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增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

      Last Saturday,my family took a train trip to Guangzhou. The train was slow and crowd,but the scenery were just great!On the day we arrive,we visited several famous buildings. After that we had lunch in an Indian restaurant,which they didn't use plates!We served the food on fresh leaves,and we ate with our hands. In the afternoon,we went for walk in the gardens that had a great many of trees I'd never seen. Then,we did some shoppings in the town centre. It wasn’t that cheap,so they had some very nice things there. How a fantastic day!

71. . .. slow and crowd ...               crowd —? crowded 

72. . .. scenery were ...                 were —? was 

73. . .. the day we arrive ...             arrive —? arrived 

74. . .. restaurant,which ...              which —? where 或 which 前加in  

75. We served ...                       We—? They 

76. . .. went for...                     for后加 a 

77. . .. a great many of...                 去掉 of 

78. . .. some shoppings ...                 shoppings—?shopping 

79. . .. so they ...                      so —? but 

80. How a ...                           How —? What


题目来源:2016年英语周报高一新课标 > 第49期2015-2016年高一新课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

     When people communicate,they use more than words. People's body language shows important information just like speech does. When someone lies with their words,their body language often tells the truth. The next time you wonder if someone is telling you the truth,try watching their hands.

    A person who is being honest will usually turn one or both of their palms(手掌) towards the other person. If a person is beginning to “open up” or share important information,you may notice them turn their palms towards you. Like most body language,this unconscious(无意识的) gesture usually gives the other person the feeling that the speaker is speaking honestly.

     When people lie,they tend to hide their palms by putting their hands behind their back or holding them. Others will keep their hands in their pockets if they are lying or trying to hide information. Salespeople are sometimes trained to watch out for this specific example of body language when a person is saying that they can't afford a product or service. Sometimes professional liars try to use open-palm gestures to fool others. But a careful listener may tell it is a lie through their body language such as lack of eye contact and touching the nose.

   Research has also suggested that if people normally turn their palms to face theii* listeners,they tend to be more honest themselves. If you want people’ lionesty,talk to them and ask them questions while keeping your palms turned out. This will put pressure . the people you are talking to.

       Human body language,emotion,and communication are directly connected. By showing that you kre honest,with your palms towards people,your body language pushes others to tell you the truth.

29. Turning one's palms towards others is a symbol of .

   A. confidence           B. politeness

   C. patience            D. honesty

30. How is Paragraph 3 mainly developed?

   A. By telling stories.

   B. By giving examples.

   C. By making comparisons.

   D. By providing explanations.

31. Talking with your palms open will encourage others to .

   A. behave actively

   B. gesture carefully

   C. be honest with you

   D. forget their pressure


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

    Christopher Charles studied Health Science at a university in Canada. After graduation,he went to Cambodia and lived in a small village. There,he studied a serious health condition called anaemia(贫血症) . People with anaemia do not have enough iron in their bodies. Charles did blood tests on many people and discovered something shocking. About 90% of women and children had anaemia. He knew he could not leave Cambodia.

    Iron medicine is the usual treatment for anaemia,but it costs a lot. Cooking with iron pots (锅) could help because it would release iron into every meal. But iron pots are heavy and expensive. Also,food goes bad if it is left in an iron pot. So Charles added an iron bar to a cooking pot. It didn't cost much money and it did release lots of iron. However,instead of cooking with it,people usfed it to hold down papers or support a table with a broken leg.

Finally Charles created the iron fish. People in Cambodia eat fish every day and they believe fish are lucky. So people are willing to put the iron fish in their cooking pots.

    I't turned out that,the iron fish not only improved people's health,but also helped the local economy (经济) . People who use the iron fish miss fewer days at work. And some people even get jobs from the iron fish. They make and supply the iron fish.

     More and more people are using the lucky iron fish in Cambodia now. But anaemia is a worldwide problem,which affects one in three people in the world. In some places people do not eat fish. Charles says this is not a problem. “The iron could be shaped in a different form. What is important is that it is right for each culture. So people will use it and it will improve their lives,” he says.

24. Why did Charles decide to stay in Cambodia?

   A. He graduated from a university there.

   B. He was kindly requested to stay by the locals.

   C. He was attracted by the small village.

   D. He wanted to solve a health problem there.

25. What was the problem with the iron bar for treating anaemia?

   A. It could easily make food go bad.

   B. People found other uses for it.

   C. It didn’11 release enough iron.

   D. People couldn’t afford it.

26. How did the local people feel about using the

iron fish? 

   A. Pleased.        B. Bored.

   C. Puzzled.        D. Shocked.

27. What does Charles mean by his words in- the last paragraph?

   A. The iron fish can be used for treating anaemia worldwide.

   B. A treatment does not work unless it is acceptable.

   C. Fish is an important part of Cambodian culture.

    D.Anaemia is not so serious as people think.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

    假设你是校英文报记者,最近进行了一次来访。以下是这 次采访的情况,请你用英语写T篇采访报道。




不良影响:引起其它疾病(如心脏病等) ,影响智力发展 建议:多吃蔬菜、水果,少吃垃圾食品,多运动.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. Eating too much sugar can (导致健康问题) 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. An a is a woman whose job is acting in plays or films.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. Could you explain to me how it works?

Could you        how it works?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

[拓展]常见的含cut的短语还有: cut down削减,缩小,砍倒cut in插嘴,干预 cut off切断,断绝,cut up切碎


1.“What shall I do?” Patrick again.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. Did you miss the bus?  (不必担心) ,there’11 be another one in five minutes.

