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【题目】 There are now six fires burning at emergency levels in Australia.1The smoke is so intense and so thick it can be seen from space. 2,000 homes have been destroyed. Six million hectares of land charred, leading to death of the nation’s wildlife.

2They are lightning strikes, winds and people who set fire deliberately. But one of the biggest reasons they’ve become so extreme, is the same reason as East Africa’s flood. Bushfires in Australia are a natural part of the country’s ecosystem.3Even New South Wales, with the largest population, is used to breaking out. In 1974, fires burned 3.5 million hectares, and in 2003, another 2 million hectares were lost to fire. But the fires that started in 2019 are even worse:4.9 million hectares in New South Wales have burned alreadyand it’s only going to grow.

4For starters, as the world is getting warmer from climate change, so is Australia. 2019 was its hottest year on record, with parts of the country reaching 45 degrees Celsius in December. 2019 was also its driestthe places here in gray have seen historic droughts.5Throughout the year, other large-scale climate drivers affect Australia’s weather, and its likeliness to burn. One of the most influential is the Indian Ocean Dipole(偶极子), or the IOD. The IOD is a big temperature gradient that affects the surface water in the Indian Ocean, from the edge of Africa to the edge of Australia.

A.This is just heartbreaking.

B.So why is this fire season so awful?

C.Their “fire season” varies across regions.

D.The fire season is awful because of the unknown reason.

E.The ecosystem of the country needs to be improved.

F.These record-breaking bushfires in Australia have been started by the following.

G.Together, that provides the perfect conditions for bushfires to start and spread quickly.










根据上文There are now six fires burning at emergency levels in Australia.可知目前澳大利亚有6处火灾处于紧急状态。以及后文The smoke is so intense and so thick it can be seen from space. 2,000 homes have been destroyed. Six million hectares of land charred, leading to death of the nation’s wildlife.可知烟雾如此强烈,如此浓厚,从太空都能看到。2000座房屋被毁。600万公顷土地被烧焦,导致该国野生动物死亡。由此可知,本句应当是对这次火灾的评价,这次澳大利亚火灾破坏严重,令人心碎。故A选项“这真是令人心碎”符合上下文语境,故选A


根据后文They are lightning strikes, winds and people who set fire deliberately. But one of the biggest reasons they’ve become so extreme, is the same reason as East Africa’s flood.可知它们是雷击、风和故意放火的人。但它们变得如此极端的最大原因之一,是和东非的洪水一样的原因。由此可知,本段在分析造成此次澳大利亚大火的原因。故F选项“澳大利亚这些破纪录的森林大火是由以下原因引起的”符合上下文语境,故选F


根据前文Bushfires in Australia are a natural part of the country’s ecosystem.可知澳大利亚的丛林火灾是该国生态系统的一个自然组成部分。以及后文Even New South Wales, with the largest population, is used to breaking out.可知即使是人口最多的新南威尔士州,也习惯于突发火灾。由此可知,本句是在说明澳大利亚的火灾频发季节是因地区而不同的。故C选项“它们的“火灾季节”因地区而异”符合上下文语境,故选C


根据后文For starters, as the world is getting warmer from climate change, so is Australia. 2019 was its hottest year on record, with parts of the country reaching 45 degrees Celsius in December. 2019 was also its driest—the places here in gray have seen historic droughts.可知首先,随着气候变化导致全球变暖,澳大利亚也在变暖。2019年是有记录以来最热的一年,该国部分地区在12月达到了45摄氏度。2019年也是澳大利亚最干燥的一年——这里灰色地带经历了历史性的干旱。由此可知,后文是在分析此次澳大利亚火灾这么严重的原因。故B选项“那么为什么这个火灾季节如此可怕呢?”符合上下文语境,故选B


结合上文For starters, as the world is getting warmer from climate change, so is Australia. 2019 was its hottest year on record, with parts of the country reaching 45 degrees Celsius in December. 2019 was also its driest—the places here in gray have seen historic droughts.可知首先,随着气候变化导致全球变暖,澳大利亚也在变暖。2019年是有记录以来最热的一年,该国部分地区在12月达到了45摄氏度。2019年也是澳大利亚最干燥的一年——这里灰色地带经历了历史性的干旱。由此可知,本句承接上文进行总结,正是上述的这些条件促使了森林大火的爆发和迅速蔓延。故G选项“这些为森林大火的爆发和迅速蔓延提供了完美的条件”符合上下文语境,故选G


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】When the new employee started to speak with customers, his natural abilities as a sales man were __________.

