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12.We keep reading that TV is bad for you,lf this is true,how come the current generation of TV-addicted kids is.much"smarter"than we are?In my home,the only people who can work the remote control are  the children.
Perhaps TV does educate you.For example,you learn a useful medical fact:A person who has been shot always has time to speak an incomplete  sentence before he dies."The killer was…"(dies)
But I guess the biggest things we learm from TV can be regarded as"Life Skills".Bad things only  happen on dark and stormy nights.Emotional breakdowns cause people to wander in the heavy raln without umbrellas.And contrary to what scientists say,the crack of lightning and the accompanying flash happen at exactly the same time,wherever you are.
I've even acquired useful geographical facts from sciencefiction shows:Aliens speak.English no matter which  planet they come from.
Making use of what we learn from TV can improve our security.Consider these truths.If you are ever attacked by 20bad guys,don't worry about being outnumbered.The criminals will hang back and take turns to approach you in ones and twos just so you can conveniently defeat them all.Bad guys who are completely covered in black clothes always remove their black masks to  reveal that they are in fact,aha,women.
TV also teaches us important information about escaping from danger.Watch and learn.
(1)If anyone is running after you down a passage,you will find that boxes have been conveniently placed near all the walls you need to jump over.
(2)lf you are tall and  handsome,you can run from any number of armed criminals,and every shot will miss you.
TV even teaches us about TV.Whenever anyone turns on a TV,it shows a news flash about someone they know.They then turn the box off immediately after that news item.

41.By saying"A person who has been shot always has time to speak an incomplete sentence before he dies"(Paragraph 2),the writer shows hisA.
A.irony          B.sympathy            C.surprise      D.medical knowledge
42.We can learn from Paragraph 3that in the real worldB.
A.bad things  never happen on dark and stormy nights
B.the crack of lightning and the accompanying flash don't happen at the same time
C.people with emotional problems like to walk in the rain without umbrellas
D.bad things cause people to break down in the rain
43.According to the passaee.which of the followine statements is TRUE?A
A On TV,the aliens always speak English.
B.On TV,if you are handsome you can always defeat bad guys.
C.On TV,boxes always prevent you from escaping.
D.TV always shows news about celebrities.
44.Which section of a newspaper is the passage most probably taken from?D
A  Sports.   B.Medical Science.   C.Travel.    D.Entertainment.
45.The writer of this passage takes a(n)C attitude towards TV plays.
A.positive     B.casual        C.negative        D.indifferent.

分析 本文分析了我们坚持读书很好,重点从几个方面分析了我们坚持看电视是没有益处的.

41:A  推断题.本句大意为,电视里,一个人中枪临死前总会有时间说出一个不完整的句子.下文中作者举例说明了这一点,非常幽默.作者的口吻是具有讽刺性的,A项符合题意.故正确答案为A.
42:B  细节题.由第三段最后一句"And contrary to what scientists say,the crack of lightning and the accompanying flash happen at exactly the same time,wherever you are"可知正确答案为B.
43:A 由第四段最后一句"Aliens speak.English no matter which  planet they come from."可知正确答案为A.
44:D 文章用幽默的语言讨论了看电视是否对人有好处,看电视不属于运动、医学科学、旅行,而是与娱乐相关的,所以D项符合题意.故正确答案为D.
45:C 文章用幽默地描写,举例说明了电视上的东西都是不真实的.在电视里,不好的事情总是发生在刮大风的黑夜里,来自不同星球的外星人总是说英语,人们可以瞬间躲避一颗子弹,长得帅的人总是逃脱持有武器的罪犯的追杀,现实生活却不是这样的.作者讽刺了电视剧的不真实,对电视剧持有否定的态度,C项符合题意.故正确答案为C.

