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27. The new teacher was very quick to _________ the rules of the school

A.adapt toB.addict toC.concentrate onD.depend on


科目:高中英语 来源:辽宁省开原高中2009-2010学年度高一第二学期第一次月考英语试题 题型:阅读理解

A school in Nanjing plans to order Korean-style school uniforms (校服) for students, but parents were against the move, believing that the new uniforms looked too good and would encourage early romances among the students.
Parents: “My daughter was so excited about the Korean-style uniform, saying it’s her dream to wear a miniskirt to school every day,” a mom said. “My daughter also called her classmates to talk about how handsome the boys looked in the uniforms! If the students wear such beautiful uniforms, how can they concentrate on their studies?”
School: We had to stop the plan because many parents were strongly against it. Some parents thought it was just a way for the school to make money, and others thought the new uniforms would take students’ attention away from their studies.
Students: The students were very disappointed about the school’s final decision. They thought the sportswear uniforms made them look dull. They said the Korean uniforms had many advantages such as raising interest in class and lifting confidence.
As for concerns about romance, the students believe that love is love and has no relationship to the uniforms.
The Department of Education: The schools can choose their own styles. Either sportswear or other uniforms are OK. Currently, most middle and elementary schools in Nanjing have sportswear uniforms.
Expert: Fashionable school uniforms can increase students’ interest in learning.
Parents don’t need to worry too much about early romances. Today’s primary and middle school students have strong personalities and their appreciation of beauty is rapidly forming. A fashionable uniform can develop their sense of belonging to the school and reduce their resistance to the school’s management.
But we don’t have to follow Korean or Japanese styles. We should design our own Chinese style uniforms.
63. Which of the following is NOT the parents’ reason for being against Korean-style school uniforms?
A. The uniforms will encourage early romances.
B. It is a way for the school to make money.
C. The new uniforms don’t wash well.
D. The new uniforms will affect the students’ studies.
64. Students think the new uniforms will________.
A. make them have good taste in fashion    B. make them feel confident
C. make them feel proud of their school     D. reduce their fear of teachers
65. The opinion of the expert is to________.
A. forbid the students to wear fashionable uniforms
B. encourage the students to wear sportswear uniforms
C. design uniforms in a Chinese style
D. wear new uniforms in a foreign style
66. We can infer from the passage that_________.
A. school uniforms are mostly blue or black
B. few students are willing to wear school uniforms
C. school uniforms are a waste of money
D. schools are encouraged to choose their own uniforms


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年福建省东山县第二中学高一第一次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

In today’s world, English is the most wildly used language. It is our duty to learn English in the new situation of the reform and opening (改革开放) to the outside world. How can we master the English language ? I’d like to give you some good advice.
First, get interested in it. I enjoy listening to foreign friends talking when I was a child. At the same time I watched the English programme Follow Me on TV. From then on, I kept on learning English. The more I learned, the more progress I made.
Second, practice makes perfect. Many people study English very hard, but they are very shy to speak it in public, for they are afraid of making mistakes. Remember you have to make a mistake before you can correct it. A native English speaker makes mistakes sometimes, too.
Third, the beginners should be encouraged to pay attention to idioms. The English language has many idioms. For example, you should say “ He is as strong as a cow.”
【小题1】The writer wants to tell us ____________. 

A.the importance of learning English
B.the new situation of the reform and opening to the outside world
C.some good ideas on how to master English
D.the wide use of the English language
【小题2】If we want to learn English, we must first __________.
A.show interest in itB.enjoy listening to it
C.watch English programmes on TVD.practice speaking it
【小题3】When we are learning English, ____________.
A.remember the mistakes and correct themB.try not to make any mistakes
C.avoid mistakes before making themD.don’t be afraid of making mistakes
【小题4】The underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 means “_______________.”
A.Remember to make a mistake before you can correct it
B.You are sure to make a mistake before you can correct it
C.Remember you have to make a mistake and then correct it
D.You’ll make a mistake after you can correct it


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年内蒙古呼伦贝尔牙林一中高一上学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Although English is not as old as Chinese , it is spoken by many people around the world every day. English speakers are always creating new words and we are often able to know where most words come from.
Sometimes, however, no one may really know where a word comes from.  Did you ever think about why hamburgers are called hamburgers, especially when they are not made with ham?  About a hundred years ago, some men went to America from Europe.  They came from a big city in Germany called Hamburg.  They didn’t speak good English, but they ate good food.  When some Americans saw them eating round piece of beef, they asked the Germans what it was.  The Germans didn’t understand the question and answered, “We come from Hamburg.”  One of these Americans owned a restaurant, and had an idea.  He cooked some round piece of bread and started selling them.  Such bread came to be called “hamburgers”.  Today, “hamburgers” are sold in many countries around the world.
Whether this story is true or not, it certainly is interesting.  Knowing why any word has a certain meaning is interesting, too.  This reason, for most English words, can be found in any large English dictionary.
【小题1】Hamburg is ____________

