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Students in American schools learn from an early age to give presentations(演讲) as part of their regular classroom activities. Children as young as five years old often give brief talks about objects they bring in to school – called “show and tell,” and this training is a basis for later public speaking. Even so, many native English-speaking adults are afraid to speak or give presentations in front of a large group.

Speaking English in public meetings is necessary for many students and employees. The best way to improve is to practice public speaking in a friendly environment. Learners need to receive feedback about what they are doing well and about their mistakes. One group that gives members the chance to practice is Toastmasters. Toastmasters is an international organization that holds weekly meetings. At the meetings, members each give a speech and give others advice about their speeches and speaking style.

Charles LeBeau is a public speaking professor and consultant. He began his career in Japan in 1982. Currently, he teaches at two universities and at the Toshiba International Training Center. He has also written books on the subject.

English language learners around the world use his book Speaking of Speech. Speaking of Speech tells about a method of teaching public speaking for non-native speakers. Mr. LeBeau says a simple approach helps English learners.

“The approach that I’ve taken is to simplify and break it down. First if we look at a presentation, what’s going on, there are basically three messages that the presenter is giving the audience, all simultaneously(同时). There’s what I call the physical message. Physical message is basically body language. It’s the way that my body, as a speaker, is talking to the audience. And then there’s also the visual message. The visual messages are the slides that we now make and show the audience. The third message is the story message. The story message is the content of our presentation. So another way we can think of the story messages is that it’s the verbal message, and it’s what we say to the audience. The story message also includes how we organize our ideas to present to the audience,” LeBeau said.

1. Which of the following statements is true?

A. The best way to improve is to practice public speaking in an unfriendly environment.

B. Toastmasters is an international organization that holds meetings every two weeks.

C. Only non-native English-speaking adults are afraid to give presentations in front of a large group.

D. At the meetings of Toastmasters, members give not only a speech but also advice.

2. What are the three messages given in Mr. LeBeau’s simple approach that helps English learners?

a. the physical message

b. the visual message

c. the story message

d. the verbal message

e. the basically body language

A. a b c B. b c d C. a b e D. c d e

3. The book Speaking of Speech by Charles LeBeau is mainly intended for___________.

A. children as young as five years old

B. non-native English speakers

C. native English speakers only

D. students in American schools

4. Which could be the best title for this passage?

A. Necessity of Speaking English in Public Meetings

B. Toastmasters, an international organization

C. Tips for Public Speaking

D. Charles LeBeau, a public speaking professor and consultant


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江省嘉兴市高三下学期教学测试(二)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— Do you have a minute, Lucy?

— Sure. ______

A. What’s up? B. Take your time.

C. Here it is. D. How come


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东枣庄第十六中学北校区高三英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

We have many cases where hard work as well as good communication skills have ___________ one’s chances of success in the past years.

A.condemned B.multiplied

C.estimated D.highlighted


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年宁夏银川市高三四月教学质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空

David will never for get what happened to him the day before yesterday.He 1.(eat)something at home when he received a strange phone call from a hospital.The caller said that his son 2.(fall) to the ground unconscious on the way to schoo1.It was he _ 3.took him to the hospital.David hung up his cell phone and rushed to his son’s classroom,only to find him listening to the teacher attentively.He suddenly realized that he had been cheated,but he felt 4. (relieve).Just at that time the phone rang again,saying,“Your son is in great danger and he needs 5.immediate operation which costs 48,000 yuan. The doctors here say they will not operate 6.your son until they receive the money.’’When 7.(ask) from where the caller had taken his son to hospital,the caller rang off.David gave a big smile and said.“What a pity!”

If the cheater thought he could get money from David in such a 8. (honest)way, he was wrong.Such phone calls are common these days.A few of them might have fallen victims to such tricks.Most parents are sensitive to 9..It was really silly to cheat well—educated men like David.

Believe it or not,it’s a true story.The 10.(colleague)in his office can confirm it,such as Tom,Peter and so on.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年内蒙古呼伦贝尔市高三第二次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

随着中国人生活水平的提高,选择到国外去旅行已成为中国人盛行的度假方式之一。但是,有些中国旅行者的不文明行为却给广大的中国人丢尽了脸,如乱丢垃圾、在景区乱写乱画、在公共场所大声喧哗、大声接打手机、在飞机上大打出手等等。请以“Be a Civilized Chinese”为题目,写一篇英语稿件,投给China Daily.



