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【题目】 Joseph Goldberger was a doctor for the United States Public Health Service and he was an advocate for scientific and social recognition of the links between poverty and disease. In 1914, Goldberger was asked by US Surgeon General Rupert Blue to study a skin disease that was killing thousands of people in the South. The disease was pellagra (糙皮病)

Goldberger traveled to the state of Mississippi where many people suffered from pellagra. He studied the victims and their families. Most of the people lived a hard life. The doctor came to believe that the disease didn’t pass on from one to another, but was instead related to food. He received permission from the state governor to test this idea at a prison. Prisoners were offered pardons if they took part. One group of prisoners received their usual foods, mostly corn products. A second group ate meat, fresh vegetables and drank milk. Members of the first group developed pellagra. The second group did not.

But some medical researchers refused to accept Goldberger’s idea. For the South, pellagra was more than simply a medical problem. There were other things, including Southern pride.

So Goldberger had himself injected (注射) with blood from a person with pellagra. He also took liquid from the nose and throat of a pellagra patient and put them into his own nose and throat. He even swallowed pills that contained skin from pellagra patients. An assistant also took part in the experiments. So did Goldberger’s wife. None of them got sick.

Joseph Goldberger died of cancer in 1929. He was fiftyfive years old. Several years later, researchers discovered the exact cause of pellagra: a lack of vitamin B3 known as niacin.

1Who were likely to get pellagra according to Goldberger?

A.People in the south of America.

B.People having a poor diet.

C.People in prison.

D.People touching pellagra patients.

2What did Goldberger want to prove by the experiments mentioned in Paragraph 4?

A.Pellagra wasn’t so terrible.

B.Pellagra could be cured.

C.Pellagra didn’t spread.

D.Pellagra wasn’t a medical problem.

3Why did some medical researchers refuse to accept Goldberger’s idea?

A.Goldberger’s idea sounds ridiculous.

B.They have done their own research.

C.The result hurt their pride.

D.Goldberger didn’t do enough research.

4Which words can be used to describe Goldberger?

A.Selfless and friendly.B.Devoted and determined.

C.Patient and expert.D.Stubborn and enthusiastic.







这是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了美国医生Joseph Goldberger研究糙皮病的患病原因的过程。Joseph Goldberger医生的认真、牺牲精神令人感动。

1细节理解题。根据文章第二段中“The doctor came to believe that the disease didnt pass on from one to another, but was instead related to food. He received permission from the state governor to test this idea at a prison. Prisoners were offered pardons if they took part. One group of prisoners received their usual foods, mostly corn products. A second group ate meat, fresh vegetables and drank milk. Members of the first group developed pellagra. The second group did not.” 医生开始相信这种疾病并没有从一个传给另一个,而是与食物有关。他得到了州长的许可,在一所监狱里测试这个想法。如果囚犯参加,他们将获得赦免。一组囚犯得到了他们通常吃的食物,大部分是玉米制品。第二组吃肉类、新鲜蔬菜和牛奶。第一组成员患上了糙皮病。第二组没有。)由Joseph Goldberger医生的实验可知,不良的饮食容易导致人们患上糙皮病。结合选项,故选B

2推理判断题。根据文章第二段中“The doctor came to believe that the disease didnt pass on from one to another, but was instead related to food” Joseph Goldberger医生认为糙皮病不会传染。以及第四段中“So Goldberger had himself injected (注射) with blood from a person with pellagra. He also took liquid from the nose and throat of a pellagra patient and put them into his own nose and throat. He even swallowed pills that contained skin from pellagra patients. An assistant also took part in the experiments. So did Goldbergers wife. None of them got sick” 所以戈德伯格给自己注射了一个患有糙皮病的人的血。他还从一个糙皮病患者的鼻子和喉咙里取出液体,放进自己的鼻子和喉咙里。他甚至吞下了含有糙皮病患者皮肤的药片。一名助手也参加了实验。戈德伯格的妻子也是。他们都没有生病。)由此可以推知,Joseph Goldberger医生进行实验的目的是为了证明糙皮病不会传染。结合选项,故选C

3细节理解题。根据文章第三段中“But some medical researchers refused to accept Goldbergers idea. For the South, pellagra was more than simply a medical problem. There were other things, including Southern pride” 但一些医学研究人员拒绝接受戈德伯格的想法。对南方来说,糙皮病不仅仅是一个医学问题。还有其他事情,包括南方的骄傲。)由此可知,一些医学研究人员拒绝接受戈德伯格的观点的原因是结果可能会伤害他们的自尊心。结合选项,故选C

