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  Alex London Research Laboratory(ALRL)is part of Alex Co, Ltd, a major Australian medicine-making company.Opened in 1992, ALRL specialises in the development of new medicines for the treatment of heart diseases.

  A position is now open for a Research Operations Manager(ROM)to support our growing research team at the new laboratories in Hatfield, due to open in the autumn of 2010.

  Reporting to the Director, you will help set up and run the technical and scientific support services of our new laboratories now under construction.You will be expected to provide expert knowledge about and be in charge of all areas of ALRL'S Health and Safety, and to communicate(沟通)with support employees at ALRL'S laboratories based at University College London.Working closely with scientists and other operations and technical employees, you will manage a small number of research support employees providing services to help with the research activities to be carried out at the new laboratories.

  Candidates(申请人)will have experience of both management and research support/technical services.Knowledge of research operations and excellent communication skills are necessary.Education to degree level is also desirable.

  If you are interested in this position, please send your CV(简历)to Alex London Research

  Laboratory, University College London, Hatfield, London, W1E 6B7 or by email to ALRL@alex.co.uk.

  For more Information.please visit www.alex.co.uk.


What can be learnt about the new laboratories from the text?

[  ]


They have not yet been set up.


They are in Hatfield, Australia.


They belong to University College London.


They are new workplaces for Australian researchers only.


What are the duties of a ROM, according to the text?

a.To carry out research activities.

b.To be in charge of ALRL's Health and Safety.

c.To help run the technical and scientific support services.

d.To manage a small number of research support employees.

[  ]










What does the fourth paragraph mainly talk about?

[  ]


The technical skills of a would-be ROM.


The practical experience of a would-be ROM.


The personal information of a would-be ROM.


The necessary requirements for a would-be ROM.


What is the purpose of the text?

[  ]


To describe the job of a ROM.


To provide information about ALRL.


To announce an open position at ALRL.


To make known the opening of the new laboratories.


科目:高中英语 来源:高考三人行·英语 题型:050


  Despite the cost of a letter, it is often the most economical (节俭的) way to negotiate (商定) business. You can’t talk much by along distance call during business hours of transmit (发射) much in a telex (打字电报) for the cost of a letter. But for that money you can put your message in a letter and send it anywhere in the country and almost anywhere in the world.

  Even if you did talk to another person, you do not have a written record, as you do if you follow the almost universal business practice of making a copy of your letter. Because a letter and its answer can make a written contract (合同), letters often replace (代替) personal calls and telephone calls even when the two parties are in the same city.

  Telex, teletype (电传打字通信), and facsimile transmission (传真发送) provide written records of communications and have the added advantage of being virtually (实质上) immediate, though only people with access (接近) to the systems can receive messages. But their cost makes them impractical unless a company can make heavy use of them. This fact generally restricts (限制) their use to large organizations which have numerous locations (场所). Electronic messages without a printed copy have the same disadvantages as telephone calls, of course.

  Still another advantage of a written communication is that both the writer and the reader can handle it at their most convenient times. Moreover, the reader usually gives it full attention without raising partially - considered objections and without interruption, a decided (明显的) psychological advantage.

1.What is the best title for the passage?

[  ]

A.Advantages of Written Communication.

B.Advantages and Disadvantages of Written Communication.

C.Ways to Negotiate Business.

D.Business Letters, an Economical Way.

2.Generally two companies in the same city will not use telephone calls negotiate business because ________.

[  ]

A.telephone calls ale expensive

B.telephone calls ale not quick

C.you can’t talk much by telephone calls

D.telephone calls makes no written contracts.

3.Compared with letters, telex and facsimile transmission have the advantage of ________.

[  ]

A.being very quick

B.being hardly immediate

C.providing written records

D.being costly

4.Telex and facsimile transmission are not widely used in business communications because ________.

[  ]

A.they are not economical

B.they are not immediate

C.many people don’t know how to use these systems

D.many organizations do not have many locations

5.The expression “raising partially - considered objections” in the last sentence of the passage means “________”.

[  ]

A.raising no objections

B.raising objections without careful consideration

C.raising objections with careful consideration

D.raising some objections with careful consideration


科目:高中英语 来源:高考三人行·英语 题型:050


  Early in the development of agriculture men discovered how to make alcoholic (酒精的) drinks from grapes and com. The ancient Egyptians drank both wine and beer, and the Greeks carried on a lively trade in wine throughout the Mediter ranean.The vines of grapes are all of a single species (物种). Vitis vinifera, although there are hundreds of varieties adapted to different soils and climates.

