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1. Do be careful in the zoo. Some animals may


   A. dislike   B. destroy   C. encourage   D. attack

1. D

1. D解析:句意:在动物园里一定要小心。一些动物可能会攻击人。

attack意为“攻 击,袭击”,符合句意。

dislike意为“不喜 欢”;destroy 意为“毁灭,破坏”;encourage 意为“鼓励”。

题目来源:2016年周测月考直通高考高中英语必修4外研版 > 周测月考卷7 Module 6综合测试


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

10. 1 can't advise you what to do. You must use your own .

   A. permit   B. section

   C. justice   D. judgement


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)

I stayed at home with my 5-year-old daughter Lily. When I was reading some magazines,Lily 16 in the living room. But after a while I noticed nothing but 17 She had never been so quiet. Was she 18 ? I asked what she was doing. The 19 finally came after I 20 my question three times. I heard,21

Never could I believe she just stayed there and kept quiet. So I walked into the living room. She hurried off. I 22 her to turn around but she 23 I got a little angry.“Young lady ,” I said ,“turn around!” 24 she turned toward me. In her 25 was my wife's new lipstick (口红) ,only a little 26 Besides her lips,every inch of her face was covered with bright 27 !

As she looked up at me with 28 eyes,I really got angry. I was about to 29 at her so that she would know what a mistake she had made. 30 before I could shout,I noticed the big letters she had 31 on her white skirt with the lipstick ,“I’M A PERFECT ANGEL!”

Something strange 32 me. I looked back at her red face. This time,instead of seeing a 33 girl,I saw a little angel that I had almost missed!

“Lily,I heard you speak to the toys just now. I guessed you were teaching them how to use the lipstick. But should an angel use her mum^ lipstick like this?” Lily lowered her head ,“Sorry,I won’t do it again. ” I smiled ,“Go and 34 your face and let's get a new lipstick for Mum. ”

Every child is an angel. I felt 35 that I didn't hurt the angel through treating her mistake in a right way.

16. A. sang   B. played   C. drew   D. studied

17. A. sound   B. laughter   C. silene   D. music

18. A. sleeping   B. crying   C. running   D. walking

19. A. news   B. result   C. report   D. answer

20. A. read   B. thought   C. found   D. repeated

21. A. Nothing   B. Something

   C. Anything   D. Everything

22. A. allowed   B. advised   C. ordered   D. persuaded

23. A. accepted   B. forgot

   C. refused   D. understood

24. A. Suddenly   B. Slowly   C. Happily   D. Normally

25. A. hand   B. ear   C. eye   D. lip

26. A. left   B. gone   C. lost   D. saved

27. A. green   B. blue   C. orange   D. red

28. A. excited   B. frightened

   C. bright   D. peaceful

29. A. shout   B. stare   C. drive   D. hold

30. A. And   B. So   C. But   D. Or

31. A. copied   B. written   C. printed   D. brushed

32. A. pulled   B. hurt   C. pushed   D. hit

33. A. boring   B. clean   C. clever   D. foolish

34. A. touch   B. wash   C. see   D. beat

35. A. hopeful   B. regret   C. fortunate   D. surprised


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

12. Although the old man was death,he still fought with the disease bravely.

   A. at the end of   B. at the edge of

   C. at the bottom of   D. on the top of


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Planning a trip to Japan? No doubt you’ve planned visits to key attractions in Tokyo,Osaka,or other major cities. Any major city can offer more enjoyable sites than you’ll have time to see. A number of travel agencies can provide lists of hotspots for shopping,nightlife and fine dining unlike any other place on earth.

Having travelled in large cities,and the countryside,I feel like sharing a few thoughts with first-time visitors to Japan. If you wish to have a true cultural experience then nothing beats visiting the countryside,where there are rental (出租) car companies specialising in serving tourists though no tour buses stop. Don’t worry about running on the “wrong side” as you’ll quickly become used to it.

Precautions (告诫) :YouMl need to take a ^personal adventure level” reading before starting this trip. Unless you speak some Japanese,communication will be very limited. Most Japanese do not speak conversational English. This is especially true once you leave the cities behind. Lodging,dining and even getting gas will take more effort. It was challenging but just as rewarding;I do suggest that others learn some Japanese first,though.

