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20.French people pride themselves on their delicious foods,such as cheese,baguettes and croissants(two kinds of food).In fact,food is an important part of French culture.Families and friends spend hours over the dinner table each night.It is the opposite of the fast-food habit common in other parts of the West.
It's the reason why the French are very angry that a McDonald's is opening beneath Paris's most famous museum:the Louvre (卢浮宫).The new restaurant will be the 1,142nd McDonald's in France,and will open in the underground approach to the museum.But many French people can't understand why this American chain is opening in the heart of French culture.
    However,McDonald's is paying no notice to the complaint.McDonald's now has 31,000 chains worldwide.Tourists are hungry,and opening chains in tourist spots pays well.
    There is another chain threatening France's heritage.This time it is coffee rather than burgers.As more and more Starbucks open in Paris,traditional French cafés are forced to close.
    The trouble with American companies opening chains throughout the world is the destructive effect they can have on a country's culture.How can a small,independent coffee shop compete with the multi-billion dollar chain?You can go to a Starbucks in any city in the world,but you can only go to a Parisian café in France.
    Responsibility is with the tourists.A McDonald's wouldn't open so near the Louvre if it weren't not going to make money.Similarly,a Pizza Hut wouldn't overlook (俯瞰) Egypt's Great Pyramid if no one wants to sit in it.Maybe next time you visit the Great Wall,you should think twice before ordering a Cappuccino in the Starbucks.
58.Why are the French very angry when a McDonald's is opening beneath the Louvre?
A.Because they will spend many hours in McDonald's.
B.Because French food culture is very impressive.
C.Because they also have the fast-food habit.
D.Because they are proud of their own food.
59.The McDonald's will be located in the underground approach to the museum becauseB.
A.the complaints of the French are useless
B.opening a chain in tourist spot is rewarding
C.McDonald's tends to be in the heart of culture
D.it will help to attract more tourists for the museum
60.What is the trouble with American companies opening chains all over the world?C
A.The traditional stores of a country are forced to fight back.
B.The traditional stores of a country become dependant.
C.They have negative effect on a country's culture.
D.The multi-billion dollar chain can't be matched.

分析 本文属于新闻报道类阅读.文章首先指出法国人以他们的美食为豪,他们对美食很讲究,都会花很长时间来准备晚饭,跟西方其他地方的快餐文化正好相反,因此对于一些世界著名连锁的快餐店,他们是很反感的,他们认为这些快餐店威胁到了他们的文化.文章举了两个例子:麦当劳和星巴克,麦当劳开在了法国的文化中心(罗浮宫),星巴克导致了很多当地的咖啡店倒闭.而解决这些问题的关键在于游客,如果游客不去,快餐店不赚钱,那自然就不会开在景点附近.

