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【题目】Pop stars today enjoy what once only belonged to the royalty(皇室). Wherever they go, people turn out in their thousands to greet them. The crowds go wild trying to catch a brief glimpse of their smiling, colorfully dressed idols. The stars are transported in their chauffeur driven Rolls-Royces, private helicopters or executive aero planes. They are surrounded by a permanent entourage (随从)of managers, press agents and bodyguards. Photographs of them appear regularly in the press and all their comings and goings are reported, for, like royalty, pop stars are news. If they enjoy many of the privileges of royalty, they certainly share many of the inconveniences as well. It is dangerous for them to make unscheduled appearances in public. They must be constantly shielded from the adoring crowds who idolize them. They are no longer private individuals, but public property. The financial rewards they receive for this sacrifice cannot be calculated, for their rates of pay are great.

And why not? Society has always rewarded its top entertainers lavishly. The great days of Hollywood have become legendary famous stars enjoyed fame, wealth and adulation (奉承)on an all-time scale. By today's standards, the excesses of Hollywood do not seem quite so spectacular. A single gramophone record nowadays may earn much more in royalties than the films of the past ever did. The competition for the title "Top of the Pops is fierce, but the rewards are truly huge.

It is only right that the stars should be paid in this way. Don't the top men in industry earn enormous salaries for the service they perform to their companies and their countries? Pop stars earn vast sums in foreign currencyoften more than large industrial companies- and the taxman can only be grateful for their massive annual contributions to the exchequer (国库 So who would begrudge them their rewards?

It's all very well for people in boring jobs to complain about the successes and rewards of others. People who make envious remarks should remember that the most famous stars represent only the tip of the iceberg. For every famous star, there are hundreds of others struggling to earn a living. A man working in a steady job and looking forward to a pension at the end of it has no right to expect very high rewards. He has chosen security and peace of mind, so there will always be a limit to what he can earn. But a man who at-tempts to become a star is taking enormous risks. He knows at the outset that only a handful of competitors ever get to the very top. He knows that years of concentrated effort may be rewarded with complete failure. But he knows, too, that the rewards for success are very high indeed they are the payback for the huge risks involved and once he makes it, he will certainly earn them. That's the essence of private enterprise.

【1】 The author develops the passage mainly by __________.

A. comparing different ideas

B. giving explanations

C. inferring

D. listing typical examples

【2】 The underlined word begrudge" in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to __________.

A. be jealous of

B. be satisfied with

C. be anxious about

D, be crazy about

【3】 According to the passage, which of the following can match the view of the author?

A. He who laughs last laughs best.

B. If you venture nothing, you will gain nothing.

C. He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.

D. Success belongs to the persevering.

【4】 The author holds a(n)__________ attitude towards the high income of pop stars.

A. critical

B. approval

C. optimistic

D. indifferent

【5】 Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. People are blind in idolizing stars.

B. There is fierce competition in becoming pop stars.

C. The government taxes pop stars very little.

D. Pop stars'life is more luxurious than that of royalty.









【3】推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,想成为明星就要胃更大的风险,然而一旦成功,回报也是丰厚的,那些选择了稳定工作的人是没有权利期待高额回报的。"If you venture nothing, you will gain nothing."意为:不人虎穴,焉得虎子,即要成功就要冒险。


【5】 细节判断题。根据文章最后一段的"He knows at the outset that only a handful of competitors ever get to the very top. 以及第二段的最后一句可知答案。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】He admitted _________ away the purse __________ to him.

A. to have taken; not belonged

B. taking; not belonged

C. taking; not belonging

D. to have taken; not belonging


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】You have probably heard of homing pigeons, which usually appeared in wars. From 3000 B. C. to the present, homing pigeons have 【1】 as postmen. They have been especially useful for carrying messages 【2】 wars. The telegraph is not 【3】 to carry about. Sometimes only the little pigeon can take a message where it ought to go.

In 1870,when the Prussians surrounded the city of Paris, the city was cut off from all the 【4】 means of communication. The people 【5】 many different ways of sending news. One way was to let go small balloons carrying mail. 【6】 of course, they only drifted ( 【7】 the wind carried them. Often they landed inside the enemy's lines. Even balloons large enough to carry a pilot could hardly be 【8】 controlled.

It was pigeons that in the end solved the 【9】 . Homing pigeons were brought into the city. Soon they were carrying letters far and wide. The enemy brought 【10】 to catch pigeons, but the little postmen could fly faster than their 【11】 Strangely enough, pigeons played an important 【12】 during the war.