点评 阅读理解题测试考生在阅读基础上的逻辑推理能力,要求考生根据文章所述事件的逻辑关系,对未说明的趋势或结局作出合理的推断;或根据作者所阐述的观点理论,对文章未涉及的现象、事例给以解释.考生首先要仔细阅读短文,完整了解信息,准确把握作者观点.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.---I heard that there are a few seats left for tonight's show.
---Really?I was under the impression ______ they were sold out a long time ago.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

12.Chinahas seen(see) a sharp increase in the number of aged people over the past decade.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.He talked a lot about things and persons _____they remembered in the school.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Women make better drivers than men for many reasons.Why is that?Wouldn't you think that competing at who has better driving abilities is pointless?If you ask me,I'd like to say,men know that women are better drivers but do not have the courage to admit the truth.
Unlike men,women stop for directions when they have no idea where they are going.Women don't drive around for hours pointlessly wasting a tank of gas only to find themselves heading in the wrong direction.Have you ever been in a car with a man who is lost?He tells you to shut up when you begin to open your mouth.And every five minutes or so he takes a turn going forty-five miles per hour only to find out he's made another wrong turn.
Speeding is what men do best on the road.Traffic is not a race.There is a reason why men get more speeding tickets than women.Not because women trick to get out of tickets but only because they don't speed.Women don't risk putting their own lives and the lives of others in danger.In other words,they have more responsibility for life.
My largest issue with male drivers is how a majority of them drive with one hand on the wheel and the other hand doing only God knows what.The seat is backed as far as possible.They're totally lost in loud music beyond a necessary level.You don't ever see women driving like that.
I feel that the above evidence more than proves my points that women are queens of the road.Oh,men,if you want to continue criticizing women for being bad drivers,bring it on.We know you lack confidence,or else you wouldn't be wasting your valuable time making jokes about the ones you may choose to spend the rest of your days with.

56.Who does the author think are the better drivers?(no more than 1word)Women./Females.
57.When will women drivers stop to ask for help?(no more than 9words)When they have no idea where they are going./When they don't know where they are going./When they feel lost.
58.Why do men get more speeding tickets?(no more than 3words)Because they speed.
59.What quality do women drivers have when it comes to safety?(no more than 3words)Responsibility for life.
60.How is the seat backed by most male drivers?(no more than 4words)As far as possible.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.Recently a man came to me,because he was told that there is fluid(积液)around his heart.After trying many drugs which were of no use to reduce the fluid,the doctor told him the only other choice was to have an operation.He refused because he knew that every illness has a mental cause and that if he had the operation but did not clear the mental cause,the fluid would return.At last,he searched the internet to find a metaphysical healer(玄学治疗师),and he found me.
The mental cause of his disease was an experience of breaking up five years ago with several friends,whom he had known for over twenty.This experience broke his heart.Not knowing how to"mend"his broken heart,his body created a"repair"by surrounding his heart with fluid to protect it from the sad feelings.
Our work focused on reminding him of the feelings of being loved and forgiving his friends.Months later,his hearts was mended and the fluid disappeared.He left my office after the final session with a smile on his face and a spring in his step.
The key is:to create a healthy body,you must be healthy not only in body,but also in mind.
To be mentally healthy,you need to build up strong relationships.Creating strong relationships will insure that you are accompanied by a network of loving persons.It is important for building a support system that lifts your spirits.Even when you are alone,you will not feel lonely or upset.Strong relationships are not spaceships--they are not hard to build.