  Wine is the fermented (发酵的) juice of fresh grapes. The juice of the wine grape contains sugar, and growths of yeast (酵母) form on the outside of the grape skins. In wine making, the grapes are crushed in a wine press and the yeast converts (改变)the sugar to alcohol, when there is no air present, by a process(处理)called fermentation. Red wine is made from dark grapes, and white wine from white grapes or from dark grapes whose skins have been removed from the wine press at an early stage. The most famous wine-growing countries are France, Germany and Italy. Wine was made in England in the Middle Ages, but the climate is not really suitable for grapevines. Wines must be drunk quickly once they are opened, otherwise bacteria (细菌) will use the air to convert the alcohol to vinegar. The bacteria are killed by a higher alcohol content than is found in wine and that is why sherry and port, the specialties (特制品) of Spain and Portugal, are fortified (加度) by the addition of spirits to make them last longer.

  Beer is made from barley (大麦) grains which is fermented with yeast to produce alcohol; hops are added for flavour (特别的味道) .Ale, the most common drink in England in the Middle Ages, was also made from barley, but without hops, the ale of today is merely a type of beer. In Japan beer is made from rice.

  Spirits have a higher alcoholic content than beer and wine and are made by distillation (蒸馏) from a base or grain or some other vegetables. Gin and vodka can be distilled from avariety of ingredients (原料), including potatoes; Scotch whisky is obtained from a base of fermented barley, and brandy form the distillation of wine. Cider is made from apples. South American Indians make alcoholic drinks from cactus leaves and the shoots of certain palm trees.

1.The “press” ( Sentence 3, Para. 2) is most probably ________.

[  ]

A.a machine for making wine

B.a container for changing the sugar to alcohol

C.a device for crushing grapes

D.a process called fermentation

2.From the second paragraph, we learn that ________.

[  ]

A.red wine and white wine are made from grapes with skins

B.wine was first made in England in the Middle Ages

C.wines must be drunk quickly once they were opened because they are made by fermentation

D.wines can last longer by adding strong alcohol because bacteria are killed

3.According to the author, spirits ________.

[  ]

A.are made by fermentation

B.are all made from grains, potatoes and apples

C.are strong alcoholic drinks

D.are getting popular in South America.

4.Which of the following statements is true?

[  ]

A.All vines of grapes belong to one species.

B.The most famous wine-growing countries are France, Germany and England.

C.Ale is the most common drink in England today.

D.All kinds of whisky is made from barley.

5.The best title for the passage would be“________”.

[  ]

A.Wine, Beer and Spirits

B.Drinks from Fruits and Grains

C.The Development of Drinks

D.The History of Drinks


科目:高中英语 来源:素质教育新教案·高中英语·第一册(上) 题型:050


  When you speak, write a letter or make a telephone call, your words carry a message. People communicate with words. But do you think you can communicate without words? A smile on your face shows you are happy or friendly. Tears in your eyes tell others that you are sad. When you raise your hand in class, the teacher knows you want to say something or ask questions. You shake your head, and people know you are saying “No”. You nod and people know you ale saying “Yes”. Other things can also carry messages. For example, a sign on the bus helps you to know which bus to take. A sign on the door tells you where to go in or out. Have you ever noticed that there are a lot of signs around you and you receive messages from them all the time?

  People can communicate in many other ways.

  An artist can use his drawing to tell about beautiful mountains, about the blue sea and many other things. Books are written to tell about all the wonderful things in the world and also about people and their ideas.

  Books, magazines, TVs, radios and films all help us communicate with others. They all help us to know what is going on in the world and what other people are thinking about.

1.People communicate ________ .

[  ]

A.with words only

B.in many different ways

C.in letters and with drawings

D.with smiles, tears and hands

2.Signs can carry as much ________ as words.

[  ]



C.tears and smiles


3.Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage as things which help us communicate? ________ .

[  ]

A.Books and magazines

B.TV and films



4.Communication is important because it can help people to ________ .

[  ]

A.understand the world and other people better

B.teach each other to speak, write, read and draw

C.know what other people are thinking about

D.learn what's happening in the world more quickly

5.The best title for this short passage is ________ .

