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Soon after the earthquake, workers built shelters for survivors ________(家园被催毁的).(destroy)

答案:whose homes had been destroyed

科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


71.Hardly           (他刚一收拾好) the papers on the desk when the door burst open.

72.Most of us considered solving the problem as soon as possible, while he considered it        

(无关紧要). (ignorance)

73.Jim was late again.          (这就是他的一贯风格) keep others waiting. (typical)

74.Jim should          (信守诺言). I wonder why be changed his idea. (promise)

75.If a woman with a very ugly hat asks you whether you like it,          (最好说), “Well, it certainly looks nice on you” than to say, “No, that is the ugliest hat I have ever scan.”

76.By the day of the dance he still            (没找到机会) to speak to her in the way he wanted. (find)

77.His younger sister teaches in a secondary school, in front of          (流淌着一条小河).(flow)

78.In recent years travel agencies have succeeded in selling us the idea that the further we go,

             (我们的假日就越好). (holiday)

79.        (他拒绝承认) his mistakes made the held teacher very angry. (refuse)

80.The professor was surprised to see some country people             (坐在后边) of the classroom. (seat)


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届湖北省七市(州)高三4月联考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】This is the most instructive film              since I could remember. (see)
【小题2】Don't be too hard on yourself.            what you have is the key to happiness.(content)
【小题3】Calm down for a while,      the complicated problems very soon. (simplify)
【小题4】The generation gap      for parents ,to understand their children's opinions.  (make)
【小题5】If you are unhappy with anything you have bought from us, we will gladly exchange your purchase, or give your money back,                    (prefer)
【小题6】A person with a severe mental health problem is              to have no close friends than the average. (likely)
【小题7】Charles                   then as I met him in the supermarket five minutes ago.(clean)
【小题8】It is not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do                      our work most. (benefit)
【小题9】Seated in the studio                  , along with his two students, reoeiving the interview now.(be)
【小题10】The teacher was making every effort to clarify                  the students. (confuse)


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届江苏省江阴市高一上学期期中考试英语题 题型:其他题


1.He decided to devote himself to the protection of the Changjiang River.

   He decided to be ________ to __________  the Changjiang River.

2.It’s a good idea for you to _________  ___________  ______  ______(充分利用) micro-blogging(微博) to help improve your business if you are a business man or woman.

3.John will ______  _______ of (负责)the next meeting.

4.He is always ___  ___  __(找茬)other people though he doesn’t do his own work properly.

5. This book is different from _____  _____  ____ I read(我昨天读的) last night.

6.I’ve lost my umbrella and Mary has lost her umbrella , too.

I’ve lost my umbrella and ________  _______  ________.

7.The mid-term exam is coming soon. The students are busy _____  _____  ___ (准备) it.



科目:高中英语 来源:09-10年福建省高一上学期期中考试 题型:单词拼写


73. All of my friends like eating               (在户外) in summer.

74. He soon ___________ (恢复)his health after he came to the south.

75. He looks old, but a            he is only twenty years old.

76. Tom tried to p           his father to give up smoking, but he failed.

77. As is known to all, the news from CCTV is the most            (可信赖的).

78. The old man’s leg was i          in the traffic accident.

79. When the old man was in danger, the policeman came to r             her.

80. Give Mary my               (祝贺) and tell her I’ll come soon.

81. An earthquake left the whole city in____________(废墟).

82. The People’s Republic of China was f __________on October 1st,1949.

83. Mandela offered guidance to poor blacks on their (法律的) ________problems.

84. The young man was s           to death for killing the president.

85. When she heard the sad story , she b__________ into tears

86.. She had changed so much that I could hardly r____________ her when she came into my office.


