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   As a student in my final year of high school,I am very concerned about college. I spend most days thinking about the 41 ,hoping that I' m on the right path.

    I'm interested in a career in 42 ,so I decided to volunteer for service at the local hospital. I thought it would be the best of both worlds: 43 people while getting valuable on-the--job experience!So I went to the business office. 44,the hospital director was quite willing to let me help out,and he said I could 45 that summer as soon as I finished my finals. I accepted his 46 immediately,thinking to myself that here lay all the 47 I could ever want!

    Soon enough,I 48 for my first day at the 49 . The director gave me a brief tour of different departments (科室) 50 we stopped right in front of the maternity ward (产科病房) .“This is where you’ re going to 51 ,” he said. I was overwhelmed (受不了的) by the spunds. Women shouted and newborns 52 . I got nervous and wondered if I had been ima hurry when I 53 to go for such a 54 job.

     My 55 must have shown clearly on my face because the director said, “Don’t worry. You are going to help in the misery.w 56 that,we walked down a hallway filled with balloons,beautiful flowers and into the 57 room V ve ever seen. The soft colors provided a quiet backdrop to the sleeping babies. The nurse in charge of the nursery 58 me,thanked me for 59 ,and asked me to start putting some baby things away in the drawers. The director gave me a 60 look,which I returned with a quiet nod. I got right to work.

