warm and fine.

C.Cool and rainy.


4.How long does it probably take the woman to get to Singapore?

A.More than 12 hours.

B.Less than 13 hours.

C.No more than 10 hours.

5.On which day is the woman going to do more work than on the other two?




6.When is the woman going to a meeting?

A.In the afternoon.

B.In the morning.

C.In the evening.


7.What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A.Teacher and student.

B.Good friends.

C.Mother and son.

8.What did the boy often do at school?

A.He often stayed after school.

B.He was often late for class.

C.He often fell asleep in class.

9.Which of the following statements is true?

A.The boy prefers to drop out and work.

B.The boy has no interest in history class.

much interest neither in school nor in work.

C.The boy is discouraged because he hasn’t passed the exam.


10.Who are the two speakers?

A.A man and his wife.

B.A man and his sister.

C.A man and his girlfriend.

11.Why is the man unhappy about their weekends?

A.They seldom invite friends over.

B.They seldom go out for a picnic.

C.They seldom spend weekends together.

12.Which aspect of the picnic do the man and woman differ on?

A.Who should get the car ready.

B.How many friends they should invite.

C.What food and drink they should prepare.


13.The speaker is probably talking to ________.

A.A foreign expert

B.A group of visitors

C.A group of new students

14.What’s the total number of departments in the college?

A.More than four.



15.How many teachers are there in the English department?




第二节 听取信息(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


