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9.When people think of factories,they think of clouds of dirty smoke or of pipes ______ chemical waste into rivers.(  )
A.pourB.to pourC.pouringD.poured

分析 当提到工厂,人们会想到浓烟滚滚或倾倒化学废物进河里.

解答 答案C.考查现在分词.pour into为固定搭配,意为"把…倒入…".这句话主句为"they think of clouds of dirty smoke or of pipes ______ chemical waste into rivers",其中谓语为think of,在谓语动词与pour之间没有并列连词,排除作并列谓语的可能性.or并列名词clouds of dirty smoke 和pipes.pipes与pour之间为主动关系,管道排放化学废物,故用doing表主动.选C.

点评 考查非谓语的题,要分清动词与其对象之间的主被动关系.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

19.How often do you let other people's nonsense change your mood?Do you let a bad driver,impolite waiter,rude boss,or an insensitive employee(36)Byour day?
Sixteen years ago I learned this lesson in the back of a New York City taxi cab.One day I was in a taxi and we headed(37)Dthe airport.We were driving in the(38)Blane when suddenly a black car drove out of a parking space right in front of us.My taxi driver slammed on his(39)A.slide sideways.and at the very last moment our car stopped and(40)Cthe other car by just inches!The driver of the ther car,the guy  who almost caused a big accident,looked around and started(41)Dat us.
My taxi driver just(42)Band waved at the guy.And I mean,he was(43)Aso I said,"Why did you just do that?This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!"This is when my taxi driver aught me what I now call"The Law of the Garbage Truck".
He said,"Many people are like garbage trucks.They run around full of(44)C,fall of frustration,full of anger,and fall of disappointment.As their garbage (45)Dup,they need a place to dump it and sometimes they'll dump it on(46)C.Don't take it personally; Just smile,wave,wish them well,and move on.Believe me.You'll be(47)B."
So I started thinking,how often do I let Garbage Trucks run right over me?And how often do I take their garbage and(48)Ait to other people at work,at home,or on the street?It was then that I said,"I don't want their garbage and I'm not going to spread it anymore."
Life's too short to wake up in the morning with(49)D.The mark of your success is how quickly you can refocus on what's (50)Bin your life.See,Roy Baumeister,a psychology researcher from Florida State University,found in his extensive research that you(51)Abad things more often than good things in your life.You store the bad memories more easily,and you(52)Cthem more frequently.So love the people who treat you right.Ignore the ones who don't.Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you(53)Bit!The odds are against you when a Garbage Truck comes your way,but when you follow"The Law of the Garbage Truck",you take back control of your life.You make room for the good by(54)Ago of the bad.
Have a Garbage-Free Day!Have a marvelous,garbage-free day!The seeds you plant today (55)Dthe harvest you reap tomorrow.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

