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20.At 4:00next Friday,I _______TV in my room.(  )
A.am watchingB.will be  watching
C.will have watchedD.will been watched

分析 下周五的4点,我将在家看电视.

解答 答案:B
根据句子里"At 4:00next Friday"意为"下周五4点",表示将来的某个时间点将要进行的动作,故用将来进行时,即will+be doing.

点评 考查时态,考生需对将来进行时的用法掌握,尤其是一些表示将来的时间状语.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.Passengers,don't occupy the chairs with your luggage,    ?(  )
A.don't youB.will theyC.don't theyD.will you


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.-What type of car should I choose?
-It depends on _____ you want to use it for.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.One of the men held the view _______ the book said was right.(  )
A.that whatB.what thatC.thatD.whether


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.It was unusually quiet in the emergency room on December 25.I didn't think there would be any patients,sighing about having to work on Christmas.Just then five people showed up at my desk,a pale woman and four small children.
"Are you all sick?"I asked doubtfully.
"Yes."she said weakly and lowered her head.
But when it came to descriptions of their presenting problems,things got a little puzzling.Two of the children had headaches,but the headaches weren't accompanied by the normal body language of holding the head or trying to keep it still.Two children had earaches,but only one could tell me which ear was affected.The mother complained of a cough but seemed to work to produce it.
Something was wrong,but I didn't say anything but explained that it might be a little while before a doctor saw her.She responded."Take your time;it's warm here."
I checked the chart after the admitting clerk had finished registering the family.No address---they Were homeless.The waiting room was warm.
I looked out at the family sitting close to each other by the Christmas tree.The little one was pointing at the television and the oldest one was looking at the decorations on the Christmas tree.
I went back to the nurses'station and mentioned we had a homeless family in the waiting room.The nurses,complaining about working on Christmas,turned to sympathy for a family just trying to get warm on Christmas.The team went into action,much as we do when there's a medical emergency.Only this one was a Christmas emergency.
We were all offered a free meal in the hospital cafeteria on Christmas Day,so we fetched that meal and prepared a large meal for our Christmas guests.Our team worked to meet the needs of a family who just wanted to be warm on Christmas Day.
Later,as the family walked to the door to leave,the four-year-old came running back,gave me a hug and whispered,"Thanks for being our angels today."
56.From the descriptions of the family's presenting problems,the writer learned thatC.
A.one of the children had a language problem
B.the mother caught a bad cold
C.they were pretending to be sick
D.they got all infectious disease
57.The author made sure that the family were homeless byD
A.asking them some questions
B.listening to their descriptions of problems
C.observing their abnormal body language
D.checking their registered information
58.What kind of person do you think the writer is?A
A.Careful and warmhearted    
B.Hardworking and outgoing
C.Serious and experienced     
D.Loving and forgiving
59.Which of the following is the best title of this passage?D
A.Christmas Guests          
B.A Homeless Family
C.Beautiful Angels           
D.Christmas Emergency.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.Some college students are seen doing _______ work they can find to support themselves.(  )
A.thatB.whichC.whateverD.no matter what


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

12.I'm afraid we've sold out of that range of skincare products-but they will be back in stock soon.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.It is so cold that you can't go outsideunlessfully covered in thick clothes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Many people think it is safe to use a cell phone while they are driving.Yet Scores of studies suggest that real multitaskers-those who can carry out multiple (多个的) tasks equally well,make up just 2 percent of the population.More surprisingly,the so-called"supertaskers"actually have differently structured brains to the other 98 percent.
The brain areas that make supertaskers differ from the rest of the population are the same parts that are most different between humans and nonhuman primates (灵长类),according to David Strayer,director of the applied cognition lab at the University of Utah.Scientists are unsure of the reason why some brains are different.In fact,we could all benefit from doing just one task at once.
In most of us,scientists have located a"bottleneck in the brain"that may explain why we find it hard to do two things at once.
The problem appears to be caused by a logjam of nerve messages.Faced with two almost simultaneous (同时的) tasks less than 300 milliseconds apart,the brain's ability to deal with the second one slows down.The neural (神经的) response to the second task was postponed until the response to the first was completed.This means that with e-mails,phone calls,text messages and online social media all competing for our attention,often against a background of television,radio or music,our brains can reach information overload.
Scientists made the discovery after scanning the brains of volunteers attempting to multitask on a computer.The task was deliberately designed to involve the use of different senses and motorresponses.
Dr Rene Marois,one of the neuroscientists who carried out the experiment at Vanderbilt University in Nashville,Tennessee,said:"Our research offers neurological evidence that the brain cannot effectively do two things at once."The next step,the neuroscientists say,is finding out"why these areas cannot process two tasks at once."
66.How many people can drive equally well while using a cell phone?C
A.Nobody.B.Everybody.C.2 in 100.D.98 in 100.
67.The researchers tried to find out the difference betweenBbrain structures.
A.different supertaskers'
B.supertaskers'and ordinary people's
C.humans'and nonhuman primates'
D.supertaskers'and nonhuman primates'
68.We can infer from the article that the brain takes 300 milliseconds toA.
A.make a neural response               B.get ready for a response
C.complete a task                      D.finish two tasks
69.If weD,our brains may reach information overload.
A.serf the Internet after listening to music
B.use a cell phone against a background of television
C.complete all kinds of tasks within the same day
D.have lots of tasks queuing for responses
70.From the dictionary explanations,choose one for the underlined word"motor"in Paragraph 5.C
A.having an engine
B.relating to vehicles with engines
C.relating to nerves that make muscles move (control body movement)
D.the part of a machine that makes it move.

