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【小题1】I have seen the famous singer on several ___________(场合).
【小题2】Quitting smoking ____________(减少) the risk of heart diseases.
【小题3】_____________(无论哪一个) book you borrow, you must return it in a month.
【小题4】Lucy said she _____________(后悔) telling lies to her parents and teachers.
【小题5】All my students always ____________(表现) well in the school.
【小题6】Peter works as a(n) ______________(翻译) in this company.
【小题7】Our government is developing ____________(旅游业) in this town.
【小题8】We had a little _______________(误解) over the plan.
【小题9】It’s a bad idea to continue ___________(争辩) with your mother.
【小题10】All labs in our school are ____________(配备) with some instruments.




科目:高中英语 来源:2010年江苏省盐城中学高一上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:填空题

【小题1】I have no idea of the ___________(平均) size of classes in the UK.
【小题2】Great changes have taken place in our country ___________(近来).
【小题3】Good ________(准备) should be made before we have the important meeting.
【小题4】Don’t feel e__________ about being different from others.
【小题5】I would p________ playing outdoors to watching TV at home.
【小题6】__________ (注意力集中) more on your work or you will be fired.
【小题7】I found it difficult to keep my b________ on the icy road.
【小题8】She performed the most c_________ task without a mistake.
【小题9】I’m learning German, but I still can’t speak it p_________.
【小题10】Children should be encouraged to be i____________ thinkers.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年福建长泰县第二中学高一下学期期中考试英语卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】I have to  ______ (佩服;钦佩) him for the way he handled the situation.
【小题2】I know you don’t like her but try not to make it so  ______ (明显的).
【小题3】It’s certain that people in that town will  ______ (受益) from the new hospital.
【小题4】The teacher  ______ (限制) her to 800 words for her composition.
【小题5】It seems that some young people don’t have  ______ (耐心) with anything.
【小题6】I’ll see you after school, if time ______ (允许).
【小题7】You didn’t bother me. On the c________, I like to be with you.
【小题8】She was ______ (凝视) out of the window.
【小题9】We must find out our ______ (缺点) and improve it.
【小题10】The holiday may date back to the 14th century, but its exact ______ (起源) is unknown.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年云南德宏州芒市中学高二下学期期中考试英语卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】I have a large __________(收藏)of books on chess. Maybe we can exchange some books to read.
【小题2】As soon as you send us your plan, we'll send you a reply __________.(立刻)
【小题3】What are the __________(优势)of having a mobile phone?
【小题4】__________(判断)from his accent, he must come from the north.
【小题5】I'm just __________(好奇的)about what is happening over there.
【小题6】There will be a talk about __________(文化的)differences this evening.
【小题7】__________(诚实)is the best policy.
【小题8】It will be a __________(浪费)of time to cook food every day.
【小题9】The temple over there __________(属于)to the local government.
【小题10】They all went to the __________(电影院)last Friday night.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年吉林省吉林一中高一上学期期中考试英语试卷B(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】I have waited for her since two hours.        ____________
【小题2】You will make a great progress if you study hard.
【小题3】With society develops,computers will make our life convenient.
【小题4】After class Jenny and Linda went back home separate.
【小题5】He was determining not to make the same mistakes.
【小题6】Would Ma Li come to Brunei, I would meet her at the airport.
【小题7】If I am a fish, I could swim freely in the sea.
【小题9】They have run out their food supply.
【小题10】I am sorry I can’t help cleaning the classroom for you.