41. A. score   B. test   C. family   D. future

42. A. teaching   B. nursing   C. dancing   D. acting

43. A. helping   B. moving   C. encouraging   D. visiting

44. A. Finally   B. Fortunately    C. Suddenly   D. Immediately

45. A. start   B. sign   C. learn   D. ask

46. A. gift   B. rule   C. offer   D. advice

47. A. possibilities   B. responsibilities   C. choices   D. chances

48. A. went over   B. showed up    C. turned out   D. kept on

49. A. high school   B. business office   C. college   D. hospital

50. A. as   B. when   C. until   D. before

51. A work   B. study     C. live   D. research

52. A. played   B. slept   C. cried   D. laughed

53. A. stopped   B. continued   C. refused   D. decided

54. A. difficult   B. boring.   C. small   D. dangerous

55. A. fear   B. anger   C. pain   D. surprise

56. A. For   B. Like   C. With   D. Before

57. A. most peaceful   B. most convenient  C. largest   D. cleanest

58. A. replaced   B. remembered   C. welcomed   D. trusted

59. A. waiting   B. returning   C. listening   D. coming

60. A. questioning. B. quick   C. serious   D. familiar

41. D 42. B 43. A 44. B 45.A 46. C 48. B 49. D 50. C 51. A 52. C 53. D 54. A 55. A 56. C 57. A 58. C 59. D 60. A

41. D. 根据下文的I’ m on the right path 及career岢知,作#花很奏耔间焉虑 自己的“未来(future)”。

42. B. 根据下文出现的hospital及nurse 可知,作者希望将来从事“护理 (nursing) ”工作。

43. A. 去医院作义工当然可以“帮助 (helping) ”他人。

44. B. 根德下文的 the hospital director was quite willing to let me help out 可知,作者想去医院作义工,院长表示同意,说明她很“幸运(Fortunately) ”。

45.A .此处是说,期末考试一@束,作 者就可以“开始(start) ”在医院作义工。

46. C. 根据下文作者开始到医院工作 可知,她接受了院长的“提议 (offer) ”。

47. 根据上文的 getting valuable on-the-job experience 可知,作者认为医院能给她提供她想要的任何“机会

48. B. 49. D. °根据下文作者到医院参 观各个科室可知,她“到了(showed up) ”“医院 (hospital.) ”。

50. C. 作者在院长的带领下参观各个科室,“直到(until) ”他们来到产科病房前。

51. A. 根据文章最后一句I got right to work可知,作者被安排在产科“工作 (work) ”。

52. C. 根据上文的 I was overwhelmed by the sounds可知,此处指新生儿的 “哭闹(cried) ”。

53. D. 作者看到产科病房的场景时开 始感到紧张不安,她不知道自己是否 作出了一个草承的“决定 (decided) ”。

54. A. 根据上文的got nervous可知,作 者觉得这项工作“难(difficult) ”做。

55. A. 根据下文的 because the director said, “Don’t worry. ...” 可知,作者的 “担心(fear) ”被院长看在眼里。

56. C. “说着(With that) ”,我们便通过了 一个气球和花装点的走廊。

57. A. 根据下文的 soft,quiet和 sleeping babies可知,这个房间是作者见过的 “最安静的(most peaceful) ”房间。

58. C. 。59. D. 根据本句中的thanked me可知,负责育九室的护士对作者可知,员贡育儿室的护士对作者 的“到来(coming) ”表示“欢迎 (welcomed) ”和感谢。

60. A.根据下女的 which I returned with a quiet nod可知,院长投来“询问的(questioning) ”目光。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高一新课标 > 第50期2015-2016年高一新课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

   Wild rice is not 61.(actual) a member of the rice family,although it is a grain-producing grass. Native to North America,this grain 62. (find) growing wild in the ponds and lakes of Wisconsin,as well as in neighboring states. Like rice,wild rice grows in water,but it requires much 63. (deep) water.

Wild rice is very difficult to harvest because -its stalks (秆) are so crispy 64. many types of equipment cannot be used. It takes patience and hand work 65.(harvest) wild rice. As a result,this grain is expensive and often difficult to get.

Like other grains,its chaff(谷壳) must be separated 66. the grain. It is harvested green,and after being separated,it may be set out to dry to prevent it from 67. (go) bad.

   Wild rice is quite sensitive to changes in the environment. With the widespread use of dams in the United

States,many areas 68. it formerly grew have not been able to keep their former populations of the grain. This is 69. pity for people who enjoy the crop. Many native people hold the grain in high respect and they support the

70.(produce) of this special rice.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

    When I was little,my mother began selling food at Camden Market. She couldn't leave me at home on my own,so I had to go to the market with her.

      36 I just sat there. When I got older,I gave my mum a hand,and I really enjoyed it.

    Then,one year,my uncle gave me a,book for Christmas. 37 I was fourteen,and I didn't have to go to the market anymore. I spent my free time making candles of all different shapes and sizes.

     One day,my mother was ill so I had to go to the market on my own. 38 They were sold out in twenty minutes!The next week,my mum gave me some money to buy wax (蜡) to make more candles. Again,they sold out really quickly.

     Six months later,we decided to stop doing the food. 39 Luckily,some of my school friends started to help us. I paid them one pound for every eandle,and we used to sell them for four or five times that.

      When I left school,my uncle lent us some money and I opened my first shop. 40 In the first store,we only sold candles,but now we sell everything from designer furniture to silver jewellery.

   A. Since then,T ve never looked back.

   B. I often talk about how the business began.

   C. To begin with,I didn't have to do anything.

   D. It was all about making candles and I loved it.

   E. With the opening of this new store,I now have 25 stores.

   F. My mum and I couldn’t make enough candles during the week.

   G. I decided to take some candles with me and see if!could sell them.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

     Mother Nature knows best. But she's not always generous with her secrets. Sometimes she only tells them to the most careful observers.

George de Mestral was a Swiss engineer who enjoyed walking with his dog in the woods. One day,after a walk,he looked down and saw some seeds (种子) stuck to his trousers. He was a little -bit angry because the seeds were hard to remove. He pulled a few of the seeds off of his trousers and examined them under a microscope(显微镜) What he saw amazed him: tiny hooks (钩子) on the ends of the seeds. De Mestral saw a new way to stick things together and keep them attached.

    He was inspired to turn his accidental discovery into a useful product. He borrowed money from a bank,gave up his job,and gave all of his time and energy to the task. At first,people refused to take him,and the idea,seriously. He took his idea to a weaving center,where he did manage to get the help of one weaver,who made two products out of cotton that worked. However, the cotton wore out quickly. Finally,by using nylon instead of cotton,he made his invention work. It took ten years to develop it. He called it Velcro.