20.When it comes to public speaking,the most important thing is to speak clearly.You want the audience(61)to hear (hear) everything you have to say when giving public speeches,not to question your words later (62)becausethey couldn't hear you.A good public speaker is the person who knows (63)howto speak clearly.
Practice (64)makes(make) perfect.Try practicing in front of a mirror,in front of your friends,or even in front of your pet dogs if you need help.
Use the proper tone when speaking.Most people find (65)iteasy to slip into a monotone voice,where every word that comes out of their mouth sounds the same.Not only (66)does(do) this bore the audience,but it also makes you hard to understand and follow.
Pronounce your words carefully and clearly.This means (67)using (use) the right pronunciation of words.If you have any questions on how a word is pronounced,ask for help beforehand.
Speak slowly so that the audience can hear you.If your natural speed is fast,practice speaking at a (68)slower(slow) pace than usual before your speech.
Project your voice when (69)needed (need).You don't need to scream at the audience,but your voice rise (70)slightly(slight) if people in the back of the room can't hear your speech.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.Want to Live Longer?Turn off Your TV!
Seating yourself in front of the TV probably is relaxing,but spending too much time in front of the  tube may take years off your life.
That's what Australian researchers found when they collected TV viewing information from more than 11,000people older than 25years.The study found that people who watched an average six hours of TV a day lived an average 4.8years less than those who didn't watch any television.Also,every hour of TV that participants watched after age 25was associated with a 22minute reduction in their life expectancy.
It's no mystery that sitting in front of the tube isn't exactly a healthy pursuit.The more TV you watch,the less physically active you are.And the less exercise you get,the more likely you are to develop diseases such as diabetes or heart problems.
Lennert Veerman at the University of Queensland is the lead author of the study.He acknowledges that it may not just be the longtime sitting nature of watching TV that lowers life expectancy,but also the poor diet that onscreen junk-food advertising can promote.But Veerman says that the association between watching too much TV and lower life expectancy persists,even after adjusting for diet.
Veerman says that it might make sense for doctors to start asking their patients about how much time they spend in front of the TV.This may be a better way to treat patients than just asking them to get more exercise or have a healthy diet.
Veerman points out that people who are concerned can simply turn off the TV and get off the couch."Exercise is good,"he says,"but even light physical activity also improves health."
58.The underlined word"tube"in the 1st paragraph refers to theB.
59.Watching too much TV may shorten our life becauseA.
A.the lack of physical activity can lead to developing diseases
B.while watching TV we usually have a poor diet
C.too much TV leads to less sleep
D.watching TV makes us tired
60.According to Lennert Veerman,D.
A.the more TV we watch,the shorter life we'll live
B.the more exercise we take,the healthier we'll be
C.say No to TV absolutely
D.watching less TV and taking some exercise may help us live a longer life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.The unthinkable keeps happening.The 18th hot car death of the year was recorded Thursday---on the same day a national public service campaign started.It is meant to warn parents about the dangers of leaving kids in overheated cars.In the latest unfortunate accident,a 10-month-old girl died in Wichita,Kan,after being left by her parents in a car that was parked outside her house.The baby was forgotten,according to the police.
One New Mexico teenager's creation called"Hot Seat"might someday prevent such deaths.Alyssa Chavez,a 17-year-old from Albuquerque,said she designed a warning system that might stop people from accidentally leaving their young children in the car after they get out of it.
Chavez,whose mother owns a day-care center,said she had heard about the deaths of three children in hot cars in summer."I felt that would be a good project for my eighth-grade science fair project---to find something to prevent those accidents from happening,"said Chavez.
She bought a door alarm (警报器) and began to design her new warning system.Finally,she won the science fair.And for the last three years,she's been improving the design and creating a busness plan.
The invention works in a simple but effective way.A parent places a sensor pad (感应垫) under the cover of a baby car seat.The pad has a sensor that communicates with a key fob (饰物) carried by the parent to find out how far the parent is from the car.If the parent is more than 40feet away from the car,the pad will check to see if it feels the child in the seat.If it doesn't,the alarms will not sound.If it does,then three alarms will go off---the key fob,the parent's phone and the car alarm itself.Chavez is now trying to raise money to build a model Hot Seat.
28.What can we say about the 10-month-old girl's parents?A
A.They were too careless.
B.They treated her unkindly.
C.They had poor driving skills.
D.They were against the campaign.
29.Chavez's warning systemB.
A.was suggested by her mother
B.was designed in her eighth grade
C.works together with a door alarm
D.has helped her earn a lot of money
30.If a baby is sitting in the car,the alarms will go off whenD.