4推理判断题。根据第四段中“So Goldberger had himself injected (注射) with blood from a person with pellagra. He also took liquid from the nose and throat of a pellagra patient and put them into his own nose and throat. He even swallowed pills that contained skin from pellagra patients. An assistant also took part in the experiments. So did Goldbergers wife. None of them got sick”( 所以戈德伯格给自己注射了一个患有糙皮病的人的血。他还从一个糙皮病患者的鼻子和喉咙里取出液体,放进自己的鼻子和喉咙里。他甚至吞下了含有糙皮病患者皮肤的药片。一名助手也参加了实验。戈德伯格的妻子也是。他们都没有生病。)可知,Joseph Goldberger医生全心全意地投入到对糙皮病的研究中,不惜在自己身上做实验,故他是有奉献精神的;根据第三段中可知,尽管有一些人不认可他的观点,但他仍然坚持自己的看法并坚决证明自己的观点是正确的,这体现出他意志坚定。结合选项,故选B


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 When my husband and I moved back to the United States years ago, we had been living an adventurous life on a boat overseas. We moved to Maine and fell in love with a piece of land. It came with a huge farmhouse much larger than we needed. We went rapidly from living in an extremely small space on the water with only two bags to a life on land as a family of four in a big house jammed with stuff.

How did we end up with so much stuff? We just didn't see things piling up so quickly. It's an embarrassment of riches. It's an overabundance. And it's burying us.

A couple of weeks ago, going through a pile of books I’d organized, I found my late mother's now-twenty-year-old copy of “Simplify Your Life" by Elaine St. James. I’d read it a number of times, adding my own penciled notes and folding down more pages.

Wondering if St. James wrote other books on the topic, I began an Internet search that led me deeper and deeper into simplicity, and a concept that was new to me, zero waste. I sensed that what was missing from our life, from our home, was emptiness. My house can't breathe, it's no wonder I feel like I can't either.

Now, my husband and I have undertaken an experiment that we hope will lead to a major lifestyle shift for our whole family. I first started to declutter and downsize by cleaning my kitchen. I emptied out my cupboards and drawers. I put everything needed on our dining-room table. Everything else went into a huge bin for sale. My drawers are beautiful now and I’m content to take this step.

Like any new beginning, there are hesitations. But in a few months, we will move into a new house less than half the size of the one we have. Can my two kids adjust to the idea of reducing their two separate rooms to one small shared bedroom with just a few toys? I can see I'm still thinking about what I will lose. But what I hope becomes clearer is what we will gain by letting go.

1How did the author feel about the life back to the United States?

A.She enjoyed the new spacious house.

B.She loved the abundance of materials.

C.She complained about owning too much.

D.She desired a much richer life.

2Why did the author mention Elaine St. James and her book?

A.To show what a great influence James had on her.

B.To advise more people to read James's book.

C.To indicate how her late mother liked reading.

D.To explain why a simple life counts to everyone.

3What does the underlined word “declutter" mean in Para 5?



4What is the author doing according to the last paragraph?

A.Persuading her kids to live simply.

B.Reflecting her hesitations about letting go.

C.Questioning her sudden change on life.

D.Missing her life on the boat.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

After supper, Li Hua came and asked me go and see a film with him. In our way to the cinema we saw the little girl sitting by the roadside cry. We bring her a cake to stop her crying. But when we asked where she had lived, she said she did not know. So we took her to the police station and asked the police to take care for her. After this, we went to the cinema, but when we got there, the movie was near at its end. Though we missed the movie, we did a good deed. We felt very happily.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Because of Internet technology, people from different parts of the world can connect with one another, and get information about any and everything in the world. 1 They spend so much time online, hardly realizing that much of it is actually wasted on something meaningless. For example, they waste much time playing games. Luckily there are many meaningful things you can do on the Internet. For example:

2 These courses don’t require you to go out to attend classes. They can also be done from the comfort of your home. So they’re very convenient.

If you’re a DIY (Do It Yourself) person, you should check for online resources (资源) that help you with this thing. From questions like how to paint a room, to questions like how to repair a broken car engine, all the answers can be found online. 3 From home decoration and repair to fashion and relationships, there are many sources that give you good advice.

Practise your hobby on the Internet. Find information on what you like to do. Find the latest information on things of your interest. 4 In a word, the Internet has many good sources that allow you to practise your hobbies, and even earn out of them.

Listen to your favorite songs, watch your favorite movies, or listen to speeches by inspirational (激励的) speakers. Songs can help you feel relaxed. 5 And listening to inspirational speeches can make you feel good about yourself.

A.Take part in fun activities that you enjoy.

B.Movies can give you that much-needed break.

C.Take academic courses and improve your skills.

D.However, very few of us make real good use of the Internet.

E.So, what type of productive thing would you like to do on the Internet?

F.There are so many websites where we can discover ideas and gain knowledge.