Today,Velcro is used everywhere: in shoes,purses,and children's toys. We can thank de Mestral for discovering and developing a wonderful way to attach things. But the real thanks should go to nature for making the secret known.

21. What gave de Mestral the idea for inventing Velcro?

   A. The thick woods.       B. The sticky seeds.

   C. His trousers.          D. His dog

22. What does the underlined part “the task” in Paragraph 3 refento?

   A. Looking for a new job.

   B. Finding a useful material.

   C. Raising enough money for his experiment

   D. Developing a produet to stick things together.

23. What is the best title for the text?

   A. Velcro: An Invention Inspired by Nature

   B. Motlier Nature: The Perfect Designer

   C. Lessons Learned from Nature

   D. The Mother of Invention


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

     English is always changing. The English that people used 500 years ago is very 1to the English we use now. 2in the last fifty years,English has changed.3words are entering our language all the time. The words internet,email and mobile phone are only twenty years old. The word website is even

4. We only started using it fifteen years ago. But what 5languages to change? And is language change a positive or a negative thing?

     There are many reasons that 6 change. One reason is that technology changes. We use new7. for new types of technology. Thirty years ago,we only used the word in English to 8.an animal. Today,the word mouse9. I means the object you use to contipl a computer. Another important reason for language change is 10 between different countries and cultures. For example,English uses words like sugar from Arabic,and yoghurt from Turkish. Languages also change because young people create their own way of 11 that is different from their parents. 12 often use new slang ——informal words and phrases — to talk to their friends. Some slang gets 13 , but other slang words become part of everyday language. Words like bus and rock music 14 as slang,but now they are in the dictionary and everyone 15 them.

    But is language change a good thing or a bad thing? Some people think that we should stop languages from 16 . They think that they need to 17 their language or it will die. 18,other people believe that language change is a natural thing and shouldn't be 19 . They think that it is 20 that languages change over time. They think that languages need to change to stay modem and interesting.

1. A. important   B. valuable

   C. close     D. different

2. A. Only   B. Even   C. Once   D. Then

3. A. New   B. Funny   C. Spoken   D. Foreign

4. A. easier      B. younger

  C. better   D. luckier

5. A. expects     B. requires

  C. causes   D. teaches

6. A. languages   B. technologies

  C. cultures   D. people

7. A. ideas       B. websites

  C. computers   D. words

8. A. control        B. learn

  C. describe       D. remember

9. A. still       B. also   C. soon   D. again

10. A. disagreement     B. comparison

   C. competition   D. communication

11. A. talking      B. thinking

  C. working       D. organizing

12. A. Parents       B. Teachers

  C. Teenagers      D. Writers

13. A. loved       B. finished

  C. discovered   D. forgotten

14. . A. stayed   B. started

   C. proved   D. waited

15. A. uses         B. lists

  C. corrects       D. introduces

16. A. happening   B. changing

   C. spreading   D. losing

17. A. understand   B. improve

   C. protect   D. study

18. A. However         B. Therefore

  C. In addition   D. In return

19. A. completed      B. affected

  C. considered   D. stopped

20. A. true         B. necessary

  C. normal       D. interesting


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Task II. Read the text and match the topics with the examples.

1. Marty's  condition is very rare.

2. He used to be normal. computer programming.

3. The disease is hard to name.

4. He is having a good life now. disabled.

5. He becomes psychologically stronger and more independent.

A. He is happy doing many things,like writing and computer programming.

B. He could climb trees before he was 10 years old.

C. He advises healthy children not to feel sorry tor the disabled.

D. He can't climb stairs as quickly as others,

E. He had a lot tests,even with a microscope.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. 汤姆明天要去诊所让医生检查。(不定式作状语)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. Henry's job is (teach) physics in a local middle school.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. The bacteria were then examined under a m .