A.the car key is taken out
B.its parent gets out of the car
C.the pad feels it on the car seat
D.its parent is over 40feet away
31.What is the text mainly about?D
A.An interesting science fair project.
B.A national public service campaign.
C.An unfortunate accident in Wichita.
D.A successful invention by a teenager.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Little Tommy was doing very badly in math.His parents had tried everything-tutors,cards,special learning centers-in short,everything they could think of.Finally they took Tommy to a catholic(天主教的) school.
After the first day,little Tommy came home with a very serious look on his face.He didn't kiss his mother hello.Instead,he went straight to his room and started studying.Books and papers were spread out all over the room and little Tommy was hard at work.His mother was surprised.She called him down to dinner and as soon as he finished eating,he went back to his room,without a word.In no time he was back hitting the books as hard as before.This went on for some time,day after day while the mother tried to understand what was happening.
Finally,little Tommy brought home his report card.He quietly put it on the table and went up to his room and hit the books.His mom looked at it and to her surprise,little Tommy got an A in math.She could no longer hold her curiosity.She went to his room and asked,"Son,what was it?Was it the nuns(修女)?"
Little Tommy looked at her and shook his head,"No."
"Well then,"she asked again."WHAT was it?"
Little Tommy looked at her and said,"Well,on the first day of school,when I saw that man nailed to the plus sign(加号),I knew they weren't joking."
21.Tommy's mother felt surprised that his sonB.
A.was still the same as usual
B.worked hard but said little
C.kissed her hello after school
D.ate so much at dinner
22.The underlined phrase"hitting the books"means"A".
23.The last sentence in the passage shows thatB.
A.Tommy felt sorry for the man
B.Tommy was afraid of being nailed
C.Tommy didn't like the plus sign
D.Tommy liked playing jokes on others
24.From the passage,we can infer thatD.
A.teachers should be strict with their students
B.nuns are good at helping children with their math
C.a catholic school is much better than other ones
D.mistakes might do good sometimes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Shoppers in the United States have many different retail stores(零售店)to choose from.You can shop at large department stores,furniture stores,jewelry stores,electronic equipment stores and many others.Another type of retail store-the catalog store,has become popular in the U.S.
Catalog stores offer much of the same goods as traditional retail stores.However,in these  stores,shoppers select the items they wish to buy from large catalogs that are filled with photos    and descriptions of all the different goods.The variety of products listed in the catalogs includes everything from baby clothing to video equipment and watches.The prices of these items are very low.In fact,the same items often cost more in other retail stores.And that's the reason many people prefer to shop in catalog stores.
When shoppers go to a catalog store,they see many brand-name products on display.If they are interested in purchasing an item,they need to follow this simple procedure.
●First,they go to a counter to find the store's catalog.
●They look in the catalog to find the exact item they wish to buy.
●Then,they fill out an order form with the name of the item,the item number from the    catalog,the price,and their name and address.
●After completing the form,the customer gives it to a salesperson,who checks to see if the item is in stock.
If the item is available,the stockroom sends it on a conveyor belt(输送带)to the pick-up  counter.When the item arrives at the pick-up counter,the customer's name is called,and the  customer pays for the item.
The whole procedure usually takes ten to twenty'minutes.If the item isn't available,the salesperson can usually check the store's computer and find out when it will be in stock again.
Catalog stores usually don't offer all the services that regular retail stores do.They usually don't have many salespeople,so customers can't expect to receive much assistance or attention from store employees.Customers need to know about the features and the quality of the items they wish to buy before they shop,since there isn't much opportunity to ask questions or examine the product in the store.However,catalog stores offer quality items at lower prices,and consumers seem to appreciate this.
32.What is the difference between the traditional retail stores and the catalog storesB?
A.The prices of products in catalog stores are higher.
B.Shoppers select the items they need from large catalogs.
C.Catalog Stores offer more products than the traditional stores.
D.Catalog stores usually offer all the services that regular retail stores do.
33.Which of the following is the right procedure for a shopper in a catalog storeC?
①Check the catalog to select the items.
②Fill out the order form.
③Wait at the pick-up counter.
④Find a catalog at a counter.
⑤Find a salesperson to cheek the form.
34.From the text we know that shopper of catalog storesD.
A.become salespeople now
B.do the same as in retail stores
C.have more chances to examine the goods
D.should know the information of the goods ahead
35.Catalog stores are popular mainly because theyA
A.offer quality goods at lower prices
B.have many salespersons for service
C.can help save much time when doing shopping
D.offer the exact items the customer wishes to purchase.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