A.as sharp as a spearB.as plain as day

C.as stupid as a gooseD.as sly as a fox


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。 文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除。






I had a very special vacation last winter. A terrible disease calling COVID-19 struck Wuhan on December. The whole nation is under the shadow of the outbreak in a short time. Tens of thousand of people were infected with the virus. Thankful,the government took timely measures and called on ourselves to stay at home to avoid close personal contact. In the meantime,a plenty of medical experts and nursing professionals went to Wuhan voluntarily,who showed that the Chinese could unite firmly in the face of difficulties. The disaster did bring huge pain to China,and it pushed the country overcome difficulties and made us stronger.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 时间和地点;

2. 内容;

3. 邀请Tom参加。



Dear Tom,



Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

The day when we returned to school was impressive. Because the COVID-19 outbreak, we had to stay home during the three months’ “vacation”. I was touching when I stepped into the school, where remained clean and neat. The staff must have worked hard to keep everything tidy and safe but we could study in a comfortable environment. There were sign telling us to wash hands frequently and wearing masks. Mr. Chen, our headteacher, greeted us warm in the classroom. A mask was covered most of his face, but his eyes were shining. He said we had done his part to stop the disease spreading. What a unforgettable day!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I have been learning English since I am in primary school, but the truth was that I was not so good at listening. No matter how hardly I tried, I couldn't understand clearly which my English teachers or native speakers said. One day, I was surfing the Internet while an advertisement for English listening drew your attention. To my amaze, it was a website where recording of some well-known books were provided. When see the website, I fell in love it, which turned out to be that useful. Now I have made a progress in listening.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Culture conflicts can occur anytime you travel, but every once in a while they happen in some truly unexpected ways. From shopping with many coins to 1 (light) up a cigarette outdoors, these are strange and embarrassing travel mistakes 2 (travel) would do their best to avoid. For example, 3 is illegal to feed pigeons on the streets of San Francisco. The city 4 (know) for the Golden Gate Bridge blames the common birds for spreading disease and damaging property. Anyone 5 is caught providing food to San Francisco's pigeons could face a heavy fine. Moreover, citizens 6 (encourage) to report pigeon feeders to the city's police department. For another example, you'd better think twice before you smoke in Singapore. Singapore has 7 (serious) smoking penalty(处罚)in the world. Smoking in public will earn a tough fine. More 8 (surprise), if you' re shopping in Canada, don't expect cashiers 9 (accept) many coins as your sole method of payment. According to Canada's Currency Act, stores can legally refuse excessive amounts 10 coins. With pennies, for example, customers' payments may be rejected if they try to use more than 25 0ne-cent coins at a time.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Li Jiang:Have you heard this? Local governments throughout China are encouraging the use of serving chopsticks.

Su Hua:Yes, I have. Chinese eating tradition has once again come under the spotlight when it comes to public health.

Li Jiang:But it seems people have different opinions.

Su Hua:What do you think?

Li Jiang:I think it’s time to change our eating practice.

Su Hua: But I am used to sharing food with my family and friends using my chopsticks.

Li Jiang:You see. People will finally come to realize that the serving chopsticks are much better for health.

Su Hua: I agree, but using individual chopsticks reflects the Chinese food culture.












科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1There is no school ______________a student's bad behaviour goes unpunished.

2Villagers here depend on the fishing industry,_____________there won't be much work

3I have got a headache.

No wonder.You_______(work)in front of that computer too long.

4Years ago we didn't know this,but recent science _________(show)that people who don't sleep well soon get ill.

5Shakespeare's play Hamlet_________(make)into at least ten different films over the past years.