Benefits: Even if you travel for a short time in the rural country,you will have many exciting stories unmatched by any friends who stayed on guided city tours. The best part is --Ican't tell you what they’ll be. Do make an effort to communicate with those around you. You will find that as a whole the Japanese are very welcoming to foreign visitors. Along your country journey you’ll find people who have never met a foreigner and have many questions for you,shops selling items you have never seen and restaurants with short menus serving delicious Japanese food. It's these simple people you’ll meet that you’ll most remember.

46. For whom is the passage written?

   A. Visitors who want to do shopping in Japan.

   B. Visitors who want to enjoy nightlife in Japan.

   C. Visitors who want to learn about Japanese culture.

   D. Visitors who want to enjoy natural beauty in Japan.

47. How can you visit small towns in Japan?

   A. By tour bus. B. By car.

   C. On foot. D. By bike.

48. To make your visits to small towns pleasant,you are advised to .

   A. choose a better travel agency

   B. read as many books about Japan as possible

   C. learn about some rules for lodging and dining

   D. learn some Japanese to make communication easier

49. The underlined sentence suggests that the travel in the rural country .

   A. will bring you many unexpected surprises

   B. will be interesting with a guide leading you

   C. is often well planned and organised

   D. will make sure you get the best service

50. Which word can NOT be used to describe the Japanese people in the countryside?

   A. Friendly. B. Curious.

   C. Badly-educated. D. Simple.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. She greater progress,if you had given her more chances.

   A. might have achieved   B. couldn’t have achieved   C. may achieve   D. need have achieved


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

13. Most of your errors in the paper are your carelessness but not your ability.

   A. due to   B. as a result

   C. since   D. because


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


When my three children were young,there was very little time that wasn’t filled with stress,business and term papers.

“Can we go on a picnic,Mama?” my six-year-old daughter,Becky begged. “Please."

I had said no so many times in recent months. To her surprise,I agreed. I prepared a few sandwiches and other food and called Roy at work. “Meet us at the college pond for a picnic at twelve o’clock sharp,” I said excitedly.

Becky and I spread the tablecloth on the picnic table while Brad and Chad threw a football back and forth. In no time,the ducks joined us. Becky came with delight as the ducks begged for pieces of bread. When I got the lunch spread out on the table,Roy arrived on the scene.

That was one of the happiest meals we ever shared together. The gentle wind touched our face,as the sunshine warmed my heart. We felt a closeness that had been hidden by work for so many months. Having finished the food,Roy and the boys skipped rocks on the lake. Becky continued to feed the ducks,and I sat quietly on the picnic table,enjoying such a wonderful family.

Soon,Roy had to go back to work. When we got into the car,Becky climbed to the front seat with me. “Here,Mama!” she said. She was holding a yellow wildflower. Happy tears came to my eyes. That night as I tucked (盖好被子) our children under their covers,I kissed their cheeks and realised what a wonderful life I had.

“Thank you for the picnic,” Becky whispered. “My pleasure”’ I whispered back.

Even though the kids have now grown up and moved away from home,I can still remember how I felt that day while sitting on the picnic table. Since life is like potato salad,let's make it a picnic.

41. Why did the author often refuse her children's advice for a picnic?

   A. It was difficult to prepare the food.

   B. The place for a picnic was hard to find.

   C. She and her husband had their own work.

   D. Her husband worked far away from home.

42. When Becky asked for a picnic,it was natural that.

   A. she was refused

   B. her mother would be angry

   C. her mother was happy to accept

   D. she would be asked to do homework

43. Who was the last to come to the picnic?

A Becky. B. Chad. C. Brad. D. Roy.

44. Which of the following might move the author most that day?

   A. Preparing for the picnic.

   B. Receiving gifts from her husband.

   C. Receiving her daughter's flower.

   D. Having a rest on the picnic table.

45. According to the passage,the author may advise.

   A. finding more time for the family

   B. making a best picnic of your life

   C. remembering the past now and then

   D. having a family picnic every weekend


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. Don’t depend on your parents to make your dream come true.

Don’t your parents to make your dream come true.