Be a Civilized Chinese

With the improvement of Chinese people’s living standard,





科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年辽宁朝阳三校协作体高三下第一次联合模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错



The news which the English Entrance Examination will be reformed has caused a big “earthquake” in our country. Many people, included students, are for it. But there are also some people are against it. Then, is it better to do so or not? Personally, I think the reform has between advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, it can reduce students’ learn burden and enable English to return back to its true function. On the other hand, it will cause students to spend less time on studying English and to attached less importance to English. If so, students will not have a good knowledge of English. What’s more, if students don’t have so a good ability, they will not be able to broaden our horizon and meet the future challenges.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年辽宁朝阳三校协作体高三下第一次联合模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

When Armida Armato’s daughter, Alexia, came home from school one day last year keen to go on a school trip to Ecuador, she wasn’t too sure how to feel. She was happy that her daughter could experience something she never did as a teen but was fearful of letting her travel to such a remote part of the world.

Alexia was 16 at the time, a student at Westwood High School. The school sponsored a humanitarian trip for 26 students and two teachers to spend 18 days living in a mountain village to build a one-room school. Even though Armato trusted her daughter, the other students and the teachers, she was worried about the side effects from the travel vaccines, possible accidents, and medical care.

Now that Alexia was home, Armato said she saw her daughter’s new maturity, greater confidence and independence. “This is the best thing I ever did,” Alexia said. “The experience was so eye-opening and life-changing. You’re with people who are not as lucky as you are. They live in very poor conditions but they’re so happy and outgoing. You say, ‘My God. I’m taking everything for granted back home.’”

She said they built a one-room school from scratch with no mechanical cement mixers. They used their hands, shovels and basic tools. She and another student lived with a local family in a small village about eight hours outside the capital, Quito. Despite the initial strangeness and knowing only basic Spanish, she said they grew very close and felt like a family.

Every year, groups of students at Montreal High School like Alexia pack their bags and fly off with classmates and teachers to developing countries where they volunteer for a variety of projects.

“Armato’s worries are very common among parents,” says Bill Nevin, a teacher at St. George’s High School. He organizes a humanitarian rip to India to the Sheela Bal Bhavan orphanage and says the three biggest fears families have are health, security and contact.

1.When hearing the news that her daughter would go on a school trip to Ecuador, Armato was____.

A. proud and happy B. supportive but concerned

C. fearful and nervous D. excited but puzzled

2.The underlined phrase “from scratch” in Paragraph 4 probably means “______”.

A. having great help B. using high technology

C. ending up in failure D. starting from the beginning

3.What would be the best title for the text?

A. Volunteering helps students grow and develop.

B. School trips make parents worried about their children.

C. Ecuador is the most attractive travel destination in the world.

D. Brave Alexia dreams to work in Ecuador one day.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江西上饶县中学高三上第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It’s standard practice for a company like this one______ a security officer.

A. employed B. being employed

C. to employ D. employs


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年甘肃省高三第二次高考诊断性考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

British singer Sarah Brightman began training for a 2015 flight to the International Space Station where she hopes to become the first professional musician to sing from space, the company arranging the trip said on Tuesday.

Brightman, a famed soprano (女高音) who starred in Andrew Lloyd Webber' s "Phantom of the Opera" , will pay about $ 52 million for a 10-day stay aboard the orbital outpost, Tom Shelley, president of privately owned Space Adventures, said.

Brightman, who will become the eighth privately funded space tourist, is scheduled to fly in September 2015. Her training to fly on a Russian Soyuz capsule began last fall.

Brightman has planned to be the first professional musician to sing from space. But she faces competition from Lady Gaga, who, according to media reports late last year, intends to be the first when she performs one song in space in early 2015 on a Virgin Galactic flight. Virgin Galactic, part of Richard Branson's Virgin Group, plans to offer suborbital(亚轨道的) space flights.

Brightman said in 2012 that she would travel to the space station, but her plans haven't been confirmed until now. So far. Space Adventures has arranged for nine private missions to the space station, a $ 100 billion research laboratory that flies about 260 miles above the earth. Microsoft co-founder Charles Simonyi made two trips.

Brightman will be the first private citizen to visit the station since Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Lalibarte paid about $ 35 million for an 11-day stay in September 2009.

Google co-founder Sergey Brin has an option to fly on the next available Soyuz seat after Brightman, which most likely will be in 2017, Shelley told Reuters.

1. What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To praise Brightman.

B. To persuade the readers that Brightman is more famous than Lady Gaga.

C. To instruct the readers how to begin a space flight.

D. To give some information about Brightman.

2. When did Brightman start training for her space travel?

A. Last winter. B. Last autumn.

C. Next spring. D. Next summer.

3. The underlined word "she" in Paragraph 4 refers to ____.

A. Brightman B. Lady Gaga

C. Andrew Lloyd Webber D. Tom Shelley

4. The fifth paragraph is mainly carried out ____.

A. in time order B. in space order

C. by giving examples D. by comparison