[  ]

A.Signs Carry Messages

B.The Importance of Communication

C.Words, Signs and Drawings

D.Ways of Communication


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省正定中学2010届高三下学期第一次考试英语试题 题型:050


  Jamie Oliver has been invited by Gordon Brown to prepare a banquet at No.10 for President Barack Obama and other leaders of the G20, offering a cut-price menu to reflect times when trade and industry are far from prosperous and the rate of employment is decreasing.

  Downing Street sources say Oliver, the well-known chef, will cook using “honest high-street products” and avoid expensive or “fancy” ingredients(材料).

  The prime minister is trying to avoid a repeat of the embarrassment last year when he sat down to an 18-course banquet at a Japanese summit to discuss world food shortages.

  Obama, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany and other leaders will be served by apprentices(学徒)from Fifteen, the London restaurant Oliver founded to help train young people in poverty in order to make a living by mastering a skill.

  Brown wants the dinner to reflect the emphasis of the London summit, which he hopes will lead to an agreement to lift the world out of recession.“To be invited to cook for such an important group of people, who are trying to solve some of the world's major problems, is really a privilege,” said Oliver.

  “I'm hoping the menu I'm working on will show British food and produce is some of the best in the world, but also show we have pioneered a high-quality apprentice scheme at Fifteen London that is giving young people a skill to be proud of.”

  The chef has not yet finalized the menu, but is expected to draw inspiration from his latest book, Jamie's Ministry of Food, which has budget recipes for beef and ale stew(啤酒炖菜)and “impressive” chocolate fudge cake.


The underlined word “recession” in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to “________”.

[  ]










What can we learn about Oliver from the text?

[  ]


He is a well-known American cook.


He is invited to attend the G20 summit.


He has founded the Fifteen London.


He is one of the apprentices serving leaders of the G20.


Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

[  ]


Oliver is honored to be invited to cook for the G20 leaders.


Altogether three presidents are mentioned in the text.


President Barack Obama offers the cut-price menu.


The menu for the G20 dinner banquet has been decided.


What is the Fifteen London?

[  ]


an apartment in London


a luxurious restaurant in London


a restaurant as well as a training center


a famous avenue


科目:高中英语 来源:广西柳州铁一中2010届高三上学期第三次月考英语试题 题型:050


  Sometimes we cry because we are sad and sometimes because we are extremely happy.An irritant(刺激物), such as onion(洋葱)smell or grains of sand in the eye, can also make cry.In this case tears perform an obvious role in getting rid of substances that might harm the surface of the eye.

  Dr.William Frey of the Dry Eye and Tear Research Center at St.Paul in Minnesota, USA, believes that tears from emotional causes may perform a similar role.He thinks that crying could get rid of emotional stress by washing away a chemical in the blood caused by strong emotions.To prove his theory, he hopes first to identify this chemical and then see if it is found in tears of sadness or happiness.

  So far, Dr.Frey has failed to find out the difference between emotional tears and tears caused by an irritant in the eye.This may be because these substances themselves cause a degree of stress and emotion.What he has identified in all tears is a variety of biochemical(生化物)which are one of the causes of stress.A more detailed study may help us understand why sufferers from stress-related disorders cry less often than healthy people.Dr.Frey is also very interested to see if there ale any physiological(生理学的)explanations for why women, in general, cry five times more often than men, on average.


The main purpose of Dr.Frey’s study of tears is to ________.

[  ]


show that there are two types of tears, caused by irritants and by emotions


find out the cause of stress-related problems and emotional disorders


explain why women cry more often than men


prove that tears can remove a chemical in the blood caused by strong emotions


Which of the following is true according to the passage?

[  ]


Tears fail to help get rid of emotional stress.


Irritants in the eye result in tears without causing stress and emotion.


Healthy people cry more often than those with stress-related problems.


The biochemical identified by Dr.Frey has nothing to do with stress.


We can learn from the passage that ________.

[  ]


crying does us more harm than good


inner feelings don’t affect our bodies


sorrow may cause some chemicals


emotional tears ate different from realm caused by irritants in the eye


Dr.Frey believes that teats from emotional causes may play a role in getting rid of ________.

[  ]


emotional stress by washing away a chemical in the blood


onion smell or grains of sand


sufferings from irritants


substances that might not harm the surface of the eye