G.Also you can use the Internet to find answers for questions related to daily living.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Dr. Faisal Zawawi, an Otolaryngologist and member of the McGill Auditory Sciences Laboratory, notes that when a person is exposed to loud noises it can cause short-term hearing loss but that under normal circumstances the body typically is able to repair the loss of hearing within 72 hours. However, Zawawi warns that if symptoms are not reversed (倒转) in the first 72 hours the damage could become permanent. Due to findings in previous studies about it, Zawawi says that the team of researchers has suspected that something may stop this repair process; therefore, the team set out to determine if caffeine could be a contributing cause to hearing loss. According to the Medical Daily, the researchers tested what they suspected on female guinea pigs(FGP) (豚鼠).

To perform the test, 24 female guinea pigs were split into three equal groups with each group exposed in different levels to caffeine, and loud noises. The researchers found that the guinea pigs subjected to only sound had their full hearing recovered by day eight. However, the guinea pigs that were subjected to both caffeine and loud noise never fully regained their hearing. Thereforethe researchers concluded that caffeine is a likely contributing cause to permanent hearing loss.

“This research confirms that while a cup of coffee may seem appealing after a long night at a loud concert, drinking caffeine produces more of a risk than benefit when it comes to a person's hearing. Although further research is required to understand the effect on humans, the results are promising," says Zawawi. If the research proves successful, the removal of caffeine from your diet following noise exposure could prevent permanent hearing loss as the body will be more able to repair itself naturally.

1What caused the team to do the research?

A.Caffeine loving people suffering hearing loss.

B.The results about hearing loss found before.

C.The finding that FGPs are sensitive to noise.

D.The fact that many people drink coffee.

2What is Zawawi's view about temporary hearing loss?

A.Drinking coffee daily results in it.

B.Drink less coffee while suffering it.

C.Generally people can recover from it in 3 days.

D.The continuous noise exposure surely causes it.

3What can we learn about hearing from the text?

A.Coffee can stop it from recovering.

B.Coffee Can lead to quick hearing loss.

C.Hearing loss after noise exposure is normal.

D.Loud noise causes people to lose it forever.

4How does Zawawi assess the research?

A.It's controversial.B.It's unnecessary to carry it on.

C.It's not predictable.D.It's almost successful.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Last Saturday morning in the railway station, I casual saw something that touched me deeply. Right as I was on way to the main hall, I saw an old woman putting something next to a slept homeless man. I wanted to see that she had put some money there. Instead, I just find a sandwich. The moments was very touching. An old woman just helped the man in need of though her act might not be recognized. This made me realized it’s a small thing that could really make a big difference, I was luck to see such a little act of kindness.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What did the speaker decide to do after lunch that day?

A.Stay to help her friend.B.Walk alone to her car.C.Wait for the train to stop.

2What can we learn about the speaker then?

A.She worked at a hotel.

B.She had bought a new car.

C.She was having a baby soon.

3Where did the speaker meet the taxi passenger?

A.At a crossroads.B.In front of a hotel.C.Besides a car park.

4What does the speaker talk about?

A.An exciting lunch party.

B.A well-known short story.

C.An unforgettable experience.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Jiuzhaigou Valley lies in Aba, north of Sichuan Province in China. There 1 (be) snow-capped mountain peaks, forest, lakes, and 2 (vary) birds and animals, all contributing 3 the unique view of Jiuzhaigou Valley. Upon 4 (enter) the popular holiday center, you will find 5 (you) walking in a fairyland, leaving behind nothing but earthly troubles and worries. Jiuzhaigou Valley is a world of water. Water brings Jiuzhaigou Valley its most delightful views, 6 is the soul of the place. 7 (attract) by the charming sights so much, you will certainly stay here for a long time with no thoughts for home.

The lakes 8 (call) “Haizi” by the local people of Jiuzhaigou Valley, meaning “little sea” in Chinese. Jiuzhaigou Valley has 9 total of 108 “Haizis” of different sizes and shapes. Some of the lakes ate hidden in the valleys, and others lie in the virgin(原始的) forests.

With a 10 (high) of 2,000 to 3,000 meters above the sea level, the sea enjoys a favorable climate that is cool in summer while not affected by the cold wind of the winter season, presenting the beautiful scenery all year around.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】虽然人们不停的说给孩子减负 ,但是大部分学生的学习压力仍然很大, 有些青少年尤其是高三的学生出现了心理问题, 焦虑,不愿意与人交往等。就这种现象,你们班要举行一次班会,作为班长,写一篇发言稿。内容包括:

1. 健康的心理很重要。

2.. 给同学提些建议:如了解自己, 树立信心;与人相处;热爱生活

注意:1. 字数不少于 100

2. 适当增加细节,使行文连贯。

Dear classmates,