解答 58.D   细节理解题.由第一段"French people pride themselves on their delicious foods"和"It is the opposite of the fast-food habit common in other parts of the West."这两句可知,法国人以他们的美食为豪,这跟西方其他国家的快餐习惯正好是相反的,所以当麦当劳开在他们那里的时候他们是生气的,D:因为他们以他们的食物为豪,与此处表达的意思相同,故选D.
59.B 细节理解题.由第二段"Tourists are hungry,and opening chains in tourist spots pays well."可知,游客饿了就会去麦当劳吃饭,自然生意就好,B:在旅游景点开连锁餐厅是很有收益的,与此处意思相同,故选B.
60.C  细节理解题.由第四段"The trouble with American companies opening chains throughout the world is the destructive effect they can have on a country's culture."可知,美国连锁餐厅在世界的开办对一个国家的文化有毁灭性的影响,C:对国家文化有负面影响,与此处表达的意思相同,故选C.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10."There is an out-of-date idea that children grow up and leave home when they're 18,and the truth is far from that,"says Mr.Larry Bumpass of the University of Wisconsin.Today unexpected numbers of young adults are living with their parents."There is a great change in the middle class,"declares Allan Schnaiberg of Northwestern University,whose son,19,moved back in after an absence of eight months.
       Scientists show a number of reasons for this return to the nest.The marriage age is rising,a condition that makes home and its pleasantness particularly attractive to young people.A high divorce (离婚) rate and a low remarriage rate make some differences.For some,the expense of an away-from-home college education has become so great that many students now attend local schools.Even after graduation,young people find their wings tied by terrible housing costs.
       Living at home,says Knighton,a school teacher,continues to give security (安全保卫) and moral(道义的) support.Her mother agreed."Its strange for the kids to pay all that money for rent.It makes sense for kids to stay at home."But sharing the family home requires changes for all.There are the hassles over bathrooms,telephones and privacy.Some families,however,manage the careful balancing act.But for others,it proves too difficult.Michelle Del Turco,24,has been home three times and left three times."What I considered a social drink,my dad considered an alcohol (酒精) problem,"she explains."He never liked anyone I dated,so I either had to hide away or meet them at friends'houses."
       Just how long should adult children live with their parents before moving on?Most scientists feel lengthy homecomings are a mistake.Children,can end up with a sense of defeat and failure.And aging parents,who should be enjoying some freedom,find themselves stuck with too many things.Many agree that brief visits,however,can work well.
52.According to the author,there was once a trend in the U.S.A.
A.for young adults to leave their parents and live separately
B.for middle class young adults to stay with their parents
C.for married young adults to move back home after a lengthy absence
D.for young adults to get jobs nearby in order to live with their parents
53.Which of the following does not lead to young adults returning to the nest?B
A.Young adults find housing costs too high.
B.Young adults are not old enough.
C.Young adults look for parental comfort and support.
D.Quite a number of young adults attend local schools.
54.The underlined word"hassles"in the passage probably meansD.
55.According to the passage what is the best for both parents and children?C
A.They should share the family expenses.
B.Children should leave their parents when they are grown up.
C.Adult children should live away from their parents and visit their parents from time to time.
D.Parents should support their adult children when they are in trouble.
56.One of the disadvantages of young adults returning to slay with their parents is thatA      
A.there will certainly be inconveniences in even-day life
B.most parents find it difficult to keep a bigger family going
C.the young adults try to be overprotected by their parents
D.public opinion is against young adults staying with their parents.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11._______,I was just about to phone you when you phoned me.(  )
A.Funnily enoughB.That's not the point
C.You may be rightD.It's really upsetting


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.The room is very large and only little room _____ by the new piano.(  )
A.are taken upB.takes upC.is taken upD.is taking up


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

1.学习时间;  2.安全;  3.自由性;  4.与同学交往;  5.学习效果.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

5.In this modern world,we rush around all day,doing things,talking,sending and reading messages.We are always on,always conected,always thinking,always talking.There is no(36)Dfor stillness.
And when we are(37)Ato be still because we're in line for something,or waiting at a doctor's appointment,or on a bus or train,we often(38)Bsomething to do.Some will play with mobile devices,other will read something.Being still isn't something we're(39)C.
This comes at a(40)A:we lose that time for(41)D,for observing and listening.We lose peace.
And(42)Byet:sometimes too much action is worse than no action at all.You can run around crarily,but get(43)Cdone.
Take a moment to think about(44)Ayou spend your days.Are you constantly rushing around?Are you constantly reading and answering(45)Dchecking on the news and the latest tream of information?Are you always(46)Bthrough your schedule?
Is this how you want to spend your(47)D?If so,peace be with you.If not,take a moment to be(48)C.Don't think about what you have to do,or what you've done already(49)Cbe in the moment.
Then after a minute or two of doing that,consider your life,and how you'd(50)Ait to be.See your life with less moveanent,less doing,less rushing.See it with more stillness,more consideration,more(51)D.
Then be that vision.
It's prerty simple:all you have to do is sit still for a little bit each day.(52)Cyou're gotten used to that,try doing less each day.Breathe when you feel yourself moving too(53)C.slow down.Be present.Find happiness now,in this moment,instead of(54)D for it.
39.A.familiar withB.curious aboutC.used toD.interested in


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.The boy went ________ in the forest and saved the lost child,so he was ________ praised for his courage.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.Please call Nick ____ 758-6584.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

10.He alwayscomplains (抱怨) to his parents about the food in his university.