A.a kind of foodB.a round piece of beef
C.the name of a village D.a city in Germany
【小题2】According to the passage, ___________.
A.few Americans like hamburgers
B.hamburgers are made with beef
C.hamburgers are made with ham
D.hamburgers were first sold about a century ago
【小题3】According to the writer, which of the following can often be found in any large English dictionary?
A.Where all the new words come from.
B.Where those Germans came from.
C.The reason why a word has a certain meaning.
D.The reason why English is spoken around the world.
【小题4】From the story, we can know that the word “hamburger” comes from ___________.
A.China because it has a long history
B.English because Germans don’t speak good English
C.The round piece of beef which those people from Hamburg were eating
D.English speakers because they always create new words


科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年度江西省吉安一中下学期第一次段考高二英语卷 题型:阅读理解

My father came to the United States as a Ukrainian immigrant (移民) when he was 14 years old. Unable to speak English but willing to do anything to succeed, he learned the language, became a barber, and opened up his own business in a small town. He put my sister and me through college during a time when most people thought that women didn’t need an education and that they should be satisfied with getting married and having children. He gave us values and ambition. But this story didn’t really start until my father was 60 years old.
I was preparing to get married and my father was attempting to practice the polke, a must at any Ukrainian wedding. But he just couldn’t do it! He had lost mobility in his leg and was diagnosed with a brain tumor (肿瘤). After surgery, this energetic, hard-working man was forced to retire as a result of significant paralysis (瘫痪) in his right arm and leg. My dad had always worked two jobs and spent his spare time working around the house. Now that kind of life came to a sudden stop. Yet never once did he complain. He bought rubber balls and spent his days trying to regain his hand mobility by squeezing those balls over and over.
After his last operation, he chatted with me pleasantly in the hospital room until a nurse flew into the room, waving her finger at me, and yelling, “You’d better tell your father to stay in bed. He is paralyzed and will never walk again. He needs to stop trying to get out of bed and accept the fact that he can’t walk now or ever. I am sick of picking him up and you’d better warn him to stay put!” My father smiled. He spent a great deal of time on the floor that year, but he eventually got up and walked.
My father lived nineteen more years after that operation. He bought himself a motor scooter (小型摩托车) and spent years zipping around the streets of Philadelphia. He was proud, free, and always smiling.
【小题1】 In what way was the author’s father different from most other people in his times?

A.He succeeded in migrating to the U.S.
B.He learned the new language easily and quickly.
C.He achieved his life goal by working as a barber.
D.He had his daughters educated.
【小题2】 The underlined word “polke” in Paragraph 2 probably refers to        .
A.a songB.a danceC.a musical instrumentD.a tool for painting
【小题3】The author’s father used the rubber balls to         .
A.kill his too much spare timeB.relieve himself from work pressure
C.get his hand’s function backD.recover from his operation
【小题4】 Which of the following can be used to describe the author’s father?
【小题5】 What can we learn from the text?
A.Love can do wonders.B.Failure is the mother of success.
C.A father’s love is most valuable.D.Never give up on your life.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江西上饶中学高一第一次月考零班实验班英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

This is the front page of the Simple English Wikipedia. Wikipedias are places where people work together to write encyclopedias(百科) in different languages. We use simple English words and grammar here. The Simple English Wikipedia is for everyone! That includes children and adults who are learning English.
There are 59,298 articles on the Simple English Wikipedia. All of the pages are free to use. They have all been published under both the Creative Commons Attribution / Share-Alike Licence 3.0 and the GNU Free Documentation Licence. You can help here! You may change these pages and make the new pages. Read the help pages and other good pages to learn how to write pages here. If you need help, you may ask questions at Simple talk.
When writing articles here:
Use easy words and shorter sentences. This lets people who know little English read them.
Write good pages. The best encyclopedia pages have useful, well written information.
Use the pages to learn and teach. These pages can help people learn English. You can also use them to make a new Wikipedia to help other people.
Simple does not mean little. Writing in Simple English means that simple words are used. It does not mean readers want simple information. Articles do not have to be short to be simple; expand articles, include a lot of information, but use basic vocabulary.
Be bold! Your article does not have to be perfect, because other editors will fix it and make it better. And most importantly, do not be afraid to start and make articles better yourself.
【小题1】          Wikipedia is a website for people to____.

A.show their special photos and perfect videos in different languages
B.have a chat with different friends who know little English
C.see the latest famous films and TV programs
D.work together to write all kinds of useful information in different languages
【小题2】          From the second paragraph, we know that_____.
A.all of the articles on the Simple English Wikipedia are not free
B.the number of the articles on the Simple English is less than 60,000
C.You can’t make new pages.
D.you can never change the pages or articles on the website
【小题3】          If you want to write articles for the Simple English Wikipedia, you should____.
A.learn how to write pages in a famous university first
B.use advanced English grammar and professional terms
C.use easy words and shorter sentences to describe valuable information
D.write articles only for children
【小题4】          According to the text, we know that Simple talk is to_____.
A.offer different kinds of friends from all over the world
B.talk with the editor who can help you publish your articles
C.help you solve questions about writing pages here
D.teach you simple English
【小题5】          From the text we can learn that____.
A.these pages can be changed to teach others who are learning English
B.your articles have to be perfect, or they will be refused
C.you can write your articles simply because readers want simple information
D.the articles you write are mainly for adults

