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It’s snowing.It’s already December now.The weather is getting ________ and ________(cold).My daughter loves snows.She looks forward to the snow’s coming for a long time.This morning, when my daughter got up and looked out of the window.She suddenly found it was snowing.She rushed out, singing and jumping.She has never seen a ________(beautiful)scene than this.________(heavily)it snowed, ________(many)children gathered.Many children made snowmen outside, but my daughter thought she got ________(cool)snowman.The snowman she made was about twice ________(large)than the others.


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科目:高中英语 来源:0119 期中题 题型:填空题

1. She found it difficult to __________ (定居) in the hiding place and she _________ (遭受) from
2. I tried to __________ (说服) him to stop smoking, but he wouldn't listen to me.
3. After __________ (毕业) from college, we ________ (final) got the chance to take a bike trip.
4. Have a good __________ (旅行)!
5. The man is __________ (rely). You can rely on him.
6. To help the students improve their English, we will try to ________ (组织) more activities ________


科目:高中英语 来源:0119 期中题 题型:填空题

1. I _________ (agree) with you. I don't think you are right.
2. Shanghai is in the __________ (east) part of China.
3. We must have a good __________ (态度) towards study.
4. Would you like some tea or coffee? I _________ (更喜欢) some tea.
5. We must think about the advantages and __________ (advantage) of going by train.
6. Although many Americans move a lot, they still __________ (辨认出) and understand each
    other's dialects.


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题


1. Seeing is ____ (believe).
2. I'm sorry to have kept you ____ (wait) so long.
3. I heard Mr. Smith ____ (sing) in the next door.
4. I felt someone ____ (pat) on the shoulder.
5. The little girl is ____ (whisper) something in her granny's ear.
6. My hobby is ____ (collect) stamps.
7. The film is so ____ (interest) that they are all interested in it.
8. Your ____ (smoke) too much will do harm to your health.
9. When he came in, we all stopped ____ (talk).
10. This is her father's ____ (walk) stick.


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. All the boys are looking forward to _____ (go) forward _____ (feel) the animals.
2. The bird was lucky, and it just missed _____ (catch).
3. I always prefer _____ (start) early rather than _____ (leave) everything to the last minute.
4. _____ (walk) is a good form of exercise for both men and women.
5. While shopping women sometimes can't help _____ (persuade) into buying more clothes than necessary.
6. — What made Jane so upset? 
    — _____ (lose) the ring her husband bought her for her birthday.
7. Once your business becomes international, _____ (fly) constantly will be part of your life.
8. Do you think it of any use _____ (argue) with him any more? We are wasting our time _____ (try) to
    persuade him to give up the idea.
9. _____ ( find) a job in such a big company has always been beyond his wildest dream.
10. — Maybe you've forgotten _____ (post) my letter. 
     — How could I?I remember _____ (put) the letter into the letter box.

