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How to Avoid the Coronavirus? Wash Your Hands

As a New York Times reporter in China, I covered the SARS outbreak in 2002 and 2003 1 a new virus was first detected in Guangdong. My two children attended elementary school in Beijing throughout the outbreak.

The International School of Beijing, where my children were students, 2(be) one of the few in Beijing that stayed open.

The school conducted several simple precautionary3(measure): a serious note to parents warning them that students would4(screen) for fevers with ear thermometers at the school door. There was no5(share) of food at lunch. The teacher led the kids to wash their hands6(frequent) throughout the day at classroom sinks, while singing a “hand washing song”7(ensure) they did more than a quick pass under the faucet (水龙头) with water only.

With all these, I observed something of8public health miracle: Not only did no child get SARS, but it seemed no student was infected9anything at all for months on end.

The World Health Organization declared the SARS outbreak contained in July 2003. But, oh, those habits persisted. The best ways of10(prevent) against SARS or the new coronavirus are the ones that Grandma taught us.





4be screened



7to ensure







2考查动词时态。本句中主语为The International School of Beijing,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,且描述过去发生的事情应用一般过去时。故填was


4考查动词时态及语态。本句中students与谓语动词构成被动关系,且would后跟动词原形。故填be screened



7考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,ensure在句中作非谓语动词,且此处做目的状语应用不定式。故填to ensure


9考查介词。根据短语be infected with表示“感染上……”。故填with



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







Today Mr. Zhang, our English teacher, told us what to improve our English writing skills. The ability to write in English is becoming increasing important in English communication as well as in examinations. Thus, it was worth focusing our attention on.

In order to write the good essay, we should have an excellent command of over 2,000 frequently- used English word. It’s necessary and useful for them to read or even recite beautiful English articles. Beside, as the saying goes, that “Practice makes perfect”, so we should take every possible chance to write in English.

According my personal experience, keep a diary every day is a good means to achieve the aim.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Since the end of 2019, a terrible disease has been spreading all over the world. It’s caused by a virus that has not been found before in humans. 1.

What are the symptoms(症状)?

The virus is from a family called the corona viruses. The symptoms of this illness are pretty ordinary on the face of it: it’s dry cough, fever and then breathing problems. 2. However, as for the more severe cases, people have gone on to develop viral(病毒性的) pneumonia, and all the deaths have been among those people.

Who does this virus attack?

As we can see, older people are ending up in hospital with the virus. Most of the affected people are usually over 40 years old. 3. Basically their immune(免疫) systems are not very strong, and they’re going to find it very hard to fight off a virus.


We’ve only just discovered that the new corona virus is actually spread from one person to another. It was hoped at first actually that it just came from animals as all corona viruses do. 5.

A.It seems quite mild(温和的)in lots of people.

B.How is this virus spread?

C.So the disease is called a "novel" or new virus.

D.People affected by viral pneumonia will die.

E.Signs of the virus may appear between 2 and 14 days after being near someone who is affected.

F.Those who have died tend actually to have other diseases already.

G.Now it has been confirmed that it is actually passed from one human being to another, however.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Questions are based on the following passage.


A.A lot of people migrated out of town.

B.The Victorian buildings were too old.

C.The railroad line was no longer in use.

D.The environment wasn’t properly preserved.


A.To come and stay.B.To visit and leave.

C.To leave them alone.D.To purchase its seaside property.


A.Introducing Eastern shore in Virginia.

B.Dilemmas encountered in development.

C.Gorgeous seaside entertainment.

D.Conflict between the poor and the rich.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 An idea that started in Seattle’s public library has spread throughout America and beyond. The concept is simple: help to build a _______ of community in a city by getting everyone to read the same book at the same time.

In addition to encouraging reading as a pursuit to be _______ by all, the program allows strangers to communicate by discussing the book on the bus, as well as promoting reading as an experience to be shared in families and schools. The idea came from Seattle librarian Nancy Pearl who _______ the “If All of Seattle Read the Same Book” project in 1998. Her original program _______ author visitsstudy guides and book discussion groups to bring people together with a book, but the idea has since expanded to many other American cities, and _______ to Hong Kong.

In Chicago, the mayor appeared on television to announce the choice of To Kill a Mockingbird as the first book in the “One Book, One Chicago” _______. As a result, reading clubs and neighborhood groups sprang up around the city. Across the US, stories _______ of parents and children reading to each other at night and strangers chatting away on the bus about _______ and character.

The only problem arose in New York, where _______ readers could not decide on which book to represent the huge and __________ population. This may show that the idea works best in medium-sized cities or large towns, where a greater sense of unity can be achieved. Or it may show that New Yorkers rather missed the point, putting all their energy and __________ into the choice of the book __________ discussion about a book itself.

__________as Nancy points out, the level of success is not measured by how many people read a book, but by how many people are __________ by the process, or have enjoyed speaking to someone with whom they would not __________ have shared a word.












12A.other thanB.rather thanC.let aloneD.regardless of





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1There was such a long queue waiting for the tickets that e_________ we gave up.

2Her job is to a________ labels to the luggage of the passengers at the station.

3The new railway under c_________ can lead to Shenzhen.

4Man has already begun e_________ the Mars, hoping to find signs of life there.

5He refused my invitation for v_________ reasons.

6This ________ (理论) helps to explain how animals communicate with each other.

7The new owners have tried to give the restaurant a more family-friendly ______ (气氛).

8Her _______ (主修的) subject is chemistry.

9It’s not a problem worth _______ (争论)about.