46.In order to cure his illness,which of the following ways did the patient try?B
①talking many medicines          ②having an operation
③seeing a metaphysical healer  ④visiting different doctors
47.The underlined word"It"in Paragraph 5refers to"C".
A.a mentally healthy body       B.a repaired heart
C.a network of loving persons   D.a support system
48.What is the main idea of the passage?D
A.Loving others will keep you in good spirits.
B.Heart illness can be cured without operation.
C.Creating strong relationships will keep you healthy.
D.Spiritual health is necessary for physical health.
49.Which of the following views may the writer agree to?B
A.Old friendship is easy to lose.
B.A good friendship is a useful medicine
C.The best doctor is your own body
D.It needs many efforts to build relationships
50.If this passage is continued with another paragraph,what would it be probably about?A
A.How to build strong relationships
B.How to protect your heart
C.How to keep healthy mentally
D.How to live a healthy life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Is this a car?Is it a smart phone?Is it a gaming machine?
Yes to all three.The Toyota Fun-Vii is a pleasure palace on wheels.
If Toyota has its way,paint jobs could become a thing of the past,because it has introduced an amazing car that can change its whole look in an instant.
The Vii in Fun-Vii,which stands for"Vehicle,Interactive,Internet"It is a small three-seater car that looks like a smart phone,so it is called a smart phone on wheels.Inside and out,most aspects of the car can interact(互相作用) with the internet and be controlled by a smart phone.The magical car allows the owners to download pictures from their phones onto the outside,so that the look of the car could be changed instantly.The color inside could also be changed to reflect the owner's mood.Just as the company president Akio Toyoda said,"A car must appeal to our emotions.If it's not fun,it's not a car."
Its outside and inside are not made of solid paint but touch screens that can display pictures and videos.A network update function downloads all the latest software to make sure the car is always up-to-date,and it can provide the latest entertainment as well as information about its surroundings to the driver.As you drive around,the thoughtful car allows you to communicate with your friends in the nearby cars.It also helps you find your way from one place to another. It's all because the car is networked with all the other cars on the road and drives itself. The smart car is a practical,family sized vehicle fuelled by hydrogen,and it is one of the futuristic concept cars under the theme of"fun to drive,again".It heralds (预示) a not-too-distant future where people,cars and society are linked.
71.Which of the following may not be a key word for the concept car?C
    A.Fun.                            B.Interactive.      
    C.High-speed.                     D.Smart.
72.According to the text,Toyota Fun-Vii isA.
    A.a new concept car not powered by gas  B.an amazing car without any pollution
    C.the latest software from network      D.a gaming machine with high speed
73.The owners of the Fun-Vii can reflect their mood byC
    A.downloading images to change the outside
    B.interacting with computers while driving
    C.changing the color inside the car
    D.changing the speed of the car
74.What does Paragraph 4 mainly tell us?D
    A.The ways of driving the Fun-vii.
    B.How can you find your way in the Fun-Vii.
    C.The unusual look of the Fun-Vii.
    D.The new functions of the Fun-Vii.
75.We can infer from the text that the Fun-ViiC.
    A.will finally replace all the present cars
    B.will completely solve the problem of energy shortage
    C.will make car paint industry face a difficult situation
    D.will take the place of a smart phone.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.Every December Nobel Prizes ______ to people who have made outstanding contributions to the world.(  )
A.awardB.are awardedC.awardedD.were awarded


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

2.I believe in miracles(奇迹)because I've seen so many of them.One day,a patient was referred to me who was one hundred and two years old."There's a(36)Bin my upper jaw,"she said."I told my own dentist it's nothing,but he(37)DI come to see you"
Her eighty-year-old son accompanied her.He would(38)Cto add something,but she stopped him.She wanted to tell everything herself.I found a large cancer that spread over much of the
(39)Aof her mouth.A careful examination later(40)Athat it was a particularly bad sort of cancer.
    During her next appointment,I explained to her the(41)Cof the problem She clasped my
hand in hers and said,"I know you're worried about me,but I'm just(42)C."
    I thought otherwise.After considerable(43)Don my part,and kindness on her part because she wanted to(44)Bme,she agreed to have me refer her to a cancer surgeon.She saw him,but as I expected,(45)Atreatment.
  About six months later she returned to my office,still energetic and(46)C.
"How are you?"I asked.
"I'm just fine,honey,"she responded(47)Bhigh spirits."When can I get stared on fixing
my dentures(假牙)?"
       Surprised to see her at all,I answered(48)B,"Let me take a look in your mouth and we'll see about it."
       I couldn't believe my eyes.The cancer that had(49)Anearly the entire roof of her mouth was gone-only one small area of redness(50)D.
       I had read of such things happening,but had(51)Cseen them with my own eyes.That was my first miracle.Since then I've seen many others,because they keep getting(52)Ato see.In fact,miracles are daily events for me now.And people are n miracle,(53)Dthrough them we have a chance to know ourselves and to(54)Dthe miracles of one another.
       Since my first miracle,I've come to understand that the time and place for a miracle is(55)Bwe choose to find it.