18.Sometimes giving someone a helping hand is just simple.But sometimes it works like a(36)C that opens a door to a whole new world of understanding.
Living in a small all-white (37)A  in the Midwest,my family and I were (38)Bthat we were safe from the race riots (暴乱) in some larger cities.That (39)Awhen I began working at a bank in a larger city nearby.My family(40)Dgave me advice on whom to avoid,what situation to stay away,and how to (41)Amyself.

On a snowy(42)Dafter work,I guided my second-hand car out onto the street and knew(43)D I didn't have to stop,it would keep running.The battery needed replacing.However,as I expected the car choked and died at a red light.Fortunately,to my(44)C,I saw a pair of headlights coming up.But(45)A three young black men jumped out of the car,I could hardly(46)B-fear filled me.
The driver came to my windows and asked if I needed help.I (47)Bfor a moment and then nodded.The fellows crowded around at once and(48)
C working.As one of them connected the two engines by cables,my nerve (神经) jumped with so much electricity I think I could have charged the(49)Aand brought it back to life.But thankfully they(50)Bcompleted the project.
I pulled out a few(51)D from the purse,"It's all I have but it's yours,I appreciate the help.Thank you."
The driver must have seen the (52)D still in my eyes because he smiled,seeming to be(53)Cby my panic,and then waved his hand,"You(54)Cit.Just glad to help."
This experience taught me that I should never simply  (55)Banyone according to their skin color or race or wealth.

43.A.even ifB.in caseC.as long asD.now that
48.A.set aboutB.set downC.set asideD.set up


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.What did you dream about last night?Did your teeth fall out or did you fly?Maybe you died or someone you know did.Or maybe you were back in high school.These are among the most common dreams people have and they all mean something.Here are some of the most common dreams and their interpretations or symbolism.
         Dreams of flying.Dreams of flying represent feelings of freedom that may result from an instance when you overcome a limitation or obstacle.Usually,children have more flying dreams than adults,because children are more open to their possibilities,and adults have often accepted limitations imposed by society.
         Teeth falling out.Food in a dream is symbolic of knowledge because food nourishes the physical body and knowledge nourishes the soul.Teeth are a means to break down food or knowledge.When your teeth fall out in a dream,it could signify that you feel ill-equipped to break down the knowledge that you have available,that the way you break things down has changed.That change can be either positive or negative.
         High school dreams.High school is a place of learning from the past,and dreaming of being unprepared for a high school test can indicate a struggle to access information you need to handle in your life.
         Recurring dreams and nightmares.Recurring dreams are your subconscious (潜意识)mind's way of trying to get your attention.A recurring dream is a step down from a nightmare that is a louder,more insistent way your subconscious mind communicates.If you have a recurring dream,try to stop in the dream and identify what the dream is trying to tell you.That could mean asking someone who is chasing you what he or she wants.A woman dreamed for years that an old,haggard woman was chasing her around her home.When she finally stopped in the dream and asked the old woman what she represented,the old,woman suddenly turned into a beautiful young woman and replied,"I represent your question of'what if?'"
71.The text is mainly aboutB
A.high school dreams                                       
C.dreams of flying                                  
72.After you've got out of some difficulties,you might have aB.
A.high school dream                               
B.dream of flying
C.dream of teeth falling out                    
D.a nightmare
73.If you dream of being unprepared for a"high school test,it meamsA.
A.you're trying to leam something
B.you will certainly fail in the test
C.you will be scolded by your teacher
D.you're not well prepared for the test
74.The underlined word"identify"in the last paragraph most probably meansC.
A.break out           B.recall            C.make out             D.explain
75.The woman's dream is mentioned mainly toD.
A.tell us nothing but an interesting story
B.show us what a nightmare is like
C.tell us that women are always changable
D.show us the way to deal with a recurring dream.