During the First World War every army unit had a group of pigeons 【13】 . Many of them were 【14】 . Among them was an American pigeon with a French name Cher A mi, which meant " dear friend". A group of US soldiers were surrounded by the enemy. They had no food and no bullets. They nearly died of 【15】 . There was little hope for them. Cher Ami made his way 【16】 the bullets and succeeded. At once planes 【17】 to drop food and ammunition(军火)to them. With their strength 【18】the soldiers fought back to their own army and eot saved.

【19】 can pigeons carry the message? There were various methods. Usually the message is put into a little glass tube. The tube is tied to the leg or hidden under 【20】 or hung around the neck.

A. considered B. served C. regarded D. made

A. in favour of B. in need of C. during D. in time of

A. easy B. difficult C. necessary D. important

A. present B. past C. usual D. ordinary

A. used B. did C. tried D. managed

A. And B. Though C. Since D. But

A. which B. that C. to which D. where

A. well B. rather C. only D. just

A. questions B. situation C. problem D. thing

A. dogs B. soldiers C. planes D. hawks

A. enemies B. postmen C. balloons D. bullets

A. action B. part C. ball D. game

A. trained B. taught C. bought D. fed

A. killed B. sold C. honoured D. sent

A. the enemy B. hunger C. anger D. war

A. for B. to C. in D. through

A. landed B. found out C. set out D. set about

A. recovered B. arrived C. lost D. missing

A. Why B. How C. When D. Where

A. the head B. the body C. the foot D. a wing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


His work is good in __________ __________ quality.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I can't understand what he said, but from his friendly g I can learn what he meant.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Time is pressing; it’s impossible for me to get there in an hour, ________ the possible delays.

A. accounting for B. answering for

C. allowing for D. heading for


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】New rules will let millions of Americans know where more of their food comes from. The law is known as COOL-Country of Origin Labeling.

American Congress first passed the law in 2002. Stores have had to label seafood by country-of-origin since 2005. But industry pressure delayed other requirements until last week.

Products that must now be labeled include fresh fruits and vegetables, muscle meats and some kinds of nuts. But the rules are complex, and many foods are excluded. For example, organ meats are free to be labeled. So are processed foods, including cooked or smoked food.

The United States has imported more and more food in recent years to save money and expand choices. Country-of-origin labeling has become more common lately but has still been limited in many stores.

Food safety is one reason why some shoppers pay close attention to where foods came from. For example, when a large number of people recently got sick from salmonella (沙门菌病),officials blamed peppers from Mexico. Yet the last big food scare involved spinach (菠菜)grown in California. But labeling is also a way for people to know they are getting what they want. Some want to buy local foods or foods from a particular country.

The country-of-origin labeling law gives stores 30 days to correct any violations that are found. Stores and suppliers that are found to be deliberately violating the law could be fined 1,000dollars per violation. Federal inspectors are not to take action to en-force the law for six months to give time for an education campaign.

Some food safety activists say they are generally pleased with the law. They call it a good step that will give people more useful information.

【1】 What's the regulation in the new rules?

A. Stores have to label food by its producing date from now on.

B. The country-of-origin labeling has to be marked on more food.

C. Stores have to label seafood by country of origin.

D. Labeling of food should include more useful information.

【2】 Why has more and more food been imported to the United States in recent years?

A. Because it is economical and provides people with more choices.

B. Because the United States is short of food supply.

C. Because Americans need more and more food recently.

D. Because foreign food is of higher quality than native food.

【3】 Consumers are more concerned about where foods came from because __________.

A. they are curious about the country of the food origin

B. they are particular about the tastes of the food

C. they are concerned about food safety and want to get what they want

D. most of the shoppers are food safety activists themselves

【4】 The new rules of the country-of-origin labeling law will come into effect __________.

A. right now

B. in a month

C. in three months

D. in half a year

【5】 Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A. Most Americans prefer imported vegetables to the vegetables grown in local places,

B. The government of America will importing peppers from Mexico.

C. The law was not fully carried out until last week because of food industry's resistance.

D. Store owners are most likely to be the supporters of the law.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The news has spread all over the country __________ the spaceship succeeded in returning to the earth.

A. which

B. that

C. whether

D. what


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 (2013 河南郑州模拟)As a couple, the Smiths can always make the __________ decision to work through their problems.

A. conventional

B. courageous

C. conscious

D. compulsory