10He was ________ (逮捕) for drunk driving.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


While many of us go to sleep before midnight, some teenagers choose to stay up much later. They are not driven by the burning desire to write a better essay or achieve a higher grade. Instead, they are busy playing online games. Known as young Internet addicts (有瘾的人), they have long been a problem in China. A report released (发行) in 2016 by the China Youth Association for Network Development showed that there were over 24 million young Internet addicts among China’s young urban Internet users. The report also said that over 18 million youths had a tendency to develop Internet addiction.

To deal with the problem of Internet addiction among teenagers, the Cyberspace Administration of China has released draft (草案) regulations which carried out a ban on online gaming. If the regulations are adopted under-18s would be banned from playing online games between midnight and 8 am.

As soon as the government’s draft law surfaced, it drew great attention from the public. Some support the law as a way to better protect teenagers, saying that too much overnight gaming is harmful to teenagers’ health and believing the period between midnight and 8 am to be important to human physical functions. However, others wondered whether it would be practical if it came into effect, as teenagers could just borrow their parents’ IDs to register (注册) accounts to play online games. The Guangming Daily suggested that parents should help their teenagers find a balance between the cyber world and the real world.

China is by no means the only one trying to fight against teenager gaming addiction. Germany introduced a regulation in 2002 in an attempt to stop teens from playing online games from 10 pm to 6 am. Meanwhile, the UK, the US and Australia have forced a rating system on computer games to make sure that teenagers cannot access “adult” content such as violence, sex or bad language.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Does stress cause gray hair? Many people believe that tension and stress can cause your hair to lose its color. In fact, it is an old-wives’ tale that being upset all the time can result in premature graying. Here is a closer look at this situation and why some believe that this old wives’ tale could be true.

As one ages, the hairs on the head also age. In fact, just about everything on the human body begins to show signs of wear and tear (磨损) after a while. The joints wear and become stiff and skin wears and becomes wrinkled. Hairs on the head grow and eventually die. They are replaced, but in the process something else happens.

When new hairs are replacing the old ones, the color or pigment (色素) is also added to them. However, as one ages, this pigment becomes less and less available. At first, hairs will have a limited amount of pigment and they will appear to be grayish in color. In time, they will lose all of their pigment and will be white. Many things are known to cause graying, and genetics is a very powerful factor. If one of your parents turns gray at an early age, there is a good chance that you will too. Some people begin the graying process in high school, while others may be over the age of forty.

Constant worry and tension can have many harmful effects on the human body. It is a known fact that stressful times can cause one to suffer hair loss. It would make sense that if it can cause these problems, perhaps it also may contribute to graying. However, there is no sound evidence to support this.

On the other hand, many medical professionals believe that there may be a link between graying and a constant state of anxiety or tension. Does stress cause gray hair? There is no scientific evidence to support the theory, but it is best to avoid stressful situations.

1The underlined phrase in the first paragraph most probably means________.

A.clever remarksB.silly remarksC.exciting remarksD.disappointed remarks

2The second paragraph mainly tells us __________.

A.every part of body is replaced with ageB.hairs will grow weak but not die

C.skin becomes wrinkled with ageD.every part of body ages with age

3What might play the most important role in the graying process?

A.Genetics and the amount of sleeping time.

B.The amount of food people eat and living environment.

C.The amount of pigment and genetics.

D.Genetics and the amount of water people drink

4From the passage we can infer that________.

A.stress causing gray hair is still in question

B.gray hair has nothing to do with tension

C.stressful situations can be of benefit

D.sound evidence has been found


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 A food delivery man defeated a master from Peking University and won China Central Television's poetry contest on April 4. Lei Haiwei kept calm during the final of the Third Season of CCTVs Chinese Poetry Competition on Wednesday night, becoming the champion after defeating Peng Min, a master of literature from China's top university.

Lei, 37, from Shaoyang, Hunan Province, is now working as a food delivery man in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. His interest in poetry was inspired by his father, who would wnte poems down, stick them on the wall of the kitchen and teach him to read them from a young age.

Lei missed the opportunity of going to university due to frequent school transfers when he was growing up. But that didn't diminish his passion for poetry. Since he was too poor to buy books, Lei would memorize poems in bookstores and write them out when he returned home. He used this unique method to accumulate more than 1,000 poems.

Though Lei came to Hangzhou city in 2008 and works as a fast food courier, his love for poems hasn't faded. On his busiest work days,the courier has to deliver more than 50 orders a day. Even so, he seized any available moment to recite poems. "For example, I am used to reciting poems when I wait for food at restaurants,and traffic lights on my way to deliver food. Reciting poems not only enriches my knowledge, but also makes my job less boring," the courier said.

Last November, Lei went to Beijing and began recording the TV show after standing out from more than 70,000 people who signed up for the competition. After winning, Lei returned to Hangzhou and continues his delivery work and the memorizing of poems.

Lei's outstanding performance during the final, and his inspirational story, have amazed Chinese audiences.

"His love of learning is so pure,it moved me to tears,” one netizen said. "It always amazes me how some people simply hunger for knowledge, ” another shared.

1Why didn't Lei Haiwei have the chance to go to college?

A.He often changed school.B.He was fascinated with poems.

C.He was too busy to study.D.His family was very poor.

2The underlined word" diminish” in the third paragraph can be replaced by .



3What does Paragraph 4 mainly tell us?

A.Lei's work is delivering food for others.

B.Lei's daily life is highly stressed at present.

C.Reciting poems improves his knowledge.

D.Lei uses any available time to recite poems.

4How did people find Lei's story?



